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1、Unit 2 Bridging CulturesReading and thinking1complex2.recalls3.qualification 4.ambition 5adaptation fort 7.engage 8.messenger 9edition10.adaptation单词拼写1Building up a dream team is more _ (复杂的) than simply hiring the best talent.2Whaley _ (回想起) how at the beginning of the year, when called upon to re

2、ad, Chris would excuse himself to go to the bathroom.3He studied hard to get the _ (资格) for a doctor.4No one will ever know what mix of talent, _ (抱负), energy and luck made Dickens such a singular writer.5Most living creatures are capable of _ (适应) when forced to do so.6Take yourself out of your _ (

3、舒适) zone for a week, discover new personal qualities, and learn new skills.7Those who were highest in status in high school, as well as those least liked in elementary school, are “most likely to _ (从事) in dangerous and risky behaviour”8He attended the meeting as a goodwill _ (信使).9Do you have a Jap

4、anese _ (版本) of this novel?10This is an original play, not an _ (改编本).Is “bridge” a noun or a verb here? What do you think “bridge” means here? To build or form a bridge. What are some ways to “bridge cultures”?learn foreign culturesshare Chinese culture Brainstorming:What do we need to prepare if w

5、e stay abroad? What difficulties will we meet? Preparation:ID card Visa cardPassportlocal customsHouse MoneyDifficulties:lLanguagelLifelStudying .1. Analyse the structure of the text2. Know the challenges and benefits of studying abroad3. Learn how Xie Lei helped to build bridges between China and t

6、he UK4. Express ideas by critical thinkingWelcome, Xie LeiBUSINESS STDUENTBUILDING BRIDGESA. Exposition 说明文 B. Narration 记叙文C. Feature 新闻报道D. Argumentation 议论文 The text is about _ Xie Leis study and life at a university in a foreign country. 2.What is the text about? match Para. 1 AXie Leis trouble

7、in the new way of life. Para. 2 BXie Lei went to study abroad. Para. 3 CThe participation in classes. Para. 4 DXie Lei has been involved in her exchange life. Para. 5 EThe reasons why Xie Lei chose the exchange programme. Para. 6 FThe authors best wishes for Xie Lei. Para. 7 GAdvantages of living wi

8、th a host family. Para. 8 HThe difficulty in writing essays. The text has been divided into three parts. Match each part with the main idea:Para:1-2Brief introduction of Xie Lei and the reason why she went abroad to study Para:3-7The challenges that Xie Lei faced and how she handled them Para:8Best

9、wishes to Xie Leil How is the text organized?Para1-2:Xie Lei chose to study in London as an exchange syudent.Para3-4:Xie Lei s daily life challenge in the UK.Para5-6:Xie Lei s studying challenge in the UK.Para.7:Xie Lei feels much more at home in the UK.Para.8: Best wishes for Xie Lei.TimeTime clue

10、时间线索时间线索Because she wanted to learn about global business and improve her English.Her goal is to set up a business in China after graduation.food/restaurantsnot polite adaptation to a whole new life learn to_; learn to_; asked for _ loneliness lived with _ writing an essaygot help from _ ; _a lot to

11、 prepareparticipating in_and giving _gave presentation on_ ChallengesaWhat Xie Lei didtraditional Chinese artDaily life Academic requirementsher tutorreadclasspresentationa host family use public transportask for things she didnt know the English names forhelp from passers-by when got lostScan the a

12、rticle and underline the words that show Xie Leis feelings and work out the reasons.lonely /homesick&comfortedconfusedsurprisedconfidentcomfortableEmotion clue 感情线索感情线索excited . nervous. lonely/homesick. comforted .confused surprised. confident. feel at homeexcited/nervouscomfortedconfusedsurprisedc

13、onfident feel at homeReason:_Reason:_Reason:_Reason:_Reason:_Reason:_Talk about the information above using the structure “Xie lei felt because ”Xie Lei felt excited and nervous because it was the first time that she had left China.Xie Lei felt comforted because she had a second family in the UK.Xie

14、 Lei felt surprised because she could speak up in class after just a few weeks.Xie Lei felt confused because she thought she knew less than other people.Xie Lei felt confident because her presentation on traditional Chinese art was a great success.Xie Lei felt at home because what seemed strange bef

15、ore now appears quite normal to her.uActing as a cultural messengeruGetting involved in social activities uSharing Chinese culture with them.uGiving presentation on traditional Chinese art uTeaching people how to cook Chinese foodBusiness stduentbuilding bridgesWelcome, Xie LeiSummary The article is

16、 about how a Chinese girl, Xie Lei manages to adapt to _ in the UK and meet the _ requirements as an exchange student. Besides, the article also talks about how Xie Lei acts as a _ messenger building a _between China and the UK.a new lifeacademiccultural bridgeDiscuss and speakWhat are the benefits

17、and difficulties of studying abroad?DifficultiesBenefits1.Help us to be independent2.Be easier to learn a foreign language3.Broaden our views Enrich our knowledge4.Learn advanced technology5.Have new experiences1.Cost a lot of money2.Be difficult to communicate with others3.Be tiring to live in a ne

18、w country4. Be homesick and lonely.l Be a cultural messenger;l Break the barriers between different cultures;l Be more confident !l Face the difficulties in life!l Adapt to the new situation!l Challenge ourselves constantly!BenefitsDifficultiesSix months ago,Xie Lei boarded a plane for London to com

19、plete an exchange programme. She recalled that she 1. _(choose) the yearlong exchange programme with the 2. _(ambitious) to set up a business in China after graduation. It was the first time that she 3. _(leave) her motherland. When she came to England,she lived with a host family,4. _members always

20、 helped her. At first,she had to get used to living in a new country and learn how to use public transport and how to ask for things she didnt know the English names for. Besides,she also had to face another challenge of the academic requirements. When writing an essay,she 5. _(tell) by the tutor to

21、 acknowledge 6. _other people had said if she cited their ideas,7. _he wanted to know her own opinions. She also found students participation 8. _(include) as part of the final result. 9. _(lucky),after a few weeks,she could speak up in class on traditional Chinese art successfully. And she feels mu

22、ch more at home in the UK now. What seemed very strange before now appears quite normal. Now she has been involved in social 10. _(activity) as well as studying hard!choseambitionhad left whosewas told whatbutincludedLuckilyactivities .重点短语背诵1. 向某人告别 2. 登上去伦敦的飞机 3. 为期一年的交流项目 4. 创办一家企业 5. 适应 6. 习惯于 7

23、.向过路人求助 8. 对熟悉 9. 寄宿家庭 10. 轮流做某事 11. 学术要求 12. 某人自己的 13. 参加;参与 14. 和;也;连同 15. 进行演示 16. 大声点说;明确表态 17. 舒服自在;不拘束 18. (使)从事;参与 19. 参与;卷入;与有关联20. 为着迷 21. 渴望做某事22. 作为一个信使 23. 祝某人一切顺利 .重点短语背诵1. say goodbye to sb.2. board a plane for London 3. a yearlong exchange programme 4. set up a business 5. adapt to 6.

24、 get used to 7. ask passersby for help8. be/get familiar with 9. a host family 10. take turns to do sth. 11. academic requirements 12. of ones own 13. participate in 14. as well as 15. give presentations 16. speak up 17. feel at home 18. engage in 19. get/be involved in 20. be fascinated by 21. be eager / keen to do sth 22. act as a messenger 23. wish sb. all the best HomeworkWrite a short feature You can:Follow the time clue: Six months ago, at first,after a few weeks,halfway.Follow the emotion clue: Excited, nervous,.feel at home.Follow the writing skill: Quote and give examples.


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