Unit 2 课文词汇拓展ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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1、unit 2 words & phrasesn sporty爱好(或擅长)体育运动的nhealthy健康的 health.n. healthily .adv na sound mind 健全的心态 na sound body健康的身体nsound. n. 声音;v. 听起来;n adj. 合理的;熟睡的;健全的na sound sleep酣睡nsafe and sound 安然无恙平安njoke n. 玩笑,笑话 vt. 开的玩笑nplay a joke 开玩笑nmagician n. 魔术师,变戏法的人nmagic n. 魔法,魔术;adj. 有魔力的;魔法的nin common共同的;共有

2、的nhat-tricks帽子戏法(指连入三球),连中三柱(使对方三击球手退场)nplay tricks on捉弄 skydiving n. 跳伞运动 ndive潜水,;跳水; hit baseball打棒球nhit .v (用手或器具)击打,撞击,击(球), 使突然想起.n. 风行一时的流行歌曲(或唱片)na hit record 风靡一时的唱片nIt suddenly hit me that I have met him before. nstand close to 站得近接近=get close tonget into shape强身健体nout of shape 变形,身体欠佳nin

3、good shape状态良好nkeep in shape=stay fit=keep healthyn=remain healthy保持健康nbe uncertain about对没有把握nmake predictions做预测npredict. vt. 预言,预测 predictable 可预测的neg. Life is unpredictable.ntake a brief look at简要地过目一下nin brief=in short简而言之 nsubtitle副标题 subheading n. 副标题,小标题nsubway 地铁 connect .with把联系起来nbe conne

4、cted with和有关系联系neg. All your festivals seem to be connected with history. nprevent .from.阻止做 n. prevention 预防=stop.from.=keep.from.neg. We are prevented by the frightening snadstorm from going to shchool.nin the beginning开始 in the end最后nat the beginning of./at the end of .na beginners guide to.初学者.的

5、指南nguide.n. 导游, 指南 n vt. 给某人领路(或导游); 指导,nunder the guidance of 在的指引下ndo exercise=do sports=play sportsn=make exercise做运动ncongratulations祝贺,恭喜congratulate sb (on sth) 向(某人)道贺;祝贺neg. You can congratulate yourself on having done such an excellent job. ntake ones first step towards.向 迈出第一步nimproved adj.

6、已改善的,有改进的nimprove. vt. 提高改善 n. improvementnbenefit n. 利益,好处 vt. 有益于,对有益nbenefit from 得益于;得利于;nadj. beneficial 有益的,有利的;neg. A good diet is beneficial to health.nassume .vt.假定,认为 assumption. n. 假设nassume sb/sth to be认为 是 nit is generally assumed that n=it is widely recognized that人们普遍认为nEg. It is gene

7、rally assumed that hard work leads to success, so we assume him to be likely to get promoted.nregular exercise定期锻炼nexercise regularly定期锻炼ndo wonders for. 创造奇迹,产生神奇作用nwonder. n. 奇景奇观, vt. 想知道nadj. wonderful=fantastic =excellent=supernexactly .adv. 精确地;准确地 exact. adj.nto start with=to begin withnphysi

8、cal activity体育活动nincrease. n./v. 增加 decrease减少nefficiency n. 效能,功效 nheart and lung efficiency心肺功能n n efficient adj.效率高的,有能力的 =effectivenextra effort额外的努力,更多的努力ngrow stronger 变得更强 nover the long term长期=in the long termnit has also been proven that已经被证明 ntend to do sth 往往会做某事 tendency.n 趋势neg. When Im

9、 tired, I tend to make mistakes. ntend to sb/sth照顾、照管.neg. She has been tending to the sick and the wounded in the hostpital since she graduated.n disease n. 病,疾病 =sickness=illnessnmoreover adv.此外;而且= besides = in addition nwork out锻炼, 解决,计算出,制定计划neg. They managed to work out the difficulty problem.

