Unit 6 What time is it -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:7033a).zip

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When you see the number, say it loudly.当你看到数字,请大声地说出它。When you see the hands, clap your hands .当你看到手掌时,请拍两次手。Game time:Read quickly!Game over!123569101147812eleventwelvea clock 钟time 时间sevenbike kiteboxdog123569101147812Its eight八点钟。点钟。What time is it? 几点了?oclock.Tips: oclock只表示 整点。 oclock 点钟a clock 一个钟A: What time is it?B: Its oclock.Guessing game: Pair work:7:009:0011:006:00Ask and answer:What?What?What time is it?_._.Its _oclock.7:009:0011:006:00What?What?What time is it?_._.Its _oclock.7:009:0011:006:00What?What?What time is it?_._.Its _oclock.7:009:0011:006:00What?What?What time is it?_._.Its _oclock.7:009:0011:006:00What?What?What time is it?_._.Its _oclock.7:009:0011:006:00What?What?What time is it?_._.Its _oclock.7:009:0011:006:00What?What?What time is it?_._.Its _oclock.7:009:0011:006:00What?What?What time is it?_._.Its _oclock.A:What? What? What time is it?B:Seven, seven. Its seven oclock. 7:009:004:00 ?7:00Its time forIts time for breakfast. Yummy.Yummy. breakfast. Yummy.Yummy.早餐当我们想说“该做某件事情了”我们可以说:Its time forsunIts time for lunch.Yummy. Yummy.Its time for dinner.Yummy. Yummy.lunch 午饭11:00 am dinner 晚饭6:00 pmsixIts _ oclock.Its time for _.Yummy. Yummy.Its _ oclock.Its time for _.Yummy. Yummy.11:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00amIts _ oclock.Its time for _.Yummy. Yummy.sevenbreakfastelevenlunch sixdinnerFill in the blanks: eleven dinner breakfast six seven lunch1.2.3.3 2 1Name(电电影名称):What time is it?Actors(主角):Liu Tao, Mum & Miss LiDirector(导导演): Miss Zhang观看动画,为故事选一个合适的主题吧:A. Liu Taos weekend (周末). B. Liu Taos Day(一天).A. Liu Taos Day (一天) B. Liu Taos Weekend(周末)1. Watch and choose为故事选一个合适的主题吧。2. Listen and circle6:007:006:008:008:009:00仔细听录音,圈出每幅图所提到的时间。Its time for breakfast.Its time for dinner.Its time for bed.bed 床1.2.3.(该上床睡觉了.)表示重读表示降调表示升调表示停顿Tips: 1、跟读课文,注意模仿正确的语音、语调、语气哦!2、注意阅读记号,可以帮助你读得更好听哦! 表示连读读出妈妈的语气哦!醒 来3. Learn to read.Miss Li说的hurry up 在文中的意思是: A、快点 B、慢点4Open your books and read the story together.(打开书本,齐读课文)4. Read together5. Lets dub. 怎样问时间? 怎样回答时间? 该的时候了。 怎样叫醒别人? 怎样叫别人快点? What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for wake up hurry up1. Read after the tape for three times.(跟读课文3遍。)2. Design a timetable and discuss with your friends.(设计一个合理的时间表,和朋友用英语讨论一下。)My timetable (我的时间表) breakfastclasslunchdinnerTVbedHomework时光如逝水,岁月不待人。What time is it? Its _.Unit 6 What time is it? 班级 姓名 一、Fill in the blanks.7:00am 1. Its _ oclock. Its time for _.Yummy. Yummy. 2. Its _ oclock. Its time for _.Yummy.Yummy. 3. Its _oclock. Its time for _. Yummy.Yummy.二、6:00pm11:00ameleven dinner breakfast six seven lunch1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇 class, bed, OK, lunch, eleven, twelve 2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇 wake up, mum, oclock, breakfast, dinner 3.能听懂、会说、会读日常用语与句型 What time is it? Hurry up. Its . . . oclock. Its time for . . . 4.能初步学会谈论时间。教学重难点:教学重难点:1.句型:What time is it? Its . . . oclock. Its time for breakfast/ class/ school/ . . . 