Unit 3 School Life-Lesson 17 School Science Fair-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级公开课-(编号:82b58).zip

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Lead-in1.Whats Jennys favourite subject?2, Jennys school will have a science fair, does Jenny want to take part in it ?3,What is Jennys project about?Her favourite subject is shopYes, she does.Jennys project is about silk worms Lesson 17School Science Fairprize 奖品,奖赏Jenny hoped to win first prize in the science fair. win first prize 赢得一等奖例:Lily won first prize in the long jump. Words video 录像,视频 videos (复数)What did Jenny do for her project?She made a video about silk worms. made a video about silk worms. 制作了关于蚕的视频。 watch videos 观看录像,观看视频 a video shop 音像制品店a piece of breadthree pieces of breada piece of old silkmany pieces of silkpiece 片、块、张 visit 参观 vLook, Many children are visiting the science fair.visitor 参观者There are many visitors at the science fairact 表演 actor 男演员invent 发明(v)inventor 发明家Listen.1. Danny and Jenny are excited about the science fair. 2. Jennys project is about silk. 3. Danny will make five different kinds of donuts. 4. Danny will teach people to make donuts. Reading1.Listen to the tape and read loudly by yourselves2.Then students act the dialogue in guoups, one group is Jenny, the other group is Danny. Danny : Jenny :Read and answer.(work in groups)1. What does Jenny hope? She hopes to win first prize.2. What did Jenny make for her project? She made a video about silk worms.3. Whats Dannys project about? His project is all about donuts.4. What will Danny make for his project? He will make ten different kinds of donuts.1.Are you ready for the big science fair ? be ready for+名词名词= be ready to+动词动词eg: Are you ready for school? Are you ready to go to school?2. I hope to win first prize. win first prize 赢得一等奖 Li Ming won first prize in the English competation. 李明在英语竞赛中获得了一等奖。3.Dont worry, you will do a good job. 别担心,你会做得很棒的。(用于鼓励他别担心,你会做得很棒的。(用于鼓励他人人4. I made a video about silk worms. 制作关于-视频5. I am really interested in this subject. Are you interested in history? 你对历史有兴趣吗?She is very interested in cooking. 她对烹饪很感兴趣。be interested in 对感兴趣interesting 某物是有趣的,修饰物That movie is very interesting .interest 名词, 兴趣、趣味Beijing has many places of interestHe cut a piece of bread from the loaf. 他从长条面包中切下一片。She came in carrying a piece of paper. 她进来时,拿着一张纸。 a piece of- 一片/张6.I have a small piece of old silk. How many_ (张纸) do you need ? A pieces of paper B pieces of papers C papers D papereg: She enjoys different kinds of music. 她喜欢不同种类的音乐。different kinds of- 不同种类的-7.I will make ten different kinds of donuts. 1、kind 种类different kinds of - 不同种类的- a kind of- 一种-many kinds of- 许多种-all kinds of- 各种各样的-2、kind of-有点儿- 后跟形容词或副词 I am kind of tired. 我有点儿累了。1.Are you ready for the big science fair ?2. I hope to win first prize. 3.Dont worry, you will do a good job.4. I made a video about silk worms.5. I am really interested in this subject. 6.I have a small piece of old silk.7.I will make ten different kinds of donuts. Read these sentences again练一练:一、选用方框中词的正确形式填空be ready for-, do a good job, be interested in-, a piece of-, different kinds of-1.I _ science. I will take part in the science fair.2.There are many _ flowers in the park.3.Can I have _ cake? It looks delicious. 4.Your project was really good. you_5.Its 7:00 now, _ you _ school? Yes, everything is ready. Lets go. 二、根据课文填空 Jenny and Danny are talking_ the school science fair, they are very _. Jenny is ready _ the fair. She worked very _ this year, she hopes to _ first _ . Jenny is really _ _ science, her project is _ silk worms, she made a _about silk worms. She has a small_ _ old silk.She also has a silk worm for _.aboutexcitedforhardwinprizeinterested inaboutvideopiece ofvisitors Dannys project is about _, he willtalk _ the history of donuts, he will maketen different_ _ donuts , and people can _ them all.donutsaboutkinds oftaste1.Are you ready to supper? ( ) _2.There are all kind of books in the library.( ) 3. What are the visiters doing?( ) 4.That book is very interested , we all like reading it .( )5.He ate two piece of bread yesterday.( )三 .