(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第三册高中英语第三单元 词汇学习ppt课件(含教案).rar

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人教版(2019)新教材高中英语选择性必修第三册 Unit 3 Environmental Protection Words and Expressions1. graph rf: n. 图; 图表; 曲线图diagram darm: n.简图; 图解; 图表; 示意图1)We have known about climate change for decades. There is little doubt that Earth is getting warmer and warmer (see the graph).2)The graph shows how house prices have risen/fallen since 2000. emission2. emission imn: n. 排放物; 散发物; 排放emit imt: v. 发出; 射出; 散发give off:放出; 发出 (光/热/声音/气体等)give out:发出(光/热/声音/气体等)1)Continued greenhouse gas emissions will result in further warming and long-lasting changes to the global climate.2)As a countrys wealth grows, so do its greenhouse gas emissions.3)It will greatly reduce greenhouse emissions worldwide. melt melt3. melt melt: (melted) vi. & vt. (使)融化; 熔化; 软化a melting pot of different nationalities: 多民族的大熔炉1)A warming ocean and atmosphere along with melting ice and rising sea levels provide evidence of a dramatic change in the global climate.2)The sun will melt the snow.3)The tension in the meeting-room began to melt.4)The teachers trusting smile melted my heart.4. starve stv: vi. & vt. (使)挨饿; 饿死starve to death:饿死be starved to death:被饿死1)An expert who has studied polar bears for many years said that from the position of its dead body, the bear appeared to have starved and died.2)A number of the people we saw in Africa are starving.3)The actress is starving herself to try to lose weight.4)In the 1930s, millions of people in that country (were) starved to death. seal seal5. seal sil: n. 海豹Experts claimed that low sea-ice levels caused by climate change meant bear could not hunt seals as before, so it had to travel greater distances in order to find food.6. ecology ikldi: n. 生态; 生态学biology bald: n. 生物学; 生态学animal nm()l: n. 动物plant plnt: n. 植物; 工厂environment nvarnmnt: n. 环境plant/animal/human ecology : 植物/动物/人类生态学1)This alarming case showed how the increase in temperature had an impact on Earths ecology.2)This will threaten the ecology of the planet.3)It is obvious that the way much coffee is grown affects many aspects of life, from the local environment to the global ecology.7. release rlis: vt. & n. 排放; 释放; 发布set.free: 释放issue u : v. 宣布; 公布 n. 重要议题; 争论的问题; 问题publish: v. 出版; 发行; (在报刊)发表; (在互联网上)发表; 公布1)The heat is released back into space at longer wave lengths.2)When fuel is burning, it will release a lot of heat.3)Thirty prisoners were released/ set free from prison last week.4)They will only release information if it suits them.8. methane mien: n. 甲烷; 沼气gas - solid - liquid1)Methane is a colourless gas that has no smell. Natural gas consists mostly of methane.2)Methane is often regarded as the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide.9. carbon kbn: n. 碳coal kl: n. 煤炭a piece of carbon paper: 复写纸1)It will motivate all nations to reduce carbon emissions.2)There are carbon atoms in sugar.3)The girl is a carbon copy of her mother.10. dioxide daksad: n. 二氧化物 11. carbon dioxide: 二氧化碳 1)We take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.2)Carbon is an element, while carbon dioxide is a compound(化合物).3)Reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is very important.12. habitable hbtbl: adj. 适合居住的habitat hbtt: n. (动植物的)生活环境; 栖息地habit hbt: n. 习惯; 癖好1)Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as methane and carbon dioxide, trap some of the heat, keeping Earths warm and habitable.2)I dont think that the earth is the only habitable planet.3)Some areas of the country are too cold to be habitable.4)This town is no longer habitable.5)Clear waters and green mountains are as good/valuable as mountains of gold and silver.13. sustain ssten: vt. 维持; 遭受; 承受住suffer from.: 遭受; 患(病)hold: v. 