Unit 2 Integrated Skill1(viewingreading and speaking)ppt课件(含视频)-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册 -.rar

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  • Unit 2 Integrated Skill1(viewing,reading and speaking)ppt课件(含视频)-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册 -
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joggingjoggingpushing upjoggingpushing upcyclingjoggingpushing uproller skatingcyclingjoggingpushing uproller skatingyogacyclingjoggingpushing uproller skatingyogaWhat do these sports have in common?cyclingALeo is talking to Dr Chen about some problems with his health. Watch the video and finish the exercises below.ViewingA1. Watch the video and tick the problems Leo mentions in the boxes below.a. Always gets a coldb. Has a bad memoryc. Has sleep problemsd. Is overweighte. Cannot concentrate at schoolf. Feels tired at nightA1. Watch the video and tick the problems Leo mentions in the boxes below.a. Always gets a coldb. Has a bad memoryc. Has sleep problemsd. Is overweighte. Cannot concentrate at schoolf. Feels tired at nightA1. Watch the video and tick the problems Leo mentions in the boxes below.a. Always gets a coldb. Has a bad memoryc. Has sleep problemsd. Is overweighte. Cannot concentrate at schoolf. Feels tired at nightA1. Watch the video and tick the problems Leo mentions in the boxes below.a. Always gets a coldb. Has a bad memoryc. Has sleep problemsd. Is overweighte. Cannot concentrate at schoolf. Feels tired at nightALeo is talking to Dr Chen about some problems with his health. Watch the video and finish the exercises below.ViewingA2. Watch the video again and complete the table below.Dr Chens suggestionsBenefitsTry a (1)_ diet.It will help your body (2) _.Be more active. Do some aerobic exercise such as (3) _twice a week. It will strengthen your immune system so you can (4) _. It will also (5)_, making you feel tired and sleep better at night. It will help (6)_, which may help you concentrate.A2. Watch the video again and complete the table below.Dr Chens suggestionsBenefitsTry a (1)_ diet.It will help your body (2) _.Be more active. Do some aerobic exercise such as (3) _twice a week. It will strengthen your immune system so you can (4) _. It will also (5)_, making you feel tired and sleep better at night. It will help (6)_, which may help you concentrate.healthierA2. Watch the video again and complete the table below.Dr Chens suggestionsBenefitsTry a (1)_ diet.It will help your body (2) _.Be more active. Do some aerobic exercise such as (3) _twice a week. It will strengthen your immune system so you can (4) _. It will also (5)_, making you feel tired and sleep better at night. It will help (6)_, which may help you concentrate.healthiergrow strongerA2. Watch the video again and complete the table below.Dr Chens suggestionsBenefitsTry a (1)_ diet.It will help your body (2) _.Be more active. Do some aerobic exercise such as (3) _twice a week. It will strengthen your immune system so you can (4) _. It will also (5)_, making you feel tired and sleep better at night. It will help (6)_, which may help you concentrate.healthiergrow strongerswimming or joggingA2. Watch the video again and complete the table below.Dr Chens suggestionsBenefitsTry a (1)_ diet.It will help your body (2) _.Be more active. Do some aerobic exercise such as (3) _twice a week. It will strengthen your immune system so you can (4) _. It will also (5)_, making you feel tired and sleep better at night. It will help (6)_, which may help you concentrate.healthiergrow strongerswimming or joggingfight off illnessA2. Watch the video again and complete the table below.Dr Chens suggestionsBenefitsTry a (1)_ diet.It will help your body (2) _.Be more active. Do some aerobic exercise such as (3) _twice a week. It will strengthen your immune system so you can (4) _. It will also (5)_, making you feel tired and sleep better at night. It will help (6)_, which may help you concentrate.healthiergrow strongerswimming or joggingfight off illnessburn energyA2. Watch the video again and complete the table below.Dr Chens suggestionsBenefitsTry a (1)_ diet.It will help your body (2) _.Be more active. Do some aerobic exercise such as (3) _twice a week. It will strengthen your immune system so you can (4) _. It will also (5)_, making you feel tired and sleep better at night. It will help (6)_, which may help you concentrate.healthiergrow strongerswimming or joggingfight off illnessburn energyimprove brain functionsDr Chen : Hello, Leo. Whats the matter ?Leo : Ive got a cold. Ive been suffering from a headache and a runny nose for several days.Dr Chen : Does this happen a lot ?Leo : Yes. Also, I find it difficult to fall asleep at night. So Im always tired during the day, and I often find it hard to