Module 5 Museums-Unit 3 Language in use.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(编号:606e6).zip

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1M5U3 Language in useRules AdviceExercise1:Complete the sentences with your own ideas.If you visit a museum, _ .If you want to know where the museum is,_ .If you want to know more about the museum,_ .Exercise2: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.1. If you _ (want) to see old machines, _ (go) to the museum. 2. If you _ (visit) London, _ (take) a boat trip on the river.3. If the computer does not _ (start) immediately, _ (wait) for one minute.4. If the weather _ (get) older, _ (put) on more warm clothes.5. If you _ (want) to know how it works, _ (read) the book.Exercise3:Write some advice for visitors according to the guide. Use if. 2Introduce Jinhua museum according to your guide. Jinhua Museum EvaluationAddressRulesOpening hoursChargeAdviceThings to do and seeModule 5 MuseumsUnit 3 Language in useA trip toA trip to the Louvre Museum the Louvre MuseumLucyLucya museum lovera museum loverBefore you go there, what information do you Before you go there, what information do you want to know?want to know?rulescharge and opening hourthings to do and seeevaluationaddressMuseumLouvre MuseumLouvre Museum EvaluationThings to do and seeCharge and opening hourRules One of the largest and most famous art museums AddressAddressIn ParisNext to the River SeineSee objects and paintings Mona LisaWhoWhenWhatRules_ _ _ No food and drinks.No littering.No parking.No touching.No photos.Dont take photos.Dont touch.If you visit the museum, _ .If you want to know where the museum is,_.If you want to know more about the museum,_ .Exercise1Exercise11. If you _ (want) to see old machines, _ (go) to the museum. 2. If you _ (visit) London, _ (take) a boat trip on the river.3. If the computer does not _ (start) immediately, _ (wait) for one minute.4. If the weather _ (get) older, _ (put) on more warm clothes.5. If you _ (want) to know how it works, _ (read) the book.wantgovisittakestartwaitgetsputwantreadif clause + imperative sentenceif clause + imperative sentenceif clause + imperative sentenceif clause + imperative sentenceExercise2Exercise2Louvre MuseumLouvre Museum EvaluationThings to do and seeCharge and opening hourRules One of the largest and most famous art museums AddressAddressIn ParisNext to the River SeineSee objects and paintings Mona LisaWhoWhenWhatDaily (except Tuesdays): 9 a.m.6 p.m.An Adult: 15EurosChildren: FreeExercise3Exercise3Write some advice for visitors. Use Write some advice for visitors. Use if Jinhua MuseumJinhua MuseumJinhua MuseumJinhua Museum EvaluationThings to do and seeCharge and opening hourRulesAddressAddress . . . .HomeworkWrite down your introductionand polish it with your partner.Share it with me.