2.词汇:breakfast, lunch, dinner, eleven, twelve, bed, hurry up ,wake up.教学难点:单词 breakfast, twelve, Its time for 句型的掌握教学资源:教学资源:1. 学生已有的学习经验:通过 Unit5 的学习,学会从 1 数到 10。2. 学生可能遇到的困难:本课新授的句型、词汇较多,学生在表演对话时可能会有困难;ten 和 time 的发音会混淆以及数字 12 发音不到位。3. 教学策略:使每一个学生在自主学习和合作学习的过程中内化知识,提高自己的表达能力。4. 教学准备:课件、投影仪、头饰教学过程:教学过程:Step 1:Free talk.1. Whats your name?2. How are you?3. What day is it today?4. Whats the weather like?5. How old are you?(目的:日常对话,营造英语学习氛围,增进师生感情。 )Step 2: Sing a song: Ten Little Indians. (目的:以歌曲的形式复习数字,并调动学生学习的积极性。 )Step 3: Presentation1. T: Look at the pictures, how many boys are there? 10+1=11,11+1=12Teach the new words: eleven, twelve.(目的:在原有的 10 个印第安男孩的基础上再增加一个男孩,以此来教授新单词 eleven.并用同样的方式来教授 twelve。 )2. Game time: Look at the screen. If you see the number, say it loudly. If you see the hands, clap your hands together.(目的:以游戏的方式复习数字单词,并调动学生学习的积极性。 )3. Review the numbers from one to twelve. Then show a clock and teach the new word: clock and oclock.(目的: 把 1-12 的数字围城一个圆圈,形成一个种,然后教授单词clock,这样比较直观。)4. Learn to say the time: Student look at the clock and learn to say the times.(目的:通过变动钟面上分钟和时针,让学生学会用英语来表达时间。)5. Learn the new structure: What time is it? Students listen to the sound of the clock, and guess: What time is it? A. Try to get the meaning of the structure:What time is it? Its.B. Read the sentences after the teacher.C. Read the sentences in groups.6. Ask and answer in groups.A: What time is it?B: Its _ oclock.(目的: 通过小组问答的方式帮助学生学习掌握新句型。)7. Guessing game:Look at the hands and guess: What time is it?(目的:通过游戏的方式,帮助学生复习巩固今天所学的新句型。游戏能调动学生的积极性,活跃课堂气氛。)8. Pairwork: Students work in pairs, ask and answer questions.A: What time is it?B: Its .(目的:通过同桌对话的方式再次复习巩固所学句型,并通过对话的方式培养学生的口头表达能力。)9. A chant:What? What? What time is it?_. _. Its _ oclock.(目的:以 chant 的方式帮助学生牢固掌握所学句型。Chant 配上音乐之后琅琅上口,学生非常感兴趣。)10.Learn the new words “breakfast” and the new structure: Its time for breakfast.A: Try to get the meaning.B: Read after the teacher.C: Read in groups. (目的:从刚才 chant 的最后一个时间 seven oclock,引出所要学的句型:Its seven oclock. Its time for breakfast.)11.Learn the new words: lunch dinner.12.Finish the exercise: Fill in the blanks.(目的:通过笔头训练,复习巩固所学知识。 )Step 4: Reading1. Enjoy some pictures.T: Look at the picture. Who is he?(Liu Tao) What time is it?(7:00)Whats Liu Tao doing? (Hes sleeping.) (由此来引出今天所教的课文)2. Watch the cartoon and choose a title for the story. (学生看动画,对课文内容有个初步的认识,并为故事选个合适的题目。 )A Liu Taos Day. B. Liu Taos weekend.3. Listen to the story and finish the exercise. (听录音,完成练习,要求学生能掌握课文主要意思。)4. Read the story one sentence by one sentence. Learn the new phrase: wake up/ hurry up.(跟读课文,模仿语音语调。 )5. Read the story together.6. Lets act. (四人一组,分角色表演,比一比哪一组表演得最好)Tips for performers (演员评分标准)(1).Read fluently 流利的朗读(2).Read fluently and beautifully 流利、优美地朗读(3).Act it out with emotions 有感情的表演7. Look and retell. (复述故事,检查学生掌握情况。)Step4. Homework. 1. Read after the tape for three times.(跟读课文 3 遍。 )2. Design a timetable and discuss with your friends.(设计一个合理的时间表,和朋友用英语讨论一下。 )
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