Unit 4 Stories and Poems-Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级公开课-冀教版九年级全一册英语(编号:611af).zip

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tomake the worldbetter and bettergenerositywealthbeautyhonestyknowledgehard-workhonorkindnessLesson 21: The Lesson 21: The FableFable of the of the WoodcutterWoodcutterLesson 21: The Fable of the WoodcutterLesson 21: The Fable of the Woodcutteranimalsplantsforces of natureOrder the statementsOrder the statementsA woodcutter lost his axe in the water.The woodcutter needed the axe to make his living.The spirit felt sorry for the woodcutter.The spirit dove into the lake.The spirit brought back a gold axe.an axedive intoWhat is he doing?He is diving into the water.What did he do yesterday?He dove into the water yesterday.Order the statementsOrder the statementsA woodcutter lost his axe in the water.The woodcutter needed the axe to make his living.The spirit felt sorry for the woodcutter.The spirit dove into the lake.The spirit brought back a gold axe.an axedive intoWhat does he need to make his living?He needs boats to make his living.Order the statementsOrder the statementsA woodcutter lost his axe in the water.The woodcutter needed the axe to make his living.The spirit felt sorry for the woodcutter.The spirit dove into the lake.The spirit brought back a gold axe.51432Read and answer1. Why couldnt the woodcutter get his axe back himself?2. Why do we say the woodcutter was honest?3. What is the second axe the spirit brought back to him?4. What happened at last ?Because the water was deep, he couldnt get his axe back.The spirit was so happy with the woodcutters honesty that she gave him the other two axes as presents.The spirit brought back a silver axe.He admitted to the spirit that it wasnt his axe.A woodcutter lost his axe in the water.The woodcutter needed the axe to make his living.The spirit felt sorry for the woodcutter.The spirit dove into the lake.The spirit brought back a gold axe.A woodcutter lost his axe in the water.The woodcutter needed the axe to make his living.The spirit felt sorry for the woodcutter.The spirit dove into the lake.The spirit brought back a gold axe.The spirit brought back a silver axe. The spirit was so happy with the woodcutters honesty that she gave him the other two axes as presents.He admitted to the spirit that it wasnt his axe.Because the water was deep, he couldnt get his axe back.RetellThe woodcutter was so glad to take all the axes home. But then, a greedy young man in his neighborhood heard the news.He went to the lake in a hurry with an _. He lost his axein the water and began to cry. Just then, the spirit came andasked him what was wrong. He told the spirit he needed the axe to _ _ _. So the kind spirit _ _ the lake and brought back a _ axe. The young man didnt _ to the spirit that it wasnt his axe. The spirit was soangry that she shouted at him. The greedy dishonest young man went back home with empty hands. Read and fill in the blanksgold, make ones living, axe, admit, dive intoaxemake his livingdove intogoldadmit Two men, Tom and Ben, lived in the same hospital room. Tom was allowed to sit up for an hour each afternoon .His bed was next to therooms only window. They talked for hours. They spoke of their wives,families and their jobs. Every afternoon when Tom could sit up, hewould pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. Unfortunately, one night Tom began tocough. The following morning the nurse found the lifeless body of the man by the window. So Ben was moved next to the window. To hisgreat surprise, it faced a blank wall. Years later, many people knew the story. They have different opinions.“I dont like what Tom did.” Lily said. “Sooner or later, Ben would findthe truth. And he would be so disappointed.” “I would do the same thing like Tom,” said David. “For what we should do is to make othersfeel comfortable. Do anything we can do for others. We can make the world a better place.” Whats your opinion? The Hospital Window1.There was only one window in the room. (T/ F)2. What did Tom and Ben talk about every day?3.Who is “his roommate” in the passage?5.Did David like the way of Tom did? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. Not mentioned. 4.What happened to Tom at last?( )BenHe diedThey talked about their wives and families, their homes and their jobs.TUnfortunately, one night Tom began to cough very badly. The following morning the nurse found the lifeless body of the man by the window. 5.What happened to Tom at last?lifelesshomelesscarelesshopelessDont be afraid to meet new words in the passage. Guess the meaning of the word by its word- building.1.There was only one window in the room. (T/ F)2. What did Tom and Ben talk about every day?3.Who is “his roommate” in the passage?5.Did David like the way of Tom did? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. No mentioned. 4.What happened to Tom at last?