10、 nwork out a travel plannwork on从事,致力于have better immune systems有更好的免疫系统nimmunity n. 免疫力nat lower risk of diseases 更低的患病风险nat risk 处于危险中=in dangernmoreover =in addition=besides=whats more另外 mental health心理健康 physical health身体健康 reduce stress减轻压力 reduce. to.把.减少到 reduce .by.把.减少了eg. By dieting and wo

11、rking out, I reduced my weight by 5 kilos. It was foggy, so the driver had to reduce the speed to 40 kilometers and hour. reduce=decrease=drop减少 reduction. n. get over negative feelings克服消极情绪nget over解决,克服,控制=overcomensome studies show that 研究表明nbrain function大脑功能nactually=in fact实际上nexercise one s

12、way to sth通过锻炼来 nexercise your way to better performancen通过锻炼身体来取得更好的成绩 nroutine n. 常规,惯例 adj.常规的,例行的;nplan an exercise routine制定锻炼计划ndaily routine日常生活consider. vt. 考虑;认为 consider doing 考虑做nbe considered as 被认为/看作是nadj. considerate 体贴的 nn. consideration 考虑;关心;ntake sth into consideration把 考虑在内nmuscl

13、e strength肌肉强度nstrength n. 强度,优势,力量nstrengthen vt. 增强,加强flexibility n. 灵活性,柔韧性 adj. flexible 灵活的;柔韧的naerobic activities有氧运动njogging 慢跑 go skiing滑雪 strength training 肌力训练,体能训练 pull-up n.C引体向上 sit-up (仰卧起坐), nclean-up(大扫除) push-up(俯卧撑)nweightlifting举重nlift. v. 举起;提高 n. 电梯; nencourage bone development

14、促进骨骼发育nencourage=promote 促进,激发nflexibility training 柔韧性训练ngymnastics 体操nstretch. vt. 伸展,舒展nstretch out ones hand=reach out ones hand nstretch the muscles伸展肌肉nimprove your bodys range of movement n提高身体的活动范围nrange n. 变动或浮动的)范围,界限,na wide range of =a variety of 各种各样的neg.The article covered a wide range

15、 of topics.nrange from.to. 在.与 .之间变化neg. The jobs range from advertising sales to engineering.nmovement n. 活动move v.移动nmoved adj.感动的moving adj.令人感动的 nthese types of exercise这些类型的运动npaly a role in在 起作用na healthy routine 一个健康的习惯nabove all最重要的是 be likely to do可能做nstick with持续,坚持=stick to sthnThey decid

16、ed to stick with their original plan.们决定继续执行原来的计划。 neg. We were stuck in traffic for over an hour. nbe stuck in 陷(入);困(于)nrun. (使)运转,运行n run on petrol/ electricity用汽油/电驱动nburn carbohydrates 燃烧碳水化合物nenergy n. 能量;精力 nadj. energetic. 精力充沛的power电力,权力,影响力 powerful 有影响力的nstrength 力量,体力,意志力nforce 暴力,武力nkee

17、p up your energy保持精力充沛n=keep energeticnduring a long workout 在长时间的锻炼中nrecover vt. 恢复, 重新获得 n. recovery.康复nrepair v. 修理;修复 nbe rich in富含 protein n. 蛋白质 nmilk products奶制品nbe of great importance= be very important nin general=generally speakingn=generally一般而言 nan average of 平均为 on average平均来看nimmediate

18、ly adv. 立即,立刻;ninstead adv. 相反n a typical routine常规锻炼nas much as 多达,差不多;na hard workout剧烈运动nthroughout exercise运动的全程nthroughout ones life某人的一生nthroughout the year 全年nthroughout the world=all over the worldnthroughout the history有史以来nmake up for弥补,补偿nmake up 组成;弥补;化妆;编造neg. The United States is made

19、up of 50 states.n I think its very unkind of you to make up stories about him.【温馨提示温馨提示】常见直接跟动词常见直接跟动词ing作宾语的词或词组口诀:作宾语的词或词组口诀:避免错过少延期避免错过少延期 avoid, miss, delay/ put off建议完成多练习建议完成多练习 suggest/ recommend, finish, practise喜欢想像禁不住喜欢想像禁不住 enjoy, imagine, cant help承认否定还考虑承认否定还考虑 admit, deny, consider逃避冒险

20、不介意逃避冒险不介意 escape, risk, mind期待成功更值得期待成功更值得 look forward to, succeed in, be worth还有还有excuse, resist, give up, cant stand等。等。ntissue n. (人、动植物细胞的)组织,纸巾, nprevent soft tissue injury预防软组织损伤nprevention. n. 预防;阻止; prevent .from.neg. Wed better prevent ourselves from getting injured.npreventable .adj. 可预防

