掌握“四读四写”写作技法:做到衔接合理、融洽度高课件2022届新高考读后续写 .pptx

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掌握“四读四写”写作技法:做到衔接合理、融洽度高课件2022届新高考读后续写 .pptx_第1页
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1、新新高考读后续写高考读后续写掌握掌握“四读四写四读四写”写作技法写作技法做到做到衔接合理、融洽度高衔接合理、融洽度高情感描写情感描写1开心、快乐have a big smile on ones face 某人笑容满面a belly laugh 捧腹大笑be all smiles 一脸笑意be delighted at 对感到高兴be full of joy 充满欢乐in high spirits 精神高涨over the moon 欣喜若狂be wild with joy 欣喜若狂beam with pleasure 喜不自胜break into a smile 突然笑起来brighten s

2、b.s heart 使某人心情愉快burst into laughter 突然大笑起来dance for/with joy 高兴地跳起舞来light up 露出喜色flash a bright smile 绽放出灿烂的笑容flash sb. a smile 向某人微微一笑flush with excitement 激动得满脸通红grin from ear to ear 笑得合不拢嘴speak in a cheerful voice 高兴地说in a good mood 心情很好jump for joy 高兴地跳起来laugh up ones sleeve 窃笑laugh like a drai

3、n 放声大笑laugh ones head off 大笑不止roar with laughter 大笑起来smile broadly 咧嘴一笑laugh heartily 开怀大笑smile sweetly/faintly 嫣然一笑/淡淡一笑smile with relief 宽慰地笑take delight in 以为乐to ones joy 令某人高兴的是with a smile on ones lips 某人嘴角挂着微笑a yell of delight 欢呼2生气、恼怒boil over 怒火中烧be cross with sb. 生某人的气be filled with anger 满

4、腔怒火be seized by anger 被愤怒所控制blow ones top 暴跳如雷explode with anger 大发雷霆eyes burning with anger 满眼怒火face twists in anger 脸因为生气而扭曲feel furious 感到愤怒flush with anger 脸气得通红fly into a rage 勃然大怒get irritated at 对感到恼火glare at sb. 怒视某人hit the ceiling 勃然大怒stamp ones feet in anger 气得跺脚mask ones anger with a smil

5、e 用微笑来掩饰某人的愤怒be shaking/trembling/speechless with rage 气愤得发抖/战栗/说不出话来3害怕、恐惧a feeling of fear 恐惧的感觉a flood of fear wells up 一阵恐惧涌上心头a tremble of fear 恐惧引发的颤抖in fear of 担心choke with fear 因害怕而哽咽face turns pale with fear 害怕得脸色苍白fear creeps over sb. 恐惧笼罩着某人have ones heart in ones mouth 提心吊胆in panic/terro

6、r 惊恐地make ones blood run cold 使某人不寒而栗make sb. flesh creep 使某人毛骨悚然make sb.s hair stand on end 使某人毛骨悚然be scared out of ones wits 吓得魂不附体scare sb. to death 吓死某人了tremble from head to toe 全身颤抖4伤心、难过a strong sense of loss 强烈的失落感be immersed in sorrow 沉浸在悲伤中be overcome with grief 悲痛欲绝be overwhelmed by grief

7、肝肠寸断burst into tears 号啕大哭choke back sobs 强忍住哭泣close to tears 快要哭了cry/weep ones eyes out 痛哭不止fall into despair 陷入绝望feel sad and empty 感到难过和空虚fight back tears 强忍住泪水with head drooping 低着头hide ones face in ones hands 把头埋在手里in low spirits 情绪低落sob/weep ones heart out 悲切地哭泣tears blur ones eyes 泪水模糊了视线tears

8、 spring to ones eyes 某人眼里涌出了泪水with tears in ones eyes 眼含热泪wipe tears from ones face 擦去某人脸上的泪水weep silently 默默地流泪tears well up in ones eyes 某人热泪盈眶tears roll down ones face 眼泪顺着某人的面颊流下来5困惑、茫然at a loss 迷茫be puzzled/confused 迷惑不解eyebrows knot together 眉头紧锁mind goes blank 脑子一片空白scratch ones head 苦苦琢磨with

9、 a blank expression on ones face 一脸木然地with a puzzled frown on ones face 某人满脸困惑,双眉紧锁6感动be moved to tears 感动到流泪be touched/moved deeply 深受感动touch ones heart strings 触动某人的心弦a warm feeling wells up in ones heart 一股暖流涌上心头7惊讶in a state of shock 震惊不已be in for a shock 大吃一惊be numb with shock 惊呆了be still in a

