2022年高考英语书面表达专项突破 课件合集(13个专题 501页PPT).pptx.ppt

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1、20222022年年高考英语书面表达高考英语书面表达 专项突破课件合集专项突破课件合集(13个专题 501页PPT)第第1讲讲五种基本句式和五种基本句式和there be结构结构高考英语书面表达专项突破 要写好一篇文章,无论是长篇大论,还是百词短文,要写好一篇文章,无论是长篇大论,还是百词短文,都必须写好每一个句子。写好句子的关键就在于培养构都必须写好每一个句子。写好句子的关键就在于培养构建句子框架结构的能力。建句子框架结构的能力。01一、主语不及物动词一、主语不及物动词(SV) 不及物动词,后面可以跟副词、介词短语、状语从句等。不及物动词,后面可以跟副词、介词短语、状语从句等。Try:1自从

2、自从2000年以来我的家乡发生了很大变化。年以来我的家乡发生了很大变化。Great changes have taken place in my hometown since 2000 .2第二天,我们一早就出发了。第二天,我们一早就出发了。 .The next day, we set off early in the morningHe 高考真题原句研读高考真题原句研读the stadium It 高考真题原句研读高考真题原句研读二、主语及物动词宾语二、主语及物动词宾语(SVO)Try:1上周末我们班组织了一次社会实践活动。上周末我们班组织了一次社会实践活动。 2学生们对这件事有不同的观点。

3、学生们对这件事有不同的观点。 .Last weekend our class organized a social practice activity .Students have different opinions on this matterLast Sunday Last Sunday 高考真题原句研读高考真题原句研读we People 高考真题原句研读高考真题原句研读三、主语系动词十表语三、主语系动词十表语(SVP) 系动词分为两类:系动词分为两类:be, look, keep, seem等属一类,表示状态情况;等属一类,表示状态情况;get, grow, become, turn等

4、属另一类,表示动作变化。等属另一类,表示动作变化。be本身没有意本身没有意义,只起连接主语和表语的作用。其他系动词本身有词义。义,只起连接主语和表语的作用。其他系动词本身有词义。Try:1我们都反对那个计划。我们都反对那个计划。 .2那花儿闻起来很香。那花儿闻起来很香。 .We are all against the planThe flowers smell sweetthe sky the air 高考真题原句研读高考真题原句研读 the adaptation studying for a degree in a different culture 高考真题原句研读高考真题原句研读This

5、 The “Foreign Cultures” section 四、主语及物动词间接宾语直接宾语四、主语及物动词间接宾语直接宾语(SVIO DO) 通常情况下间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后;有时也可把间通常情况下间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后;有时也可把间接宾语置于直接宾语后,此时间接宾语前需加介词接宾语置于直接宾语后,此时间接宾语前需加介词for或或to。间接宾语后置与间接宾语后置与for连用的动词有连用的动词有buy, make, cook, get, choose, sing, find等;间接宾语后置与等;间接宾语后置与to连用的动词有连用的动词有give, lend, teach, take

6、, bring, send, pass等。等。Try:1明天请给我带几本英语书来。明天请给我带几本英语书来。 .2她在给朋友购买礼品。她在给朋友购买礼品。 .Please bring me several English books tomorrow./Please bring several English books to me tomorrowShes buying her friend a gift./Shes buying a gift for her friendall the audience 高考真题原句研读高考真题原句研读I he 高考真题原句研读高考真题原句研读五、主语及物

7、动词宾语十宾语补足语五、主语及物动词宾语十宾语补足语(SVOC) 宾语补足语可以由名词、形容词、副词和介词短语和宾语补足语可以由名词、形容词、副词和介词短语和非谓语动词等充当。非谓语动词等充当。Try:1他们任命约翰为主席。他们任命约翰为主席。 .2我发现他躺在地上。我发现他躺在地上。 .They appointed John chairmanI found him lying on the floorit 高考真题原句研读高考真题原句研读it I the Internet 02一、让句子一、让句子“靓靓”起来起来扩写简单句扩写简单句 在简单句的基础上充分利用形容词、副词、定语从句和状语从句在

8、简单句的基础上充分利用形容词、副词、定语从句和状语从句等来充实句子,让句子体现作者较高的修辞意识。等来充实句子,让句子体现作者较高的修辞意识。精彩呈现精彩呈现He is sleeping. He is sleeping in class.(添加状语添加状语)He is sleeping in the English class.(添加定语添加定语)He is sleeping soundly in the English class.(添加状语添加状语)He is sleeping soundly in the English class when the teacher calls his

