Unit 8 We're twins!-Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:40068).zip

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三人一组合作表演,一人模仿动物叫声,其他两个人问和答。A: B: Whats this?C: Its a大比拼:每组分别领唱,其他组接唱歌曲中动物的叫声 。Tip:Tip:动物、叫声和地点都可以改变哦!动物、叫声和地点都可以改变哦!Clever Tom from the farm,makes ice cream for his mum.TomClever Tom from the farm,makes ice cream for his mum.Tom 聪明的聪明的Clever Tom from the farm,makes ice cream for his mum./m/farmice creammakemumwelcomemakes ice cream /for his mum.Clever Tom /from the farm,判断下列单词中画线部分的读音是否相同,判断下列单词中画线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写相同的写 “ “T T”, ”,不相同的写不相同的写 “ “F F” ”。( ) 1. farm new ( ) 2. make seven( ) 3. welcome mun ( )4. time morning F F F F T T T T What is this? Its a.What is that? Its a.单数句,三人一组单数句,三人一组: 一人扮演,一人唱,一一人扮演,一人唱,一人和。人和。复数句,四人一组复数句,四人一组: 两人扮演,一人唱,一两人扮演,一人唱,一人和。人和。 What are these? Theyre .What are those? Theyre .Homework:1.1. 请把歌曲快乐的表演给家长看。请把歌曲快乐的表演给家长看。 改编歌词,把歌曲快乐的表演给家长看。改编歌词,把歌曲快乐的表演给家长看。 2.2. 完成课课练完成课课练 Period3Period3 笔试部分。笔试部分。Teaching material:译林版小学英语三年级下册 Unit 7 On the farm Sound time & Song timeTeaching aims and learning objectives : 1 学生会唱、会表演歌曲on the farm,并能在此基础上改编歌曲。2 学生能理解句子:Pigs on the farm go “oink,oink3.再次巩固复习询问远近单复数物品是什么的问答句。并能在问句后加上具体的地点Whats this/that under the tree? What are these/those under the tree.4.通过老师的示范发音,学生的跟读与体会,让学生了解辅音字母 m 在单词中的读音。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty :A: Knowledge:1 学生会唱、会表演歌曲on the farm,并能在此基础上改编歌曲。2 学生能理解句子:Pigs on the farm go “oink,oinkB: Ability:1.再次巩固复习询问远近单复数物品是什么的问答句。并能在问句后加上具体的地点.2.通过老师的示范发音,学生的跟读与体会,让学生了解辅音字母 m 在单词中的读音。C: Emotion:通过各种形式的课堂活动来营造欢乐的课堂氛围,让学生体验农场的快乐生活。Focus of the lesson:1 学生会唱、会表演歌曲on the farm,并能在此基础上改编歌曲。2 学生能理解句子:Pigs on the farm go “oink,oink3.再次巩固复习询问远近单复数物品是什么的问答句。并能在问句后加上具体的地点Whats this/that under the tree? What are these/those under the tree.4.通过老师的示范发音,学生的跟读与体会,让学生了解辅音字母 m 在单词中的读音。Predicted area of difficulty:会根据图片进行适当地想象,创编出长于本单元的对话。Teaching aids:课件,光盘。 Teaching procedures: Step 1. Revision1.看卡通动画歌曲Old McDonald had a farm 。 (课前热身,调动积极性,营造课堂氛围。)2. T: Well, boys and girls, welcome to old McDonalds happy farm. (ppt:农场图) What animals are there? Listen! (点 PPT 声音)S:T: Yes, you are right. Can you go like a ?S:T: Lets go like a pig, OK?S 全班模仿。T: OK, lets keep going, what animal is it?S:T: Right. Who can go like a ?S:T: Lets try together, OK?S:T: Now, what animal is it? Listen.S:T: Lets try together, OK?S:T: What about the last animal?S:T: T: Lets try together, OK?S:3.a.T: Well, class, lets imitate and guess. Who can be my partner? (ppt; A:B: Whats this? C: Its a )b.T: Can you do like us? Now, please play with your partners.c. show4. T: You did a good job. (ppt) Look, therere four k inds of animals on the farm, which animal is happy? Can you guess? S: T: Yes, you are right, theres a happy song about happy pigs. Listen.5. a. T: Do you like it? Do you want to try? OK, please sing follow me. Stand up. S: T: Now lets sing together. b. T:You can sing it well now, this time, lets cooperate, listen.(教师改变歌词,全班配音。) How about.? Who can try? (剩下两个动物分别请同学领唱) c. Well, lets sing it happily. Who want to sing about pigs? / Who want to sing about ducks/ What about chickens? / Group, you sing about cows. Now, lets sing together(ppt), clear?( ppt:每组分别领唱,其他组接唱歌曲中动物的叫声)。Group1, youll go first. Ready? Go. c. T: Wow, I like your songs. Im proud of you! You can sing about the animals well. Can you sing about any other animals? Let me go first, listen. (现场唱一首自编的歌)。Its your turn now, change the words into a new song. OK? (PPT: 争当小小作词家,唱唱你最喜欢的小动物吧)。 S: 请学生展示(不重复)6.T: Therere so many animals on the farm. McDonald loves his farm, and theres a boy loves the farm, too. Who is he?(ppt: Tom), Tom is a clever boy. Hes from the farm, too.(ppt;出现 clever Tom from the farm). And he likes ice cream, he often makes ice cream for his mum.(ppt:出现 Makes ice cream for his mum). Do you know the sound of the words?(教clever) T:(PPT: m 变红) Pay attention to all the m. How to pronounce? S: /m/ T:(出现单词)Can you read the words? S: T: Listen to the sound of the tape and try to follow it.8. T: You did a good job, this time , can you say it beautifully? Watch me.(T 示范) T: Can you try like me? OK, lets try. S: T: Well, now this time please work in pairs.(ppt:同学们,和你的搭档一起合作表演吧,如果能加上自己的动作就更棒啦!) S:9. T: Now, lets be quiet and do some exercise. 语音题:判断下列单词中画线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写”T”,不相同的写”F”.( ) 1. farm new ( ) 2. make seven( ) 3. welcome nine ( )4. time morning10.T: Tom is making ice creams for his mum happily. Would you like to learn English happily? S: Yes. T: Do you remember the sound? (T 唱旋律) S: 跟唱。 T: Could you make these sentences into the song?( ppt:出现句型和要求)Ill go first. Who want to be my partner?(示范) Ss work in pairs. T: Boys and girls, in this class we had a fun time and we can learn English happliy? Do you think so? OK, class is over. Goodbye, class.
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