接力版五年级下册英语Unit 2 I like dancing 第二课时ppt课件(含教案+练习+视频).zip

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  • Unit 2 I like dancing 第二课时(课件+教案+练习+视频)
    • 1.mp3
    • 2.mp3
    • 3.mp3
    • 4.mp3
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    • play.mp3
    • Unit 2 Ilike dancing 第二课时 教学设计.doc--点击预览
    • Unit 2 Ilike dancing 第二课时习题 .doc--点击预览
    • Unit 2 Ilike dancing 第二课时课件.pptx--点击预览
    • warm up.mp4


接力版英语五年级下册接力版英语五年级下册 Unit 2 第二课时教学设计第二课时教学设计课题 I like dancing.单元Unit 2学科英语年级五年级学习目标知识与技能目标:掌握本单元单词、句型;学习运用喜爱季节及原因的表述。过程与方法目标:能够在生活情境下使用新句型进行相关对话。情感态度与价值观目标:激发和培养学习英语的兴趣,用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。重点掌握有关最喜爱的季节的问答句型。难点能够在日常情境下使用单词句型进行流畅对话。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课Lets watch: warm up. Mp4Free talk: What is your hobby?Revision: Look at the words and say what is your hobby. 在老师的引导下观看视频并进行交流。 在之前学习的基础上开展教学,趣味引入。讲授新课1.Lets learn.(1) Read the conversations. (2) Listen carefully and try to repeat the conversations.Ask students to model the dialog. Play the disc and pause after each sentence, allowing students to repeat.(3) Listen again and find out the key points. Its too + 形容词. 太了。 (4) Think and answer: What does the cat ask Mr Bear to do? What does the cat want to do with Mr Deer? What do you think of the cat? 2. Enjoy a poem 自由读课文,发现重难点。模仿语音语调。发现课文中的重点句型。思考问题并与同学、老朗读训练,纠正发音。总结归纳,培养学生自主学习能力。与他人沟通交流表达个(1) Read the poem and try to comprehend . (2) Learn the key points.主语从句:What I really like is playing with you. What 作 like 的宾语,两句合并省略重复部分,提前 what 加 is。 1)What we need is more time.(what 做 need 的宾语)我们所需要的是更多的时间. 2)What you really have is only me.(what 做 matters 的主语)你真正拥有的只有我。(3) Chant again. (4) Lets write: Can you write like this chant?I like .(doing) and .(doing), too. I like .(thing). What about you? I like .(doing) and .(doing), too. What I really like is playing with you. 3. Words. (1) Have a think of the translation. green sheep sleep tree(2) Listen to the words and find out the same pronunciation. ee- i: (3) Listen again and repeat. (4) Play a game. Pass the parcel with the song. When its paused, say a word with ee.师讨论。朗诵诗歌。学习诗歌中的知识点。再次朗诵。模仿写诗。朗读单词,总结发音规律。击鼓传花,人看法,促进课文理解。通过聆听朗读,继而到书写运用。巩固对单词掌握的同时,考查学生额外的词汇量。4. Practice(1) Listen and complete. Look at these photos. This is my father. He is strong and tall. He likes _. He runs every morning. My mother is a nurse. She likes _. My sister likes _. Who is the boy? Haha, Its me. I like _ and _. (2) Do a survey: Talk with your partners about their hobbies.-Whats your hobby?-I like . 5. Summary根据板书复述今天学习的内容:new words: hobby(爱好), difficult(困难的), photo(照片)-Whats your hobby? -My hobby is / I like doing something.Its too difficult. 6. Homework1. 背诵本课的单词、课文。2. 总结 Unit 2 知识点。3.完成Unit 2 Period 2课后作业。预习 Unit 3: 熟读 Period 1 的课文、单词。轮到时说出带 ee 的单词。完成练习。进行小组内调查。回顾本节课重点内容。记录课下作业。讲练结合,考查评估学习成果。小组活动,活学活用。帮助学生整理思路,进行系统化的学习。承前启后,为下节课做准备。课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是帮助学生系统性的理解总结本单元,进一步巩固前两节课学习的成果。练习活动主要是两人对话,师生对话,小组活动为主,让学生在轻松、愉快的课堂气氛中完成学习任务,达到预定的教学目标。板书Its too difficult. Unit 2 I like dancing 第二课时第二课时 习题习题一、判断划线部分发音是否相同,如相同写一、判断划线部分发音是否相同,如相同写 T,否则写否则写 F。 ( ) 1. early tree( ) 2. sleep teacher( ) 3. sweater read( ) 4. dear deer( ) 5. sea see二、选择题。二、选择题。