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1、第一部分:词汇1.英汉对译单词(红色是课本黑体单词)legendglorychampionshipdeterminationinjureinjuredgracefulpush-upsoccerstadiumboxingbadmintonmarathonskigymegymnasticstracktrack and fieldcaptainslimjogmedalnow and thenchampioncut out2.课本词汇 (在课本中出现,有必要掌握的词汇)posterinternationalappropriateorganisationfeatureenjoyablerelaxentr

2、ypunctuationvaluablesculpterosionopportunityadventurousspectacularoffer3.变形词汇:fitness fitunfitapartpart, shore, top, board,strengthstrongstrengthstrengthenathleteathleticstressstressfulinjuryinjureinjuredcompetecompetitioncompetitivecompetitorcompetencecompetentfailurefailsucceedsuccesssuccessorsucc

3、essfulsuccessfully4.列举掌握come along1). ComeCome alongalong or well miss the train.快点,否则我们会误火车。2). ComeCome alongalong withwith me. Im going that way, too.跟我一起走吧,我们同路。sweat1). 名词,汗水Earn your bread withwith youryour sweatsweat. 通过劳动赚钱。2). 动词,出汗,努力I woke up sweatingsweating and nervous, but ready to pro

4、ve something to myself.我醒来时,大汗淋漓,焦虑不安,但是我准备好要证明给自己。set an example1).She arrived at the office early to setset anan exampleexample toto the others.她早早的来到办公室为的是给他人做表帅。Honour1). 名词 in honour ofA banquet was given in in honorhonor ofof the distinguished guests. 宴会是为了向来宾致敬而举行的。So it was a great honour to

5、 be invited backstage at the not-for-profit panda base, where ticket money helps pay forresearch.因此被邀请到这个非营利性的熊猫基地内部是一种巨大的荣幸,在这里所有的门票收入都用于研究。2). 动词 be honoured asHe waswas honouredhonoured asas the best actress of the year.她当年获得了最佳女演员的称号。Million1). But humans enjoyed all of these advantages for a fu

6、ll 2 2 millionmillion years during which they remained weak andmarginal creature.但是人类享受这种优越性已经有 200 万年了,在此期间人类仍就是羸弱的、边缘性的生物。2). By the time she was 13, her company was worth millionsmillions ofof dollarsdollars with the invention of a super-sweet treatthat could save kids teeth, instead of destroyin

7、g them.到她 13 岁的时候,通过投资超甜而不伤害儿童牙齿的甜品,她的公司已价值百万美元。Companies spend millionsmillions hiring top business people.企业花费巨资来雇佣顶级的商业人才。ErrorIndeed, they made only half asas manymany errorserrors asas those wearing their own clothes on the Stroop test, one way ofmeasuring attention.实际上,在 Stroop 测试中,他们犯得错误是穿自己衣

8、服的人所犯错误的一半,Stroop 测试是一种测试人注意力的检测方式。Master1). 名词,主人略2). 动词,掌握I have learned many languages, but Ive not masteredmastered them the way the professional interpreter or translator has.我已经学过了好多语言,但是我还没掌握到到专业的翻译人员所到达的程度。Positive1). Moore is enthusiastic about the candy she created, and shes s also positiv

9、epositive aboutabout what the future might bring.Moore 对她研制的糖果很热衷并且对于它的未来也很乐观。2). PositivePositive thinking and action result in success.积极的思维和行动可以导致成功。3). Whateverstageoflifeyoure at,whereveryou goandwhateverprojectyoudoinGDA,youllcreate positivepositive changes in a poor and remote community.不管你的人

10、生处于何种境遇,无论你身处何地,以及不管你在 GDA 做什么项目,你都可以在贫穷偏远的地方给自己创设出积极的改变。Diet1). DietsDiets have changed in Chinaand so too has its top crop.在中国饮食已经发生变化-这也导致它的主导性粮食也发生了变化。2). Have you been onon (a)(a) dietdiet? Youve lost a lot of weight.你是不是减肥了?你瘦了好多。Audience1). In addition, most newspapers had little in them that