( )BenHe diedThey talked about their wives and families, their homes and their jobs.TWhats your opinion?Lily Sooner or later, Ben would find the truth. And he would be so disappointed. DavidFor what we should do is to make others feel comfortable. Do anything we can do for others. We can make the world a better place.be strong in mindwork hard to change her lifeaccept the realityshare the responsibilitymake ones livingShe should so that she can too young to understandmay feel lostto be happythe same as othershave nothing lost in her childhoodA:Would you like to say something about your point of view?B: In my opinion, he should/ shouldntA: Can you tell me the reason?B: In my opinion/ view, the father shouldThe main reason is Another reason is thatIn addition, Also,Sample 1Sample 1Sample Sample 2 2choose the best way to help othersmake the world a better placemake the world a better placeThe size of the meaning of life, the changes The size of the meaning of life, the changes do not care about the outside world, and do not care about the outside world, and care about the things you do to the others.care about the things you do to the others.Self- Evaluation1. I can use the new words and phrases correctly. 2. I knew a new skill and I can use it freely. ( careless, homeless)3. I can write down my own passage and give some suggestions.4. I can talk the value of honesty freely.5. I know the meaning and importance of honesty and I can make better decisions.学习目标的达成HomeworkHomeworkuFinish exercise III on P55.uBetter the passage you made in the class and hand in next class. Bye- byeBye- bye冀教版冀教版九年级九年级Lesson 21: The Fable of the Woodcutter课题Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter课型New课时One教学目标知识目标:Words and expressions能力目标: Students can understand the fables well.德育目标: Students can enjoy the pleasure of literature. 教学重点一、重点词汇一、重点词汇fable, woodcutter, axe, dive, admit, silver, policy.二、重点句型二、重点句型1)He had only axe, and he needed it to make his living.2)The spirit went down a third time and returned with the woodcutters old axe.3)As he cried, a spirit appeared.教学难点辨析 bring/carry/ take/ fetch教法Talk ,listen , read, practice学法Talk ,listen , read, practice教具tape slides板书设计Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter make ones living dive into bring/carry/ take/ fetch a third time教 学 教 程教 师 活 动学生活动Step 1.Greetings.设计意图:让学生做好上课的准备。Step 2. Think about it.1. Do you like reading fables? What fables have you read?2. Do you think it is important to be honest? Why?设计意图:让学生对寓言有一个初步的认识。Step 3. Read and understand the text.Read the text and answer some questions:设计意图:让学生带着任务读课文。Step 4. Read the lesson again. Think about the spirit and the woodcutter. You had better use the words below. helpful , clever, honest, foolish , warm-hearted , dishonest, kind , poor设计意图:让学生更加深刻地理解寓言中的人物形象。Step 5. Language Points1. He had only axe, and he needed it to make his living.他只有一把斧头,他需要它谋生。make ones living 谋生What do most people make their living? 大多数人靠什么谋生呢?make a living by doing sth./as a I heard that it was easier to make a living in big cities.2. As he cried, a spirit appeared.spirit n. 精灵,幽灵,精神。用作不可数名词时,表示“精神,心灵, ” ;用作可数名词时,表示“灵魂,精灵” 。The fisherman set the spirit free from the jar.渔夫把精灵从坛子里放了出来。The students are in high spirits.同学们情绪高涨。in spirit be in high/low spirits be in bad /poor spiritsThe spirit dove into the lake and brought back a gold axe.精灵跳进湖里并带回来一把金斧。Try to answer the two questions.Read the text in groups. Answer the question.Talk about the characters of the fable.Let the students write the important language down.教 学 教 程学生活动教 师 活 动矫正反馈3.辨析 :bring ,carry, take, fetch1)bring 表示向说话人的方向运动,从别处把人或物“拿来,带来” 。Tomorrow is Tree Planting Day, Class. Please bring your old clothes to school. 2)take 表示向其他方向运动,把人或物带走、拿走到别处。take sb./sth. to sp.Dont leave the bags in the classroom .Please take them home after school.3)carry 不表示方向,意为携带、拿、提,有负重的含义。The young woman was carrying a baby in her arms.4)fetch 表示(去)拿来,表示说话人从某地出发去另一地点取某物。Could you fetch me some books from your house?4. The spirit went down a third time and returned with the woodcutters old axe.精灵第三次下水,带回了樵夫的旧斧头。go down 下降,下来The price of oil is going down. 油价正在下跌。拓展:与 go 有关的短语;go up 上升 Prices have gone up again. go about 从事,做 How do you go about making beer at home? go by 经过 A car went by. go on doing 继续做某事。He went on talking even though no one was listening. 设计意图:通过教师讲解让学生对重点知识更加熟悉。Step 6. ExercisesLet the students do some exercises about the key points.设计意图:通过练习让学生巩固本课的重点知识。Step 6. Homework1)Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2)Preview the Lesson 22. 设计意图:通过作业巩固本课所学知识。Students learn about the key sentences.Students do some exercises.课堂测试题一、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Danny is weak in poor (精神).2. Take away the dirty shirt and (带来)me a clean one.3. She won a (银的) medal in the high jump.4. For this reason prices can supposedly never (下降).5. The girl (以为生)as a typist in a small company.教学反思
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