Unit 1 Cinderella-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:d1082).zip

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      • 打卡任务-五下-Unit1Cinderella-英语-小学-孙楠-徐州市大黄山实验小学.docx--点击预览
      • 教学反思-五下-Unit1Cinderella-英语-小学-孙楠-徐州市大黄山实验小学.docx--点击预览
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Unit 1 Cinderella(Checkout time & Ticking time)执教:徐州市大黄山实验小学 孙楠RevieReview w tourtourWhat do you think of them?Why? 谈论故事人物。 There is a at the princes house. All the girls can go, but Cinderella cannot. She does not have any clothes or shoes. The fairy Cinderella. Cinderella has beautiful and . She can go to the party now. Cinderella has a time at the party. The prince her very much. Cinderella goes home at 12 oclock. She leaves a behind. The prince visits every . Many girls on the shoe, but it does not . Finally, Cinderella tries it on. It fits well.(Tips:请独立完成P15练习吧!) There is a at the princes house. All the girls can go, but Cinderella cannot. She does not have any clothes or shoes. The fairy Cinderella. Cinderella has beautiful and . She can go to the party now. Cinderella has a time at the party. The prince her very much. Cinderella goes home at 12 oclock. She leaves a behind. The prince visits every . Many girls on the shoe, but it does not . Finally, Cinderella tries it on. It fits well.(Tips:开始核对答案!)partynicehelpsclothesshoesgoodlikesshoehousetryfit(Tips:四人小组配上表情与动作,接龙讲述故事。比一比,哪组的讲述最棒!) Cinderella is a beautiful girl. She lives with her stepmother and stepsisters. One day there is a party(Tips:四人小组配上表情与动作,接龙讲述故事。比一比,哪组的讲述最棒!) Cinderella is a beautiful girl. She lives with her stepmother and stepsisters. One day there is a partyScene 1. Before the partyScene 2. At the partyScene 2. At the partyScene 3. After the partywhenwhywhowherewhatGroup work: try to ask and answer questions .小组合作:试着用特殊疑问词创编对话。Billy is under a tree. Bored, bored, bored(高跷)! he says Im going to find something interesting.Curious(好奇的) BillyOne day, her mother dies(去世). The girlis sad. She cries every day.He meets Giraffe near a big tree. He says, Why are your leg so long?One day, her mother dies(去世). The girlis sad. She cries every day.He finds a pair of stilts(高跷). And he goes on walking.One day, her mother dies(去世). The girlis sad. She cries every day.He meets Zebra in the forest. He says, Why is your hair so beautiful?One day, her mother dies(去世). The girlis sad. She cries every day.So he finds some paint(油漆). And he goes on walking.One day, her mother dies(去世). The girlis sad. She cries every day.He meets Elephant near a pond. He says, Why do you have a long nose?One day, her mother dies(去世). The girlis sad. She cries every day.So he finds a long hose(软管) and two big leaves(树叶). And he goes