Unit 5 Seasons-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:b0e5a).zip

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    • U5 Seasons (storytime)素材
      • autumn.gif--点击预览
      • autumn.wav
      • autumn1.mp3
      • autumn2.mp3
      • autumn3.mp3
      • autumn4.mp3
      • chant节奏.wav
      • Marie.mp3
      • microsoft.vc80.crt.manifest
      • msvcm80.dll
      • msvcp80.dll
      • MSVCR80.dll
      • OGL.DLL
      • play.bat
      • playlist.txt
      • PPTVIEW.
      • pptview..manifest
      • s1.mp3
      • s2.mp3
      • s3.mp3
      • s4.mp3
      • SAEXT.DLL
      • seasons song.swf
      • season.wav
      • sm1.mp3
      • sm2.mp3
      • sm3.mp3
      • sm4.mp3
      • spring.mp3
      • Story time (2).swf
      • Story time.swf
      • summer.wav
      • Unit5 Seasons 第一课时.pptx--点击预览
      • w1.mp3
      • w2.mp3
      • w3.mp3
      • w4.mp3
      • winter.gif--点击预览
      • winter.wav
      • 一首轻快活泼的钢琴曲.mp3
      • 夏天.WMA
      • 平安夜.mp3
      • 春天.WMA
      • 班比动画Seasons.mpg.mp4
      • 知了.mp3
      • 秋天.mp3
      • 背景.wma
      • 菊次郎的夏天.mp3
      • 菊次郎的夏天久石让.mp3
      • 鸟叫.mp3
    • 四上Unit5 Seasons (Storytime).pptx--点击预览
    • 教案b0e5a.docx--点击预览


Lets enjoyLets talkWhats this song about? seasons( (Story timeStory time) )宿迁市实验小学 胡娟Lets talkHow many seasons are there in a year (在一年里)? seasonsWhat are they? Lets learnspring春天Lets learnsummer夏天Lets learnautumn秋天Lets learnwinter冬天Lets readA game about seasonsWhich season is it?springsummerwinterautumnsummerwinterautumnspringwarmIn spring, it is warm.How is the weather in spring? 在春天天气怎么样?Hows the weather in summer, autumn and winter? 在夏天、秋天和冬天的天气怎么样呢?Watch and findHows the weather in summer, autumn and winter? 在夏天、秋天和冬天的天气怎么样呢?看动画,尝试找出每个季节的天气的词。In spring, it is warm.In summer, it is_. In autumn, it is_. In winter , it is_. hotcoldcoolhot炎热的cool凉爽的cold寒冷的Different seasonsDifferent seasons,different weatherdifferent weather。In_, it is_.In_, it is_.In_, it is_.In_, it is_.spring warm summerhotautumncoolwintercold 我会说四个季节和四种感觉。 我只能说出两三句。 我还需要努力。Lets sayRead and underline默读课文,用“”划出每个季节人们的活动。What do we do in each season?Activities (活动)Seasonspringsummerautumnwinterfly kitesgo boatingeat ice creamsgo swimminghave picnicsgo climbingmake snowmengo skatingChapter 2 Chapter 2 In spring, it is warm.We fly kites.We go boating.We like spring.go boatgo boatinging 去划船去划船fly kitesChapter 3 Chapter 3 In summer, it is hot.We eat ice creams.We go swimming.We like summer.go swimgo swimmingming 去游泳去游泳eat ice creamsChapter 3 Chapter 3 In autumn, it is cool.We have picnics.We go climbing.We like autumn.go clgo cli imbmbinging 去爬山去爬山have phave pi icncni ic cs s 举行举行野餐In winter, it is cold.We make snowmen.We go skating.We like winter. make sn make sno owmwme en n 堆堆雪人go skatgo skatinging 去溜冰去溜冰Activities (活动)Seasonspringsummerautumnwinterfly kitesgo boatingeat ice creamsgo swimminghave picnicsgo climbingmake snowmengo skatingIn ,it is . We.Try to sayWhat do you think of the poem?