( ) 1. Do you have _ stamps from China ? A some B many C any( ) 2. Collecting stamps is my _ . A hobby B like C .love( ) 3. Playing football _ my hobby. A. is B .am C .are( ) 4. There are some cards _Canada(加拿大).A. in B. of C. from( ) 5. Do you want _ to China. A. to go B. go C. going 三、选择单词补充短文。三、选择单词补充短文。do about are course hobby with swimming morning21 教育网A: Good _. B: Good morning. How _ you. A: Fine, thanks. B: Do you often go _ on Saturday? A: Yes, I _. B: Whats your _? A: I like doing the high jump best. Thats my hobby. What _ you? B: I like dancing best. Will you dance _ me this evening? A: Yes, of _. See you. B: See you. 四、阅读短文,判断正(四、阅读短文,判断正(T)误)误 (F)。)。 My dad works from Monday to Friday in a bank. he uses the computer to count money. His job is very important in the bank. 21cnjycomDad is also busy at home. At weekends he cooks dinner. Usually he cooks Italian food. On Sundays he makes five pieces of pizza. Sometimes he cooks chicken and makes Chinese food. My mum watches and helps him. I help my dad, too. I wash the dishes. www.21-cn-Many people think it is strange for a man to cook. But my dad enjoys his hobby. Cooking relaxes him. He is a weekend cook. 21cnjy( )1. My fathers job is using computer to count money in a bank. 【来源:21世纪教育网】( )2. My father usually cooks Chinese food. ( )3. I help my father cook dinner and my mother washes the dishes. 21世纪*教育网( )4. My father doesnt like cooking. ( )5. On Sunday he makes four pieces of pizza. www-2-1-cnjy-com五、写作。五、写作。请谈谈你的爱好或你朋友的爱好,写一写,不少于 6 句话、35 个单词。 _Unit 2 I like dancing 第二课时第二课时 答案答案一、【解析】本题考查 ee/ea 的发音辨析。【答案】FTFTT二、三、【解析】本题考查固定搭配。【答案】morning are swimming do hobby about with course . 四、 【解析】1. 由“ he uses the computer to count money”可知,答案为 T。2. 由“Usually he cooks Italian food”可知,答案为 F。3. 由“ I help my dad, too. I wash the dishes.”可知,答案为 F。21 世纪教育网版权所有4. 由“my dad enjoys his hobby”可知,答案为 F。5. 由“On Sundays he makes five pieces of pizza”可知,答案为 F。【答案】TFFFF五、【解析】本题考查综合应用和写作的能力。【答案】略 英语接力版 五年级下Unit 2 I like dancing. Lets watchFree talkWhat is your What is your hobbyhobby? ? I like.I like.I like .play baskeballreading skating singingswimmingrunningdancingPlay a gamedrawingLook at the words and say what is your hobby. Lets readCat: I like drawing pictures. Can I draw with you, Mr Rabbit? Rabbit: OK. Draw like this. Cat: Oh, its too difficult. I dont like drawing. Lets readCat: I like playing the erhu. Can you help me, Mr Bear? Bear: All right. Play the erhu like this. Cat: Its too difficult. I dont like playing the erhu. Its too + 形容词. 太了。Its too difficult. 太难了。Lets readCat: I like running. Can I run with you, Mr Deer? Deer: OK!Cat: Im too tired. I dont like running. Lets readCat: Oh, I cant do anything. Cat:Ilikedrawingpictures.CanIdrawwithyou,MrRabbit?Rabbit:OK.Drawlikethis.Cat:Oh,itstoodifficult.Idontlikedrawing.Cat:Ilikeplayingtheerhu.Canyouhelpme,MrBear?Bear:All,right.Playtheerhulikethis.Cat:Itstoodifficult.Idontlikeplayingtheerhu.Cat:Ilikerunning.CanIrunwithyou,MrDeer?Deer:OK!Cat:Imtootired.Idontlikerunning.Cat:Oh,Icantdoanything.Lets talk1.WhatdoesthecataskMrBeartodo?Helphimwitherhu.Cat:Ilikedrawingpictures.CanIdrawwithyou,MrRabbit?Rabbit:OK.Drawlikethis.Cat:Oh,itstoodifficult.Idontlikedrawing.Cat:Ilikeplayingtheerhu.Canyouhelpme,MrBear?Bear:Allright.Playtheerhulikethis.Cat:Itstoodifficult.Idontlikeplayingtheerhu.Cat:Ilikerunning.CanIrunwithyou,MrDeer?Deer:OK!Cat:Imtootired.Idontlikerunning.Cat:Oh,Icantdoanything.Lets