Unit 8 We're twins!-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:600b4).zip

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My family like watching(喜欢观看喜欢观看) “Home with kids” (家有儿女家有儿女).Have you watched it? (你们看过吗?你们看过吗?)小小雪雪Whos she?Shesa girl女孩女孩她是一个女孩。她是一个女孩。她是谁?她是谁?她是小雪。她是小雪。a boy男孩男孩Xiaoxue.Shes .birdbirthdayWhos he?Hesa boy 男孩男孩他是一个男孩。他是一个男孩。他是谁?他是谁?他是刘星。他是刘星。a girl 女孩女孩Liu Xing.Hes .刘星刘星toy A:Whos he/she ? B: Hes/Shes B: Hes a boy . Shes a girl .Lets say. A:Whos he/she ? B: Hes/Shes B: Hes a boy . Shes a girl .Lets say. A:Whos ?B: Shes B:Shes Lets say.looklook thethe samesame(看起来一样(看起来一样)Were twins!/ twelveinwere=we areWatch and answer Q1: Who are the twins ?( (谁是双胞胎?谁是双胞胎?) )Q2: Who are in the story ?Watch and answerWatch and answer Q1: Who are the twins ? Su Hai and Su Yang . They are Watch and circleQ2: Who are in the story ?Listen and choose认真听课文,找出正确答案。认真听课文,找出正确答案。 He is _ .A. Su Hais B. Mikes C. Yang Lings She is _ .A. Su Hais B. Mikes C. Yang LingsBcuncleauntHe is a _ .She is a _ .manwoman( (男士、男人男士、男人) )(女士、女人)(女士、女人)Whose3姐妹俩哪里不一姐妹俩哪里不一样呢?仔细观察样呢?仔细观察哦!哦!她是苏海吗她是苏海吗?_ is in pink(穿粉色衣服)(穿粉色衣服). _ is in yellow(穿黄色衣服)(穿黄色衣服)._ s hairpin(发夹发夹) is yellow._ s hairpin(发夹)(发夹) is pink .Su HaiSu HaiSu YangSu Yang 预测:预测:How does Mike say ?(Mike(Mike 分不清楚她们,会怎么问呢?分不清楚她们,会怎么问呢?) )Learn to sayLearn to sayLearn to say 小贴士:小贴士:1 1跟读课文,注意模仿正确的跟读课文,注意模仿正确的语音语音、语调语调和和语气。语气。2 2、注意阅读记号,可以帮助你读得更吸引人哦!、注意阅读记号,可以帮助你读得更吸引人哦!3 3、开动脑筋,思考我提出的小问题哦!开动脑筋,思考我提出的小问题哦! 表示重读表示重读表示降调表示降调表示升调表示升调Yang Ling is very ( ) . A.surprised好奇好奇 B.sad难受难受杨玲感到很杨玲感到很 ?Being called Su Hai by Mike, Su Yang is quite ( ) 被麦克错叫成苏海,苏阳觉得挺被麦克错叫成苏海,苏阳觉得挺 A. awkward 尴尬尴尬 ,无语无语 B. excited 兴奋,激兴奋,激动动Mike called the wrong name,now he is a little( ) 麦克认错了人,现在麦克认错了人,现在他觉得有点他觉得有点 A. happy开心开心 B. shy不好意思不好意思Why do they look the same?她们为什么看起来一样呢她们为什么看起来一样呢?双胞胎双胞胎我们是双胞胎!我们是双胞胎!语气和表语气和表情情要到位哦要到位哦!Choose one way to read:( (选择一种读课文的方式选择一种读课文的方式) )1 1、模仿录音读课文、模仿录音读课文2 2、模仿机器人读课文、模仿机器人读课文3 3、模仿小动物读课文、模仿小动物读课文Read in groups语气和表语气和表情情要到位哦要到位哦!Act it out !组内表演动画。Rules(规则) :Read the words loudly and find his friend as quickly as possible!读出闪烁的单词,以最快速度找到它的同伴,并大声读出来哦!boy SummarySummaryboygirlmanwomanWhos that girl ?Whos that man ?Whos this boy ?Were twins ! Whos this woman ?表示离我们近的表示离我们近的人物或事物。人物或事物。this表示离我们远的表示离我们远的人物或事物。人物或事物。that Great!Great!At a birthday party (生日聚会生日聚会)Read family photos .(翻看全家翻看全家福福)NiceGlad to see you . Who is he/she? Youre right!Hes cool . Shes nice .lets go and play!Who is thisthat ?This That is I love See you ! In the park (外外出游玩出游玩)Homework:1.1. ListenListen toto thethe tapetape andand readread afterafter thethe dialoguedialogue . . 