抓住; 拿住; 抱住; 支撑sustain damage/an injury/a defeat: 遭受损失/受伤/遭到失败suffer/sustain a (heavy) loss: 遭受(大)损失1)Without this process, Earth could not sustain life.2)How many planets can sustain life in the universe?3)The company sustained/suffered losses of millions of dollars.4)The ice will not sustain your weight.14. sustainable sstenbl: adj. 可持续的; 合理利用的1)We have been talking about the importance of sustainable development.2)They cant provide a sustainable energy supply.3)I do not think these astonishing trends are sustainable. fossil fossil fossil fossil fossil fossil fossil fossil fossil fossil 地壳中保存的属于古地质年代的动物或植物的遗体、遗物或生物留下的痕迹叫化石。动物化石包括“肉质化石”和“骨质化石”。由于冰河运动、地壳变迁等原因,地球生物被迅速埋藏于地下,经过亿万年的演变,生物硬体部才被保存下来。但躯体肉质软组织 (包括耳朵、内脏器官)演变为化石的可能性微乎其微,在自然环境下很容易被微生物腐蚀溶化,所以很难形成实体肉化石。15. fossil fsl: n. 化石1)The fossils are over two million years old. 2)The panda is a living fossil.16. fuel fjul: n. 燃料; 刺激性言行add fuel to the fire/flames: 火上加油1)We will soon run out of fuel.2)They had enough fuel to see the winter out.3)Wood, coal, oil and gas are different kinds of fuel.4)His comments are bound to add fuel to the debate.17. fossil fuel: 化石燃料 (如煤,石油和天然气等) 1)When people produce huge amounts of extra greenhouse gases by burning fossil fuels, more heat energy is in the atmosphere and causes Earths surface temperature to rise quickly.2)The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels.3)Fossil fuel prices are likely to stay “low for long”.18. comprehensive kmprhensv: adj. 全部的; 所有的; 详尽的comprehension kmprhenn: n. 理解力; 领悟能力1)We should make the plan as comprehensive as possible.2)The students are doing a comprehensive review of the terms work.3)The data collected last week is quite comprehensive.19. worldwide wldwad: adv. 遍及全球地 adj. 世界各地的; 影响全世界的nationwide nenwad: adv. 在全国范围内adj. 全国性的; 遍及全国的1)There is strong and comprehensive evidence that the rise in temperature has led to an increase in extreme weather and natural disasters worldwide, not only causing serious damage, but also costing human lives.2)It will reduce greenhouse emissions worldwide.3)The story has attracted worldwide attention.20. trend trend: n. 趋势; 趋向; 动向economic/social/political trends : 经济/社会/政治趋势 a downward/an upward trend in sales: 销售额下滑/上升的趋势1)Climate scientists have warned that if we do not take appropriate actions, this warming trend will probably continue and there will be a higher price to pay.2)You seem to have set/started a new trend.3)There is a/no growing trend towards earlier retirement. 4)These trends only got worse as we moved into the 1990s.21. frequently frikwntli: adv. 频繁地; 经常frequent: adj. 频繁的; 经常发生的always: adv. 经常; 总是often: adv. 经常; 多次regularly: adv. 经常; 定期地usually: adv. 通常地; 经常地1)Buses run frequently between the city and the international airport.2)Save your data frequently.3)They move house very frequently.4)Frequently he is asked to carry water for his uncle.22. broadcast brdkst: vt. & vi. 播送; 广播; 传播 n. 广播节目; 电视节目 【broadcast - broadcast/broadcasted】1)In fact, news reports are frequently broadcast about extreme rainstorms and heat waves causing deaths and economic losses.2)The concert/match will be broadcast live on television and radio.3)I dont like to broadcast the fact that my mother owns the company.4)On January 20 we watched a live broadcast of the speech made by the new president.23. policy plsi: n. 政策;方针; 原则1)Governments need to consider making policies and taking appropriate actions and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.2)The Americans foreign policy is based on the principle that might is right.3)The above principles are the only correct policy for solving this problem.4)With the reform and open-door policy carried out, China has taken on a new look. footprint footprint24. footprint ftprnt: n. 足迹; (某物所占的)空间量; 面积area eri: n.