Unit 2 Great People-Lesson 10 Touch the World-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-省级公开课-冀教版九年级全一册英语(编号:e1805).zip

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Lesson 10: Touch the World冀教版九年级冀教版九年级Warming-up:Lets do some activities:Step1:Please close your eyes.Step2: Please take out your English book.Step3: Please open your book and turn to page 24.Step4:Please find the word courage . Can you do it ? Imagine if we cant see anything or hear anything, what the life will be ? What will you do? In the world ,there are many people . They are disabled ,but they are living bravely and they try their best to use their ways to touch the world.Can you say some? He can touch the world without feet !HowKing from the UK,sit on wheelchairs for 40 years .He is known as “The king of the universe.She can touch the world without feet !Zhang Haidi is a famous disabledwriter in China. He can touch the world without hands !He can touch the world without hands ! Huang Yangguang is an excellent dancer, painter and calligrapher. He can touch the world without hands !She can touch the world without eyes and ears ! Do you know something about Helen keller?Listen and answer1.Helen Keller died at the age of 88. 2.Helen Keller was born in 1880 in England. 图3.When Helen Keller was nineteen years old ,she fell ill. 5.Helen Keller was very famous for her courage and hard work.4.Helen teacher ,Ann Sullivan taught her the first word mother.TFFF TGroup Work:1. Read the text and find something more about Helen Keller .2. What do you learn from Helen Keller?brave hard workcouragehelp others never give up live her life without regertWho is the hero in your heart?Talk in groups!Huang Yangguang Helen Keller Zhang HaidiHawking Liu Wei Shi Tie sheng He can touch the world without hands ! Liu Wei is a hero in my heart .When he was ten years old ,he lost his arms in an accident .At 14 ,he got two gold medals in swimming.At 22,he broke The Guiness World Record ( 吉尼斯世界纪录)by typing with feet.At 23 he stepped onto the stage of Golden Hall in Vienna(维也纳金色大厅)and let the world witness the miracle of a Chinse boy!(让世界见证了中国男孩的奇迹)。He said :I think there are two ways in my life ,to die quickly or to live brightly. (他说:“在我的生命里只有两条路,要么赶紧死要么精彩的活着。”)Writing:The Hero in My HeartWriting Model(写作模板写作模板) _is the hero in my heart.I like her/him because he/she is a famous _.He/She(主要事迹主要事迹) _He/She is famous for_.He/She has influenced me a lot.From his/her story,I know_.Summary: Today we have learned about Helen Keller and some famous disabled people I think they are heroes in oue heart.We should learn from them.Compared with them,we are lucky,when we meet some difficulties ,we shouldnt give up and we should use our hands to make our life wonderful!Write a passage :The hero in my heartHomework:Homework:1冀教版九年级英语 Unit 2: Great People Lesson 10: Touch the World Lesson 10 Touch the World Teaching plan 2I: Teaching content:Grade 9 Unit 2: Great People Lesson 10 : Touch the World II:Teaching aims : 1. Knowledge aims: By the end of the lesson ,the students will be able to understand and use the new words and phrases: writer, blind, deaf, illness, ability, progress, community,make a lot of progress.2. Ability aims:1: To be able to talk about disabled people and the reason why they should be respected.2. Through the activities to improve the ability of listening , speaking , reading and writing.3 .Emotion aims:To encourage the students to be brave whenever meet problems.III.Teaching important points and difficult points:(I) Teaching important points:To use the new words and phrases to talk about the disabled people and the reason why they should be respected.(II) Teaching difficult points:Talk about “The Hero in My Heart” and write a short passage.IV: Teaching Tools:3 PPT, videoV: Teaching steps:StepsTeaching ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesAimsStep 1:GreetingGood morning everyone.Good morning teacher. Step 2:Warming-upPlay the video that was played by Liu Wei with his feet.Enjoy the beautiful music .To motivate the students and prepare for the new lesson.1. Let the students do the following activities: Step 1: Close your eyes;Step2: Take out your English book;Step 3:Turn to page 24:Step4: Find a word “courage.”May be the most students can finish the first step. Some students can finish the second step .But few students can finish the third or the fourth steps. To let the students experience the life that they live without eyes. Let the students know the importance of eyes.Step 3:Lead-in2. Ask the students the following questions:(1) Imagine if you cant see or hear anything , how will you face your life?The students answer the questions. Maybe they will say:If I cant see or hear anything, I will give up my life . If I cant see or hear anything , but at least I have hands and feet . So I can run , I can walk and I can do something with my hands .I will face the difficulties in my life . I will never give up and to be the best. To let the students know , if they cant see or hear anything , they shouldnt give up , they should face the difficulties bravely. 