()YOU English tour guides are needed in Jinhua Museum during the summer vacation. Would you like to be a volunteer? Please sign up on the website. http:/ 1九上九上 M5Unit 3 language in use Teaching PlanPart One: Analysis of Teaching MaterialContent本课的内容是本课的内容是 M5Unit 3 language in use。课型为。课型为 Revision and application 即复习与即复习与运用。本模块的重点语法项目主要有两项:一是功能性语言,即用祈使句表达标语或提运用。本模块的重点语法项目主要有两项:一是功能性语言,即用祈使句表达标语或提醒别人不要做某事的警示语;二是醒别人不要做某事的警示语;二是“if 从句从句+祈使句祈使句”以及介绍博物馆等公共场所的语言。以及介绍博物馆等公共场所的语言。在本课中本人创设了外国友人在本课中本人创设了外国友人 Lucy 一个博物馆爱好者与学生交流的情境。本课的任务是一个博物馆爱好者与学生交流的情境。本课的任务是让学生做出一个博物馆的参观指南,并能根据指南介绍博物馆。让学生做出一个博物馆的参观指南,并能根据指南介绍博物馆。 首先,教师根据首先,教师根据 Around the world 中中 The Louvre 这一介绍卢浮宫的小文章绘制出一这一介绍卢浮宫的小文章绘制出一个参观指南,让学生由模仿到运用个参观指南,让学生由模仿到运用制作金华博物馆的参观指南,并邀请部分学生口制作金华博物馆的参观指南,并邀请部分学生口头介绍该博物馆。任务设置环环相扣,紧紧围绕主题。其次,头介绍该博物馆。任务设置环环相扣,紧紧围绕主题。其次, 浙江省初中毕业升学考试浙江省初中毕业升学考试说明说明对于学生书面表达的评分标准中有一条对于学生书面表达的评分标准中有一条“句型变化多样且有效句型变化多样且有效”的要求。因此,的要求。因此,本课旨在训练学生本课旨在训练学生“语言丰富性策略语言丰富性策略”在写作中的运用。最后,本课设计安排了围绕以在写作中的运用。最后,本课设计安排了围绕以上语言知识的练习任务。由读到写,由填词到造句,运用情境引导训练学生的语言应用上语言知识的练习任务。由读到写,由填词到造句,运用情境引导训练学生的语言应用能力。课后作业由口述升级到自主写作。提升学生的框架意识以及谋篇布局的能力。能力。课后作业由口述升级到自主写作。提升学生的框架意识以及谋篇布局的能力。Students1.学生们已经在学生们已经在 M5 前两个单元中学习了前两个单元中学习了“if 从句从句+祈使句祈使句”这种结构来表达建议以及表这种结构来表达建议以及表达达“禁止做某事禁止做某事”的结构。因此本课的重点在于巩固和运用。的结构。因此本课的重点在于巩固和运用。2. 本班学生在制作参观指南方面有困难,需要老师的启发与引导。本班学生在制作参观指南方面有困难,需要老师的启发与引导。Time45 minutesTeaching MethodTask-based approachTeaching Language Ability1.能仿照能仿照 M5unit2 的重点句子的重点句子“If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum.” if 从句从句+祈使句这种结构来表达建议祈使句这种结构来表达建议,并体现语言并体现语言情绪。情绪。2. 能用运用表达能用运用表达“禁止做某事禁止做某事”的结构的结构 No shouting, please! / Dont touch!/ You mustnt touch anything./ You shouldnt.等多样句型描写博物馆的注意等多样句型描写博物馆的注意2Part Two: Teaching Procedure事项或者相关规定。事项或者相关规定。3. 能制作出一个博物馆的参观指南。能制作出一个博物馆的参观指南。4. 能根据博物馆指南口头介绍博物馆并能对同学的作品作出评价。能根据博物馆指南口头介绍博物馆并能对同学的作品作出评价。Cultural Awareness1. 理解博物馆是了解一个城市文明发展的重要途径。理解博物馆是了解一个城市文明发展的重要途径。2.通过给外国友人通过给外国友人 Lucy 制作博物馆的参观指南,让学生用英语语言工具达制作博物馆的参观指南,让学生用英语语言工具达成国际间互相了解和信息交流的目的,培养学生传播中华文化,跨文化交成国际间互相了解和信息交流的目的,培养学生传播中华文化,跨文化交际的意识。际的意识。Thinking Quality1. 以语言积累有效带动语言产出,用说和写训练发展学生思维品质。以语言积累有效带动语言产出,用说和写训练发展学生思维品质。2. 通过组织学生讨论,使学生思维的深度、广度得以扩展和延伸,思辨能通过组织学生讨论,使学生思维的深度、广度得以扩展和延伸,思辨能力得以发展。力得以发展。3. 通过师生共评,生生互评环节,培养学生评价通过师生共评,生生互评环节,培养学生评价-这一批判性思维能力。这一批判性思维能力。AimsLearning Ability1. 掌握本课的写作技能:掌握本课的写作技能:a.活用不同句式,使语言体现其丰富性活用不同句式,使语言体现其丰富性;b,通过短通过短文抽取指南的框架,并能运用框架制作自己的指南,由模仿到创作。文抽取指南的框架,并能运用框架制作自己的指南,由模仿到创作。2. 主动参与学习过程,积极进行合作学习。主动参与学习过程,积极进行合作学习。Teaching Main PointsAnd Difficult Pointsa. 活用不同句式,使语言体现其丰富性活用不同句式,使语言体现其丰富性;b. 抽取指南的框架,并能运用框架制作自己的指南,由模仿到创作。抽取指南的框架,并能运用框架制作自己的指南,由模仿到创作。