你觉得这首诗歌如何?Enjoy reading四人一组,选择一个季节用你们喜欢的方式,优美地朗读小诗吧!规则:a.齐读 b.一人带读,三人跟读 c.每人读一句 d.In spring, it is warm.We fly kites.We go boating.We like spring.In summer, it is hot.We eat ice creams.We go swimming.We like summer.In autumn, it is cool.We have picnics.We go climbing.We like autumn.In winter, it is cold.We make snowmen.We go skating.We like winter.Enjoy readingTips:有感情并加入动作哦!draw some pictures去划船go boatingIn , It is . We . We . We like . springwarmdraw some picturesgo boatingspringLets make and write编一首新诗.catch butterflieshave picnics eat mooncakes go fishing go skiing go skating eat ice creamseat watermelons In , it is . We . We . We like . 编一首新诗.pick applesLets make and write What color is it in each season?每个季节都会呈现出什么样的颜色呢?Spring is .Summer is .Autumn is .Winter is .Lets thinkgreenredgoldenwhiteSeasons are colorful.季节是多彩的。 What else can we do in each season?在多彩的季节里我们还能做其他什么事呢?In spring/summer/autumn/winter, we can .Lets thinkWe do lots of happy things each season. And also, there are manyactive things we should do.(每个季节都有让我们开心的事,同样,每个季节,我们也应该做一些有意义的事)Seasons are different in the world.世界上不同地区的季节是不一样的。Kunming昆明Singapore新加坡四季如春Hainan海南Thailand泰国Africa非洲整年炎热冬寒全年Canada加拿大North pole北极澳大利亚(Australia)的四季时间与中国相反哦澳大利亚的春天9月至11月澳大利亚的夏天12月至2月澳大利亚的秋天3月至5月澳大利亚的冬天6月至8月Enjoy each of the Enjoy each of the season.season.E Enjoy njoy your life!your life!1.Read and try to recite the poem. 朗读并试着背诵小诗.2.Try to describe your favorite season to your parents. 试着把你最喜欢的季节描述给爸爸妈妈听.3.Try to make a season card of your favorite season. 试着做一张你最喜欢季节的季节卡.Homework1Unit5Seasons(Story time)教学设计)教学设计学科:英语 内容:译林英语四年级下册【教材简解】本单元以小诗的形式呈现了不同季节的气候特征,以及在不同季节里人们经常从事的活动。通过欣赏优美的诗,帮助学生学会阐述四个季节和相应的气候特征,从而引导学生学会欣赏各个季节,并养成热爱生活的良好品质。【目标预设】1. 学生能听懂、会说、会读单词、词组 warm,hot,cool,cold,fly kites, go boating, go swimming, go climbing, go skating, have picnics.2. 学生能听懂、会说、会读句型 It is We并能初步运用该句型描述季节特征和相应的活动。3.学生能正确理解 Story time 故事,富有感情色彩得朗读小诗。4. 通过学习,引导学生学会欣赏小诗,享受美好生活的良好品质。【重点、难点】:重点:学生能听懂、会说、会读本课词汇、短语,初步理解运用本课句型。能正确理解诗的内容并能流利得朗读。难点:学生能有感情的朗读小诗并能初步运用句型进行适当拓展。【设计理念】本节课以整体语言教学的理念为指导,用杨玲生病这个话题串联主要知识点,根据“支持学习,提升学习”的原则,指导学生由整体到细节理解文本,并采用多种方法有效激发学生进行思维和表达的欲望,最后回归到文本的整体输出和拓展运用。2【设计思路】按照整体语言教学的模式:整体输入,整体输出,进行教学设计。(一)找准知识生长点,快速进入话题通过 Warming up 和 Free talk 复习旧知,引入新知,使学生既能消除紧张心理,又能迅速融入到英语课堂中来,并为进一步探索新知做了很好的铺垫。(二)巧设问题,理解文本,扩散思维通过问题预设,让学生带着问题看动画,让学生自主理解单词和短语的意思,通过层层递进的发问形式引出本单元重点;结合师生操练,生生操练的形式,引导学生扎实有效地掌握知识。在作业设计环节,让学生选择一个喜欢的季节并制作季节卡片,有助于培养学生的扩散性思维和创新能力。(三)主线引领,整体输出最后创设情境,让学生自由选择喜欢的季节,进行表达,这个活动要求学生在理解课文的基础上,重组信息,整体输出。