Module 1-Unit 2 Don’t feed the fish!-公开课ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--外研版四年级下册英语(一起)-(编号:a0499).zip

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Dont touch the machines! They are dangerous.Whats the sign for the factory?The baby is sleeping.Dont feed the baby!Dont touch the baby!Sing for the baby!Play with the baby!Whats the sign for the park?告示牌告示牌Dont feed the fish!不要喂鱼!不要喂鱼!Dont feed the fish.the chickensthe pandathe birdthe fishFeed the chickens.the chickensthe pandathe birdthe fishWhats the sign for the park?告示牌告示牌Dont walk on the grass!不要在草地上走路!不要在草地上走路!grass 草,草地草,草地grass 草,草地草,草地glasses 眼镜眼镜Whats the sign for the park?告示牌告示牌Whats the sign for the park?Dont play ball games here!不要在这里玩球类游戏!不要在这里玩球类游戏!Whats the sign for the library? Silence! (Dont talk!) Dont write in the books!Dont talk!Dont write on the books! 不要在书上涂写!不要在书上涂写!Library 图书馆图书馆他们的行为文明吗?你会对他们提他们的行为文明吗?你会对他们提什么文明建议呢?什么文明建议呢?Dont here!Dont write on the books here!DonthereDont _ here!singDonthereDont _ here!talkDonthereDont _ here!runDonthereDont _ ball games here!play( )( )( )( )( )( )Silencefeedtouchwalk 1. Silence! = Dont _! 2. Sit down! = Dont _! 3. Stand up! = Dont _! 4. Close the book! = Dont _! 5. Open the window! = Dont _! talkstand upsit downopen the bookclose the window句式转换句式转换祈使句表示请求、建议、命令、禁止等。肯定句:动词原形+其他否定句:Dont + 动词原形+其他Ducks, ducks, dont feed the ducks!Grass, grass, dont walk on the grass!Ball games, Ball games, dont play ball games here!Machines, machines, dont touch the machines!Books, books, dont write in the books!Hat, hat, wear your hat!Silence! Silence! Silence in the library!A chant for you!Try to write the rules. 看语 牌,写出提示语 。Dont walk on the grass!Dont feed the panda!Silence!Task :Make rules for the public places.On the busAt schoolAt the zooAt the parkIn the libraryIn classIn the supermarketIn the cinema Homework :1. Find out the signs and notices in public.2. Copy the sentences twice in Activity1 on Page 4.Module1Unit2 Dont feed the fish! 教学设计教学设计教材版本 外研版英语(新标准) (一年级起点)四年级下册课文标题 Module 1 Unit 2 Dont feed the fish!.(Giving warnings by signs)授课内容:英语 (新标准)一年级起点四年级下册第一模块第二单元授课年级:小学四年级课 型:句型巩固与拓展课授课时间:40 分钟一教材分析一教材分析本课选自外研版英语 (新标准)一年级起点四年级下册 Module 1 Unit2 Dont feed the fish!一课,话题为 giving warnings by signs。本课为本模块学习的第二课时,主要情境为在自然公园里竖有三块分别写有“不要喂鱼” 、 “不要在草地上行走” 、 “不要在此处玩球类游戏”的警示牌,以预防公园里不文明行为的产生。本课是对第一课时 giving warnings by speaking 这一内容的拓展与延伸,旨在通过警示牌的形式进一步帮助学生巩固运用 Dont句型,对不文明行为予以劝阻或警示,感知社会文明规范,激发他们的社会责任感.二设计理念二设计理念1.以活动为载体,采用任务型教学途径,倡导体验和参与本节课通过活动任务的设计激发学生学习的动力,从而延续了学生对英语的学习兴趣,同时利用活动的层层递进来推动课堂教学,完成任务目标。2.让评价促进英语教学本节课采用小组评、教师评等评价手段,对学生学习过程进行评价。通过评价,使学生在学习过程中不断体验进步与成功。