Unit 2 The days of the week-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)-外研版剑桥版三年级下册-(编号:90840).zip

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Story: Emmas new roomwarming up:say the chant热身:唱歌谣Review:days of the weekMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday复习:一周的日子 Whats your favourite day?My favourite day is _.我最喜欢的一天是.birddogmousehamsterrabbitfishcatfrogReview:pets宠物Emmas new room What colour is Emmas new room?Its pink.Listen to the story听故事并回答Think: Does Emmas father like pink?Close your eyes,Emma.Open your eyes.Pink is my favourite colour.Oh, Dad!Pink!I hate pink! a red budgie a blue frog an orange fish a green dog a yellow cat a purple rabbitMum and Dad , close your eyes.SundayOpen your eyes. Oh, Emma.Pink is my favourtie colour.I like pink.Does Emmas father like pink?Can you read ?看谁读的语气最像?Listen again , think and answer:再一次听和想,准备回答Does Emma like pink? Emma hates pink. Does Emma like pink? Emma 喜欢粉色吗?No, I hate pink.Think and say:想和说I hate pink.“hate”的意思是_.A. 喜欢 B.喜爱 C.讨厌Listen and read听和读Can you read ?你能读出Emma的语气吗?Listen and draw: 听和画出Emma的喜好 Emma likes Emma hatespinkpurpleredorangegreenyellowbrownblueblackI like_.What about you?你呢?What colour do you like?你喜欢什么颜色?I hate_.What colour do you hate?Listen and read emotionally听和有感情地读 Close your eyes, Emma. Open your eyes. eyes. open your eyes. Close your eyes.Listen and act Open your pencil case. Take out your erase. Close your pencil case. Open your schoolbag. Take out a book. Close your schoolbag.Can you try?你能发指令吗?Play a game: What is missing?玩游戏:什么消失了呢?Close your eyes.Open your eyes.Can you try as a teacher?Play a game: What is missing?Emma hates pink, what can she do?(艾玛讨厌粉色,她能做些什么呢?)Think and say:想和说She draws pets. Lets join in!让我们也加入到Emma的涂色中,一起读吧!How many pets are there?Think and say:six Close your book. What are they?这些动物是什么?Think and say: a blue frog? a purple rabbit? an orange fish?Look and saypaintdrawShe paints a red budgie. 她画了一个红色的鹦鹉。Mondayblue She paints a _ frog. Tuesdayorange She paintsan _ fish. Wednesday She paints a _ _. green dog Thursday She paints _ _ _ a yellow cat . Friday She paints _ _ _Saturdaya purple rabbit.More practice:write and say练习:写和说 1. Claire paints _ _ _. a brown rabbit2. Bob paints _ _ _. a white cat3. Diana paints _ _ _.a yellow fish group work: paint,write and say小组任务:涂色,写和说一说 If you had a new room with pictures of different pets, what would you paint to decorate your room in days of the week? 如果你的新房间里画了一些宠物图,你会每天给它们依次涂上什么颜色来装饰你的房间呢? 小组合作要求:小组合作要求: 1. 每位成员选择一个每位成员选择一个pet(宠物),给它(宠物),给它涂涂上自己喜欢的上自己喜欢的颜色(颜色(favourite colour),并在旁边),并在旁边写写上英语介绍此图上英语介绍此图。 2. 每位成员把自己写完的英语每位成员把自己写完的英语读给读给给组长听。给组长听。 3. 每个小组表演每个小组表演介绍介绍涂色完的房间图(涂色完的房间图(my new room)。My new room (Monday)a _ rabbit (Tuesday)a _ fish (Wednesday)a _ dog (Thursday)a _ bird (Friday)a _ catShow your room and say it.展示你们的房间并介绍它吧!展示你们的房间并介绍它吧!SummarySummary( (小结小结) )Emmas new roomI like.I hate .Close your eyes.Open your eyes.a red budgie, a blue frog, an orange fish, a yellow cat, a green dog, a purple rabbitHomework 在一起作业上朗读故事。Unit 2 The days of the weekTeaching Content: Join in Grade 3, Unit 2 The days of the week (part 4)教材解读教材解读本单元 the days of the week 主要是通过了解一个星期的每一天,来学习英语语言,扩大学生的知识面,拓展学生的交际运用能力。本单元的课时的安排是由简入难,最后推进到故事部分,就是一个综合运用的过程,帮助学生一步一步的形成语篇的意识。本课时是单元最后一个,课型为故事课。主要学习Emma 是如何对她的房间进行改造的,前面单词输入和句子练读为本课的知识学习起到重要的铺垫作用。同时,本课的故事让孩子们能通过学习整合之前所学,通过创设轻松愉悦的学习氛围,让学生对故事的学习充满兴趣,为接下来语篇的学习打好基础。通过本课时的学习,学生能听懂和转述故事并表达运用句子进行交际;能认读新授词汇:paint,hate 等;能理解和运用新授句型:On (Monday)Emma paints (a red budgie)通过聆听故事,配合图片理解,了解 Emma 的新房间。同时,通过故事的学习,渗透阅读技巧,培养学生的阅读能力,为将后来的语篇学习做好铺垫。