教学环境与教学环境与资源准备资源准备录播教室录播教室 PPT 实物投影实物投影3TimeTeaching StepTeaching ProcessDesign Intention6minPresentationThe teacher shows a painting Mona Lisa on the PPT. Teacher: Do you want to have a look at the great piece of art work in person?A piece of good news for you. My friend Lucy invites us to visit The Louvre museum. ( Watch a Video)Teacher: We need some preparations for this. Before we visit the museum, what information do you want to know?Discuss with your partner.Try to ask at least one question.Students: What time does the museum open?What can I do and see there?How much does it cost to visit the museum?.T:My question is :Whats peoples evaluation of the museum?That means I want to know how great,famous, special or popular it is.创设情境,引导学生创设情境,引导学生提问关于卢浮宫自己提问关于卢浮宫自己想了解的问题。这一想了解的问题。这一步骤目的首先是为了步骤目的首先是为了提供学生阅读文章的提供学生阅读文章的动机,信息沟的设置动机,信息沟的设置可以让学生实现比较可以让学生实现比较真实的交流互动。其真实的交流互动。其次,对之后参观指南次,对之后参观指南框架的提取作出铺垫。框架的提取作出铺垫。并导入并导入 evaluation 这这一要素。一要素。425minPracticeAround the world the Louvre No visit to Paris is complete without a trip to the Louvre Museum, one of the largest and most famous art museums in the world. The Louvre is a beautiful old palace next to the River Seine, but you enter through a modern glass pyramid that the museum added in 1989. Inside, there are about 35,000 works of art. You can see objects and paintings from different centuries.Probably the most famous painting in the Louvre is the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. He painted it in the early sixteenth century. It shows a young woman smiling.Everyone who looks at the Mona Lisa wonders what she is thinking about.Step1. Read and complete the guide.1.Teacher: There is an introduction of The Louvre museum in our textbook. Lets turn to page41. Read and find out some information, and try to complete the guide.阅读材料为课本阅读材料为课本 41页。页。Around the world 里介绍卢浮宫里介绍卢浮宫的一则小短文。该小的一则小短文。该小短文框架清晰,语言短文框架清晰,语言精炼。可作为制作参精炼。可作为制作参观向导的范本,以贯观向导的范本,以贯穿本课的始终。穿本课的始终。Step1.要求学生阅读要求学生阅读并完成卢浮宫的参观并完成卢浮宫的参观指南。学生可以从短指南。学生可以从短文中找出文中找出Evaluation,Address,Things to do and see 三块主要内容的三块主要内容的相关信息。使学生对相关信息。使学生对参观指南的框架有较参观指南的框架有较为直观的了解。为直观的了解。52. The writer especially introduced Mona Lisa to us.Who created it? When da Vinci painted it?What does it show?If you want to introduce a piece of art ,try to write about it from the three aspects( who when what)Step2. Practise talking and writing about rules . Teacher: There are some rules in the museum which we should obey . Lets talk about the signs.2.小短文第二段作者小短文第二段作者介绍了卢浮宫的镇馆介绍了卢浮宫的镇馆之宝蒙娜丽莎画像。之宝蒙娜丽莎画像。通过问答让学生明白通过问答让学生明白可以从作品的作者,可以从作品的作者,创作时间和作品展示创作时间和作品展示的内容三方面介绍博的内容三方面介绍博物馆的展品。为之后物馆的展品。为之后介绍金华博物馆做铺介绍金华博物馆做铺垫。垫。Step2. 阅读查看自己阅读查看自己的问题能否在文章中的问题能否在文章中找到答案。这是搜索找到答案。