Unit 1 My cousins and I-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计--公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册-(配套课件编号:00a28).docx

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1、六年级(英语)下册六年级(英语)下册UnitUnit 1 1 MyMy cousinscousins andand I I第第 1 1 课课时教学设计时教学设计课时目标课时目标1.1. CanCan listenlisten andand readread aboutabout LizaLiza . .2.2. CanCan listenlisten andand fillfill inin wordswords fromfrom 1a.1a.3.Can3.Can answeranswer thethe questionsquestions aboutabout youryour family

2、family重点难点重点难点ReadRead thethe textstexts fluentlyfluently . .教学准备教学准备CAICAI andand recorderrecorder教学过程教学过程一、问:一、问:目标引领 问题导学1.Look at the photo ,lets guess :Who are they ?Are theyyour friends ?brothers and sisters ?2.Elicit the topic :My cousins and I ,understand meaningsand read .二、学:二、学:依旧释新 自学尝试1

3、.Look at the photo and ask .a.Whos she ?b.Where is she from ?c.How old is she ?d.What does she look like ?2.Bring these questions and listen to the tape .3.Understand some words .(cousin,pretty,brown eyes and brown hair,smile a lot,an outgoing girl )三、探:三、探:合作探究 辩析提升One .answer the questions .1.Wher

4、e was she born ?2.How old is she ?3.What does she like ?4.When does she start playing the piano ?5.How many people are there in her family ?Who are they ?6.Where is her dad from ? What about her mum ?7.What do her parents do ?And where do they work ?8.How old is her brother ?Two.then check your answ

5、ers and read loudly part 2 .Three .Play the tape about part 3 and the students listenand read .Four .Ture or false .1.The weather is the same in China and Australia .( )2.Its summer in Australia but its winter in China now .( )3.Liza can see snow in china .( )4.People in both China and Australia hav

6、e to wear warm clothes .( )5.Its summer in January in Australia .Five .Check your answers and read loudly .四、用:四、用:训练推进 检测延伸1.Listen again and follow the recorder ,pay attention to pronunsiation and internation .2.Listen again and finish 1b by yourself .3.Answer the questions about you and your fami

7、ly .a.Where were you born ?b .How many people are there in your family ?c.Who are they ?d.What does your father/mother do ?e .What do you like ?板书设计板书设计MaMa TaoTao hashas gotgot a a cousincousin LizaLiza .She.She waswas bornborn inin ( ( ).She).She hashasgotgot bigbig brownbrown ( ( )and)and ( ( )ha

8、ir)hair .There.There areare fourfour peoplepeople inin LiLizazas s ( ( ) ) .Her.Her fatherfather isis a a ( ( ),and),and herher mothermother isis a a ( ( ).Her).Herbrotherbrother BillBill isis anan eight-month-oldeight-month-old ( ( ).He).He isis ( ( ).Liza).Liza liklikeses ( ( ).She).She cancan playplay thethe ( ( ) ) . .教学反思:学生能够熟练地读课文,完成老师布置的任务。但是动教学反思:学生能够熟练地读课文,完成老师布置的任务。但是动词的过去式还是不太容易掌握。词的过去式还是不太容易掌握。


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