(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第二册Unit 1 Reading and Thinking 教学设计 .docx

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1、人教版高中英语新教材选择性必修二 Unit1 Reading and Thinking 教学设计文本分析本单元的主题是科学和科学家们,主要介绍了中外几位科学家的研究经历和成就,本篇文章介绍的科学家是英国著名的麻醉学流行病学家 JohnSnow 研究霍乱病源的事件。在故事的叙述过程,也展示了科学研究的基本步骤,字里行间也体现了一定的科学精神。整个文章主要是总-分-总结构。首段就介绍了在 John Snow 找到控制霍乱的方法前,霍乱对人们健康的破坏性和人们的手足无措、胆战心惊。接着 John Snow 在一次伦敦霍乱大爆发中,发现了部分地区受灾严重,并利用地图统计分析的方法,得出不干净的水是霍乱

2、爆发的源头,最终有效控制了疫情。对水源的净化处理也使得全球范围内的霍乱大幅度减少。John Snow 也因此被成为现代流行病学之父。教学目标1. 通过文本的阅读梳理,可以总结归纳出科学研究的基本步骤。2.能够在阅读过程中,擅于提出问题并主动探究答案,从而深化对于文章主体和内涵的理解。3.通过阅读思考斯诺成功发现霍乱病源的原因,深入理解科学精神的内涵,学会批判性的思考,形成自己的观点和看法。教学重点1. 通过阅读总结归纳科学研究的基本步骤 2. 通过读后思考和人物角色分析,了解科学精神。活动设计Step 1: Warming -upWatch a clip and ask students to

3、 write down the names ofscientists as many as they can.List some scientists on PPT and discuss their different fields inscience.Understand the quote on the open page and know more aboutwhat science is.设计意图:让学生更多了知道那些为了新中国建设、为了祖国今天的繁荣富强立下了汗马功劳的科学家们,激活单元的话题,并讨论科学的不同领域分支,初步了解科学的基本概念和定义,同时引出科学方法这个概念,为下文

4、阅读做铺垫。Step 2: Pre-readingPairwork about steps of scientific researchAsk students to raise questions about what he/she wants toknow according to the title设计意图:让学生先预测一波科学步骤,也不核对答案,通过阅读后请同学们自己归纳核对,培养他们自主思考的习惯。根据标题预测内容是阅读理解常见的策略,这里只是稍微换了一下提问方式,增加学生的主动性.Step 3: While-readingReading for information(1) Joh

5、n Snow: guide students to read between the lines:“he. even attended to Queen Victoria when she gave birth.”Why?Becausehewasexpert/experienced/knowledgeable/professional.(2)Cholera:guidestudentstounderstandtheword “King” and understand the significance of John SnowsworkCompare the situation in the pa

6、st and now to lead thee nexttopic: find the source of cholera设计意图:提高学生文本解读的能力和在语境中理解词汇的能力。(3) Lead the students to analyse the steps of how John Snowfound out the source ofCholera:(4) Ask students to match each step of scientific research withthe procedures设计意图:通过步骤的解读,相信学生对于科学研究的基本步骤应该有所感知,基本上能够排列出

7、正确的顺序。即使有困难,课件标出来的提示词应该也能起到一定的帮助。Reading for thinkingWhatmadeJohnSnowsucceedinpreventing“ Kingcholera” ?Ask students to work in groups to discuss what qualities JohnSnow had and try to find supporting details from the text.设计意图:通过小组讨论和思想碰撞,学生对于斯诺身上所体现的宝贵品质和科学精神有进一步的了解。从文章里找到支撑句,使得他们的发言有理有据有逻辑可言,同时也是

8、对文本的深层解读。Step 4: Post-readingScientificspirits+scientificmethodscanpossiblyleadtoscientific success.Among Scientific spirits, questioning is of great importance andtherefore offer students a quote:The scientist is not a person whogives the right answers but the one who asks the right questions.Scien

9、tific methods seems far away from our daily life but actuallyit is not. What the text wants to offer students is a way of thing andso is science.As for scientific success, it is closely related to our daily life, fromwhat we eat to where we live. It even decides our future.And use an example to explore the world deeper and wider andto stay hungry and stay foolish.设计意图:通过科学名言和华为天才少年的例子,激励学生靠近科学,认识到科学就在身边,同时也意识到作为社会的一员我们有义务也有可能为改变世界作出自己的一份贡献。Step 5: HomeworkAsk students to write a short story about a scientist.设计意图:让学生真的走进科学家的故事,感受科学家的熏陶,对科学树立正确的态度和观念。


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