on walking.One day, her mother dies(去世). The girlis sad. She cries every day.He meets Kangaroo on the way. He says, Why can you jump?One day, her mother dies(去世). The girlis sad. She cries every day.So he finds two springs(弹簧). And he jumps.One day, her mother dies(去世). The girlis sad. She cries every day.He meets Miss Parrot when he jumps. He says, Why can you fly so high?One day, her mother dies(去世). The girlis sad. She cries every day.So he finds some feathers(羽毛) and a shell(壳子). One day, her mother dies(去世). The girlis sad. She cries every day.Finally, he jumps into the mud and he is so happy.Why is Curious Billy?What questions does Billy ask? Do you like Billy? And why?Lets read in role!We all like thinking.We all like thinking.We all like thinking.We all like thinking.NewtonWhy does the apple fall? Thomas Edison Why isnt the night bright? Wright brothersWhy cant people fly? Steve JobsMa YunWe can ask good questionsWhy can the bird fly? Why does the bear sleep all winter?whosewhosewhenwhenwherewherewhowhowhywhywhatwhatOur questionsOur questionsHundred Thousand WhysHundred Thousand WhysThinking makes our life Thinking makes our life interestinginterestingGroup work: try to write your questions in the learning guide. 四人小组讨论合作: 试着将问题写在导学单上。 Where are the stars? When does the sun sleep? 请根据自己的情况在相应的空格内打 “ ”吧!1.复习Unit1的内容;2.Billy和它的小伙伴们还会有发生怎样的精彩故事呢?请用思维导图的形式续编故事,完成绘本的创编!1Unit 1 Cinderella (Period 4) Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容Checkout time&Ticking timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标1. 能够正确、流利、生动地讲故事 Cinderella。2. 能全面并正确熟练地运用“Why”“Because等词提问并回答问题。3. 能了解并掌握 dr 在单词中的发音。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点:教学重点和难点:教学重点:教学重点:能全面并正确熟练地运用疑问词提问并回答问题。教学难点:教学难点:1. 能全面并正确熟练地运用 wh-开头的疑问词,提问和回答问题。2. 绘本阅读, 引导学生创编,提高创造力和学习英语的兴趣。Teaching procedures 教学过程:教学过程:Step1. Free talkT: Last week, we learn about the Unit1 Cinderella. What did you learn from this unit?T:You know yesterdays clocking task is retell the story about Cinderella to our parents. And all of your retelling is excellent. Now, lets pick one at random and take a look.(在 Free talk 环节,与孩子们共同分享班级钉钉群的每日打卡任务,创设故事情境,通过孩子们声情并茂的复述表演,激发了英语学2习兴趣,夯实了知识储备,更为接下来的复习课开展奠定了良好基础。)T: Today, Lets start our review tour, ok?Step2. Talking time1.T: Who are they? 2. T:What do you think of them? And why?(谈论人物角色,学生各抒己见,由此复习 Because.句型的熟练运用。)Step3. Writing time1. T: You have many different ideas about the characters. And what about the story line? Can you try to complete the story?(P15)2. Share your answers with your groups members.(补全短文内容,检查学生是否真正理解故事内容,以及动词原形及动词三单形式的运用。)Step4. Show timeT: Its time for our show time. Please work in groups, try to retell the story.(小组合作分工复述故事内容,自主演绎故事情节。)