(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第一册Unit 5 Working the land Reading and Thinking 教学设计.docx

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1、新人教版高中英语选择性必修 1 Unit5 Reading and Thinking 教学设计教学目标By the end of this period, students will be able to:1. Figure out the structure of the passage by analysing the main ideaof each paragraph.2. know the characteristics and writing technique of biography.3. Get the detailed information of each passage

2、 and summarise themoral features of Yuan.4. Express their ideas on the given topics through critical thinking.教学重点1. Let the students know the main idea of each paragraph.2. Let the students know the characteristics and writing technique ofbiography.教学难点1. Summarise the moral features of Yuan.2. Exp

3、ress their ideas on the given topics through critical thinking.教学资源教材、多媒体、黑板和粉笔教学过程Step1 free-talk1.Who is the man in the photo? What crop is he holding in hishands?2.What do you know about the man? What else do you want toknow about him?(设计意图:通过图片导入,开门见山,引出本节课的主题;同时,问题引领,激活学生的背景知识。)Step2 Fast readi

4、ngTask1 Read the title and the first sentence of each paragraph.What kind of writing do you think this is? Where can you find sucha piece of writing?(设计意图:帮助学生迅速把握文章类型,引导学生关注传记文体的特征。)Task 2Read the text. Match the main idea with eachparagraph.Para.1A. Yuan conducted research and developed hybridrice

5、.Para.2B. Yuan is old but still working hard to fulfil hisdreams.Para.3C. Yuan considers himself a farmer.Para.4D. Yuan decided to study agriculture.Para.5E. Yuan s innovation has helped to feed more people.Para.6F. Yuan cares little for fame or wealth.(设计意图:通过找寻段落主旨有利于学生迅速把握文章内容,同时引导学生关注文本中的转折词。)St

6、ep3: Careful reading(设计意图:给学生充分的时间去阅读、理解文章,培养自主学习、分析文本的能力。)Step4: Analysis(analyse the text, passage by passage,payingmore attention to the three aspects in the table.)1. Read the first passage carefully and try to understand thefollowing aspects:(1) Whats the function of the first sentence?(2) Why

7、does Yuan consider himself a farmer?(3) The writing technique: contrast(4) The moral feature reflected in the passage.2. Read the second passage carefully and try to understand thefollowing aspects:(1) A biography is usually written in time order from birth.(2) Why did Yuan decide to study agricultu

8、re?(3) The writing technique: contrast(4) The moral feature reflected in the passage.3. Read the third passage carefully and try to understand thefollowing aspects:(1) What is hybrid rice?(2) Whats the main advantage of hybrid rice?(3) How did Dr. Yuan develop hybrid rice? Is it an easy or toughtask

9、?(4) The writing technique: contrast(5) The moral feature reflected in the passage.4. Read the fourth passage carefully and try to understand thefollowing aspects:(1)Whats the main idea of the passage?(2)How has Yuans work helped China and other countries?5. Read the fifth passage carefully and try

10、to understand thefollowing aspects:(1)The writing technique: contrast(2)The moral feature reflected in the passage.6. Read the sixth passage carefully and try to understand thefollowing aspects:(1)Draw out the structure chart of the passage.(2)Use a sentence to summarize Yuans dream.(3)The moral fea

11、ture reflected in the passage.(设计意图:此部分为细节理解,目的在于让学生较为详细地把握文章细节,使袁隆平的人物形象在学生脑海中更加丰满。同时,引导学生根据细节推断文物个性。并学会运用对比手法描写人物。)Step5: checkStep6: Theme AnalysisHow can we understand the title of the passage “A Pioneer forAll People”?(设计意图:主题讨论使学生对袁隆平和引言内容有更为全面的了解,并用相对高级的表达表达出来。)Step7: Further InformationOther

12、 than hybrid rice, what other hybrid products do youknow? Can you think of new hybrid ideas?(设计意图:通过此部分使学生更为了解 Hybrid 的含义,以及了解Hybrid 对我们生活的重大影响。)Step8: Critical ThinkingDo you want to make great contributions to others like YuanLongping, Tu Youyou, LinQiaozhi? If so, what preparations are yousuppose

13、d to make?(设计意图:该部分为批判性思考,体现了由人及己的思维过程。鼓励学生通过自身努力为社会作出贡献。)Step9:Assignment1. Read the text twice and try to write expressions to replacethefollowing: shortage, tackle this crisis, boost yields, beconvinced, attain, conventional, intense effort , be comprised of,generated, a life of leisure, envision

14、, vision.2. Write a passage titled “Yuan Longpings Devotion toHybrid Rice”within 100 words from these aspects: motivation,process, achievement, view of life and vision. If possible, try to usethe expressions above.(设计意图:通过阅读加深对文本和主题词汇的理解,通过写作再次熟悉主题和主题词汇的运用。)板书设计:Introductionmotivationprocessachievementview oflifevisionContrast:_VS_


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