21、的;可阻止的na box of tissues一盒纸巾nproper 适当的,合适的 adv. properlyn equipment n. 配备,装备;设备 nequip vt. 装备,配备nOur school will be equipped with 装备有,配备有iPad in every classroomnslowly work your way to a longer and harder exercise routine慢慢地进行更长时间、更艰苦的锻炼nexercise routine日常锻炼, 锻炼习惯navoid getting hurt 避免受伤nwarm up 热身运

22、动nat the end of the workout在锻炼结束的时候nsafely and effectively安全有效地nsafety= security. n. 安全nlack of exercise 缺乏运动nlack n. 缺乏,不足 vt. 缺乏,不足,neg. Though Tom lacked confidence, he made every effort to realize his dream.nIn spite of lack of confidnece, Tom made every effort to realize his dream.nput stress o

23、n.对施压nmaintain the habits 保持习惯nmaintain the friendship 维持友谊ncautious languanges 谨慎的语言be cautious about( doing)sth.谨慎对待(做)某事neg. You must be cautious about accepting invitations.nrevise vt.修改; 复习 n. revision. nappear=seemnprobably可能的=possibly adj. probablenmainly 主要地n nget their workout done完成他们的锻炼 n

24、get sth done使.被做neg. It is better to get the product repaired free of charge or replaced.nafterwards adv.以后,后来ninward(s) 向内 outward(s) 向外ndownward(s) 向下 upward(s)向上 nbackward(s)向后 forward(s)向前nP 20 nleaflet n. 传单,宣传或广告)小册子nget fit 健身 announce vt.宣布,宣告eg. the teacher announced to us the result of the

25、 test at the end of class. ( announce sth to sb) eg. It was difficult to explain the problem to beginners. ( explain sth to sb) n. announcement 公告;宣告;发表;通告nthe Community Sport Centre社区体育中心nbe open to the public向公众开放 nfacility n. 设施,设备=equipmentnsports facilities体育设施nenlarge vt.扩大,增大nenrich(使丰富), end

26、anger(使遭危险)nredo-redid-redone vt. 重做,改造nput finishing touches to.对进行最后的润色或修饰(to为介词)n the finishing touch n. 最后润饰,最后装点ntouching. adj. 感人的 touched . adj. 受感动的 nour workout room 健身房nupdate vt. 使现代化,更新=refreshneg. It is said that all the data has been updated up to now.nup to date adj. 最新的;最近的;n out of

27、date 过时的;过期的 ndate back to追溯到neg. The traditional customs can date back to ancient times.ncome by 短暂拜访ncheck out 察看,观察, 结账离开neg. Guests should check out of their rooms by noon.ncheck in(在旅馆、机场等)登记,报到nWeve checked in at the hotel. nfitness courses 健身课程 course=class课程in response to.对.作出反应回复 =respond t

28、o sth eg. The best way to respond to a boring question is to ignore it. aerobics class 健美操课nreplace vt. 替换;代替 replacement. nnreplace A with/by B 用B替换Aneg. It is not a good idea to skip meals and replace them with snacks.nbe replaced with/by 被取代eg. The real pet cant be replaced by the robotic pet.n p

29、lace n. 地方;vt. 放置;neg. A key had been placed under the seat. noption选择=choicenchoose to do sth 选择做-chose-chosen. vt. noptional adj. 可选择的,nbetter still更好的是 worse still更糟的是nweight training classes力量训练课nweigh vt. 权衡;考虑;称重量neg. You must weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery.noutwe

30、igh vt. 比重要;比有价值neg. It seems that the disadvantages often outweigh the advantages of ecotourism. be added to our programme被添加到我们的课程里 invite sb to do 邀请 做 invitation. n. 邀请 professional adj.职业性的,专业的,非业余的 profession n. 职业,专业=career professor n. 教授n athlete n. 运动员nOlympic athletes奥运会运动员nathletic adj.