Step5. Creation timeT: After many years, the prince and Cinderella lived a happy life. What kind of conservation would they have?(发散思维,激发学生的创新意识,展望未来,创编对话。)3Step6. Reading time1. Listen and watch.2. Why is Curious Billy?3. What questions does Billy ask?4. Do you like Billy? What do you think of Billy? And why? 5. Read in roles.(绘本阅读拓展,激发学生兴趣进一步复习巩固运用 wh-开头的疑问词,提问和回答问题)Step7. Thinking time1. Summary: T: We know how to ask and answer questions.Thinking is very important. We all like thinking, so we can ask so many questions. Great people invented and created great things, because they like thinking too.2. Enjoy some great people: Newton, Thomas Edison, Wright brothers, Steve Jobs and Ma Yun.3. Try to write your questions and share with your group members. (情感升华,启迪学生努力成为一名爱思考的好少年。) Step8. Sharing time1. Share the questions.2. Summary.4 Great invention and creation come from questions. Please keep on thinking. Maybe someday youll be one of the great people.(总结本课的情感目标,渲染氛围引起学生的情感共鸣。)Step9. Ticking timeTick some stars for yourself.(学生反思所学,为自己对本单元的学习情况打分。)Step10. Homework1. Review the Unit1.2. Continue on the story about Billy and share with your parents and friends. (布置作业,夯实基础并将本科所学拓展延伸。)Blackboard design: Unit 1 Cinderella Because.Why.?What.?Who.?5教学反思:教学反思:本课时是本单元的复习课。在本课时的教学中,首先通过 Free talk 环节,让学生畅所欲言,引出 Ticking time 的三个目标,从而统领本节复习课的主线。1.I can understand Cinderella. 2.I can use why and because to ask and answer questions. 3.I know the sound of dr. 并通过学生所言,发散思维,回顾整理,为接下来的课程内容作铺垫。复习版块分为 4 个部分,Talking time, Writing time, Show time, Creation time, 由浅入深,层层递进,是我设计本 4 个环节的初衷,在课堂中,学生简述对故事人物的看法,练习 answer questions 时Because he/she .对于形容词的使用,并回顾文章内容,自主抒发所思所想。紧接着,通过补全短文这项练习,检测学生对故事内容的理解,以及题目中涉及到的动词原形及三单形式等重要语法点知识的判断与使用,从而以旧带新。经过前两各环节的巩固,顺理推章至表演复述环节,由此推动孩子们英语全面发展核心素养,带动感官,切实地将所学知识应用到真实的情境中。表演中,台下的小观众们的目光炯炯有神,兴趣颇丰,点评时也是赞不绝口,顺利达至本节复习课的高潮,最大限度发挥孩子们无穷的表现力。之后进入创编时间,孩子们对 Cinderella 的故事内容已熟识于心,此时,我在课件上呈现出多个 question words, 激发孩子们的创编欲望,激活孩子们的知识库,以小组合作的学习方式分享展示,虽然在创编对话的中,孩子们词汇量有限,有些词汇并不能明确表达所想,但6是,对话表演过程中,对于 Grammar time 部分语法知识及句型结构的掌握与使用却正确而熟练,即使用词造句简易滑稽,但却活跃了课堂气氛,使通俗易懂的语言更好地融入到每个孩子的头脑中。接下来的绘本阅读拓展部分,我将一篇经过自主改编的绘本故事Curious Billy 涉及其中,为传统的复习课增趣添新。本篇绘本故事内容浅显易懂,通过设置的 3 个问题 1. Why is Curious Billy? 2. What questions does Billy ask? 3. Do you like Billy? And why? 启迪学生所思所想,应用所学回答问题,同时巩固本节课的教学目标,引出情感目标。最后的 Thinking time 环节,由名人经典引出情感共鸣,孩子自主思考,探讨,提问并总结本单元重点内容 ask and answer questions。作为一名青年教师,我时常反思自己教育思想的天马行空,记录课堂上出现的各种插曲。不断积累课堂教学的教育机智,适应学生的最近发展区,最大限度的调动英语学习兴趣,促进生成性学习。课堂上,如何全方位调动孩子的感官,使之积极主动地参与到课堂中,如何在有限的 40 分钟内发展学生英语学习的综合能力,将新颖开放的教学理念, 先进优越的信息技术手段,实际地应用到传统课堂教学中,使原本枯燥乏味的复习课堂趣味无穷,仅仅通过本节课的思考与展示是绝对不够的。在今后的教学过程中,我定会不断思考,创新思维,积极探索,高效率开展教学环节,为自己的小学英语教育生涯,谱写好每一篇乐章。