10、state of shock 惊魂未定in astonishment 惊讶jump out of ones skin 大吃一惊knock sb. sideways 使某人惊讶得目瞪口呆to ones amazement/astonishment 让某人惊讶的是be astonished with ones mouth wide open 惊讶地张大嘴巴8骄傲be overweening 目中无人burst with pride 充满了自豪感have a swelled head 骄傲自大hold ones head high 昂首挺胸order people about by gestures

11、 颐指气使think highly of oneself 自命不凡9紧张、焦虑be on edge 紧张不安be restless with anxiety 坐立不安have butterflies in ones stomach 紧张不安feel ill at ease 局促不安gaze around 左顾右盼have ants in ones pants 坐立不安heart beat wildly 心跳很快pace up and down 踱来踱去palms get sweaty 手心出汗sit on pins and needles 坐立不安动作描写动作描写1与“看”相关exchange

12、 a glance with sb. 与某人交换眼色eyes rest on sth. 目光落在fix eyes on 盯着keep an eye on 照看catch sb.s eye 引起某人注意look sb. in the eyes 直视某人lose sight of 忽略,看不见see through 看透stare at 凝视take a glance (at) 匆匆地看一下keep ones eyes fixed on 目不转睛地看着look around 环视dont let sb. out of your sight 不让某人离开你的视线2与“说”相关ask with cur

13、iosity 好奇地问blurt sth. out 脱口而出let out a cry 大喊murmur in ones ear 在某人耳边悄声说话mutter under ones breath 轻声嘀咕say in tears 哭着说say without the slightest hesitation 坚定地说a slip of the tongue 口误speak in a low voice 低声地说talk at the top of ones voice 大声说话talk to oneself 自言自语whisper into ones ears 耳语3头部动作lower/be

14、nd/bow ones head 低头nod ones head 点头raise ones head 抬头wag/shake ones head 摇头turn ones head around 转头hang ones head in disappointment 垂头丧气ones head shakes like a rattle 某人的脑袋像拨浪鼓一样摇晃4臂部动作embrace tightly 紧紧拥抱pat sb. on the shoulder 拍肩膀put ones arms around sb. 伸出双臂搂住某人raise ones hand 举手reach out ones ha

15、nd 伸出某人的手shake hands 握手stretch out ones arms 伸出胳膊take ones hand 拉着某人的手take sb. in ones arms 把某人搂进怀里throw ones arms around 张开双臂搂住wave ones arms vigorously 用力地挥舞手臂hold sb. in a tender embrace 温柔地抱着某人5腿部动作bounce up 跳起chase after 追逐drag ones legs 拖着双腿head for/to 前往leap up 一跃而起limp all the way 一路跛行move a

16、bout/around 四处走动quicken ones pace 加快步伐rush/dash into 冲进slide into/steal into 溜进slip out of 从溜走spring to ones feet 立刻站起来struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来walk on tiptoe 踮着脚尖走wander down the road 沿着路漫步walk on the street aimlessly 漫无目的地在大街上走着景物描写景物描写peaceful fields 宁静的田野reflections in the lake 湖中的倒影a shallow

17、 river 浅浅的河流the cloudless sky 无云的天空the deep valley 幽深的山谷ice water 冰水the muddy road 泥泞的路the twinkling stars 闪烁的星星rough/stony mountain road/track 崎岖不平/多石的山路/小道社会环境社会环境a variety of commodities 种类繁多的商品busy and crowded cities 繁忙拥挤的城市many people coming and going 人来人往panicked crowds 慌乱的人群people in a hurry

18、行色匆匆的人们in the slight yellow light of road lamps 微黄的路灯灯光下人物描写人物描写人物外貌double chin 双下巴a girl in rags 一个衣衫褴褛的姑娘a large and square face 大而方的脸a pale face 脸色苍白a weather-beaten face 饱经风霜的脸a wrinkled face 布满皱纹的脸be of medium height 中等身材deep-set brown eyes 深陷的褐色眼睛delicate looks 眉清目秀rough hands 粗糙的双手wear should

19、er-length hair 留着齐肩发with big eyes and bushy eyebrows 浓眉大眼场景场景描写描写1天气a gentle breeze 一缕微风a sharp/hard/severe frost 酷寒a stormy night 暴风雨之夜be bathed in the sunshine 沐浴在阳光下be buried in snow 埋在雪中be full of dark clouds 乌云密布bright sunlight 明媚的阳光clear up 放晴continuous/constant rain 连绵不断的雨fierce/heavy/violent

