Project 2 A party-Part A , B, C, & D-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:f424b).zip

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    • Project1 A party.wmv
    • 教案f424b.doc--点击预览


What is the song about ? (这首歌是关于什么的?)A party Hello, everyone. I am Tim. I like summer.In summer,its hot,so I can go swimming and I like ice creams.At school,I have three lessons in the morning and two lessons in the afternoon. I like English and Maths.This is me. How about you?Hello, Tim. I am . I like . In.its .I can . and . At school,I the morning and . in the afternoon.I like .星期四星期四THUR.Our friend Tim would like to have a party to celebrate( 庆祝庆祝) the Childrens Day. Now,he asks you for help. Lets prepare for the party. Tim邀请你一起举办派对,和他一起准备吧!邀请你一起举办派对,和他一起准备吧! Presents (礼物礼物)大声说出你看到的图片或单词。trousersHow to make a phone callUseful sentences: May I speak to ?2.2.当我们接电话时,可以说:当我们接电话时,可以说: 1.1.当我们打电话时,可以说:当我们打电话时,可以说:Is that speaking?Hello,this is speaking.Tim: Hello, may I speak to Amy ?Amy:Hello, this is Amy speaking.Tim:Can you come to my party this Sunday ?Amy:Id love to.Tim:Can Tom come to my party too ?Amy:No, he cant.Tim: Whats the matter with him ?Amy:Hes ill. He has a cold and a fever.Tim:Im sorry to hear that.TimAmyTomTim正在邀请他的朋友Amy,一起来读一读吧!我很乐意。Its your turn. 轮到你了,快邀请你的朋友吧!同桌合作,操练对话。A: Hello, may I speak toB: Hello,A: Can you come to Tims party this Sunday?B: Id love to.A: Cancome to my party too?B: No,he / she cant.A: Whats the matter with him / her?B: Hes / Shes ill. He / She hasA: Im sorry to hear that.Tim,Amy, Mary, Simon, Ann和和 Tom正在准备参加派正在准备参加派对的衣服。对的衣服。Tim: Whose is this?Amy: Its .又到Tim和Amy的时间咯!他们开心极了,一不小心,衣服都被放在了一起他们开心极了,一不小心,衣服都被放在了一起,你能帮忙找出他们的主人吗?,你能帮忙找出他们的主人吗?A: Whoseis this / are these?B: Its / Theyre同桌合作,一起找出这些衣服的主人。同桌合作,一起找出这些衣服的主人。 Tim和Amy找到了自己的衣服,看看他们是怎么介绍自己衣服的吧!You can choose these sentences to introduce your clothes for party.拿出你的派对服装,尝试用以下句子来介绍一下吧!1、Its spring / summer / autumn / winter. Its warm / hot / cool / cold.2、This is / These are my for the party.3、This is a / These are (用颜色描述服装)Its a happy day, Its a happy day.Guli, guli, guli, guli, guli, happy day.Lets eat cakes, lets eat cakes. Guli, guli, guli, guli, guli, On a happy day.GameGame 1 1 WordWord puzzlepuzzle ( (单词拼拼看单词拼拼看) )GameGame 2 2 Tic-tac-toeTic-tac-toe ( (句子说说看句子说说看) )GameGame 3 3 MatchMatch testtest ( (对话连连看对话连连看) )Game1 Word puzzle (单词拼拼看)seasonIn , it is warm. I fly kites and go boating. p r i n gIn , it is hot. I usually go swimming . s u mmrIn , it is cool. I can go climbing . u t u m nIts a day. Lets go to the park. u n n yIts so today. I want a coat. cl dWe make snowmen and go skating in . w it e rY Q C S H I R T A NH E D S W E A T E RF C C O A T U G X QT S H O R T S J WSV F Y J D J E A N SJ D G L O V E S N MQ D R E S S B S GFA T R O U S E R S V衣衣服服卡卡在在了了盒盒子子里里,每每行行有有一一个个请请帮帮忙忙找找出出来来 Game2 Tic-tac-toe (句子说说看)e.g. Im hungry. I want to have a hamburger. 男女生轮流用井字游戏里的单词说句子. 只要句子符合逻辑,表达无误,即可把此方块变为:先把色块练成一条直线方胜利。 Game2 Tic-tac-toe (句子说说看)Game 3 Match test (对话连连看)1. A: Hello, this is Lucy. Is that Mike? B: Yes. This is Mike speaking. 3122. A: Time to sleep, Lucy. B: Good night, Mum and Dad. 3. A: Whats the matter with you? B: I have a fever. A: Oh, Im sorry to hear that.Game 3 Match test (对话连连看)4.A: those the little rabbits ? B: I dont think so. 5.A: Whose shirt ? B: Daddy monkeys. 6. A: Which season ? B: I like . Its warm. I have with my friends. 456Are trousers is it Its do you like spring picnics 1. Review the words, phrases and sentences of Unit 5 to Unit 8. 