【教学过程】Step 1. Warming-up1. Free talkT: Good afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Hu.T: Nice to meet you, *. What day is it today?S: .T: Can you ask him?S1: What day is it today?S2: Its3T: How are you?S1: Im fine.T: Im happy to hear that.【设计意图:通过师生问答,生生问答,既活跃课堂气氛,又消除学生紧张的心理,拉近师生间的距离。】2. Enjoy a songSeasonsT:Whats the song about?【设计意图:欢快、朗朗上口的歌曲一方面活跃了课堂气氛,也为接下来要学习的内容埋下伏笔。】Step2: Presentation and practice1.Lets talk Q1.How many seasons are there in a year?Q2. What are they?【设计意图:通过 Free talk 复习与新知识有密切联系的旧知识,自然地引入新知识,使学生能立刻参与到英语会话课堂这个情境中来,为进一步探究新知凝聚了动力。】Read the four words of four seasons.Task1: Watch and findQ: How is the weather in summer, autumn and winter?【设计意图:运用任务型教学法引导学生带着问题看动画,让学生整体感知课文,理解课文的基本内容。】Task2:Read and underline (自读课文,然后用“”划出每个季节人们从事的活动。)41.学生自读课文 2.学生汇报Q: What do we do in each season? Please read the poem silently and underline the thing they do in each season.(这个环节重点教学,每个活动的短语要反复地带孩子跟读.)【设计意图:在引导学生回答问题的过程中相机将单词、短语放在文本中教学,做到词不离句,句不离文,是语言功能性本质的真实体现。】Task3:Lets retellSo can you try to say what people do in each season?(用句型 In, we句型来复述人们在春夏秋冬所从事的活动)【设计意图:四年级孩子已经具备了一定的自主学习能力,带着问题让孩子寻找答案,进一步激发他们自主学习的欲望,另外,在朗读时,通过老师不同的读法,让孩子自己体会情感,寻找更好的表达方式。】Step3:ConsolidationTask1.Enjoy reading (四人一组选择最喜欢的一个季节,喜欢的方式来深情地朗诵。)Think and say:What do you think of the poem? Is it beautiful? Can you read very beautifully? Lets read the poem. OK?【设计意图:引导学生感受小诗的优美并且能优美得表达出来,有助于培养学生的语言表达能力。 】Task2. Lets make and write.Make a new poem.(选择最喜欢的季节来创编一首新诗。黑板上给出一些参考短语)5【设计意图:学生自由选择喜欢的季节进行编写填空,学生参与的愿望强烈,有助于提高学生的学习兴趣,增强学生写的能力,从而有助于学生牢固地掌握知识。】Step4.Extension1. Lets thinkWhat color is it in each season?What else can we do in the colorful seasons?【设计意图:让学生各抒己见,有助于培养学生的发散思维和语言概括能力。 】2.Lets know(了解一些季节比较特殊的地方比如四季如春的和常年炎热或者寒冷的地方);The time in Australia is the opposite of China.(设计意图:有助于扩充学生的知识面和培养学生的跨文化意识。 )Step5.SublimationEnjoy each of the season, enjoy your life.【设计意图:通过学习,引导学生学会欣赏各个季节,欣赏美好生活的良好品质。】Homework:1. Read and try to recite the poem. 2. Try to describe your favorite season to your parents. Try to make a season card of your favorite season. (选做)【设计意图:开放式、层次化的作业设计不仅能鼓励学生将所学习的知识运用到实际生活中,而且能满足不同学习层次学生的需求,真正地体现学生的自主性,从而真正做到尊重学生的个体差异。 】6Lets enjoyLets talkWhats this song about? seasons( (Story timeStory time) )宿迁市实验小学 胡娟Lets talkHow many seasons are there in a year (在一年里)? seasonsWhat are they? Lets learnspring春天Lets learnsummer夏天Lets learnautumn秋天Lets learnwinter冬天Lets readA game about seasonsWhich season is it?springsummerwinterautumnsummerwinterautumnspringwarmIn spring, it is warm.How is the weather in spring? 在春天天气怎么样?Hows the weather in summer, autumn and winter? 在夏天、秋天和冬天的天气怎么样呢?Watch and findHows the weather in summer, autumn and winter? 在夏天、秋天和冬天的天气怎么样呢?看动画,尝试找出每个季节的天气的词。