Unit 7 What's the matter -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:e1f56).zip

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Unit Unit 7 Whats the matter?7 Whats the matter?4B4B4B4BCheckout Checkout Checkout Checkout timetimetimetimeSound timeSound timeSound timeSound timeCartoon timeCartoon timeCartoon timeCartoon timeDaily EnglishDaily English(日常英语)(日常英语)(日常英语)(日常英语)I am Yvonne.I am a teacher. I teach English.I have lessons from Monday to Friday.I can draw and I can swim.I like summer because(因为)I can eat ice creams.When do you ?When do you ?When do you ?When do you ?What season do you like?What season do you like?What season do you like?What season do you like?What subject do you like?What subject do you like?What subject do you like?What subject do you like?What can you do?What can you do?What can you do?What can you do?Daily EnglishDaily English(日常英语)(日常英语)(日常英语)(日常英语)Sports meetingSports meeting(运动会)(运动会)(运动会)(运动会)Can you give him some suggestions? 你能给他些建议吗?Say out the words loudly and do gesture. 大声说出单词,并做动作。happyhungrythirstytiredsadillWhats the matter?hungryilltiredsadthirstyRevision practiceRevision practice(复习练习)(复习练习)(复习练习)(复习练习)Heres a beda chaira sofahungryilltiredsadthirstyHeres Revision practiceRevision practice(复习练习)(复习练习)(复习练习)(复习练习)a hamburgera hot doga sandwicha cakehungryilltiredsadthirstyRevision practiceRevision practice(复习练习)(复习练习)(复习练习)(复习练习)Heres an ice cream a sweeta toy carhungryilltiredsadthirstyRevision practiceRevision practice(复习练习)(复习练习)(复习练习)(复习练习)Heres some juicesome waterhungryilltiredsadthirstyRevision practiceRevision practice(复习练习)(复习练习)(复习练习)(复习练习)Heres a pill 药a bedsome waterSports meetingSports meeting(运动会)(运动会)(运动会)(运动会)Task 1Task 1Task 1Task 1Task 2Task 2Task 2Task 2Task 3Task 3Task 3Task 3Checkout timeCheckout timeCheckout timeCheckout timeTask 1Task 1Task 1Task 1Task 2Task 2Task 2Task 2Task 3Task 3Task 3Task 3Sports meetingSports meeting(运动会)(运动会)(运动会)(运动会)Checkout timeCheckout time-Look and sayLook and sayLook and sayLook and say(看看说说)(看看说说)(看看说说)(看看说说)1Whats the matter, Mike?Im hot.Heres a fan.Thank you.Heres an ice cream.Checkout timeCheckout time-Extra workExtra workExtra workExtra work(拓展练习)(拓展练习)(拓展练习)(拓展练习)FeelingsPeopleConversationWhats the matter,_?Im _.Here _.Thank you, _.Things1Whats the matter,_?Im_.Here_.Thank you,_.2Checkout timeCheckout time-Look and sayLook and sayLook and sayLook and say(看看说说)(看看说说)(看看说说)(看看说说)Have some water, Wang Bing.Im not thirsty, but Im hungry.Heres a hot dog.Thank you.Heres a cake.Heres some bread.Here are some bananas.Heres a banana.2Im not _,but Im _. _,Yangling.Heres a _.Thank you.Im not _,but Im _. _,Mr Green.Heres a _.Thank you.Checkout timeCheckout time-Extra workExtra workExtra workExtra work(拓展练习)(拓展练习)(拓展练习)(拓展练习)Go to bed tiredhungryhamburgerHave a sandwich