Curious BillyBilly is under a tree. Bored, bored, bored! he says Im going to find someth-ing interesting.He finds a pair of stilts. And he goes on walking.He meets Giraffe near a big tree. He says, Why are your leg so long?He meets Zebra in the forest. He says, Why are your hair so beautiful?So he finds some paint. And he goes on walking.So he finds a long hose and two big leaves. And he goes on walking.He meets Kangaroo on the way. He says, Why can you jump?So he finds two springs. And he jumps.So he finds some feathers and a shell. And he climbs up the tree.He meets Miss Parrot when he jumps. He says, Why can you fly so high?Finally, he jumps into the mud and he is so happy.He meets Elephant near a pond. He says, Why do you have a long nose?Learning Guide1 Talking time(谈一谈,你对故事中的人物角色的看法。 )I think2 Writing time(写一写,完成书上 15 页练习。 )Correct words:3 Show time(演一演,小组合作,讲述故事。 )4 Creation time(小组合作,讲述故事。 )许多年过去了,王子和灰姑娘幸福的生活在一起,此时,他们之间会有怎样的对话呢?A: B:5 Reading time(读一读,理解绘本内容。 )1. Why is Curious Billy? 2. What questions does Billy ask? 3. Do you like Billy? And why?6 Thinking time(想一想,思考,使我们的生活越来越有趣。 )1. Enjoy some great peoples questions.2. Try to be a good students who likes thinking.(写下你的问题,然后组内交流。)Your question:7 Ticking time(为自己的学习情况打星!) ( ) ( ) ( )8 Homework1. 复习 Unit1 的内容;2. 以思维导图的形式续编 Billy 的绘本故事,然后分享给你的亲人和朋友们吧!教学反思教学反思本课时是本单元的复习课。在本课时的教学中,首先通过 Free talk 环节,让学生畅所欲言,引出 Ticking time 的三个目标,从而统领本节复习课的主线。1.I can understand Cinderella. 2.I can use why and because to ask and answer questions. 3.I know the sound of dr. 并通过学生所言,发散思维,回顾整理,为接下来的课程内容作铺垫。复习版块分为 4 个部分,Talking time, Writing time, Show time, Creation time, 由浅入深,层层递进,是我设计本 4 个环节的初衷,在课堂中,学生简述对故事人物的看法,练习 answer questions 时Because he/she .对于形容词的使用,并回顾文章内容,自主抒发所思所想。紧接着,通过补全短文这项练习,检测学生对故事内容的理解,以及题目中涉及到的动词原形及三单形式等重要语法点知识的判断与使用,从而以旧带新。经过前两各环节的巩固,顺理推章至表演复述环节,由此推动孩子们英语全面发展核心素养,带动感官,切实地将所学知识应用到真实的情境中。表演中,台下的小观众们的目光炯炯有神,兴趣颇丰,点评时也是赞不绝口,顺利达至本节复习课的高潮,最大限度发挥孩子们无穷的表现力。之后进入创编时间,孩子们对 Cinderella 的故事内容已熟识于心,此时,我在课件上呈现出多个 question words, 激发孩子们的创编欲望,激活孩子们的知识库,以小组合作的学习方式分享展示,虽然在创编对话的中,孩子们词汇量有限,有些词汇并不能明确表达所想,但是,对话表演过程中,对于 Grammar time 部分语法知识及句型结构的掌握与使用却正确而熟练,即使用词造句简易滑稽,但却活跃了课堂气氛,使通俗易懂的语言更好地融入到每个孩子的头脑中。接下来的绘本阅读拓展部分,我将一篇经过自主改编的绘本故事Curious Billy 涉及其中,为传统的复习课增趣添新。本篇绘本故事内容浅显易懂,通过设置的 3 个问题 1. Why is Curious Billy? 2. What questions does Billy ask? 3. Do you like Billy? And why? 启迪学生所思所想,应用所学回答问题,同时巩固本节课的教学目标,引出情感目标。最后的 Thinking time 环节,由名人经典引出情感共鸣,孩子自主思考,探讨,提问并总结本单元重点内容 ask and answer questions。作为一名青年教师,我时常反思自己教育思想的天马行空,记录课堂上出现的各种插曲。不断积累课堂教学的教育机智,适应学生的最近发展区,最大限度的调动英语学习兴趣,促进生成性学习。课堂上,如何全方位调动孩子的感官,使之积极主动地参与到课堂中,如何在有限的 40 分钟内发展学生英语学习的综合能力,将新颖开放的教学理念, 先进优越的信息技术手段,实际地应用到传统课堂教学中,使原本枯燥乏味的复习课堂趣味无穷,仅仅通过本节课的思考与展示是绝对不够的。在今后的教学过程中,我定会不断思考,创新思维,积极探索,高效率开展教学环节,为自己的小学英语教育生涯,谱写好每一篇乐章。
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