Unit 2 My Favourite School Subject-Lesson 7 Don’t Be Late for Class!-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-冀教版八年级上册英语(编号:25167).zip

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Class timetable tamteblI am good at _.digrfi_is one of our subjects.geographypaintpainter paintingHe ispainting.painter.He is aThis man is good at painting.pent Do you think how many paintings he has painted?He has painted _pictures. Review some new wordsgeography digrfitimetable tamteblpainter pentRead the text again and answer the questions.1.Whats Brains favourite subject?Art is his favourite subject.2. How many pictures has Brian painted this week?He has painted six pictures this week. ( paint.pptx)3. What does Jenny think of Brians paintings?4. How is Jenny at art this year?They are beautiful.She is much better at art this year. (be good at.pptx) 5. When will their next class start?Their class will start in two minutes. (in two minutes.pptx) Exercises for this lessonFill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.1.She _(see)this film before.2. One of my favourite _ (subject)is physics.3 .Lisa is good at_(play)the violin.4. Its 2:13. Class _(start)in two minutes.subjectsplayingwill starthas seenA. How many subjects do you have this term? B. I have 10/13 subjects.A. Whats your favourite subject? B. My favourite subject is English/maths.A. What else(别的,其它的)are you good at?B. B. I am good at art/music.A .Oh, but I was not good at art/music last term. But I am much better at it now. B. Have you learned (learnt) geography? Yes, I have. I think its one of the most interesting subjects. B. I think so.Pairs work(make a dialogue)Design your own timetablerestSummary1.be good at sth/doing be (much) better at 2.be late for3. one of 4.in + 一段时间2.Make a new dialogue with your partners. Pairs work(make a dialogue).pptx1. Read the text again , find out some structures like: “ have/has + p.p.”and write them down on your exercise books. eg. I have painted six pictures this week. be good at sth/doing擅长于 =do well in sth/doing be better at 更擅长于 be much better at 更擅长于的多 比较级前用much修饰,加强语气和程度,表示 “得多,更”Eg. I am good at English Li Ming is good at playing basketball. Tudeng is much better at English now.Dont be late for class.教学设计教学设计教案课题 Dont be late for class年级八年级上授课地点八一中学课型新课授课人教学内容分析本课是一篇以科目展开的对话。词汇比较简单:geography, sometime, paint (sometime 不作为本课讲解重点)。Brain 和 Jenny在谈论他们所喜爱和擅长的科目,以此引出的短语,现在完成时态和时间的表达。本课有三个重要内容。第一是单词短语及课文内容,第二课时主要是语法现在完成时态;第三是时刻表示法,时刻表示法在中考中很少出现,学生主要掌握口头表达和介词to/past 如何表达时间。本课我主要以单词、短语、课文内容的梳本课我主要以单词、短语、课文内容的梳理作为重点教学理作为重点教学。学生分析本节课的对象是初二学生,科目是他们耳熟能详的,他们学过一些关于科目的单词,学生很容易对科目单词产生兴趣。但本班学生基础差,英语知识相当薄弱。看似简单的课文对于他们来说却很难。教学目标基于课文内容和学生状态,在学完本节课后,学生需要掌握以下几个方面的内容:知识技能方面 1、单词:geography.只需理解的单词有 painting, painter, timetable.2、会使用句型 My favourite subject is ; I like best.I am much better at What time is it?短语 be late for, be good at(be much better at), hope to do, in two minutes.3、能大胆的说出一些英语句子,会运用本课学习的单词短语句型编写对话 ,培养阅读和听力能力。4、过程与方法:情景导入,图片展示,对话练习,任务型。5、情感态度方面:培养阅读和听力能力,形成学习英语的习惯,学会学习。教学重难点及中考点分析重点:短语,be late for, be good at(be much better at), hope to do, in two minutes, 难点:正确运用短语,听力和阅读。本课的中考考点在于be late for, hope to do, be good at, in two minutes 的运用等.教学辅助与方法利用多媒体,对学生进行听说读写的训练交际法,任务型教学教学过程1、视频引出本课标题2、通过图片学习单词 timetable, geography.练习句型:3、小活动:设计自己的课程表。 (活动规则:一组设计一天的课表,科目贴在墙上,学生看了单词后回来写在课程表上,组内不能重复。周一到周五)4、复习学过的两个重要单词5、听力训练,听两遍填写单词(发 handouts)6、读课文回答问题7、总结、布置作业 Lesson7 Dont be late for class!板书设计(主板)1.be late for-2.be good at-, be much better at-3.one of my favourites4. What time is it?5.in two minutes(副版)非本科学习重点的回顾提醒本课单词教学活动设计教学活动设计活动活动老师老师学生学生意图意图Watch a Video 播放播放观看、思考观看、思考导入课题导入课题Learn new words利用图片利用图片教学教学学习学习学习新单词,奠定对课文了解的基学习新单词,奠定对课文了解的基础础Design a timetable协助协助动手参与动手参与调动积极性,复习科目单调动积极性,复习科目单词词Review the words 协助协助学习、记忆学习、记忆巩固巩固Listen to the tape协助协助思考、答题思考、答题训练听力能力训练听力能力,整体感知课整体感知课文文Read the text and answer some questions协助理协助理解课文解课文阅读、思考、阅读、思考、答题答题熟悉课文,学会阅读熟悉课文,学会阅读总结及作业布置总结及作业布置协助协助回顾回顾巩固所学知识巩固所学知识Lesson 1 Dont be late for class课前预习课前预习一、学习目标:1、掌握的词汇:geography(地理), subject(科目), art(美术), hope(希望), show(出示,展示,拿给-看), sometime(某个时候), start(开始), hurry(匆忙,快点), late(晚的,迟到的) ,paint(画画)。2、学习重点难点:学会运用所学的短语 be late for-(-迟到), in two minutes) (两分钟后) ,be good at (擅长于-),in the future( 在未来,在将来) I have painted six pictures this week.(这周我已经画了六副画) I hope to see them sometime. (我希望某个时候看一下) Its one of my favourites. (音乐)它是我最喜爱的之一) You dont need to be good at it.(你不用很擅长它(美术) ) ;你不用把美术学的很好。 I am much better at art this year.(今年我美术学的好多了) What time is it?(几点了) Class will start in two minutes. (两分钟后开始上课) 3、能力目标:学会用英语表达对科目的喜好。二、自主学习英汉互译:I have painted six pictures this week.(这周我已经画了六副画)I hope to see them sometime.Its one of my favourites. You dont need to be good at it. I am much better at art this year. What time is it? Class will start in two minutes. 三、感悟重点 1. be late for 2. hope to do 3.be good at 4. in two minutes.5. one of my favourites四、学以致用一、用所给单词的适当形式填空一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. I want to be a _(paint) when I am older.21cnj世纪*教育2. We dont want _(be) late for school.www-2-1-cnjy-com二、单项选择二、单项选择1. I hope I will watch the football match _ next week.21 教育网A. sometime B. sometimes C. some time D. some times2. We will have a meeting _ two minutes.A. in B. for C. at D. 3. I like drawing, but Im not _ at it.A. fine B. well C. better D. goodwww.21-cn-5. _ late for school again.A. Not be B. Dont is C. Dont be D. Dont21cnjycom6. He will come _ two days.A. in B. for C. of D. during 7. This is one of my _.A. photoes B. photo C. photos D. the photo【来三、用适当的介词填空(三、用适当的介词填空(for,for, in,in, at,at, )1. Im sorry, Mr. Wang. I am late _ class.2. I like English very much. I am good _ it.3. Im going to be a painter _ the future.4. She will leave here _ ten minutes.
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