hungry coldjacketFun timeFun timeFun timeFun timeTask 2Task 2Task 2Task 2Task 3Task 3Task 3Task 3Sports meetingSports meeting(运动会)(运动会)(运动会)(运动会)Fun timeFun timeFun timeFun timeSound timeSound timeSound timeSound timeTask 2Task 2Task 2Task 2Task 3Task 3Task 3Task 3Sports meetingSports meeting(运动会)(运动会)(运动会)(运动会) , ,And show your !JoeRosenoseGo homeSound timeSound timeooooodirty脏的/OSound timeSound timecloseopenNohomenoseFill in the words.(填单词) , ,And show your !JoeGo homeORosenoseGood morning, little girl.Are you hot now?_, Im not. Please _the window.Now, Im hot. Please _the window. Thank you!NoopencloseSound timeSound time_, Mr Robot.Mr _ has a yo-yo. The _ is over there._ there, its _ _.Helloyo-yoOveroldsooldoverhellorobotyo-yosoRobotOFun timeFun timeFun timeFun timeSound timeSound timeSound timeSound timeTask 3Task 3Task 3Task 3Sports meetingSports meeting(运动会)(运动会)(运动会)(运动会)Fun timeFun timeFun timeFun timeSound timeSound timeSound timeSound timeCartoon timeCartoon timeCartoon timeCartoon timeTask 3Task 3Task 3Task 3Sports meetingSports meeting(运动会)(运动会)(运动会)(运动会)sadBobby Whats the matter with ?Cartoon timeCartoon timeBobby Whats the matter with ?A. Hes ill.B. Hes cold.C. Hes hungry.Cartoon timeCartoon time- -watch and -watch and answeransweransweranswer 1234Cartoon timeCartoon time-Learn and ImitateLearn and Imitate(学并模仿)(学并模仿) Reading tips: Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(注意语音语调)Whats the matter,Bobby?Are you ill?No, Im not.Are you cold?No.Hello, Mrs Mouse. This is Mrs Fox speaking.Im hungry, Mum.Are you all right, Bobby?Learning tip:This is (人名) speaking.电话用语意思:“我是在说话。”speaking有时可以省略。Cartoon timeCartoon time-Learn and ImitateLearn and Imitate(学并模仿)(学并模仿) Reading tips: Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(注意语音语调)65Have a cake.Thank you, Mum.Ha! Ha! Hes happy now.Cartoon timeCartoon time-Read-ReadRead together Read together Read together Read together ( ( ( (齐读齐读齐读齐读) ) ) )Whats the matter, Bobby?Are you ill?No, Im not.Are you cold?No.Hello, Mrs Mouse. This is Mrs Fox speaking.Are you all right, Bobby?Im hungry, Mum.Have a cake.Thank you, Mum.Ha! Ha! Hes happy now.Cartoon timeCartoon time-Read together(1)Read together(1)Reading tips:Loudly大声地Fluently 流利地In chorus 整齐123465Whats the _, Bobby? This is _ Fox _. Are you _? Are you all _, Bobby?No, _ not. Im _, Mum.Are you _? Have a _.No. _ you, Mum.Hello, Mrs _. Ha! Ha! Hes _ now.Cartoon timeCartoon time-Read together(2)Read together(2)123465Reading tip:Try to memorise the key words. 