9、name. (添加添加when连接的简单句连接的简单句)He, who attended his friends birthday party till midnight yesterday, is sleeping soundly in the English class when the teacher calls his name.(添加添加who引导的定语从句引导的定语从句)注意:扩写句子时有一点很关键,即要划清句子的主要成分,并注意:扩写句子时有一点很关键,即要划清句子的主要成分,并搞清单词的词性,如:它是名词还是动词,是形容词还是副词。搞清单词的词性,如:它是名词还是动词,是形容词

10、还是副词。 亮点仿写亮点仿写The boy is playing.1加宾语:电脑游戏加宾语:电脑游戏 .2加状语:高兴地;兴奋地加状语:高兴地;兴奋地 .The boy is playing computer gamesThe boy is playing computer games happily and excitedly3给主语加定语从句:没有去上课的孩子给主语加定语从句:没有去上课的孩子 .4给宾语加定语从句:对他很有吸引力给宾语加定语从句:对他很有吸引力 .The boy, who is absent from class, is playing computer games ha

11、ppily and excitedlyThe boy, who is absent from class, is happily playing computer games, which are very attractive to him二、让句子二、让句子“瘦瘦”下来下来高级简单句高级简单句1用单词简化句子用单词简化句子精彩呈现精彩呈现As he was tired and hungry, the boy was unwilling to move on.Tired and hungry, the boy was unwilling to move on.亮点仿写亮点仿写又渴又冷,我们决

12、定不再等了。又渴又冷,我们决定不再等了。_ Thirsty and cold, we decided not to wait any longer .2用介词短语简化句子用介词短语简化句子精彩呈现精彩呈现We will not finish the task if you do not help us.Without your help, we will not finish the task.亮点仿写亮点仿写要不是你的建议,我们就会失败。要不是你的建议,我们就会失败。 .But for/Without your advice, we would have failed3用动名词简化句子用动名

13、词简化句子精彩呈现精彩呈现Mary came late, which made her teacher angry.Marys coming late made her teacher angry.亮点仿写亮点仿写那个明星的到来使得大家很激动。那个明星的到来使得大家很激动。 .The stars coming made everyone excited4用分词、不定式简化句子用分词、不定式简化句子精彩呈现精彩呈现Because he did not know what to do, he had to ask the teacher for help.Not knowing what to d

14、o, he had to ask the teacher for help. 亮点仿写亮点仿写 因为我以前见过他,所以很容易就认出了他。因为我以前见过他,所以很容易就认出了他。 .Having seen him before, I easily recognized him031他一向起床很早。然而有时候也可能到他一向起床很早。然而有时候也可能到8点还不起床。点还不起床。(SV)_ He always gets up early. However, he sometimes stays in bed until 8:00 .2她教英语生动有趣,并经常告诉我们讲故事对提高英语口语技能她教英语生动

15、有趣,并经常告诉我们讲故事对提高英语口语技能很有作用。很有作用。(S V O)_ She teaches English lively and interestingly, and often tells us that storytelling has much strength in improving oral English skills .3祝愿你身体健康。我自己身体不错,就是很累。眼下祝愿你身体健康。我自己身体不错,就是很累。眼下正是暑假,我在农场忙农活。八月在我们这里是最热的月份,也正正是暑假,我在农场忙农活。八月在我们这里是最热的月份,也正是收割水稻的季节,因此我每天都是从早忙

16、到晚。是收割水稻的季节,因此我每天都是从早忙到晚。(SVP)_. .I hope you are very well. Im fine, but tired. Right now it is the summer vacation and Im busy on the farm. August is the hottest month here. It is the time for the rice harvest, so every day I work from dawn to dark4她告诉我们,那位老人是他们的校长。就在上周,校她告诉我们,那位老人是他们的校长。就在上周,校长给他们

17、作了一场精彩的报告。长给他们作了一场精彩的报告。(SVIO DO) .5他已养成习惯,每天上网冲浪绝不超过三次。其次,他已养成习惯,每天上网冲浪绝不超过三次。其次,每次让自己的上网时间不超过一小时。每次让自己的上网时间不超过一小时。(SVOC) .She told us that the old man was their headmaster. Last week, he gave them a wonderful lectureHe made it a rule for him never to surf the Internet more than three times every d