三教学目标三教学目标1.语言知识目标:语言知识目标:(1)学生能听懂、认读、会说、会写本课核心句型:Dont;(2)学生能听懂、认读、会说、会仿写句型:Dont feed the fish! Dont walk on the grass! Dont play ball games here!(3) 学生能借助图片和文字的帮助,对不文明行为予以劝阻或警示。2.文化意识目标文化意识目标: :培养学生不论身在何处,都应该随时遵守各种规则的意识以及能够对不文明或不安全的行为进行劝阻或提醒的意识,建立积极向上的价值观,萌发做有文明素养和社会责任感的人的积极情感。3. 思维品质目标:思维品质目标:学生能在观察、分析、比较等思维活动中就不文明行为进行劝阻与警示。4学习能力目标:学习能力目标:学生能通过自主学习、合作学习等方式提升学习效率四教学重难点四教学重难点:1.1.教学重点教学重点: :(1)学生能听懂、认读、会说、会写本课核心句型:Dont(2)学生能听懂、认读、会说、会仿写句型:Dont feed the fish! Dont walk on the grass! Dont play ball games here!2.2.教学难点教学难点: :学生能在观察、分析、比较等思维活动中,运用本课所学就不文明行为进行劝阻与警示。五教学流程五教学流程Step1Step1 GreetingsGreetings andand lead-inlead-in1. Greet to the students2. Watch a video and ask some questions about the video.3. Lead students to look at some pictures and have a revision of giving warnings by speaking.4.Present the topic: giving warnings by signs .【设计意图】创设情境,复习回顾,引发学生对一些场所中不文明行为的关注,自然呈现本课话题,为后续学习做铺垫。Step2Step2 PreparePrepare forfor thethe tasktask Task1 Get to know the signs in our life. Show some signs to the Ss and lead them to read out the signs.【设计意图】呈现不同形式的 signs,激活学生的生活经验,了解学生对于signs 的已有认知。Task2 Get to know what warnings can be on the signs in the park.1. Lead Ss to look at the blank signs in the park and guess: what warnings are on the signs.2. Watch the video and check the answers.3. Listen and follow.4. Ask some questions: why cant we play ball games/feed the fish?【设计意图】观察公园情境细节,鼓励学生合理猜测警示牌上的内容,促进学生思维发散;观看课文视频,验证猜测,开展语言理解与学习,为学生后续尝试自主劝阻进行语言的积累;设置问题,促进学生思考竖立警示牌的作用。Step3Step3 ConsolidationConsolidation andand extensionextension1. .Watch a video and think about the question: what warnings can be on the signs at the zoo?3 Read the signs and match【设计意图】以动物园不文明行为为例,用本课所学对不文明行为进行劝阻警示,巩固所学;结合图标形式的 signs,引导学生读图、配对,丰富学生对signs 的认知和表达的同时,推动他们阅读能力和思维能力的发展,也为后续学习做准备。3. Group work(1) Different places have different signs. Choose one place to discuss in group:what warnings can you give on the signs? And make some signs.(2) Share the signs in class.【设计意图】学生小组合作,自主选择特定场所运用所学制作警示牌,发展学生的合作意识、思维品质、语用能力和动手能力。Step4Step4 EmotionalEmotional sublimationsublimation1. Guide Ss to think about: why do we need signs in our life?2. Share a video and think about: what should we do with the signs?【设计意图】引导学生思考 signs 的作用,再通过视频感知社会文明规范,激发学生遵守规则、建立积极向上的价值观,做有文明素养和社会责任感的人的积极情感。Step5Step5 HomeworkHomework1. Listen and read the text. 2. Think of other ways to give warnings. 六六BlackboardBlackboard writingwriting designdesign Module 1 Unit2 Dont feed the fish!giving warnings by signsDont feed the fish!Dont walk on the grass! Dont play ball games here!
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