20、 storms 狂风暴雨freezing fog 寒雾hot and steamy 炎热潮湿a light rain 小雨be raining cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨snow melts slowly 雪慢慢地融化了the day is bitterly cold 天气寒冷sheets of rain 倾盆大雨unbearable heat 难以忍受的热in the warm spring sunshine 在春天温暖的阳光里2景物a dense forest 密林deep blue sky 深蓝色的天空dim moonlight 月色朦胧pale moonlight 皎洁的月

21、光典例典例2020新高考山东卷The Meredith family lived in a small community. As the economy was in decline, some people in the town had lost their jobs. Many of their families were struggling to make ends meet. People were trying to help each other meet the challenges.Mrs.Meredith was a most kind and thoughtful w

22、oman.She spent a great deal of time visiting the poor.She knew they had problems, and they needed all kinds of help.When she had time, she would bring food and medicine to them.One morning she told her children about a family she had visited the day before. There was a man sick in bed, his wife, who

23、 took care of him and could not go out to work, and their little boy. The little boyhis name was Bernardhad interested her very much.“I wish you could see him,” she said to her own children, John, Harry, and Clara.“He is such a help to his mother.He wants very much to earn some money, but I dont see

24、 what he can do.”After their mother left the room, the children sat thinking about Bernard. “I wish we could help him to earn money,” said Clara.“His family is suffering so much.”“So do I,” said Harry. “We really should do something to assist them.”For some moments, John said nothing, but, suddenly,

25、 he sprang to his feet and cried, “I have a great idea! I have a solution that we can all help accomplish (完成).”The other children also jumped up all attention.When John had an idea, it was sure to be a good one.“I tell you what we can do,” said John.“You know that big box of corn Uncle John sent us

26、? Well, we can make popcorn (爆米花), and put it into paper bags, and Bernard can take it around to the houses and sell it.”注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2请按如下格式作答。When Mrs. Meredith heard of Johns idea, she thought it was a good one, too._With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business._第一步:浏览所给信息,确

27、定大意主题whoMrs. Meredith;John, Harry, and Clara;BernardwhatThe Meredith family helped Bernard earn money.wherea small communitywhenAs the economy was in declinewhyBernards father was sick.文章大意Mrs. Meredith and her three children found a good way to help poor Bernard earn money表达主题Love and Kindness第二步:梳

28、理已知段落,确定主要情节关注两条主线:1plot(明线):即谁做了什么,为什么,可以从文中获取。plot发展:Meredith一家人乐于助人,而Bernard一家人需要帮助,而两家人产生交集,交汇点则是孩子们的互动:即Meredith家的三个孩子积极思考,想出了帮助Bernard挣钱的方法卖爆米花。2feelings(暗线):即谁感觉如何,需要进行合理的推测。第三步:借助段落开头,确定续写内容研读续写段落的开头语Para.1When Mrs. Meredith heard of Johns idea, she thought it was a good one, too.(切入点)Mrs. M

29、eredith赞同约翰的“好主意”1What did Mrs. Meredith encourage her children after she heard the good idea?2How did the children and Bernard do exactly?Para.2With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business.(切入点)一切准备好之后,结果会如何呢?1How did poor Bernard sell the popcorn?2Did poor Bernard earn money in t

30、he end?续写内容Para.1约翰和其他孩子们是具体如何做的。Para.2 Bernard如何具体去卖爆米花的。第四步:刻画细节冲突,优美连贯表达描绘孩子们忙于做爆米花的细节;Bernard卖光爆米花的开心愉悦的心情描写。情节描述合情合理,衔接自然,生动有趣。第五步:做到首尾呼应,结构完整合理文章开头点名主意很好,结尾应围绕着约翰的“好主意”展开,因此结尾“All of this was because of Johns bright idea.”做到首尾呼应,情节合理,描述得当。Paragraph 1:When Mrs.Meredith heard of Johns idea, she

31、thought it was a good one, too.Very soon, the children learnt how to pop the corn and then were busy in doing this “big” thing. At the same time, their mother went out to buy the paper bags that they needed.When she came back, she brought with her Bernard.Bernard felt grateful to all of them for wha

32、t they had done for him.Paragraph 2:With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business.Much sooner than could be expected, he returned with an empty basket and so much money that he had never seen before.He was so delighted that he could hardly speak, but his bright smiling face spoke fo

33、r him.For many weeks, every Saturday, the three children would prepare popcorn for Bernard to sell.This little boy therefore could help support his family.All of this was because of Johns bright idea.Writing 12021石家庄市质量检测一阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Our washing machine needed to be fixed an