改错forsvisitorsinterestingpiecesalways 总是、一直 usually 通常 often 经常 sometimes 偶尔、有时候 never 从不频度副词的用法 Ask and answer like this A: Do you do your homework? work hard at school B: Yes, I always help out at home ? often have breakfast usually play sports ? sometimes B: No, I never - always often usually sometimes never Give a report like this:My name is-, I always-, I -.Interview your classmates and fill in the blanks NameDo your homeworkhelp out at homehave breakfastplay sports Jenny always often usually sometimes neverGood habits are important in our lives. 好的习惯很重要! Homework1. Review the key points in this lesson2. Preview the next lessonUnit 3 School Life Lesson 17 School Science Fair一 、Teaching contents:(教学内容)1.New Words: prize,video,piece,visitor.2.Phrases: be ready for- ,win first prize,be interested in.a piece of, different kinds of.3.The meaning of text.4. Grammer: Adverbs: always, often, usually, sometimes, never二、Teaching goals:(知识与能力目标) 1. Master the words : prize,video,piece,visitor. 2.Ss can use the phrases: be ready for- ,win first prize, be interested in. a piece of, different kinds of. 3.The students can understand the meaning of text. 4.Improve students listening、speaking、reading and writing skills. 5. Adverbs: always, often, usually, sometimes, never(情感态度和价值观)1.通过用频度副词调查同学,培养学生在小组中积极与他 人合作、相互帮助、共同完成学习任务的意识。 2.培养学生良好的学习习惯和生活习惯3、Key points:(重点)1.Words and phrases 2.Adverbs: always, often, usually, sometimes, never Difficult points:(难点) Use the phrases.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助) Recorder, PPT六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型) New lesson.七、.Analysis of the students. (学情分析) 七年级的学生活泼好动,有渴求知识的愿望和浓厚的学习兴趣,表现欲很强。但因小学基础参差不齐,个别学生英语基础差,不敢开口说英语。个别学生因害怕读错或发音不准被同学笑话而不敢张嘴就保持沉默。针对初一学生的这些特点,我因材施教,在运用教材的同时,加入了我自己的设计技巧,如:降低知识的难度,分层对学生提出要求;设计任务简单有趣、活动贴近生活,让学生在用中学、学中玩,争取让每个学生都有开口说英语和得到表扬的机会。从而获得成功感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣。七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1 Lead in.(引入)Greeting:Teacher: Hello, class. How are you doing today? How is the weather today? What day is it today ? Whats the date today? Are you ready for the class? Now look at the screen and answer the questions 1.Whats Jennys favourite subject? 2, Jennys school will have a science fair, does Jenny want to take part in it ? 3,What is Jennys project about? Jenny and Danny will go on talking about the science fair.what will Jenny do in the science fair?what will Danny do in the science fair? Step 2. New words: teach the new words : prize, video, piece, visitor. Phrases:win first prize,be interested in.a piece of,different kinds of.Step 3. Listening task: (1) Play the tape for the Ss, Ss write true or false (P43, lets do it) (2) Ss open their books and listen to the tape again.Step4. Reading task: (1) After listening, Ss read the dialogue as a class. (2) Divide the Ss into two groups,one group read Dannys words,the other group read Jennys words. (3) Ss read the dialogue and answer the questions by themselves,work in groups (P44, Lets do it, 2.Read and answer ) (4) check the answers.Step 5. Language notes ( using PPT ) (1)The teachers explain the key sentences carefully, and try to make students grasp them correctly. Make sure Ss can use them. (2) summarize the key structures , the Ss go over the Language notes for a few minutesStep6.Do some exercises: I. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases in the box(PPT) II. Fill in the blanks according to the text.(课文复习巩固) (PPT) III. Correct mistakes in the sentencesStep 7. Grammer : How to use “always, often , usually, sometimes, never” 教学策略:1.用图表的形式让学生明白这些频度副词的意义 2.用以前学过的简单的短语来和学生对话,询问学生的日常学 习生活,激发学生说英语的兴趣。 3.通过用频度副词调查同学,培养学生在小组中积极与他人合 作、相互帮助、共同完成学习任务的意识。 4.通过完成调查表,纠正学生不良的学习、生活习惯。如: I never play sports, I sometimes have breakfast,等。培养学生良 好的学习习惯和生活习惯.Step8.ending: Give students a Chinese saying: Good habits are important.Step 9. Homework.(作业)1. Review the key points in this lesson, copy the new words and phrases twice.2. Preview the next lessonStep 10.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The new words, the master phrases and important sentences.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)
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