面积; 地区; 地域; 地方1)We saw no houses, no smoke, no footprint, no people at the town.2)All countries need to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint. (碳足迹)3)The machine structure is simple, small footprint, easy to use and reliable.25. restrict rstrkt: vt. 限制; 限定; 束缚 (指控制某事物的大小、数量或范围。 侧重限制行为。)restricted: adj. 有限的; 受限制的restrict sth to.: 把限制在restrict oneself to.: 限制自己在limit: v./n. 限制; 限定 (指在时间、数量、水平等方面加以限制。 侧重事物的限度。)limited: adj. 有限的; 有限度的limitto: 把限制在1)We as individuals can also reduce our “carbon footprint” by restricting the amount of carbon dioxide our lifestyles produce.2)I restrict myself to ten cigarettes a day.3)We restrict the number of students class to 35.4)Speed is restricted to 30 mph in towns.5)For the first three weeks patients are restricted to the park.6)The long skirt restricted her movements.7)But now I come to realize that if I truly love you, I should not restrict you.26. restriction rstrkn: n. 限制规定; 限制法规; 约束 import/export/speed/travel restrictions: 进口/出口/速度/旅行限制 place a restriction on sth: 对什么实行限制lift the restriction on sth: 撤销对什么实行的限制1)There is no restriction/limit on the number of people.2)The park is open to the public without restriction.3)The 30 mph speed restriction applies in all cities in the country.27. seize siz: vt. 抓住; 夺取; 控制catch/get/grab/take/seize hold of.: 抓住 seize/catch/hold sb + by the leg (hand, arm): 抓住某人的腿/手/胳膊take control of.: 控制control: v. 控制; 支配contain : v. 控制; 克制; 包含; 容纳1)It is our responsibility to seize every opportunity to educate everyone about global warming, along with its causes and impacts, because this is the most serious issue affecting all of us on this planet.2)The prisoner tried to seize the gun from the policeman.3)The army has seized control of the whole country.4)The troops have seized the airport and the TV station near the capital. basin Sichuan Basin Tsaidam Basin28. basin besn: n. 流域; 盆地; 盆valley vli: n. 山谷; 溪谷; 流域bucket bkt: n. 桶1)The Amazon Basin is known as the “lungs of the world”.2)Such extreme weather will have an effect on the crops in Sichuan Basin.3)You should put/place all eggs in a large basin. penguin penguin penguin penguin29. penguin pewn: n. 企鹅1)Thousands of baby penguins starved to death because the changing climate forced their parents to leave them and travel long distances in search of food.2)The female penguin laid one egg right on top of the ice.30. reform rfm: vi. & vt. 改革; (使)改正; 改造 n. 改革; 变革; 改良economic/political/education/election reform: 经济/政治/教育/选举改革1)At the meeting they discussed his plans to reform the countrys economy.2)The teacher thought she could reform the boy.3)We should try to reform prisoners through labour rather than punish them.4)The reforms should give a better chance to the students in the countryside.5)Great changes have taken place in China since it began the reform and opening-up policy.31. undergo nd: vt. 经历; 经受(变化/不快等) (underwent - undergone ) (尤指经历坎坷、变化或不愉快的事情, 也可指接受测试、培训等。)experience: v. 经历; 感受 (强调亲身经历或体验某事物)go through.: 经历; 遭受suffer from.: 受害于.; 患(病)1)Many experts link Chinas economic success to the comprehensive reform that China has undergone since 1978.2)My father underwent major surgery last year.3)The woman underwent much suffering during her childhood.4)New employees will have to undergo some career training.32. implement mplmnt: vt. 使生效; 贯彻; 执行 carry out.: 实施; 执行carry on (with) : 继续; 坚持; 参加implement changes/decisions/ policies/reforms: 实行变革/执行决议/执行政策/实施改革1)If no one objects, the plan will be implemented immediately.2)I wonder how he might best implement his purpose.3)We have decided to implement the leaders suggestions in full.33. harmonious hmnis: adj. 和谐的harmoniously: adv. 和谐地harmony hmni: n. 和谐; 协调; 融洽; 和睦be in harmony with.: 与和谐/协调/融洽/和睦 1)He felt quite pleased because the villagers were living harmoniously with nature once more.2)The relations between the teachers and the students are harmonious.3)If everyone can reach out a helping hand to others, the world around us will be more and more harmonious.34. moderate mdrt: adj. 