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1、UNIT 4 BODY LANGUAGEUNIT 4 BODY LANGUAGE【版本:新人教册别:选择性必修一】Discover Useful Structures目录页contents The -ing form as object The -ing form as predicative HomeworkIII Warming upIV Warming up1. _ (eat) too much fast food is harmful to your health. 2. _ (see) is believing.3. Its a waste of time _ (regret) wh

2、at you have missed.4. My sons _ (fail) to pass the exam made me worried.5. _ (learn) to think critically is an important skill todays children will need for the future.6. _ (be) deeply loved by someone gives you strength; while loving someone deeply gives you courage. Warming upReview “the -ing form

3、” used as subjectEatingSeeingregrettingfailingLearningBeing1. For example, making eye contact looking into someones eyes in some countries is a way to display interest. (P38, L7)2. In many countries, shaking ones head means “no”, and nodding means “yes”. (P38, L21)3. Placing your hands together and

4、resting them on the side of your head while closing your eyes means “sleep”. (P39, L1)Find out all the sentences whose -ing form are used as subject from the reading text on Page 38 and Page 39. Warming up The -ing form as objectThe -ing form as objectLook at the example below, paying attention to t

5、he red parts and figure out the function of them.She enjoys learning about body language in different cultures.动词的宾语动词的宾语The -ing form as objectFind other sentences whose -ing form come after the verb as object from the reading text on Page 38 and Page 39.1. However, you should avoid making this ges

6、ture in Brazil and Germany, as it is not considered polite. (P38, L17)2. Elsewhere, people favour shaking hands, bowing from the waist, or nodding the head when they meet someone else. (P38, L27)3. Experts suggest smiling at yourself in the mirror to make yourself feel happier and stronger. (P39, L8

7、)The -ing form as object: Instant practiceThe -ing form of the words and phrases come after some verb and verb phrases as object.1. Every time you feel like _ (smoke) a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.2. Would you mind _ (wait) here for some minutes? 3. She is busy _ (prepare) f

8、or the coming exam. 4. I always have difficulty _ (pronounce) new words.5. She is considering _ (buy) a house in Shanghai.smokingwaitingpreparingpronouncingbuyingThe -ing form as object某些动词或者动词短语之后某些动词或者动词短语之后只能接只能接动名词作宾语:动名词作宾语:考虑建议盼原谅: consider, suggest / advise, look forward to, pardon 承认推迟没得想: a

9、dmit, delay / put off, fancy / imagine避免错过继续练: avoid, miss, keep / keep on, practice 否认完成停能赏: deny, finish, stop, enjoy / appreciate 不禁介意准逃亡: cant help, mind, allow / permit, escape禁止冒险凭想象: forbid, risk, imagine难以忍受始反对: cant stand, set about / get down to, object to想要成功坚持忙: feel like, succeed in, in

10、sist on, be busy (in) .习惯放弃有困难: get used to, give up, have difficulty / trouble (in) .导致专心不推迟: lead to / contribute to, be devoted to, put offThe -ing form as objectThe -ing form 在少数表在少数表“需要需要”的动词的动词 (如如 want, need, require, deserve, desire 等等) 后表示被动意义。后表示被动意义。1. The carpet really wants _ (clean).2.

11、 The road needs _ (repair).3. Her plan deserves _ (consider).4. The plants require _ (water) every day.特别注意:sth need / require / deserve / want / desire + doing = sth need / require / deserve / want / desire + to be donecleaningrepairingconsideringwateringThe -ing form as objectLook at the examples

12、below, paying attention to the red parts and figure out the function of them.We can learn a lot about what people are thinking by watching their body language. (P38, L2)介词的宾语介词的宾语The -ing form as objectFind other sentences whose -ing form come after the preposition as object from the reading text on

13、 Page 38 and Page 39.1. A good way of saying “I am full” is moving your hand in circles over your stomach after a meal. (P39, L3)2. And if we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better than seeing the smiling face of a good friend. (P39, L9)The -ing form as object: Instant practiceThe -ing