18、ay. On the other hand, he limited himself to doing so for less than one hour each time6你最好找一些同龄人交朋友。拥有朋友意味着你将不你最好找一些同龄人交朋友。拥有朋友意味着你将不会再感到孤独和抑郁。会再感到孤独和抑郁。(用动名词简化句子用动名词简化句子) .You had better make some friends of your age. Having friends means that you wont feel lonely and depressed7因为有你的帮助,我的英语水平大大提高了。

19、然而,因为有你的帮助,我的英语水平大大提高了。然而,考试的压力、过多的作业与更高的期望值一度使我很抑郁。考试的压力、过多的作业与更高的期望值一度使我很抑郁。(用介词短语简化句子用介词短语简化句子)_ My English has been greatly improved because of your help. However, at one time, the pressure of exams, too much homework and the higher expectation made me depressed .8Tom一直在看电视。一直在看电视。Tom在客厅里一直看电视。在

20、客厅里一直看电视。Tom从学校回来后一直在看电视。从学校回来后一直在看电视。Tom从学校回来从学校回来后,一直在看电视,这让他父母很生气。后,一直在看电视,这让他父母很生气。(简单句的扩展简单句的扩展) .Tom has been watching TV. Tom has been watching TV in the sitting room.Tom has been watching TV in the sitting room since he came back from school.Tom has been watching TV in the sitting room since

21、 he came back from school, which makes his parents angry 04一、表达高级一、表达高级PK1第一第一firstto begin/start with 2第二第二secondin addition/whats more3第三第三thirdlast but not least4总之总之in a wordto sum up/in conclusion/in summary5但是但是buthowever6机会机会chanceopportunity7选择选择choicealternative8考虑考虑considertake into accoun

22、t/consideration9课程课程coursecurriculum10充足充足enoughadequate 11影响影响effectinfluence12最终最终finallyeventually13勤奋勤奋hardworkingdiligent14帮助帮助helpassist15分发分发hand outdistribute二、提分句型:表示二、提分句型:表示“倍数的必备句型倍数的必备句型”1Ais倍数倍数times比较级比较级thanBThe train runs six times faster than the boat.火车比轮船快六倍。火车比轮船快六倍。2Ais倍数倍数time

23、sas原级原级asBThis garden is ten times as large as that one.这个花园是那个花园的十倍大。这个花园是那个花园的十倍大。3Ais倍数倍数timesthe size (height, length .)ofBTheir newlybuilt school is almost twice the size of ours which was built ten years ago.他们新修建的学校几乎是我们十年前修建的学校的两倍大。他们新修建的学校几乎是我们十年前修建的学校的两倍大。05一试身手we should exercise regularly

24、 we should exercise regularly we should take part in sports and outdoor activities we should take part in sports and outdoor activities are complaining about the heavy traffic my life will be much richer and more colourful my life will be much richer and more colourful she promised me another chance

25、 she promised me another chance People have regarded getting up early as a good habit People have regarded getting up early as a good habit There are some pieces of information There are some pieces of information 06语篇演练Im writing to apply for the activity is of great significance the activity is of

26、 great significance There is no doubt that There is no doubt that my fluent English enables me to communicate my fluent English enables me to communicate with foreign friends with foreign friends My family will offer them the best service My family will offer them the best service I would appreciate

27、 it I would appreciate it 谢谢观看 THANK YOU!第第2讲讲英语英语写作写作中中常见错误及防范常见错误及防范高考英语书面表达专项突破01初试身手throwedthrew throwedthrew happyhappily happyhappily attentionattention后加后加to to dodiddodid或在或在dodo前面加前面加should should happenedhappening happenedhappening areis areis 去掉去掉time time somesome前加前加andand或或themwhich th

28、emwhich 02要点精析03单句演练04语篇演练谢谢观看 THANK YOU!第第3讲亮点词汇讲亮点词汇高考英语书面表达专项突破01小试身手are supposed to are supposed to challenging take my suggestions into account take my suggestions into account came up with came up with take pains; get prepared take pains; get prepared do me a favour/lend me a hand do me a favo

29、ur/lend me a hand on the increase/rise on the increase/rise fed up with fed up with 02要点精析名词名词1机会机会chanceopportunity2选择选择choicealternative3课程课程coursecurriculum4影响影响effectinfluence/impact5后果后果resultconsequence6缺点缺点shortcomingdrawback7方法方法wayapproach8职业职业jobcareer/employment/profession9老人老人old peoplet