concentrate at school.Dr Chen : I see. Tell me, in the last two months, have you been eating healthily ?Leo : Well, not really. Ive been eating a lot of fast food recently.Focus on the way Dr Chen gives suggestionsDr Chen : Why not try a healthier diet? Itll help your body grow stronger.Leo : OK.Dr Chen : How about exercise? Do you do any sport?Leo :Actually, I dont like sport. Id rather stay indoors reading than play sport.Dr Chen : Well, many teenagers today dont feel like playing sport. But it would be good for you to be more active, that is, to do some exercise. This will strengthen your immune system so you can fight off illness. Exercise will also burn energy, so youll feel tired, and sleep better at night.Focus on the way Dr Chen gives suggestionsLeo :That sounds good.Dr Chen : And itll be even better if you can choose an activity like swimming or jogging to do twice a week. You know, aerobic exercise helps improve brain functions.Focus on the way Dr Chen gives suggestionsDr Chens suggestions Useful expressionsFocus on the way Dr Chen gives suggestionsDr Chens suggestions Useful expressions1.Why not try a healthier diet ?Focus on the way Dr Chen gives suggestionsDr Chens suggestions Useful expressions1.Why not try a healthier diet ?Why not do sth. ?Focus on the way Dr Chen gives suggestionsDr Chens suggestions Useful expressions1.Why not try a healthier diet ?Why not do sth. ?2. How about exercise ?Focus on the way Dr Chen gives suggestionsDr Chens suggestions Useful expressions1.Why not try a healthier diet ?Why not do sth. ?2. How about exercise ?How about sth. ?Focus on the way Dr Chen gives suggestionsDr Chens suggestions Useful expressions1.Why not try a healthier diet ?Why not do sth. ?2. How about exercise ?How about sth. ?3. . It would be good for you to be more active, that is, to do some exercise.Focus on the way Dr Chen gives suggestionsDr Chens suggestions Useful expressions1.Why not try a healthier diet ?Why not do sth. ?2. How about exercise ?How about sth. ?3. . It would be good for you to be more active, that is, to do some exercise.It would be good for you to do sth.Focus on the way Dr Chen gives suggestionsDr Chens suggestions Useful expressions1.Why not try a healthier diet ?Why not do sth. ?2. How about exercise ?How about sth. ?3. . It would be good for you to be more active, that is, to do some exercise.It would be good for you to do sth.4. And itll be even better if you can choose an activity like swimming or jogging to do twice a week.Focus on the way Dr Chen gives suggestionsDr Chens suggestions Useful expressions1.Why not try a healthier diet ?Why not do sth. ?2. How about exercise ?How about sth. ?3. . It would be good for you to be more active, that is, to do some exercise.It would be good for you to do sth.4. And itll be even better if you can choose an activity like swimming or jogging to do twice a week.Itll be even better if you can do sth.Focus on the way Dr Chen gives suggestionsHow to give suggestions?How to give suggestions?1. Why dont you.?/Why not.?2. How / What about.?3. It would be good for you to do.4. Itll be even better if.5. If I were you, Id6. I suggest that. 7. Its a good idea to do.8. Have you considered?After his conversation with Dr Chen, Leo wrote an email to his friend Rachel. BReadingAfter his conversation with Dr Chen, Leo wrote an email to his friend Rachel. BReadingAfter his conversation with Dr Chen, Leo wrote an email to his friend Rachel. BRead the email on the right and make a list of the reasons: ReadingAfter his conversation with Dr Chen, Leo wrote an email to his friend Rachel. BRead the email on the right and make a list of the reasons: ReadingWhy is Leo unwilling to begin working out regularly?Why is Leo unwilling to begin working out regularly?Why is Leo unwilling to begin working out regularly? He doesnt have much time for exercise. He doesnt think that he has the money to work out in the gym.He thinks its hard to stick with an exercise routine.Why is Leo unwilling to begin working out regularly? He doesnt have much time for exercise. He doesnt think that he has the money to work out in the gym.He thinks its hard to stick with an exercise routine.Is he right? How do you persuade him?SpeakingDiscussionIf you were Rachel, what suggestions do you provide to Leo? SpeakingDiscussionIf you were Rachel, what suggestions do you provide to Leo? Starting a discussionTo start a discussion, you can: state the topic directly, e.g. Were here to discuss/talk about Our topic for today is invite your partner to give his/her opinion by asking questions. Try to ask open-ended questions rather than yes-no questions, e.g. What do you think of ? How do you feel about ?TipLeos problemsSuggestions1. Dont have much time for exercise.2. No money to work out in the