2022年高考英语二轮复习:读后续写 写作技巧提升讲解精编详细版(实用必备!).docx

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1、第 1 页 共 21 页2022 年高考英语二轮复习:读后续写 写作技巧提升讲解精编详细版技巧一:动作描写:心中有“画” ,笔下有“话”(画面感) 通过分解动作使之更具有画面感He thanked the man, took over the reins and led the pony in my direction.Seeing this, Mr. Rowe came up to him, crouched down and asked in a tone of tender solicitude,“Whats up?”With a pang of nervousness seizing

2、his heart tightly, he stood in front of the door, wondering aboutthe old mans reaction to being disturbed a second time. Finally, he summoned up all his courage andknocked at the door.情景 1:碰到难题,苦思冥想。What a complicated and difficult math problem! One second, Little John rested his chin in his handand

3、 fiddled with the pencil. The next, he fidgeted in his seat and scratched his head over and over again,not having the faintest idea how to work it out.情景 2:成功爬上山顶。The magnificent landscape unfolding in front of me, a sense of refreshment spread through me.Involuntarily, I stretched out my arms, tilt

4、ed my head and exclaimed in delight at the top of my voice,feeling the crisp breeze on my face.鉴赏案例 1:请根据所给句子内容,结合原文,续写后面的句子。句子:Suddenly, a boy ran around the corner and crashed into me before I could jumped out of theway.习作展示和赏析学生句子 1:As result, we fell down and the gift box dropped to the ground.学

5、生句子 2: We fell hard to the ground, and my gift box flew from my hands and landed on the streetwith a thump.【点评】句子 1 只停留在发生了什么,属于叙述。而句子 2 我们重重的摔在地上,礼物随之飞出去砰的一声落在地上,则是通过 fell, flew from, landed on 这三个动作来描写杯子掉落的场景。这个句子不仅讲述了事件发生的经过,还给句子加上了声音“with thump”!要使一个平淡的叙述句子转换成一个生动形象的描写句子可以通过分解动作或给句子加上声音,来使描写更具有画

6、面感。 添加符合情境的细节描写使之更具有画面感。在人物动作描写之外添加其心理、神态等,有时也可以辅以适当的环境描写。给动作“涂脂抹粉”With his head drooping, John reluctantly turned around, and slowly inched his wayto his room.In a sobbing voice, he admitted and regretted having cheated in the test.Without a momentary hesitation, I elbowed my way through the crowd

7、in thedirection of Lego section and all the way kept calling my brothers name, a note ofuneasiness in my voice.第 2 页 共 21 页情景 3:发现一只受伤的小鸟。On the grass ahead lay a swallow with an outstretched wing that was obviouslybroken. Seeing this, Little Betty walked swiftly beside the poor little creature, sto

8、opeddown, and lifted it in her cupped hands gently and carefully as if holding a preciousand fragile treasure.给动作“配上声音”给动作“加上表情”Taking a deep breath, he summoned up all his remaining courage and gentlyknocked at the door. With a flicker of anger in his eyes, the old man opened the doorand snapped in

9、 a cold voice, “Why come again?!” Timidly, the boy stretched out hishands and stuffed his dog figurine into the old mans palm. “For me?” asked the man,confusion registering on his face. The boy nodded, “I hope youll like it.” Eyeslingering on the figurine, the mans face softened, and, much to the bo

10、ysastonishment, it creased into a faint smile. “Thank you,” uttered the old man, hiseyes red-rimmed with tears.情景 4:久别之后回到家。The familiar sight came into view. Involuntarily, he clutched the handle of theluggage more firmly and quickened his pace towards his home, his mind drifting tothe surprised an

11、d delighted expression on his mothers face. Reaching the doorstep, hepaused to compose himself, pushed open the door and exclaimed in delight, “Mum,Im home,” with his eyes sparkling with anticipation.给动作“融入心理”But I, consumed with intense anger at her sudden appearance in my doorway,just cast her an

12、indifferent glance, ignored her pleading look and uttered no word.Torn between the overwhelming yearning for the delicate boots and themelancholy for our depressing Christmas, I came to a halt halfway to the shoestore.情景 5:憧憬假期。With his chin in his cupped hand, he sat there motionlessly, all his min

13、d onwhere to spend the long-anticipated holiday. Actually, all these days he had beenracking his brains to figure out a plan. Then all of a sudden, he had an idea howabout going to the beach for relaxation? “Yes, thats it!” he whispered to himself, hislips curving into a beaming smile.给动作“添上环境”Anxio

14、usly straining my eyes, I scanned the toy store, but he was nowhere to befound. Outside, thunder and lightning continued; inside, chaotic noise rang in myears. Deep anxiety dominating me, I was on the verge of tears and stood rooted inblackness, hopeless and helpless.Worse still, when the fire died

