Module 3-Unit 2 She went into a shop.-公开课ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--外研版四年级下册英语(一起)-(编号:c01c0).zip

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Module3 Unit2Module3 Unit2She went into a shop.She went into a shop.I saw the musician. He came from far away. And he played. What did he play? He played the violin. Vio-vio-violin, violin, violin. He played the drums. Drum, drum, drum. He played the piano. Pia-pia-piano, piano, piano.Where did the sheep go?What did she buy?1.When did Tilly go into a shop?2.Did she eat the cheese?3.What did she see?4.At last(最后),what did she do?Last month, she went into a shop.Yes, she did.She saw a cat.She ran away.Tilly is a Last monthShe boughtThen Tilly sawShe wasThe cat shouted,”Lets retell!One day, Ben didnt go to school. He went to a park. There was a small lake in the park There were many people in Kong Rongs family. One day everyone wanted to eat the pears提示词:ran slept(睡觉) won(胜利)Long ago , a turtle and a rabbit ran a raceLong ago , a turtle and a rabbit ran a race提示词:ran slept(睡觉)won(胜利)There were many people in Kong Rongs family. One day everyone wanted to eat the pearsOne day, Ben didnt go to school. He went to a park. There was a small lake in the park Lets challenge!Write a story about you! Last Sunday, I went to the park. I rode a bike with my friends in the park. I fell over, but it didnt hurt a lot, I was very happySummary (小结)Homework:1.Read the text and try to recite, then act it out.2.Write a new story with past tense. See you! 再见!Module3 Unit2 she went into a shop.教学反思本节课是新标准英语(一起)第八册第三模块第二单元的内容,课文情境是小老鼠 Tilly 的故事。Tilly 去食品店买奶酪,买完之后才发现店主居然是一只猫。本单元的重点是让学生学会用英语讲故事,讲故事一般会用到一般过去时,因此通过本单元的学习达到对一般过去时的巩固。在设计本课教学时我主要采用了情境教学法,交际法,任务型教学法,学生自主学习与合作交流的方法完成教学。一、导入部分 首先通过师生自由问答 T: I went to the supermarket yesterday. Where did you go yesterday? S1:I went to.轻松自然的导入新课。然后和同学们一起看看我们的好朋友小羊昨天去了哪里?最后进行听音模仿,完成活动一的教学。二、呈现部分 首先大家一起回顾小羊去了商店,她买了一些水果,我们的好朋友小老鼠也去了商店那她买了些什么了。让学生带着问题 What did she buy?来感知课文,具有直观性。然后进行听音模仿,体会语音语调,紧接着教师给出四个问题,让学生带着四个问题,小组合作进行课文的学习、探究和汇报。在汇报的过程中,其他学生进行补充、质疑、纠错和评价,完成对重难点的讲解和突破。最后教师再对小组汇报的内容进行总结。教师把课堂还给孩子,让学生在组与组互相学习的过程中完成思维的碰撞,教师进行适时的点拨,真正体现学生是学习的主人。三、练习部分 首先是小组根据关键词共同复述课文,在这个过程中,优秀生会主动的帮助后进生,体现小组团结合作的精神。然后是小组一起学会讲故事,教师给出三个小故事,学生自主选择他们喜欢的小故事进行编排讲给同学听。小组之间互相分享他们共同的成果,体会了学习英语的乐趣。最后教师做示范出示自己的一个小故事,让学生写下自己的小故事分享给大家听,在分享的过程中学生互相学习,互相进步,共同体验学习带来的成功。学生的小组合作学习及汇报方式成为课堂上亮点,生生之间互相学习、互相质疑,真正体现教师主导学生主体的作用。教师的大胆放手,给学生足够的时间进行自主学习也体现了高效课堂的要求。在今后的教学中,教学需要改进之处:1.教师教学语言要有鼓励性、激励性,在教师语言中体会到故事情境。2.活动要进行的充分有效,可以给更多学生表现的机会。3.小组合作学习的过程中,避免一人担当,个别同学只是象征性的配合,没有真正的发言权。4.教师继续培训学生的语言基本功,最基本的课堂用语要熟练运用。每次的公开课都能够使我清晰的认识到自己教学中的问题,并在今后的教学中不断完善和改进,教学中做个有心人,用心体会高效课堂的精神,踏实工作,用心教学,在教学这条道路上走的更远。Module3 Unit 2 She went into a shop 教学设计教学设计一、一、Teaching aims(教学目标)(教学目标)1.Knowledge aims: To master the words: month, cheese, scared, run away;The sentense patterns: She went into a shop. She bought some cheese and she ate the cheese.2.Ability aims:The students can use the words and the sentense patterns to tell stories. And to develop the studens four learning skills.3. Emotional aims:To develop the students learning interest of English.二、二、Teaching key and difficult points(教学重难点教学重难点)Teaching key points:To master the words:month,cheese,scared,run away;The sentense patterns: She went into a shop. She bought some cheese and she ate the cheese. Teaching difficult points:The students can use the words and the sentense patterns to tell stories.三、三、Teaching aids(教具教具)PPT, CD-ROM, Word cards, Pictures四、四、Teaching Procedures(教学流程教学流程)Step1 Warm-up1.Greetings 2. Sing a song”I saw the musician” Step2 Leading in T:Show Ss book of activity1 Show a picture of the sheep and ask a question”Where did the sheep go ?” Let the students listen and watch then answer the question.Ss:He went to the shop.Then listen and repeat then chant together.Show a picture of a shop, We know the sheep went to the shop. She bought some apples. Our friend the mouse Tilly also went into a shop. Show a picture of activity2 what did the mouse buy?Step3 Presentation1. Listen and answer What did the mouse buy? Ss:She bought some cheese.2. Listen and repeat.3. Divide the story into two parts, give four questions, let the students work in teams to learn the text. Then explain the key and difficult points with partners.4. The teacher have a summary of the text.5. Listen and repeat.6. Read by themselves then read it together.Step4 Practice1. Retell the story.2. Give some other stories to tell about it.3. write a story about you.Step5 SummaryThe students summarize the whole class together with the teacher. Step6 Homework1.Read the text and try to recite it, then act it out.2.Write a new story with past tense.Blackbord designModule3 Unit2 She went into a shop.She bought some cheese.She ate the cheese.
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