适度的; 中等的; 温和的 vi. & vt. 缓和; 使适中 model mdl: n. 模范; 模特儿modem mdem: n. 调制解调器; 路由器modern md()n: adj. 现代的; 现代化的; 时髦的modest mdst: adj. 谦虚的1)The boy is a student of only moderate ability.2)We hope that they will take a moderate position on most of the key issues.3)By evening the wind had moderated slightly.4)The workers moderated their demands.35. submit sbmt: vt. & vi. 提交; 呈递; 屈服hand: v. 递交 (指将某物亲手交给他人)pass: v. 传递 (指把某人可以看到但够不到的东西给某人)present: v. 呈递 (通常用于正式场合)give up: 放弃; 投降give oneself up (to sb): 投降; 投案;自首subscribe sbskrab: v. 订阅; 申请; 定期缴纳/捐款/捐助subscribe to : 订阅; 定期交纳subscribe for.: 认购(股份)1)They submitted their reports to the local government yesterday.2)He was losing the fight, but he refused to submit.3)Our highest principle is: Never submit to any difficulty! 4)In the end the man submitted to the enemy.36. annual njul: n. 年刊; 年鉴 adj. 每年的; 一年的1)What is the average annual rainfall for this country?2)In its annual report, UNICEF says at least 40,000 children die every day.3)Most high schools publish an annual, with pictures of all the graduates of the year. tropical forest37. tropical trpkl: adj. 热带的; 来自热带的1)According to the report submitted by researchers, between 20 and 25 percent of all annual carbon dioxide emissions are caused by the destruction of tropical forests.2)I like to eat tropical fruits, such as bananas and pineapples.3)This disease is widespread in tropical areas. A beautiful landscape in chaos in chaos A beautiful landscape in chaos A beautiful landscape38. chaos kes: n. 混乱; 杂乱; 紊乱economic/political chaos: 经济/政治的混乱in chaos: 混乱; 一片混乱; 乱七八糟1)A breakdown in the computer system was responsible for yesterdays chaos in the subway station.2)The earthquake has caused total chaos on the roads.3)The president needs the soldiers to stop the country sliding into chaos.4)The square was in chaos after the parade.39. on behalf of.: 代表(代替)某人 bhfrepresent sb/单位: 代表stand for. : 代表; 象征1)Im doing a project on behalf of my school about global warming.2)On behalf of everyone here I want to thank you for your help.3)Mr Black signed the document on behalf of the company.4)I would also like to say sorry to all of you on behalf of my class. nuclear explosion40. nuclear njukli(r): adj. 原子能的; 核能的; 原子核的clear: adj.清楚的; 明显的; 清澈的 v. 移走; 搬走;清除; 清理 a nuclear power station: 核电站a nuclear weapon/bomb/missile/ explosion/attack/war/reaction: 核武器/核弹/核导弹/核爆炸 / 核攻击/核战争/核反应1)Could you explain how the nuclear disaster happened?2)Nuclear plants are expensive to build, though cheap to operate.3)The problem is how to get rid of nuclear waste.41. sensitive senstv: adj. 敏感的; 善解人意的; 灵敏的be sensitive to: 对敏感be sensitive about: 对神经过敏/易生气1)Why is nuclear power a sensitive topic?2)My teeth are very sensitive to cold food/pain.3)The headteacher is sensitive to her students needs. jungle jungle jungle42. jungle dl: n.(热带)丛林; 密林woods: n. 树林forest: n. 森林the law of the jungle: 丛林法则; 弱肉强食1)I ve never been to the Amazon Jungle.2)The lion is the king of the jungle. 3)The law of the jungle demands: kill or be killed.4)They had to cut out a path through the jungle. smog smog43. smog sm: n. 烟雾 (烟与雾混合的空气污染物)smoke smk: n. 烟fogf: n. 雾 1)Smog is a mixture of smoke and fog.2)Cars cause pollution, both smog and acid rain.3)Smog has caused some Indian cities to disappear from satellite photos. 44. originate rdnet: vi. & vt. 起源; 发源; 创立origin rdn: n. 起源; 起点; 出身original rdnl: adj.原来的; 起初的; 独创的; 原作的 n.原件; 原稿; 原作originally: adv.原来; 起初1)The disease originated in Africa.2)Chinas ancient culture originated in the Yellow River basin.3)Mothers Day originated in America during the early 20th cen
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