11、 would appeal to a a massmass audienceaudience.另外,大多数的报纸几乎不会报导博得大众眼球的内容。2). Its partly true that Dickens style of writing attracted audiencesaudiences from all walks of life.某种程度上狄更斯的写作方式也确实吸引着来自社会各个阶层的读者。3). The Jazz audiencaudience continues to shrink and grow older, and the music has failed to co

12、nnect with youngergenerations.爵士乐的爱好者继续减少变老,而爵士乐也没能接续新一代的年轻人。4). The concert was broadcast live and attracted the largest one night audienceaudience in the history of television up tothat time.这场音乐会通过现场直播,在当时创下一夜之间吸引最多电视观众的记录。lose heart同样的短语:lose control, lose balance, lose hope, lose face, lose tou

13、ch,lose faith 一般情况下不加 ones。even if/though1). EvenEven thoughthough there is a common spirit among all music groups, they make very different music.尽管不同的乐团都有它们共存的精神,他们还是创作出了极其不同的音乐。2). Music was his true passion, thoughthough he had never performed outside the family.尽管他从未在外演出过,音乐却是他的酷爱。3). At presen

14、t, these technologies are still expensive, thoughthough.不过,目前,这些技术还是比较昂贵的。5.重点掌握词汇make sense 在这个短语中,我们要重点看一下 sense 这个单词以及它的相关短语。1). InIn a a sensesense, forgetting is our brains way of sorting memories, so the most relevant memories are ready forretrieval.在某种程度上说,遗忘是我们大脑对记忆进行分类的一种方式,因此最相关的记忆都备好供检索。2

15、). They suggest this indicates that dogs arent sensingsensing emotionsemotions from a single feature, but piecing togetherinformation from all facial features just as humans do.他们说这表明狗不是从单单从某一特征感知情感,而是能像人类一样把各种面目表情拼接在一起的。3). Some laws makemake sensesense. 有一些法律还是有用的。4). Because of all this extra tim

16、e, therethere waswas nono sensesense ofof urgency to do my school work immediately.因为这些额外的时间,我就没有马上要做作业的急迫感。5). His strange habit makesmakes sensesense when you consider that hes an environmental scientist who studies how toreduce litter, including things that fall off garbage trucks as they drive d

17、own the road.当你想到他是一个环保科学家,是研究如何减少乱扔乱放,包括在运输中从垃圾桶中掉落的东西,那他奇怪的习惯就说得过去了。6). InIn thatthat sensesense, Im pretty sure volunteering is more of a selfish act than Id freely like to admit.从那种意义来讲,尽管我不是乐意坦言承认,但我敢肯定地说志愿行为更是一种利己的行为。7). Suddenly I sensedsensed a man standing behind me.突然,我感到有人正站在我身后。Event1).

18、Earth Day, marked on 22 April, is anan annual eventevent aiming to raise public awareness about environmentalprotection.地球日,定语 4 月 22 日,是一年一度的活动,旨在提升公众的环保意识。2). History is much more than the study of dusty old objects and eventsevents long past.历史学可不仅仅就是研究裹满泥土的文物或是发年代生久远的历史事件的。Host1). Our hostshosts

19、 shared many of their experiences and recommended wonderful places to eat, shop, and visit.我们的东道主跟我们分享了好多他们的经历,并且向我们推荐了一些吃饭、购物、参观都非常棒的地方。2). Others say its only natural that newcomers learn the language of their hosthost nationnation, seeing it as a condition toensure they can contribute to society.