试着回忆关键词matterillImcoldMouseMrsspeakingrighthungry cakeThankhappyCartoon timeCartoon time-ReadReadRead together Read together Read together Read together ( ( ( (齐读齐读齐读齐读) ) ) )Read in four in roleRead in four in roleRead in four in roleRead in four in role ( ( ( (四人角色朗读四人角色朗读四人角色朗读四人角色朗读) ) ) )Cartoon timeCartoon time-Do a role playDo a role play( (角色表演角色表演) )Fun timeFun timeFun timeFun timeSound timeSound timeSound timeSound timeCartoon timeCartoon timeCartoon timeCartoon timeSports meetingSports meeting(运动会)(运动会)(运动会)(运动会) happyhappy healthyhealthy youngyoungHomeworkHomework3. Cartoon time:1. Checkout time:2. Sound time:Practice the conversation with your partner. Find out more words with o and read.Read and act with your friends.1译林版小学英语四年级下册Unit 7 Whats the matter? Checkout time & Sound time & Cartoon time 教学设计【教材简解教材简解】本课为译林版小学英语 4B Unit 7 Whats the matter? Checkout time & Sound time & Cartoon time 的综合版块。本课主要围绕“Whats the matter?”这个重点句型,意在解决feelings 及 Checkout time 里 Look and say 的内容;Sound time 里主要消化字母 o 发u及拓展出来别的发这个音的单词;另外,Cartoon time 的学习让学生在理解故事的基础上体会故事中的幽默,细细体味角色分明的朗读并进行趣味情境表演。【目标预设目标预设】(1 1)知识目标:)知识目标:a.I can use Whats the matter? to ask and answer.b.I know the sound of the letter o.(2 2)能力目标:)能力目标:a. 学生能看图说话及创作。b. 能正确地理解、掌握 Cartoon time 故事内容,并能模仿、尝试表演。(3 3)情感目标:)情感目标:a. 激发学生英语的学生兴趣,能积极参与到课堂中来,达到师生互动的和谐。在各种活动中体验英语学习的乐趣。b. 加强学生日常口语的操练(听、说、读、写) 。【教学重难点教学重难点】重点:1、有效指导学生看图说话及创作;2、故事里语音语调的模仿及故事内容的理解及表演。难点:1、根据不同的图片进行语言表述;2、理解故事内容,模仿朗读及对话表演。【课前准备课前准备】未来教室 PPT 课件一份,实物投影仪,学生课堂练习纸,板书纸。【教学过程教学过程】【热身】Step 1.Greeting & Daily English1. Greetings2. Daily English T: Today Im very happy to be your new English teacher. First, I will introduce myself.老师老师跟着节奏用英文介绍自己。T: Now, I want to know you. Can you answer these questions?学生学生根据老师提供的四个问题,进行回答。2【复习】Step 2.Revision practice老师通过让学生看图片,边做动作边复习说单词,随后以游戏的形式让学生用学过的句型Heres 来复习操练,加以巩固。Step 3.Checkout time老师通过创设情境“得彩票参加运动会”,让学生来闯关完成任务。【学习】A.Look and say第一组图片第一组图片老师通过让学生观察图片,老师问学生答的形式,层层引出对话。随后把“扇子”换成“冰淇淋”,让学生做举一反三操练。【拓展】A.Look and say第一组图片第一组图片 老师让学生拿出资料纸,同桌合作,先进行填写,后进行口语问答操练。未来教室功能体现:未来教室功能体现:老师让学生运用平板电脑,对填好的内容进行拍照上传,随后老师挑选学生进行回答。【学习】B.Look and say第二组图片第二组图片老师通过让学生观察图片,老师问学生答的形式,层层引出对话。随后让学生思考饿的话,还可以给什么吃的建议,让学生举一反三的操练。3【拓展】B.Look and say第二组图片第二组图片老师让学生拿出资料纸,同桌合作,进行口语问答操练。未来教室功能体现:未来教室功能体现:老师运用随机选学号功能,挑选学生进行回答。Step 4.Sound time【学习】A.A.老师让学生仔细看图,一步步的引出有字母 o 发/的单词。【拓展】B.B.老师让学生选择用剩余的单词进行填空,然后老师示范读出这个 chant,随后让学生尝试着读。【巩固】C.C.老师让学生开动脑筋,想出别的字母 o 发/的单词。随后选择填空后,根据节奏进行chant。未来教室功能体现:未来教室功能体现:老师通过让学生按平板电脑上的抢答器来进行说唱。Step 5.Cartoon time【学习】A.Watch and answer:通过提问,让学生带 着问题来看动画片,随后回答。未来教室功能体现:未来教室功能体现:1.切换至双屏,让学生看着左边屏上的问题,再看右边屏的动画。42.老师通过设置选择题,让学生在平板电脑上提交题目答案,方便老师进行检查和统计。【学习】B.Learn and imitate:老师让学生模仿朗读,方法:1.先听录音,叫学生起来模仿;2.先让学生试读,随后跟着录音模仿读。图 3 里面有个“电话用语”的 learning tip,老师教给学生用法。【巩固】C.Read:模仿完后,老师设计了三种不同方式的齐读方法:1.全班齐读;2.去掉关键词,全班齐读。3.小组角色朗读。【拓展】D.Do a role play:请学生小组合作,随后到台上拿了道具,进行故事创演。Step 5.Homework51. Checkout time: Practice the conversation with your partner. 2. Sound time: Find out more words with o and read. 3. Cartoon time: Read and act with your friends. Board design 板书设计板书设计:(未来教室双屏板书设计)(未来教室双屏板书设计)
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