30、he old/the elderly/the aged/senior citizens 10青少年青少年young peopleyoungsters/youths/adolescents二、高分必备的亮点词汇动词及动词短语动词及动词短语1看见看见seecatch sight of2遇见遇见meetcome across3遭遇遭遇meet withencounter4拥有拥有havepossess5提高提高develop/improvepromote6替代替代replacesubstitute7面对面对facebe faced with8容忍容忍bearput up with9解决解决solve

31、deal with/cope with10决定决定decidedetermine/make up ones mind11考虑考虑considertake into account/consideration12应该应该shouldbe supposed to13理解理解understandmake sense of/figure out14使用使用useemploy/make use of/take advantage of15道歉道歉apologizemake an apology16记住记住rememberkeep in mind17发生发生happenoccur/come about18

32、想起想起occurthink of/come up with19感谢感谢thankappreciate20帮助某人帮助某人help sbdo sb a/the favour21节省节省saveset aside22参观参观visittour/pay a visit to23分发分发hand outdistribute24站起来站起来stand upget to ones feet25习惯于习惯于be used tobe accustomed to26一定一定be sure tobe bound to27为为做准备做准备prepare formake preparations for/be pr

33、epared for28反对反对be againstobject to29厌烦厌烦be bored withbe fed up with/be tired of30忙于忙于be busy in (with)be occupied in (with)/be buried in/be engaged in31闻名闻名be famous forhave a reputation for32感到舒心感到舒心feel comfortablefeel at ease33美化学校美化学校make our school beautifulbeautify our school34置若罔闻置若罔闻refuse

34、to listen toturn a deaf ear to35成功做某事成功做某事succeed in doing sthmake it36想做某事想做某事want to do sthseek/intend/desire to do sth37照看照看look afterattend to38尽力做某事尽力做某事try ones best to do sthspare no effort to do sth39向某人寻求帮助向某人寻求帮助ask someone for helpturn to sb for help40我认为我认为I thinkin my opinion/as far as

35、Im concerned形容词形容词1令人惊奇的令人惊奇的surprisingamazing/astonishing/shocking2贫穷的贫穷的poorneedy/poverty3优秀的优秀的excellentoutstanding4明显的明显的obviousapparent/evident5常见的常见的commonuniversal6充足的充足的enoughadequate7勤奋的勤奋的hardworkingdiligent8可用的可用的usefulavailable9艰难的艰难的difficultchallenging10坚强的坚强的strongtough11重要的重要的importa

36、ntvital/significant12不可能的不可能的impossibleout of the question13有趣的有趣的interestingabsorbing/striking/appealing14小心谨慎的小心谨慎的carefulcautious15幸运的幸运的luckyfortunate16巨大的巨大的largeenormous17合适的合适的properappropriate18丰富的丰富的richabundant19古老的古老的oldancient20唯一的唯一的onlyunique21全部的全部的wholeentire22富裕的富裕的richwealthy其它(副词、

37、连词、介词短语、数词)其它(副词、连词、介词短语、数词)1突然突然suddenlyall of a sudden2立即立即immediatelyin a flash3有时有时sometimesoccasionally/once in a while/from time to time4另外;况且另外;况且besidesin addition/whats more/moreover5因此因此sotherefore6第一,首先第一,首先firstto begin/start with7第二,其次第二,其次secondin addition/whats more8最终最终finallyeventua

38、lly9但是但是buthowever10大多数大多数mostthe majority11许多许多a lot ofa large quantity/amount of/endless12种类繁多的种类繁多的all kinds ofa variety of/varieties of/various13事实上事实上in factas a matter of fact/actually14例如例如for examplefor instance15几天前几天前a few days agothe other day16故意故意on purposedeliberately/by design17因为因为be

39、cause ofon account of/due to/owing to/thanks to18总之总之in a wordto sum up/in conclusion/in summary19由由构成构成be made up ofconsist of20越来越多越来越多more and morean increasing number of21因为因为becausein that22一一就就on/upon动名词动名词as soon as从句从句23如果如果ifsuppose/supposing/on condition that24即将到来即将到来coming soonaround/rou

40、nd the corner03即学即练写出替换黑写出替换黑斜斜体部分的高级词汇或短语。体部分的高级词汇或短语。1Her dark eyes are very beautiful. attractive2I met her in the street a few days ago. came acrossthe other day3He was angry that she had forgotten his birthday. annoyed4Im hoping your visit next week. looking forward to 5We all live in one and t

41、he same planet. 6The noise next to the door made me mad. 7Finally he saw the young mans light overcoat in the distance. 8. Well try our best to develop the traditional friendship between us. 9. Finally your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult. share drove caught s