20、其他人说新移民学习他们东道国的语言是很正常的,因为把语言学习看做是能对当地社会做贡献的一个条件。3). First on her agenda was to pursue her dream of hostinghosting a pop music programmeprogramme.他日程表上第一件事就是实现自己主持一档流行音乐的节目梦想。4). Simply arranging a meeting, making a phone call, or hostinghosting anan eventevent is not an official act.只是安排会议、打个电话或是举办某

21、项活动不是官方的行为。5). He was a gentle, sensitive, lovable man who will be missed by a a hosthost ofof friends.他是一个温和、体贴而且可爱的人,许多朋友都会想念他的。6). Mary was always the perfect hostesshostess. 玛丽总是最殷勤的女主人。7). A A hostesshostess stood at the top of the steps and bobbed her head at each passenger.一位空姐站在最高的阶梯上向每位旅客点头

22、致意。work out1). What if this doesnt work out?如果这个不管用该怎么办?2). She worked out the problem with no difficulty.她轻易地就解决了那个问题。3). The agendas for the next two meetings have yet to be worked out.下两次的会议日程还没有制定出来。4). These athletes work out at the gym for two hours every day.这些运动员每天在这个体育馆锻炼 2 个小时。5). I could

23、work out that problem standing on my head.我可以轻而易举地解决那个问题。make it1). When Grylls heard about Nicholas amazing deeds, he was super impressed that Nicholas had mademade it it since heknew better than anyone how hard Nicholas had to work to stay alive.当 Grylls 听说 Nicholas 惊人的事迹后,他非常惊叹 Nicholas 居然所做的一切,因

24、为他比任何人都更清楚 Nicholas得多艰难的拼搏才能活下来。2). It was a real race against time to get the project done. Luckily,we mademade it it.把这个任务完成简直就是在跟时间赛跑。所幸,我们做到了。apart1). While too many couples growgrow apartapart, we were growing together.好多夫妇都劳燕分飞,而我们却一直在一起。2). She couldnt wait to teartear the newspaper apart.apa

25、rt.她急不可待的把报纸撕碎。3). History gives art works special appeal to setset them apartapart.历史赋予艺术品特殊的魅力使它们与众不同。4). A chimpanzee cant win an argument with a modern man, but it can teartear the man apart like a rag doll.一只猩猩不能赢得与现代人的争吵,但是他却能像撕布娃娃一样撕碎一个人。5). I was starting to feel like my whole world was fall

26、ingfalling apartapart kind of slipping into a depression, said Carla.Carla 说“我开始感觉整个世界都在崩塌-有点要变成世界末日的感觉。”6). ApartApart fromfrom serving the customers, youll also do the window dressing.除了照顾客人,你还要负责门面装饰。give up1). He had a bad accident two years ago and had to givegive upup farmingfarming.他两年前出了严重的意

27、外而不得不放弃务农。2). When faced with adversity she was never tempted to givegive upup.面对逆境,她从不放弃。3). I gavegave upup hopehope of finding my ring again.我对能再次找到戒指感到绝望。4). Many people start learning a language and soon givegive upup.很多人都是开始学习某一种语言然后又很快又放弃。5).HerfatherPeter44,wantedhertogivegiveupupschoolschoo

28、ltomodelfulltime.她父亲Peter44岁,想让她辍学而完全从事模特行业。6). Monsters may appear or the night will fall. But never ever givegive upup onon youryour dreamdream!恶魔或者是黑夜有可能来临。但是永远不要放弃你的梦想。7). On December 1,1955, in Montgomery,Alabama,Rosa Parks would not givegive upup her seat on a bus toto a passenger.1955 年 12 月

29、1 日,在阿拉巴马的蒙哥马利,Rosa Parks 不乐意把她的公交车座位让给一位乘客。Pretend1). So I carried around a book, and each night, just to be like her, I would pretendpretend toto bebe readingreading.因此我也拿本书,每天晚上,就像她那样,我会假装地阅读。2). You can pretendpretend thatthat you dont like things which you are actually quite pleased about.你能装着对