学生情况分析:学生情况分析: 所教三年级学生具备短词短句的表达能力。他们对起伏有序的语音语调很感兴趣,乐于模仿。本单元的故事,让他们在学的时候感到新奇和放松。作为从一年级就开始学习英语的班级,同学们在学习本课时已经具备了良好的英语学习习惯和基本的听、说、读、写等学习技能。他们乐于学故事,说故事,在理解故事方面基本没有问题,但是对功能知识运用和语言输出方面涉还是需要教师去帮助他们进行分析和指导。教学目标教学目标1.Knowledge Aims:The pupils learn to understand: Decoding meanings of the language in a story.Emmas new room.Close your eyes.Open your eyes.I hate (pink)(On Monday)Emma paints (a red budgie).2.Ability Aims : The pupils learn to use: I hate (pink). Pink is my favourite colour.On (Monday)Emma paints (a red budgie).3.Emotional Aims :Pupils can express their favorite things and they can enjoy taking part in the English actions.教学重难点:1. Decoding meanings of the language in a story.2. Pupils can describe the pictures with “She paints (a red budgie) on (Monday).”教学过程教学过程 Teaching procedures:Step 1、Warm-up(1) Free talk.(2) Say the chant.(3) review:a.Review the days of the week.b. T: Whats your favourite day?S: My favourite day is.c.Review the words of pets.Step 2、Presention:1、通过一个儿童房间的图片创设情境,引出 Emma room(1) T: Look, this is Emmas new room. What colour is Emmas new room?S: its pink.T: Now , lets listen to the story and answer:(2) 整体听 1 遍课文并回答问题: Does Emmas father like pink?(3) 听第二遍回答问题:Does Emma like pink?a.学生回答问题 Does Emma like pink? 显示 Emma 讨厌粉色的表情图片。让学生重复 Emma 说的话:No,I hate pink. 然后出示 Emma hates pink.b. 进入到单词学习环节, hateT: Do you like pink?笑脸表示 like,苦瓜脸表示 hate。让学生看图说句子: I like pink. Pink is my favourite colour. 从 I hate pink.这个句子中引出 hate,教 ate 的发音,让学生读读其他包含 ate 字母组合的单词,例如 late, gate, date.练习 I like和 I hate句型:看图片说句子。c. 进入到祈使句的练习:Open your eyes. Close your eyes.PPT 上出现动物词汇和颜色词汇,教师发出指令:Close your eyes.和 Open your eyes.学生在睁眼睛的时候找出 PPT 上消失的单词,并说出来。听故事后思考:Think and sayT: Emma hates pink, what can she do?S: She draws pets.T: yes, she paints pets. How many pets are there?S:six.T: close your book, and say what they are.S: A red budgie进入到学习句型 she paints a a.教授单词 paint看图片找一找 draw 和 paint 的不同之处。b. 看图填空:On Monday, she paints aOn Tuesday, she paints aOn Wednesday, she paints aOn Thursday, she paints aOn Friday, she paints aOn Saturday, she paints aStep 3、Consolidation(1)Write and say.看图片完成句子,同桌互相读句子。Clair paints a green frog.Bob paints a white mouse.Diana paints a yellow fish.(2)group work: paint,write and sayIf you had a new room with pictures of different pets, what would you paint to decorate your room in days of the week?小组合作要求:1. 每位成员选择一个 pet(宠物) ,给它涂上自己喜欢的颜色(favourite colour) ,并在旁边写上英语介绍此图。2. 每位成员把自己写完的英语读给给组长听。3. 每个小组表演介绍涂色完的房间图(my new room)Step 4、Homework (作业设计(作业设计)Read the story.Step 5、板书设计、板书设计Emmas new roomI like.I hate .Close your eyes.Open your eyes.教学反思教学反思在本节课的教学设计中,我结合教材和学生的特点,科学安排教学内容,合理设计教学任务,通过形式多样的教学活动,引导学生积极参与,亲身体验,合作交流,从而培养学生的综合语言运用能力,较好的完成了本节课的教学目标。综观本节课,主要有以下几个亮点:(1)多种教学方法有机结合,使学生会说、乐说 在本课的教学活动中,融入了 TPR 教学,情景教学,交际教学等多种教学方法,这些教学活动不是简单的拼凑和堆砌,而是根据小学生的身心特点设计的,他们之间相辅相成,融会贯通,环环相扣,这样不仅能够调动学生的学习积极性,还培养学生语言的实际运用能力。如:在教授句子 I hate老师通过图片让学生明白句子的意思,并进行了听力小练习,让学生听出 Emma 喜欢和讨厌的颜色。既加深了学生对所学内容的理解,同时也促使学生有感情的交流,大大激发学生的学习兴趣,使他们会说并乐于开口说,并使学生充分感受到 I hate和is my favourite 的强烈对比,为顺利过渡到下一个教学环节做好学生情绪上的铺垫和心理上的准备。(2)注重教学资源的生活化,使学生乐说、敢说 本课中,我充分利用各种教学资源,如课件,颜色卡片等,从因此只有当学生的注意力被吸引时,学生学习的积极性就会被激发起来,参与语言实践的情绪也随之高涨。由于教学资源的有效运用,使得整堂课的各个教学环节都充满直观性和趣味性。(3)运用小组合作的方式,使学生在合作中交流、进步在小组活动中,我鼓励语言能力强的同学帮助语言能力较弱的,性格外向的同学带动性格内向的同学,使不同性格,不同程度的学生在一起相互影响,取长补短。本课中,我组织学生进行了两次有秩序的小组活动,第一次是读书上的故事,第三次是分组进行涂色和讲述。让学生在小组合作的过程去体验语言交流的乐趣,感受语言的魅力,培养团队协作的精神。(4)层层递进,循序渐进,使学生语言技能的提高落到实处我紧紧围绕本课的重、难点,结合学生的特点,对本课内容进行了精心的设计,由词词组句子篇章,由旧知新知,层层递进,循序渐进,通过创设情境、设问、选择等形式帮助学生理解该故事,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的阅读习惯,并根据学生的认知水平,适当对故事进行拓展,提高学生主动用英语思维,用英语做事的能力。
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