这是搜索信息,定位信息及理信息,定位信息及理解信息的过程。学生解信息的过程。学生发现在文中并不能找发现在文中并不能找到到 Rules,Charge and Opening hours。这需要老师和学生一这需要老师和学生一起补充来完成这个参起补充来完成这个参观指南。观指南。Rules 先让学生看图标说先让学生看图标说规则。再问学生有其规则。再问学生有其他方式描述规则吗?他方式描述规则吗?练习如何用不同的句练习如何用不同的句式描述规则,让学生式描述规则,让学生明白彩虹美在多样的明白彩虹美在多样的6Teacher: Do you have any other ways to describe rules? lets do some practice. Theres no+doing; No+doing; You mustnt;You are not allowed to.(Do you know why the rainbow is so beautiful. Because it has different colours. Different sentence patterns are just like different colours which can make the passage beautiful. So when you are writing, dont forget to use varied sentence structures.)Student:You should pay attention to the rules in the museum. There is no shouting and no smoking, and no littering, please! Whats more, you mustnt take your pets with you.Step3. Practise giving advice.Teacher: If you visit the Louvre Museum, you should pay attention to the rules in it. If you visit the Louvre Museum, no smoking. If you visit the Louvre Museum, no pets. So some advice are necessary, lets give some 色彩,语言美在丰富色彩,语言美在丰富多变。以训练学生多变。以训练学生“语言丰富性策略语言丰富性策略”在写作中的运用。最在写作中的运用。最后,让学生用不同句后,让学生用不同句式写下规则。式写下规则。Step3. AdviceExercise1: 由前面由前面的的 rules,自然过渡到自然过渡到if 引导的条件状语从引导的条件状语从句的练习。本活动属句的练习。本活动属于开放性的练习,教于开放性的练习,教师鼓励学生从不同的师鼓励学生从不同的角度思考,提供多种角度思考,提供多种答案。旨在帮助学生,答案。旨在帮助学生,巩固巩固 if 引导的条件状引导的条件状语从句。语从句。Exercise2:本活动采本活动采用了控制性的练习方用了控制性的练习方式式用单词的适当用单词的适当形式填空。主要让学形式填空。主要让学生练习把握生练习把握“”结构。旨结构。旨在帮助学生进一步巩在帮助学生进一步巩固固 if 引导的条件状语引导的条件状语从句。从句。7advice for visitors.Exercise1: Complete the sentences with your own ideas.If you visit the museum, _ .If you want to know where the museum is,_.If you want to know more about the museum,_ .Exercise2:Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.1. If you _ (want) to see old machines, _ (go) to the museum. 2. If you _ (visit) London, _ (take) a boat trip on the river.3. If the computer does not _ (start) immediately, _ (wait) for one minute.4. If the weather _ (get) older, _ (put) on more warm clothes.6. If you _ (want) to know how it works, _ (read) the book.Step4. Finish the guide.Louvre is open every day (except Tuesday) from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.15 Euros for an adult Free for childrenExercise3:Write some advice for visitors according to the guide of the Louvre Museum. Use if.Step3. 补充补充 Charge and Opening hours两块信息,完成这个两块信息,完成这个参观指南。参观指南。Exercise3:这是一个这是一个综合训练活动。让学综合训练活动。让学生根据卢浮宫的参观生根据卢浮宫的参观指南,运用指南,运用 if 从句写从句写出参观博物馆的建议。出参观博物馆的建议。引导学生仿照引导学生仿照M5unit2 的重点句子的重点句子“If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum!” if 从句从句+祈使句这种结构来表祈使句这种结构来表达建议达建议,并体现语言情并体现语言情绪。绪。并引导学生关注并引导学生关注make sure 短语以及短语以及感叹号在此处的使用,感叹号在此处的使用,充分体现了鼓励游客充分体现了鼓励游客去参观的情绪。启发去参观的情绪。