talk2.WhatdoesthecatwanttodowithMrDeer?ThecatwantstorunwithMrDeer.Cat:Ilikedrawingpictures.CanIdrawwithyou,MrRabbit?Rabbit:OK.Drawlikethis.Cat:Oh,itstoodifficult.Idontlikedrawing.Cat:Ilikeplayingtheerhu.Canyouhelpme,MrBear?Bear:All,right.Playtheerhulikethis.Cat:Itstoodifficult.Idontlikeplayingtheerhu.Cat:Ilikerunning.CanIrunwithyou,MrDeer?Deer:OK!Cat:Imtootired.Idontlikerunning.Cat:Oh,Icantdoanything.Lets talk3.Whatdoyouthinkofthecat?Teachersopenthedoor.Youenterbyyourself.Ilikeswimminganddiving,too.Ilikeping-pong.Whataboutyou?Ilikeridingandrunning,too.WhatIreallylikeisplayingwithyou.I like singing. Ilikesinginganddancing,too.Ilikefootball.Whataboutyou?Ilikereadinganddrawing,too.WhatIreallylikeisplayingwithyou.Read WhatIreallylikeisplayingwithyou.WhatIreallylikeisplayingwithyou.Lets learnWhatWhat作作likelike的宾语,两句合并省略重复部的宾语,两句合并省略重复部分,分,提前提前whatwhat加加is is。IreallylikeIreallylikewhat.what.主语主语谓语谓语宾语宾语宾语宾语= =IreallylikeIreallylikeplayingwithyou.playingwithyou.知识点知识点: : 主语从句主语从句Lets learn知识点知识点: : 主语从句主语从句1)Whatweneedismoretime.1)Whatweneedismoretime.(what(what做做needneed的宾语的宾语) )我们所需要的是更多的时间我们所需要的是更多的时间. .2)Whatyoureallyhaveisonlyme.2)Whatyoureallyhaveisonlyme.(what(what做做mattersmatters的主语的主语) )你真正拥有的只有我。你真正拥有的只有我。Ilikesinginganddancing,too.Ilikefootball.Whataboutyou?Ilikereadinganddrawing,too.WhatIreallylikeisplayingwithyou.Ilikeswimminganddiving,too.Ilikeping-pong.Whataboutyou?Ilikeridingandrunning,too.WhatIreallylikeisplayingwithyou.I like singing. Lets chant Can you write like this chant? Lets writeIlike.(doing)and.(doing),too.Ilike.(thing).Whataboutyou?Ilike.(doing)and.(doing),too.WhatIreallylikeisplayingwithyou.Lets learnHave a Think Have a Think 1.green_2.sheep_3.sleep_4.tree_绿色的睡觉绵羊树Lets learnListen to the WordsListen to the WordseegreentreesheepsleepRead the WordsRead the Words i:Lets learneegreentreesheepsleepWhatotherwordsdoyouknowwithlettersee?你还知道哪些带字母“ee”的单词? Lets talksee meet need deerfeel keepLets playRulesRulesPasstheparcelwiththechant.WhenPasstheparcelwiththechant.Whenitspaused,sayawordwithitspaused,sayawordwitheeee. .击鼓传花,当音乐停下时说一个有击鼓传花,当音乐停下时说一个有eeee的单词。的单词。Lets playStart Now!Start Now!Practice请完成Unit2Period2随堂检测!Lookatthesephotos.Thisismyfather.Heisstrongandtall.Helikes_.Herunseverymorning.Mymotherisanurse.Shelikes_.Mysisterlikes_.Whoistheboy?Haha,Itsme.Ilike_and_.Listen and CompletePracticeplayfootballswimrunsingdancerunningsingingdancingswimmingplayingfootballDo a surveyTalkwithyourpartnersabouttheirhobbies.和伙伴讨论他们的爱好并完成表格。Useful ExpressionLets learn-Whats your hobby?-I like .dancing, drawing pictures, singing, swimming, reading, running, playing, flying kites, riding, .Whats your hobby?Name dancing drawing picturessinging swimming.Do a surveyFor exampleWhats your hobby, Lingling?I like dancing. Its your turn Its your turn Its your turn Its your turn nownownownow! ! ! !Do a surveyNamedancing drawing picturessingingswimming.LinglingSummarynewwords:hobby(爱好),difficult(困难的),photo(照片)-Whatsyourhobby?-Myhobbyis/Ilikedoingsomething.Itstoodifficult.1. 背诵本课的单词、课文。2. 总结Unit 2 知识点。3.完成Unit 2 Period 2课后作业。预习Unit 3: 熟读Period 1的课文、单词。Homework
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