42、ight of promote Eventually04语篇演练请用亮点词汇替换下面考生作文中加黑的部分请用亮点词汇替换下面考生作文中加黑的部分Dear Jason, Im very happy to hear from you and know about your beautiful home city London. Now Id like to tell you something about my hometown Quanzhou. Quanzhou is a beautiful place for people to live in. Its economy has been d

43、eveloping fast during the past ten years. New bridges and roads have been built, highrise buildings standing in many parts of the city. More and more schools and hospitals are useful for the native people. It is developing into a modern and beautiful city. But there are still some problems, such as

44、heavy traffic in rush hours and serious air pollution, which have a bad effect on peoples daily life. I think Quanzhou should develop healthily and scientifically, so that we could have a better hometown in future.Yours,Li Ming谢谢观看 THANK YOU!第第4讲并列句讲并列句的运用的运用高考英语书面表达专项突破01 并列句中的前后两分句根据其逻辑关系可以分为以下几种:

45、并列句中的前后两分句根据其逻辑关系可以分为以下几种:一、联合关系一、联合关系 前后两个分句在意思上是顺连。并列连词前后两个分句在意思上是顺连。并列连词and使用最多,使用最多,not only . but also .也可连接两个并列的分句。也可连接两个并列的分句。Try:1努力工作吧,迟早你会成功的。努力工作吧,迟早你会成功的。2他不仅讲得对,也讲得轻松。他不仅讲得对,也讲得轻松。Work hard and you will succeed sooner or laterNot only did he speak correctly, but he spoke easily二、转折关系二、转

46、折关系 多用连词多用连词but, yet, while等连接两个分句,前后两个分句等连接两个分句,前后两个分句在语意上为转折关系。在语意上为转折关系。I have failed, but I shall try again.我失败了,但我还要尝试。我失败了,但我还要尝试。Try:1他尽了很大努力但没有成功。他尽了很大努力但没有成功。 .2汤姆变成了法官,然而约翰依然是个渔夫。汤姆变成了法官,然而约翰依然是个渔夫。 .He tried hard but he didnt succeedTom became a judge while John remained a fisherman三、选择关系

47、三、选择关系 主要由连词主要由连词or (或者;否则或者;否则), otherwise (要不然要不然),either . or .(要么要么要要么么),neither . nor .(既不既不也不也不)等连词连接,前后两个分句为选择关等连词连接,前后两个分句为选择关系。系。Try:1要抓住机会,否则你会后悔的。要抓住机会,否则你会后悔的。 .2他既不抽烟也不喝酒。他既不抽烟也不喝酒。 .注意:使用注意:使用neither . nor .连接两个分句时,因为都是否定词,所以它们后连接两个分句时,因为都是否定词,所以它们后面的分句均需倒装。面的分句均需倒装。Seize the chance, o

48、r/otherwise you will regret itNeither does he smoke, nor does he drink四、因果关系四、因果关系多用连词多用连词for和和so连接,前后两句为因果关系。连接,前后两句为因果关系。Try:1天色渐黑,他一定很匆忙。天色渐黑,他一定很匆忙。 .2他让我这样做,于是我就这样做了。他让我这样做,于是我就这样做了。 .He must have been in a hurry, for it was getting darkHe told me to do it, so I did it五、时间关系五、时间关系并列连词并列连词when连接

49、两个分句而构成的并列句,表示连接两个分句而构成的并列句,表示“就在这时,突然就在这时,突然”。We hadnt walked long when we found a bus coming near.我们没走多久,突然就有一辆公共汽车开过来了。我们没走多久,突然就有一辆公共汽车开过来了。Try:1他正走在大街上,突然发现有位老人摔倒了。他正走在大街上,突然发现有位老人摔倒了。2汤姆正要出门突然有位朋友来拜访他。汤姆正要出门突然有位朋友来拜访他。He was walking on the street when he found an old man fell overTom was about

50、 to go out when a friend came to visit him02一、并列句的省略一、并列句的省略1当并列的主语相同时,后面的主语被省略当并列的主语相同时,后面的主语被省略精彩呈现精彩呈现They shook hands and (they) began to talk at once.他们握了手后立刻开始谈话。他们握了手后立刻开始谈话。亮点仿写亮点仿写他们结束了会谈,然后离开了大厅。他们结束了会谈,然后离开了大厅。 .They finished the meeting and (they) left the hall2当并列的谓语动词相同时,动词当并列的谓语动词相同时,


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