15、down, the whole wilderness was enveloped inpitch darkness, with no one in sight. What kept us company was the chill wind thatruthlessly whipped my face, gradually devouring the last bit of the remaining hopein my heart.情景 6:得知被心仪的大学录取。The Admission Letter clutched tightly in my hand, I jumped up and

16、 down withundisguised excitement. Tired, I lay down on the grass and hummed my little tunealong with the birds twittering. The breeze, though a bit cool, blew into my heart,dispelling the anxiety that had haunted me for a long time.第 3 页 共 21 页鉴赏案例 2:请比较以下两句话,哪句话更符合例 1 中的情境。1: When we got to the apa

17、rtment, we plopped down on chairs. The air felt warmer, and the room seemedbrighter.2: When we got to the apartment, we plopped down on chairs. The air froze, and the room seemed darkerthan it supposed to be at dusk.【解析】句 2 更符合。解析:回到家后,我和 Aide 生气的坐在椅子上。此刻,我们的心情应该是沉重的。仔细阅读句子 1、2,不难发现,句子 2 更符合当时的情景。我们

18、俩因为心爱的礼物被撞碎了,又伤心又难过。此时空气犹如凝固了一般,整个家看起来比往日显得更加沉闷了。可见,添加符合情境的环境描写能使描写更具画面感。写作案例 3:请用描写的方式将下句话中的省略部分补充完整。It isnt fair! Why did that happen?Aiden cried. His lower lip trembled_参考答案:It isnt fair! Why did that happen? Aiden cried. His lower lip trembled, his eyes were filledwith tears and his hands shook.

19、【解析】 Aiden 哭了,后面一串省略号可以添加符合情境的人物细节描写来凸显一个哭泣、伤心的人。比如说他的下嘴唇颤抖着,他的眼里充满泪水,他的双手颤抖,他的心如死水等,从而构建了一个立体的画面感。技巧二:关注词的质感,锤炼句子和段落关注词的质感即准确理解词的含义,掌握近义词的区别,理解词的上下义关系等,从而选取最合适、最准确的词,从而达到细腻描写的效果。以下分别通过句和段落来说明如何关注词的质感。鉴赏案例 5:比较下列两句话,思考哪句话更好,并说明理由。1. We fell hard to the ground, and my gift box flew from my hands and

20、landed on the street with athump.2. We fell hard to the ground, and my gift box fell from my hands and dropped on the street.【解析】句子 1 更好。比较 1、2 句子,句 1 中 flew from my hands(飞了出去),夸张的手法使用说明礼物盒落地的速度; landed on the street with thump(砰的一声落到了地上),暗示礼物盒会严重受损。句 1 中 flew from, landed on.with thump 两个质感词的使用让续写

21、画面跃然纸上。技巧三:句型多样:长短结合,简繁交错What an adorable pony! Its slender body, its silky mane, its leisurely pace, and its shiny saddle, all keptme so spellbound that I couldnt avert my gaze from it. (感叹句;名词短语;so.that 句型)After what seemed like a century, the longing for boots finally gave way to the desire to bu

22、y a turkey. (名词性从句)Scene after scene, where Mum worked day in and day out and the whole family struggled to make endsmeet, came flooding in my mind. (定语从句)Out of the dark forest came a man in uniform. It was the forester!(倒装句)第 4 页 共 21 页Slowly, she turned around, and, mustering all her remaining st

23、rength, staggered towards the darkness, herback hunched and body slightly trembling. (独立主格结构)Sensing a note of sincerity in my voice, he, after a momentary hesitation, nodded and walked to hisfavorite cake. “May I have this one?” he enquired sheepishly. (非谓语动词)With his head drooping, John reluctantl

24、y turned around, and slowly inched his way to his room.(with 复合结构)Eyes lingering on the figurine, the mans face softened, and, much to the boys astonishment, it creasedinto a faint smile. (介词短语)When led out of the forest, Steve and I repeatedly stammered our heartfelt thanks to him.(状语从句省略)读后续写高频语法

25、形容词做状语表原因_(又沮丧又无助), Eric burst into tears._(很想知道里面在发生什么),Eric pushed thedoor open and slipped into the house.Depressed and helplessCurious to know what was happening inside表结果Eric finally made it to the top pf the mountain, _(饥饿但却兴奋).Eric was encouraged by the teachers smile, _(对计划充满了信心).hungry but

26、excitedfull of confidence in his plan表伴随_(沉思), Mary sat still against the door._(迷失在森林中),Marylayunderatree,_(充满恐惧和绝望)。Deep in thoughLost in the forest; full of fear and despair高频语法训练(一)1.回答不出老师的问题,学生们都保持沉默。Unable to answer the teachers question, all the students kept silent.2.在我回家的途中,我看到一个中年男子躺在路边,烂