14、form of the words and phrases come after preposition as object.1. Lets get down to _ (negotiate) the details. 2. Making good use of things is an approach to _ (protect) the environment.3. On _ (arrive), we set about _ (climb) in groups. 4. Above all I have learned that smiling is the key to _ (solve

15、) any problem.5. My father is used to _ (go) to bed late and _ (get) up very early. negotiatingprotectingarrivingclimbingsolvinggoinggettingThe -ing form as object: Instant practiceThe -ing form of the words and phrases come after preposition as object.6. By _ (bow), we mean “bending our head or bod

16、y forward as a sign of respect or shame”.7. We intended to visit the same park but ended up _ (call) on Professor Zhang.8. We should insist on _ (practice) our spoken English on a daily basis.9. Im looking forward to _ (receive) your reply.bowingcallingpracticingreceivingThe -ing form as objectThe -

17、ing form 作介词的宾语时需要注意作介词的宾语时需要注意: be / get used to, look forward to, pay attention to 等中的等中的 to 都是介词,不是不定式符都是介词,不是不定式符号号to do.常见的带介词常见的带介词 to 的短语的短语:object to(反对) devote oneself to(献身于) keep to(坚持) contribute to(有助于)be / get used to(习惯于) look forward to(盼望) get down to(着手做) admit to(承认) lead to(导致)be

18、 equal to(胜任的)stick to(忠于、坚持)pay attention to(注意) be addicted to(沉溺于) The -ing form as object: Instant practiceFill in the blanks with proper expressions. 1. 很抱歉我没有按时交作业。 I am sorry for _ (handle) my homework on time.2. 弗雷迪和他的乐队走到哪里都会有人跟随。 Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without _ (fol

19、low).3. 我不知道他竟然会干出这种事情与你对抗。 I have no idea of his _ (do) such a thing against you.4. 许多消费者抱怨那家商店缺斤少两。 Many customers complain of _ (give) short weight at that shop.not handling having been given being followedhaving done Conclude and summariseThe-ing form形式形式主动主动被动被动一般式一般式完成式完成式(not) being done(not)

20、 having done(not) doing(not) having been doneThe -ing form as predicative The -ing form as predicativeLook at the examples below, paying attention to the red parts and figure out the function of them.The crucial thing is using body language in a way that is appropriate to the culture you are in. (P3

21、8, L5)表语表语The -ing form as predicativeFind other sentences whose -ing form come after the linking verb as predicative from the reading text on Page 38 and Page 39.1. A good way of saying “I am full” is moving your hand in circles over your stomach after a meal. (P39, L3)2. Perhaps the best example i

22、s smiling. (P39, L5)The -ing form as predicative: Instant practiceThe -ing form of the words and phrases come after the linking verb as predicative. 1. Bills job is _ (teach) sign language.2. The theme of his presentation is _ (break) down barriers between groups.3. The story is very _ (encourage).4

23、. Body language is _ (fascinate) for everyone to study.思考思考: teaching, breaking, encouraging 和和 fascinating 在称呼上有何不同?在称呼上有何不同? teaching 和和 breaking 为动名词;为动名词; encouraging 和和 fascinating 为现在分词。为现在分词。teachingbreakingencouragingfascinatingThe -ing form as predicative比较现在分词和动名词作表语比较现在分词和动名词作表语:His hobby

24、 is interesting.His hobby is collecting stamps.Interesting is his hobby.Collecting stamps is his hobby.(现在分词)(现在分词)(动名词)(动名词)(F)(T)The -ing form as predicative现在分词和动名词作表语时在形式上没有任何区别,但是在功能和意义上有较大差异: 现在分词说明主语的_,回答 how 的问题; 动名词说明主语的_,回答 what 的问题; 动名词作表语说明主语的内容, 因此可以和主语_;而现在分词则_作主语。特性特性内容内容互换位置互换位置不可以不可