启发学生对文字情感的体学生对文字情感的体会。祈使句的使用帮会。祈使句的使用帮助学生认识到语言的助学生认识到语言的力量,能让他们在最力量,能让他们在最后的产出写作中也体后的产出写作中也体现文字情绪。现文字情绪。8Lets work in pairs . Brainstorm some pieces of advice for visitors.use if clauseStudent:If you go to Paris, make sure you visit Louvre museum!If you visit Louvre museum, dont smoke.If you want to enjoy great painting and objects, this is the right place for you. .Teacher:Which sentence do you like best?The writer highly recommends us to visit it. Lets read the sentence. Pay attention to the emotion.12minProduction1. Make a guideTeacher: Lucy is a museum lover. But she has never been to Jinhua museum. Would you like to make a guide to introduce it to her. 1.创设情境,先让学创设情境,先让学生小组合作制作参观生小组合作制作参观向导,鼓励学生积极向导,鼓励学生积极进行合作学习。进行合作学习。92. Introduce the museum according to the guide.Work in group of four. According to your guide.Talk about museum with your group members . Take notes in the table. Ask at least one student to talk about the museum.Student:Welcome to Jinhua Museum. Its the most wonderful museum in Jinhua.Its in the city centre. If you want to enjoy wonderful works of art, go to the first floor. If you want to learn about the customs and geography of the city, go to the second floor.Probably the most famous object is a valuable copper mirror. It was created by ancient people in Xijin dynasty. It shows Confucius teaching and his four students listening carefully.2.让一两个同学根据让一两个同学根据表格说说博物馆,进表格说说博物馆,进行口头语言的输出。行口头语言的输出。同时与其他同学形成同时与其他同学形成信息的交流。信息的交流。3.让学生从文本框架让学生从文本框架和语言多样性两方面和语言多样性两方面进行评价。首先,老进行评价。首先,老师通过该评价了解学师通过该评价了解学生对本堂课的重点掌生对本堂课的重点掌握情况握情况;其次,使学生其次,使学生学会评价和欣赏同学学会评价和欣赏同学的习作。最后,发现的习作。最后,发现存在的问题和鼓励学存在的问题和鼓励学生提出改进的方向,生提出改进的方向,以期望达到更好的效以期望达到更好的效果。果。10M5U3 Language in useIf- ClauseRulesTheres no+doing/n. No+doing/n. You mustnt.You are not allowed to.Blackboard DesignYou d better obey the rules in it. There is no shouting and no smoking, and no littering. Whats more, you are not allowed to touch the objects. It is free to enter. It is open from Tuesday to Sunday. If you come to China, make sure you visit Jinhua Museum !3.Evaluate the presentation.Ask classmates to evaluate the presentation from two aspects.Clear structureVaried sentence patternsAny suggestions for improvement2minHomework1. Write down your introduction and polish it with your partner. Share it with me.()2. English tour guides are needed in Jinhua Museum during the summer vacation. Would you like to be a volunteer? Please sign up on the website. http:/ 要求学生口述之要求学生口述之后写下介绍博物馆的后写下介绍博物馆的文章文章,并和同学一起润并和同学一起润色改进习作,互相学色改进习作,互相学习,共同进步。通过习,共同进步。通过Email 把习作发给老把习作发给老师批改,实时反馈。师批改,实时反馈。2.鼓励学生假期去当鼓励学生假期去当英文导游志愿者,用英文导游志愿者,用英语语言桥梁传播中英语语言桥梁传播中华优秀文化。华优秀文化。
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