27、碎如泥。On my way home, I saw a middle-aged man lying by the roadside, dead drunk.3.因为害怕挨骂,Eric 起了逃学的念头。Afraid of being scolded, Eric thought of playing truant.4.他躺在床上,睡不着,听着外面呼啸的风声。He was lying in bed, awake, listening to the roaring wind.5.Mary 满脸通红,气喘吁吁地从大门口跑了进来。Flushed and breathless, Mary bounded i

28、n through the gate.6.Jack 在他房间里来回踱步,陷入了沉思。Jack paced up and down in his room, deep in thought.7.在直升飞机的帮助下,Mary 安然无恙地出了森林,见到了她的丈夫。With the help of the helicopter, Mary got out of the forest and saw her husband, safe and sound.8.困在迷雾中,我什么也做不了,只能哭泣,无助又失落。第 5 页 共 21 页Trapped in the dense mist, I could d

29、o nothing but burst into tears, helpless and disappointed.9.他们同意再也不吵架了,决心要过上最充实的生活。They agreed never to quarrel again, determined to live the life to the fullest.10.我转过身来面对她,准备好了让她看到我眼中的愤怒和失望。I turned over and faced her, ready to let her see the anger and disappointment in my eyes.11.Lucy 道歉说: “对不起。

30、 ”满脸羞愧和自责。“Sorry,” apologized Lucy, shame-faced and self-condemned.12.又绝望又疲惫,Jane 跪了下来,眼泪顺着她的脸颊流了下来。Desperate and exhausted, Jane knelt down,with tears rolling down her cheeks.13.Lucy 犹豫了,不知道怎样回答才能既诚实又婉转。Lucy hesitated, uncertain of how to combine honesty and diplomacy in her answer.14.他们一言不发地听着,都知道

31、安慰她只会让她更生气。They listened in silence, aware that any attempt to calm her would only increase her annoyance.15.Harry 很好奇,想知道商店里的人群在看什么,于是便挤了进去。Curious to know what the crowd in the shop was staring at, Harry edged his way inside andsqueezedin. 通过介词结构:with; without, at the sight of, upon(1)He walked aw

32、ay without a backward glance.(2)At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I was seized by a strong sense of horror with my palms sweating.(3)Upon hearing the bad news, she felt seized by a burst of sadness and couldnt help crying bitterly.(4)On that dark and stormy night, the waves were crashing and the w

33、inds were howling with 复合结构with +宾语(名词/代词)+ 宾语补足语(不定式、 分词、形容词、副词、介词短语、名词)_(泪水流下她的脸庞), words failed her.She fell asleep_(灯亮着)。_(东西买齐), they headed for the church.With tears streaming down her facewith the light burningWith all the things bought高频语法训练(二)1.女孩微笑着,长发在微风中飘动。The girl smiled with her long h

34、air flowing in the breeze.2.他的妻子伤心极了,眼里满是泪水。His wife was in deep sorrow with her eyes filled with tears.3.天亮时 Jane 醒了,觉得头晕晕的。It was daybreak when Jane woke up with her head spinning.4.意外毁了他的计划,他愤怒地大叫了一声。With his plan ruined by the accident, he let out a cry of anger.第 6 页 共 21 页 借助非谓语做状语:doing; done

35、; having done(1)表先后:having done (在.之后;已经.了)_(已经走了很长一段时间了), she found her lost._(已经失败三次了), he didnt want to try again.having walked for quite a long timeHaving failed three times(2)doing/done表原因(大多放主句前):Treated so unfairly, she howled in pain and anger._(认出了这位顾客是谁), the manager was most apologetic an

36、dreprimanded the assistant severely. _(看到了我的所作所为), mymother frowned as if to ask me to stand up quickly._(被老师责骂), he burst into tears.Recognizing who the customer wasSeeing what I didScolded by the teacher表结果(大多放主句后):His father died, _(给他留下了一大笔钱)。Everything around him was full of her presence, _(不断重

37、揭伤疤).leaving him a lot of moneycontinually reopening the wound表伴随(主句前后都可):She sobbed, hiding her face in her hands.A young man came to the police station, _(被一群记者围着)._(忽略了她的话), the man walked away quickly.surrounded by a group of journalistsIgnoring her words高频语法训练(三)1.在家复习了整整一个周末,他满怀信心地期待即将到来的考试。Ha

38、ving reviewed his lessons for a whole weekend at home, he expected the coming exam withconfidence.2.她接连经历了那么多次失败后,终于振作起来了。Having experienced so many failures one after another, she finally picked herself up.3.在银行排队等了一个小时后,这个女人变得不耐烦,然后离开了。Having waited in line for an hour at the bank, the woman grew