30、你非常在乎的东西蛮不喜欢。3). She would open a book, pretendingpretending toto readread, with tears dropping on the open page.她会打开一本书,假装在阅读,而泪水打在敞开的书页上。make a difference1). Hannah is one of many examples of young people who are makingmaking a a differencedifference in the world.Hannah 是好多正为社会做出巨大贡献的年轻的典范之一。2). S

31、ince then, many scientists have thought that our actions do makemake a a differencedifference.从那时起,很多科学家都认为我的行为肯定是意义非凡。3). The researchers also found that IQ and family social and economic class mademade nono realreal differencedifference in in how theboys turned out.研究者也发现智力、家庭阶层和经济背景对男孩子最终如何没有真正的影

32、响。4). You may have the opportunity to makemake youryour biggestbiggest differencedifference when youre older.你有可能有机会在你更年长的时候有最大的突破性成就。5). TheThe differencesdifferences betweenbetween weak and strong links in food webs.强与若的区别与食物链有关。6). Before birth, babies can tell thethe differencedifference between

33、between loud sounds and voices.在出生之前,婴儿就能辨别出响亮的声音与人声。Rather1). They are also spending more time working with each other ratherrather thanthan reporting upwards.他们也正在把更多的时间花在合作工作上而不是向上级汇报。2). Its rather remarkable for the fact that although its extremely big, its supported by just six rather slim leg

34、s.一个了不起的事实是尽管它个头很大,可是它却只靠非常细的六条腿来支持。3). But unfortunately,the parents are wronged because theyre normal in shape,oror ratherrather slim.但是幸运的是,父母们都被误导了,因为他们身材正常,或更确切地说是苗条。compare with/to1). Childrens comparingcomparing themselves toto others online may lead to lower self-identity and confidence.孩子们在

35、网上与他人相比会导致他们对自我的贬低降低自信心。2). Vaillants team obtained their findings by comparingcomparing different sets of scores.Vaillant 队通过对比不同场次的比分有所发现。3). The first unique human characteristic is that humans have extraordinarily large brains comparedcompared withwith otheranimals.人类独有的第一特点就是与其他动物相比人类拥有超级大的大脑。4

36、). Already this year, 115 measles cases have been reported in the USA, comparedcompared withwith 189 for all of last year.与去年总计的 189 起相比,今年在美国已经有 115 例囊虫病例报告。第二部分:短语at home and abroad国内外be filled with由什么填充take part in参与collect money集资,募捐钱lose weight减肥used to过去常常its up to you由你说了算at least至少living leg

37、end活着的传奇fall apart三开,崩塌in life在生活中by the way顺便说一下agree with同意、适合compete for竞争fair play公平竞争a wellness book健康小册子make a list of列举in the past在过去exchange ideas交换看法make exercise做运动deal with应对,处理see through看穿,看透pay against对抗say no to拒绝head to前往make a survey on对什么做调查fit ones inerests or needs满足某人的兴趣或需求do a

38、survey做调查one-on-one一对一set up建立eight out of 1515 分之 8have a go at对什么进行尝试in common with与什么有共性play a role of起作用第三部分:句子1.Invite a friend to a sports event.Invite somebody to some place 或 invite somebody to do something 是两个比较常用的短语, 所以对于 invite 来讲,必须要掌握, 但是 invite 接地点或场合的时候,也可以因情况而定。例如1). But before I go,

39、 Id like to invite you out for dinner.2). Hello everyone! Im very happy to be invited to this program today.3). In a 2014 study, Elizabeth Dunn, associate professor of psychology at UBC, invited people on their way into acoffee shop.再者我们要关注的就是,invite 作为动词来讲,它的翻译是很灵活的。比如:1). On the last day of our we

40、ek-long stay, we werewere invitedinvited toto attendattend a a private concertconcert on a beautiful farm on thenorth shore under the stars, listening to musicians and meeting interesting locals.2). People tend to take pride in keeping everything in their street freshfresh andand invitinginviting.3)