听录音读课文听录音读课文2.2. CopyCopy thethe newnew wordswords fourfour times.times. 抄写单词抄写单词 4 4遍遍3.3. InviteInvite youryour relativesrelatives toto thethe openopen dayday . . 邀请亲戚来到开放日邀请亲戚来到开放日教学目标教学目标1.Enable the students to read、understand and use the new words: twin, aunt, baby, boy, we, girl, man, woman . 2.Enable the students to read、understand and use the new sentences: Who is he/she ? Hes/Shes. Whos that.? Were twins!3. Enable the students to talk about the person who they dont know.教学重点教学重点Enable the students to read、understand and use the new sentences: Who is he/she ? Hes/Shes. Whos that.? Were twins! 教学难点教学难点Enable the students to talk about the person who they dont know.教学准备教学准备Smart教学过程教学过程Step1.Step1. WarmingWarming upup1. Look and say.(Talk about some people in a play.) 2.Play a game.Step2.Step2. While-readingWhile-reading 1. Present the title.2.Watch and answer.(1)Who are the twins?(2)Who are in the story?3.Watch and circle.4.Listen and choose(1)Hes uncle.A. Su Hais B. Mikes C. Yang Lings(2)Shes aunt.A. Su Hais B. Mikes C. Yang Lings5.Look and complete6.Read and underline7.Read and imitatea. Read after the tapeb. Read in groups.c. Act it out.二次备课二次备课Step3.Post-readingStep3.Post-reading1.Play a game. 2. Choose one scene to have a talk.Step4.Step4. Homework.Homework.1. Read the story after the tape and retell it.2. Design your family tree. 板书设计:板书设计:Unit 8 Were twins!girl boy uncle aunt man woman Whos he/she? Whos this/that?Hes/Shes教学思路:教学思路:这节课围绕辨认人物展开。上课伊始,通过对学生熟识的电视剧人物入手提问,引出重要句型: Whos he/she? Hes/Shes接下来,通过两张双胞胎图片自然而然的引入本课。在课文中学习重点词汇,有助于孩子在情境中学习词汇。在教授单词时,并不是机械教授单词发音,而是给出同一类发音的单词,让学生自己感受,自己大胆的读出单词。接着,通过 5 个环环相扣的活动理解文本。最后,用孩子们喜爱的连连看游戏巩固重点词汇和句型,给出 3 幅场景,小组自选一个场景用所学句型会话,有利于学生提升综合语言运用能力。Unit 8 Were twins!一、 单项选择:( ) 1. Su Hai is Su Yangs sister.A. twins B. twin C. twins ( ) 2. Whos this man? Hes uncle.A. mikes B. Mikes C. Mikes( ) 3. Is this woman Su Hais aunt?A. Yes, she is. B. No, he isnt. C. Yes, it is.( ) 4. Were twins. So we look .A. different B. same C. the same( ) 5. My aunt has two .A. baby B. babies C. babys二、 根据情境,选择合适的句子:1. 当你向别人介绍他是你叔叔时,你说:( )A. He is my father.B. He is my uncle.2. 老师介绍一位叫苏海的新同学,会说:( )A. Im Su Hai. B. This is Su Hai.3.苏海和苏洋是双胞胎,她们会说:( ) AWe are twin. B. We are twins.4.向朋友介绍你的兄弟时,你说:( ) AHes Mike. B. Hes my brother, Mike.5. 想知道一个陌生女人是谁,你问:( ) A. Who is she?B. Is she your mum?
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