4(2) In the world, there are many people ,they are disabled but they live bravely and they try their best to use their own ways to touch the world . Can you say some?TThen the teacher says : Today , we will learn about Helen Keller , a famous writer and educator . She can touch the world without eyes and ears. The students may say some famous people who are disabled but great, such as : Hawking, Zhang Haidi , Liu Wei, Huang Yangguang and so on.(1)Hawking from the UK,sit on wheelchair for 40 years. He can touch the world without feet!(2)Zhang Haidi is a famous disabled writer in China. She can touch the world without feet!(3)Liu Wei, a disabled pianist. He can touch the world without hands!(4)Huang Yangguang is an excellent dancer, painter and calligrapher. He can touch the world without hands!To let the students know the disabled but famous people can touch the world with their own ways. Compared with them, we are so lucky. Then lead in the new concept.Step 4:New ConceptI. Listening: Play the audiotape and show the questions on the screen , Let the students listen and answer the questions:1. Helen Keller died at the age of 88 . ( )2. Helen Keller was born in 1880 in England . ( )3. When Helen Keller was 19 years old ,she fell ill.( )4. Helens teacher Ann Sullivan taught her the first word “mother”. ( )5. Helen Keller was very famous for her courage and hard work. ( )The students listen to the tape carefully and choose “T” or “F”.To let the students know about the main idea of this passage and improve the ability of listening.5II.Reading: (Group work)First-reading:Read the text carefully and answer the questions :(1)Who is Helen Keller?(2)What happened to Helen Keller when she was 19 months old ?(3) How did Ann teach Helen Keller?(4)What was the first word that Helen Keller learned?(5)What was Helen Keller famous for? The students read the text at the first time and discuss the questions with their partners, then one group chooses a student to answer the questions.To let the students know about the key information of this passage .Second-reading: Read the text again and finish the task : 1. Find something more about Helen Keller.2. What can you learn from Helen Keller ?The students read the text again and discuss the questions with their partners then answer the questions . They may find something more about Helen Keller and talk about what they can learn from her:.brave , hard work, courage , help others,never give up,live the life without regretTo let the students know something more about Helen Keller, then learn from her and improve the ability of reading. (III) Speaking Show some great peoples pictures on the screen .such as: Hawking , Zhang Haidi , Liu Wei, Huang Yangguang ,Shi Tiesheng and so on. Let the students talk about : “Who is the hero in your heart?”(talking in groups)Every student can choose one hero in his or her heart and talk about something about the great people ,and what they can learn from him or her.To let the students say the heroes in their heart and improve the ability of speaking.6(IV) Writing:Show the “Writing Model ” on the screen and let the students write a short passage:_is the hero in my heart .I like him /her because he/she is a famous _.He /She is famous for_. He/She has influenced me a lot .Through his/her story I know_. The students write the short passage following the “Writing Model ” .To improve the ability of writing.(V) Showing: Ask two or three students to show their articles on the screen and talk about the heroes in their heart.Two or three students come to the front of the classroom to show their articles on the screen and talk about the heroes in their heart.Through the showing time, the students can be confident in themselves and they will be more interested in English. Step 5:SummaryAsk: What have we learned from the passage ?The students will say:Today we have learned about Helen Keller and some famous but disabled people , I think they are heroes in our heart, we should learn from them . Compared with them , we are lucky. So when we meet some difficulities in our life .we shouldnt give up and we should make our life more beautiful and live without any regret .Summary by themselves to improve the ability of teaching themselves.Step 6:EvaluateGive the best group and the best student gifts and let the other students learn from them.The other students congratulat to the best group and the best student and learn from them.To encourage the students and make them be interested in English.7Step 7:Class ClosingPlay the video“Liu Wei plays the piano with his feet ”again. Let the students enjoy this beautiful music and make the class be over.Enjoy this beautiful music .To let the students enjoy the music and be more interested in English.Home work:(1) Talk about the disabled but famous people.(2) Write a short passage “The Hero in My Heart”.Blackboard design: Lesson 10 Touch the World Helen Keller blind but brave deaf hard work courage help others never give up live without regret disabled hero 教学反思教学反思: : 本节课是冀教版九年级 Unit 2: Great People 中的第四课 Lesson10 :Touch the World.主要讲述了身残志坚的美国的作家,教育家海伦凯勒的故事。通过她的事迹要告诉我们,在人的一生中,我们可能会面临很多的困难,挫折和不幸。但是,当这些灾难都降临的时候,我们应该去勇敢的面对,并且创造出自己精彩且没有遗憾的人生! 本节课是一节阅读课,通过不同的形式导入新课。让8学生在一开始就对这节课充满兴趣,由浅入深,由易到难。从听,说,读,写,展几个环节培养了学生综合运用语言,正确理解语篇内容,有效捕捉信息的能力。通过小组合作学习,激励性评价的方式调动了学生学习的积极性,培养了学生合作学习的能力和参与意识,让不同层面的学生都能学有所得,体现了高效课堂的教学理念。另外,本节课的亮点还在于通过对课文内容的学习让学生的情感,态度,价值观都有了一定程度的提升,使学生对生活充满积极向上的态度。这是一节英语课,更是一节重要的“人生课” 。
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