In spring, it is warm.In summer, it is_. In autumn, it is_. In winter , it is_. hotcoldcoolhot炎热的cool凉爽的cold寒冷的Different seasonsDifferent seasons,different weatherdifferent weather。In_, it is_.In_, it is_.In_, it is_.In_, it is_.spring warm summerhotautumncoolwintercold 我会说四个季节和四种感觉。 我只能说出两三句。 我还需要努力。Lets sayRead and underline默读课文,用“”划出每个季节人们的活动。What do we do in each season?Activities (活动)Seasonspringsummerautumnwinterfly kitesgo boatingeat ice creamsgo swimminghave picnicsgo climbingmake snowmengo skatingChapter 2 Chapter 2 In spring, it is warm.We fly kites.We go boating.We like spring.go boatgo boatinging 去划船去划船fly kitesChapter 3 Chapter 3 In summer, it is hot.We eat ice creams.We go swimming.We like summer.go swimgo swimmingming 去游泳去游泳eat ice creamsChapter 3 Chapter 3 In autumn, it is cool.We have picnics.We go climbing.We like autumn.go clgo cli imbmbinging 去爬山去爬山have phave pi icncni ic cs s 举行举行野餐In winter, it is cold.We make snowmen.We go skating.We like winter. make sn make sno owmwme en n 堆堆雪人go skatgo skatinging 去溜冰去溜冰Activities (活动)Seasonspringsummerautumnwinterfly kitesgo boatingeat ice creamsgo swimminghave picnicsgo climbingmake snowmengo skatingIn ,it is . We.Try to sayWhat do you think of the poem?你觉得这首诗歌如何?Enjoy reading四人一组,选择一个季节用你们喜欢的方式,优美地朗读小诗吧!规则:a.齐读 b.一人带读,三人跟读 c.每人读一句 d.In spring, it is warm.We fly kites.We go boating.We like spring.In summer, it is hot.We eat ice creams.We go swimming.We like summer.In autumn, it is cool.We have picnics.We go climbing.We like autumn.In winter, it is cold.We make snowmen.We go skating.We like winter.Enjoy readingTips:有感情并加入动作哦!draw some pictures去划船go boatingIn , It is . We . We . We like . springwarmdraw some picturesgo boatingspringLets make and write编一首新诗.catch butterflieshave picnics eat mooncakes go fishing go skiing go skating eat ice creamseat watermelons In , it is . We . We . We like . 编一首新诗.pick applesLets make and write What color is it in each season?每个季节都会呈现出什么样的颜色呢?Spring is .Summer is .Autumn is .Winter is .Lets thinkgreenredgoldenwhiteSeasons are colorful.季节是多彩的。 What else can we do in each season?在多彩的季节里我们还能做其他什么事呢?In spring/summer/autumn/winter, we can .Lets thinkWe do lots of happy things each season. And also, there are manyactive things we should do.(每个季节都有让我们开心的事,同样,每个季节,我们也应该做一些有意义的事)Seasons are different in the world.世界上不同地区的季节是不一样的。Kunming昆明Singapore新加坡四季如春Hainan海南Thailand泰国Africa非洲整年炎热冬寒全年Canada加拿大North pole北极澳大利亚(Australia)的四季时间与中国相反哦澳大利亚的春天9月至11月澳大利亚的夏天12月至2月澳大利亚的秋天3月至5月澳大利亚的冬天6月至8月Enjoy each of the Enjoy each of the season.season.E Enjoy njoy your life!your life!1.Read and try to recite the poem. 朗读并试着背诵小诗.2.Try to describe your favorite season to your parents. 试着把你最喜欢的季节描述给爸爸妈妈听.3.Try to make a season card of your favorite season. 试着做一张你最喜欢季节的季节卡.Homework
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