34、d we had called for a service person to mend it. The machine drum was making a lot of noise and the clothes were not being washed properly. The service man could only speak Spanish and it was a tough time for me to communicate with him. He was patient enough to let me know what was wrong with the ma

35、chine and he explained the parts that were to be fixed. When the machine finally started working properly, I breathed a sigh of relief and asked about the service charge. The bill amount came to be around $41.3.I quickly gave him a $50 note and requested the balance amount. When he searched his pock

36、et and said that he had none, I went inside and started hunting for the exact change. All the time, at the back of my head I was scared that he might get his hands on something from the house. You see, there were expensive gadgets and jewels on the earrings stand hanging there in the living room whe

37、re he was waiting. And the last time I was getting my air conditioner fixed, I found my ring was lost. And the ring was from my grandma. The only guy that might take it was the service man, for we hadnt had any other visitors. I even called him later but he said he did not see anything like a ring.

38、I could feel from his voice that he was hiding something but I had no evidence of his stealing my ring.My jewels were only a few steps from him and he could easily grab one without being noticed. I even kind of heard his steps in the hall.In a hurry, I somehow fished out a $20 note, two separate $10

39、 notes and the remaining change. I rushed to the living room and immediately handed him the service charge. I wanted him to say thanks and leave but he stood there still.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2请按如下格式作答。His expression confused me._Now Im recollecting the incident as I write._参考范文:His expression confused m

40、e. He handed back (交还交还) a $50 note and explained I gave it to him just now while I forgot. Taking a glimpse of the note, I was speechless with my tongue stuck in my mouth.A sense of embarrassment overwhelmed (充溢充溢) me and I literally felt like a fool. I managed an apology and took the $50 note from

41、 him. Sending him off, I closed the door, cursing myself for my evil ideas.Now Im recollecting the incident as I write. I wouldnt have noticed that a huge amount was missing if he hadnt pointed out my mistake. I just cannot help blaming myself for my thought that he would steal the gadgets or my jew

42、els. Not only did he change my attitude to service men, but he also changed my attitude to the world there are actually a whole lot of honest people out there to whom we need to show respect.Writing 22021沈阳市高三质量监测二阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Grandpa Cecil Rodgers has narrowly escaped a phon

43、e scam (欺诈). It all began with a telephone call.Cecil is an elderly man from Cincinnati, Ohio, who was looking forward to spending time with his family over the holidays. They were all coming to visit him at his Elmwood Place home, including his adult grandson David. One afternoon, while napping in

44、bed, he was awakened by the sharp ringing of his telephone.“Who would ring me up at this time?” He wondered. Peering towards the phone, he hesitantly picked it up. From the receiver came an urgent voice. “Grandpa, this is David. I am in trouble.” Before Cecil could ask him any question, he continued

45、, on and off, half crying, “I hit a womans car and she was seven months pregnant. And they charged me with drunken driving and Im in prison.” He sobbed loudly. His voice was so broken that Cecil could hardly match it with the gentle and warm voice of his grandson. Poor David! He must be suffering! C

46、ecil panicked immediately.Without more detailed communication, the phone was passed suddenly to another person Davids lawyer who had a deeper voice. Seemingly, he understood Cecils anxiety and attempted to comfort him with a solution. “Now the only way to help David is to go to Wal-Mart and transfer

47、 $2,300 to another store. I would pick up the money and then use it to post Davids bail (保释金).” “I am sure everything would be OK as long as the money is in place,” he added. Ultimately, he lowered his voice, “Dont tell anybody. You dont want to make your grandson look ugly in your neighborhood.” Th

48、e lawyer hung up even before Cecil could give an answer.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2请按如下格式作答。Cecil was totally at a loss._The lucky part of Cecils day was when he stepped into cashier (收银员) Audrellas line in Wal-Mart._参考范文:Cecil was totally at a loss. His mind went blank and Davids heartbreaking sobs were ech

49、oing in his ears. Without a second thought, he quickly grabbed his bank card and decided to spare no effort to go to Davids rescue. With the card tightly in his hand, he rushed out to the bank. After withdrawing the money, he went straight to the local Wal-Mart. He was overwhelmed by the thought “Se

50、nd the money and my grandson will be saved”The lucky part of Cecils day was when he stepped into cashier (收银收银员员) Audrellas line in Wal-Mart. Noticing Cecils desperate and anxious look, Audrella instantly knew something was wrong. Yet, having the lawyers words in mind, Cecil stubbornly refused to gi


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