25、以SummaryThe -ing form as predicative: Instant practiceComplete the passage with the correct forms of the words and phrases below. (P41)Reading body language is not an easy task. It can be _ because interpreting the signs that another person shows requires _. In this sense, it can be compared to a do

26、ctor _.lie, challenge, consider individual differences, maintain, consider the whole picture, evaluate a patients conditionchallengingconsidering the whole pictureevaluating a patients conditionThe -ing form as predicative: Instant practice_ is also key to reading peoples body language accurately. F

27、or example, when _, some people avoid eye contact. By contrast, others may _ eye contact even longer than usual.Considering individual differenceslyingmaintainlie, challenge, consider individual differences, maintain, consider the whole picture, evaluate a patients condition1. Modem methods of _ (tr

28、ack) polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid-1980s, and are expensive _ (perform) consistently over a large area.(2019年全国I 语法填空)2. Scientists have responded by _ (note) that hungry bears may be congregating(聚集)around human settlements.(2019年全国I 语法填空)The -ing form as predicativet

29、rackingto performnoting高考链接3. I didnt mean _ (eat) anything but the ice cream looked so good that I couldnt help _ (try) it.(2018年天津)4. I need a new passport so I will have to have my photographs _ (take). (2018年天津)5. I quickly lower myself, ducking my head to avoid _ (look) directly into his eyes s

30、o he doesnt feel _ (challenge).(2018年全国III 语法填空)The -ing form as predicativeto eat tryingtakenlookingchallenged高考链接6. I still remember _ (visit) a friend whod lived here for five years and I was _ (shock) when I learnt she hadnt cooked once in all that time. (2018年浙江 语法填空)7. The hospital has recentl

31、y obtained new medical equipment, _ (allow) more patients to be treated.(2018年天津)8. I was watching the clock all through the meeting, as I had a train _ (catch).(2017年天津) The -ing form as predicativevisitingshockedallowingto catch高考链接9. Newly-built wooden cottages line the street, _ (turn) the old t

32、own into a dreamland.(2016年北京)10. The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows, _ (make) air conditioning unnecessary.(2016年天津)11. What worried him most was _ (not, allow) to visit his sick children.(2007年北京)12. It is believed that if a book is _ (interest), and it will surely _ (interest) the

33、 reader.(2003年上海)The -ing form as predicative turningmaking not being allowedinterestinginterest高考链接 Once there was a talented man whose dream is _ (serve) the king. Fortunately, the king let him _ (live) in his palace because he appreciated the mans outstanding skills. But the queen disagreed with

34、the decision. So the king allowed his wife _ (forbid) the mans staying there if he made any mistakes. Though the man knew the queen disliked him, he didnt mind it at all. He kept _ (do) his work, enjoyed _ (work) there, insisted on_ (practice), and never gave up _ (try). His hard work was always _ (

35、satisfy), and after a whole days work, he went to bed and imagined his being liked by the queen. He felt like _ (live) in this way.The -ing form as predicativeservingliveto forbiddoingworkingpracticingtryingsatisfyingliving语篇活用 But all his hard work couldnt protect him from his bad fortune. The quee

36、n could not help _ (get) more tired of him. He knew it, but he refused to admit it. People around suggested he _ (leave) the palace, and some advised him _ (have) a talk with the queen. But he refused angrily. The queen always considered _ (kill) him and in this way, he could not avoid death althoug

37、h he devoted all her time to _ (serve) them. In the end, the queen made up an excuse that his flowers died after the mans _ (arrive). As a result, the man did not escape being killed.The -ing form as predicativegettingleaveto havekillingservingarrival语篇活用Homework Homework1. Choose one picture of Exercise 4 on Page 41, and write a paragraph to describe the body language you can read. Use at least three -ing forms.2. Finish Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 on Page 83.


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