41、. Second, if other factors such as technology remain constant, economic growth and material expectations willfall well below recent standards and this could inviteinvite troubletrouble.2.Sweat your way to good health.本句的要点在于灵活翻译“熟词生义”。本句可以译成“通过锻炼达到健康”。Voice your opinion on sportsmanship.本句的 voice 也是

42、名词动用,可以译为“说出你对运动精神的看法”。I almost went bananas, too.本句中出现了一个成语-go bananas 表示发疯。我几乎也要发疯了。翻译有文化背景知识最好,但是如果没有相关的文化背景支持,我们只能通过上下文,对其进行“猜测”。1). The beauty of rereading lies in the idea that our bond with the work is based on our present mental registerregister.Its true, the older I get, the more I feel tim

43、e has wingswings. But with reading, its all about the present.Its about thethenownow and what one contributes to thethe nownow, because reading is a givegive andand taketake between author and reader. Eachhas to pullpull theirtheir ownown weightweight.(2020 年全国 1 卷阅读 B)参考译文:反复阅读的美在于我们与作品的联系是基于我们自己当前

44、思维的流露。诚然,我变得越老,就越感觉到时间的流逝。可对于阅读来说,一切都是进行中的。阅读是一个行进的过程也是每个人对现实的一种思考过程, 因为阅读是作者与读者之间的给与与汲取的过程。作者和读者个人有个人的角色。Pull ones own weight 是个成语。表示通力合作,在拔河中每个人都要用上自己的一份力量。2). Another is Annie Dillards Holy the Firm, her poetic 1975 ramble (随笔) about everythingeverything and nothingnothing.另外一本是 Annie Dillard 的 H

45、oly the firm, 她 1975 关于要事与琐事的散文诗随笔。3). The best books are the ones that openopen furtherfurther as time passes.最好的书是那些随着时间的推移更能诱人深思的书籍。4). Race walkers are conditionedconditioned athletes.(2020年全国1卷C阅读)竞走选手都是训练有素的运动员。 (condition 做动词用可以表示“用条件限制”的意思。 )5). However, race walking does not poundpound the

46、body as much as running does, Dr. Norberg says.然而 Norberg 博士说,竞走却不想跑步那样对地面有很大的冲击力。3.This helps you to relate what you read to what you already know.在这个结构中,我们要关注 relate A to B 的用法。一般做非谓语,用 related to 比较多,但也有用 relating to 的时候。1). According to a paper in 2011 by Mr Hsiang and co-authors, civil conflict

47、 is is relatedrelated toto El ninos harmful effects.根据 2011 年由 Hsiang 和他的合著者们所发表的一篇论文,国内冲突和厄尔尼诺的负面影响有关。2). Prinstein came to another conclusion: not only is is likability relatedrelated toto positive life outcomes, but it is alsoresponsible for those outcomes, too.Prinstein 得出另一个结论:好人缘不与积极人生的结果有关,也是

48、积极人生后果产生的主要原因。3). When your boss or professor sends you out to do man-on-the-street interviews for a story, think about the topicand develop a list of about ten general questions relatingrelating toto it.当你的老板或导师让你做街头采访,要考虑一下中心话题并列出 10 条与之相关的问题。4.When Michael Jordans feet left the ground, time seeme

49、d to standstand stillstill.1). 副词,依然,依旧Today, people stillstill come and go to see where the Canadian gold rush happened.Traditional technology stillstill has a place nowadays.2). 名词,蒸馏器To construct a a working stillstill, use a sharp stick or rock to dig a hole four feet across and three feet deep.

50、3). 副词,不过,可是StillStill, most of us volunteers breathe a sigh of relief when the season comes to a close.4). 副词,表示程度,修饰比较级,更如何BetterBetter stillstill, lets meet in the Red Lion Bar to have a nice little talk.5). 形容词,静止不动的。Peter mcnaught, operations director at London underground, said: It may not see


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