gym.3. Its hard to stick with an exercise routine.Leos problemsSuggestions1. Dont have much time for exercise.2. No money to work out in the gym.3. Its hard to stick with an exercise routine.Exercise can be fitted into ones schedule.Leos problemsSuggestions1. Dont have much time for exercise.2. No money to work out in the gym.3. Its hard to stick with an exercise routine.Exercise can be fitted into ones schedule.Exercise does not necessarily require money.Leos problemsSuggestions1. Dont have much time for exercise.2. No money to work out in the gym.3. Its hard to stick with an exercise routine.Exercise can be fitted into ones schedule.Exercise does not necessarily require money.Exercise can be done with ones family or friends.Leos problemsSuggestions1. Dont have much time for exercise.2. No money to work out in the gym.3. Its hard to stick with an exercise routine.Exercise can be fitted into ones schedule.Exercise does not necessarily require money.Exercise can be done with ones family or friends.What other details or concrete ideas can support your suggestions? Please discuss with your partner. CIn pairs, role-play a conversation between Rachel and Leo about ways Leo can make exercise a regular part of his life.CIn pairs, role-play a conversation between Rachel and Leo about ways Leo can make exercise a regular part of his life.Possible ConversationCIn pairs, role-play a conversation between Rachel and Leo about ways Leo can make exercise a regular part of his life.Possible ConversationLeo: I went to see the doctor and she said I have to make exercise a regular part of my life. I know I need to exercise but I dont have time or money. What should I do?Rachel: A few minutes a day is all it takes. Start doing small amounts of exercise whenever you can. Take the stairs instead of the lift when possible. And if you have been sitting for too long while studying, get up and dance to your favourite music. Leo: Interesting! I can do that. But do you think I need to pay to exercise in the gym?Rachel: Not necessarily. The good news is that you dont need money to exercise! You can go running in your communitys park or try walking to school.Leo: Great suggestions! How do you feel about joining me? I dont want to exercise alone.Rachel: Of course! Ill help you get into an exercise routine if youre serious about it.Leo: I am! Thanks for encouraging me, Rachel. We should find other friends to join us too. What do you think of that?Rachel: Thats the best idea youve ever had!General ideasConcrete ideasExercise can be fitted into ones schedule.Exercise does not necessarily require money.Exercise can be done with ones family or friends.DGeneral ideasConcrete ideasExercise can be fitted into ones schedule.Exercise does not necessarily require money.Exercise can be done with ones family or friends.General ideasDGeneral ideasConcrete ideasExercise can be fitted into ones schedule.Exercise does not necessarily require money.Exercise can be done with ones family or friends.General ideasConcrete ideasDGeneral ideasConcrete ideasExercise can be fitted into ones schedule.not necessarily lasting more than half an hourriding a bike/walking to and from schooltaking stairs instead of the liftExercise does not necessarily require money.Exercise can be done with ones family or friends.General ideasConcrete ideasDGeneral ideasConcrete ideasExercise can be fitted into ones schedule.not necessarily lasting more than half an hourriding a bike/walking to and from schooltaking stairs instead of the liftExercise does not necessarily require money.jogging, running (a pair of running shoes)cycling (a bike)Exercise can be done with ones family or friends.General ideasConcrete ideasDGeneral ideasConcrete ideasExercise can be fitted into ones schedule.not necessarily lasting more than half an hourriding a bike/walking to and from schooltaking stairs instead of the liftExercise does not necessarily require money.jogging, running (a pair of running shoes)cycling (a bike)Exercise can be done with ones family or friends.taking a walk after dinner with parent(s) playing ball games after school with friendsGeneral ideasConcrete ideasDGeneral ideasConcrete ideasExercise can be fitted into ones schedule.not necessarily lasting more than half an hourriding a bike/walking to and from schooltaking stairs instead of the liftExercise does not necessarily require money.jogging, running (a pair of running shoes)cycling (a bike)Exercise can be done with ones family or friends.taking a walk after dinner with parent(s) playing ball games after school with friendsGeneral ideasConcrete ideasWhat to write aboutDHomework 16期期报纸的彩绘部分练习报纸的彩绘部分练习KKL Integrated skills 语言聚焦、句型精析自语言聚焦、句型精析自学学看书看书理解消化理解消化+ Page 37的阅读理解一篇的阅读理解一篇
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