39、impatient and left.4.她在街上漫无目的地逛了好几个小时,感到有点饿,想吃点东西。Having wandered aimlessly in the street for hours, she felt a little hungry and wished for something toeat.第 7 页 共 21 页5.向邻居们打了招呼后,我们开始搭起崭新的帐篷。Having greeted our neighbors, we began to set up our brand-new tent.6.说出真相后,他心里轻松了很多,心情放松地回家了。Having told t

40、he truth, he felt easier in his mind and returned home with a lighter heart.7.做好充分的准备后,她站在窗边,期待着女儿的到来。Having made full preparations, she stood by the window, expecting the arrival of her daughter.8.为了给裁判留下好印象,我花了很大力气,因此当知道自己没有赢的时候我们失望。Having made a huge effort to impress the judges, I was rather dis

41、appointed on knowing that I didntwin.9.得到了我会在家里好好照顾母亲的承诺后,爸爸放心地把行李放进了他的后备箱。Having gotten my promise of taking good care of my mother at home, my father rested assured and puthis luggage into the trunk of his car.10.因为承诺了五点之前我们一定到那儿,所以挡车抛锚的时候,我非常慌张。Having promised that we would get there before five,

42、 I was seized with panic when the car brokedown.11.我小心翼翼地打开信,希望能找到一些有关钱包主人身份的线索。I opened the letter carefully, hoping for some clue to the identity of the owner of the wallet.12.他又沮丧又低落,低着头,走在队伍的最后。Depressed and low-spirited, he walked at the end of the line with his head drooping.13.他聚精会神地听着,咬着嘴唇,眼

43、睛盯着地板。He listened with close attention, biting his lips and staring at the floor.14.“当然有圣诞老人啊” ,奶奶说到,一边用手指拨弄着我的头发。“Of course, there is a Santa Clause. Grandma said, stroking her fingers through my hair.15.她感动累极了,坐在溪边,让疼痛的双脚放松一下。She felt exhausted and sat by the stream, resting her aching feet.16.她穿着

44、圣诞老人的服装,悄悄溜进房间,没有被看到。Dressed in a Santa Claus costume, she slipped into the room without being noticed.17.Jane 觉得冷得无法忍受,精疲力竭,完全不知道该如何应对这种可怕的情况。Feeling unbearably cold and extremely exhausted, Jane was quite at a loss as to how to cope with theterrible situation.18.Ronny 沉浸在强烈的恐惧感中,一句话也说不出来。Immersed

45、in a strong sense of scare, Ronny couldnt utter a single word.19.他屏住呼吸,尽力不发出任何声音,免得让人知道他来了。He held his breath, trying to not make the slightest sound that might betray his presence.20.好奇心切,她从河岸边跑开,穿过田野去追兔子。Burning with curiosity, she ran away from the riverbank and across the field to chase after th

46、e rabbit.21.他痛苦地喘着气,强迫自己站了起来,迈着缓慢的步子,摇摇晃晃地开始走。Gasping with pain, he forced himself to his feet and with slow, shaky steps, began to walk. 独立主格结构:(1)Tears filling her eyes(眼里满是泪水), she offered her heartfelt gratitude.(2)Her hands shaking(她的手挥舞着), she was on the verge of tears.第 8 页 共 21 页(3)He smiled

47、, his eyes full of laughter(眼里带着笑意). 倒装结构1. 完全倒装 以副词there, here, away, down, off, in, out等副词或者in the room, on the wall等介词短语为首时,后面的主语为名词时,需要用全倒装;主语若为人称代词,则不用倒装。The door opened and in came Mr. Wang.In front of the school stands the hospital.倒装句改装练习(一)1.柜台后面是一位老太太,她帮我找到了我祖父的唱片。正常:An old woman was behin

48、d the counter, who helped me find my grandfathers records.倒装:Behind the counter was an old woman, who helped me find my grandfathers records.2.现在轮到你做一个简短的演讲了。正常:Your turn to make a short speech comes now.倒装:Now comes your turn to make a short speech.3.山顶上坐着一个巨人。正常:Agiant man sat on the top of the mo

49、untain.倒装:On the top of the mountain sat a giant man.4.从黑暗中传来一个她从未听到过的声音。正常:Avoice she never heard before came out of the darkness.倒装:Out of the darkness came a voice she never heard before.5.在前门站着她的丈夫汤姆. 当她无处可寻时他非常焦虑。正常: Her husband, Tom, who suffered great anxiety when she was nowhere to find., st

50、ood at thefront door.倒装:At the front door stood her husband, Tom, who suffered great anxiety when she was nowhere tofind.6.一颗闪闪发光的白珍珠掉进了他的手指里正常: Ashiny white pearl into his fingers fell.倒装: Into his fingers fell a shiny white pearl.2.部分倒装 在 so/suchthat结构中,当 so/such位于句首时,后面的从句需要考虑使用倒装。 “only + 状语”置于句


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