复习五至八单元的单词、词组及句型。 2. Talk about your dream party with your friends. 和你的朋友一起谈论设计你的梦幻派对。1四下四下 ProjectProject 2 2 A A partyparty 教案教案【教材分析教材分析】Project 2 是一个综合板块,在 A party 的背景下要求学生对知识进行一个复习,运用。本课的主要活动围绕在派对的准备上,包括派对前的电话邀请,设计服装,服装准备等。可以为派对设置一些实质的内容,进一步对知识进行复习归纳。【教学目标教学目标】1、通过情境表演巩固所学电话用语以及交际用语等,包括 May I speak to . / This is . Speaking./ How are you/ Whose .is this/are these 等;2、能熟练掌握重点单词及词组,如 season, spring,fly kites, go boating 等;3、学生能够体验在 party 过程中的乐趣,并在体验的过程中运用所学英语知识。【教学重点教学重点】1、完成派对前的电话邀请;2、设计,选择服装,并能够用 Whose . Is this/are these ?句型询问衣物的主人;3、通过小组合作对话,对自己的服装进行介绍等。【教学难点教学难点】1、通过小组合作及表演游戏,学生能够熟练运用电话用语及问候用语;2、能熟练使用各类服装类单词进行介绍及询问归属。【课堂活动课堂活动】Step1 Warm up & Greeting1. Listen to a song. T: Just now, we listened to a song. What is it about?2. T: What day is it today? T: Whats the weather like today? Is it cold? S: No, its hot. T: I think its sunny and hot. I think its a good day for a party.Step2 Presentation1、 T: We have a new friend today, lets see who he is.2、 Know more about Tim.Introduce yourself to Tim 3、 T: Look at the calendar, Childrens Day is coming, Tim would like to have a party, can you help him?2Before the party. T:Tim has some presents for you.Whats in the box ? T: Can you tell what is in the box and say it loudly? S:Yes. T: Can you find the clothes in each line? 1. T: Do you remember how to make a phone call? Lets try to choose the answers. Discuss how to make a call. (Teach: Id love to.) T: Tim is inviting his friends to his party. Lets read after them.(a.跟读录音,学习对话 b.教师领读 c.学生自读) T:Now,its your turn.Are you ready? Invite your friends to the party. (The Ss make a call in groups.)(学生利用对话模板,与同学练习对话。教师可以用打电话方式进行示范。如用学生姓名拨号)T: XXX (拨号) May I speak to xxx, please.S:This is XXX speaking.Prepare for the party. Choose clothesT:Now, open your books and turn to page 69.Choose your clothes for the party and color it.(学生挑选派对服装,上色并裁减下来。)Guess the ownersT: Tim and his friends are playing a game-Guess the owners.They put their clothes together and mix them.Then they guess the owner of the clothes.Ss 两人一组按照图片进行对话。S: whose . is this ?S: Its . Introduce the clothes (1)T: Tim and Amy have already chosen their clothes.They are introducing their clothes to each other now. Lets listen , what are they talking about.A.听录音完成练习 核对答案b.跟读录音c.教师领读d学生自读(2)T: After reading, can you introduce your clothes for party to your friends now? And here are some sentences that you can use:1、Its spring / summer / autumn / winter. Its warm / hot / cool / cold.2、This is / These are my for the party.3、This is a / These are (用颜色描述服装)(学生利用所给句子,练习对话)At the party3 T: Now the party starts, lets join them.1.Songs and rhymes T: lets sing the song together. After singing the song. T: Today is sunny and happy, can you make a new song and sing it loudly? S: Yes, a happy day.2.Party games 1.Word puzzle (单词拼拼看) 2. Game 2 Tic-tac-toe (句子说说看) 3. Match test T: Heres the last game, try to match the pictures with the dialogue. T: First, lets complete the dialogue and then match them. T: OK. The party is over, do you like the party? You can design your party like this. Here is some homework for you.3、Ticking time4、Homework1. Review the words, phrases and sentences of Unit 5 to Unit 8.2. Talk about your dreamy party with your friends. 板书设计板书设计 Project 2 A partyA: Hello, this isspeaking.May I speak to? Whose . Is this/are these ?B: Hello, this is(speaking). Its/Theyre .A: Hello, How are you?B: Im fine/OK. And you?A: Im OK/fine, too.【教教/学后记及典型错题学后记及典型错题】 4
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