31、擅长运动的nlook forward to doing 期待nlook through 浏览 look into调查 nlook down upon鄙视 look up to尊敬 look back on 回顾n make preparations for 准备= be prepared forneg. I began to make preparations for this journey.nPolice officers must be prepared for the unexpected.npresently 目前 现在=at present npresent adj. 现在的;出席

32、的;n. 礼物;现在,n v. 赠送;展示;presence. n存在,出席nOn his retirement, colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs一套高尔夫球球杆.nYoud better present your project to the rest of the class. eg. He has never been absent from work. (缺席 nreopening n. 重新开业,nremake vt. 重新制作,改编(电影或歌曲等nreconsider vt. 重新考虑n in place 准备妥当

33、;准备就绪 neg. With more effective measures put in place落实到位, the disease has been brought under control把控制住.neg. If the test is successful, the new policy will be put in place. nIt took two hours to bring the fire under control.ntest exercise machines 测试健身器材na whole new range of courses一系列全新的课程neg. The

34、 hotel offers a wide range of facilities. nShe has had a number of different jobs, ranging from chef to swimming instructor. npeople of all ages各个年龄的人n try out the boxing class试了试拳击课ngive it a try 试一试=have a try ntry ones best 尽最大努力ntry out 试验;考验ntry to do 尽力做某事;努力做某事n despite prep.即使,尽管= in spite o

35、f neg. Despite applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work.na boxing champion拳击冠军 npatient and professional 既耐心又专业npatience. n. 耐心 impatient 不耐烦的 sweat all over浑身是汗 eg. She wiped the sweat from her face. eg. He began to sweat heavily with the weather becoming hotter.n sth. needs to be don

36、e( sth. needs doing)eg. The flowers need to be watered.=The flowers need watering. a basketball / tennis court篮球/网球场 on court 在场上, 在法庭 P22. have a bad memory 记忆力差 in memory of =in honor of 为了纪念 eg. A film will be made in memory of those brave firefighters. memorize vt. 记住,记忆 eg. It is not a good ide

37、a to teach English by having the students memorize words. strengthen one s immune system 增强某人的免 疫系统 strength n. 力量;力气;长处 strengths and weaknesses优点和缺点 n nunder the weather人不太舒服;身体不适 nunder way进行中,正在进行之中nunder attack受到攻击nunder control 被控制住,处于控制之下nunder discussion正在讨论中neg. Government should attach gre

38、at importance to cyber网络 security which is frequently under attack and is of great importance to national security. neg. Since education is of great significance, the plan of reforming改革 the present education system has been under discussion for a year.nnot oneself 身体不好,不在状态nbe oneself 身心自在,怡然自得 nof

39、fer some advice on my diet 提出一些关于我的饮食建议noffer to do 主动提供做nSb need to do 需要做nSth need to be donenThe computer needs to be repaired.nThe computer needs repairing.nhave a better immune system 拥有更好的免疫系统 immunity n .免疫力nhigher energy level 高能级nto be honest老实说 honesty. n. nhonestly. adv. dishonest 不诚实的nTo

40、 tell you the truth 说实话nmake exercise a regular part of my life 让锻炼成为我生活的一部分 nfit . into ones schedule列入某人日程中.nkeep fit保持健康 be fit to do sth适合做nAs scheduled 按照安排nbe scheduled to do sth 计划/预定做某事nstay fit = keep healthynbe fit to do 适合做nplus 而且,此外= in addition=besidesn nlast but not least最后但同样重要的nhang

41、 out 闲逛;常去某处,nhang on 抓紧不放, 坚持 hang over 忧心忡忡n be concerned about.担心,关心neg. People are starting to be concerned about the environment。nafford vt.买得起,Eg. We cant abroad this summer. n afford to do sth.负担得起做某事naffordable adj. 负担得起的 nEg. Lower prices have made houses a bit more affordable. nsign up for

42、报名参加 nearby 附近的neg. We highly recommend that you sign up for this course.nI do want to try swimming. 我确实想试试游泳。nstick with an exercise routine 坚持日常锻炼nimagine jogging 想象慢跑nimagination . n 想象力nimaginative. adj. 富有想象力的neg. I couldnt help imagining earning that much money! nrepeat the same movement 重复相同的

43、运动nmoved . adj 受感动的 moving 感人的npretty sure 非常确定,非常肯定npartner n. 搭档,同伴;伙伴;合伙人nposition n. 处境 位置,职位,工作; nin one s position处于某人的境地nThat was a good lie. You have to put yourself in his position.nBruce is thinking of applying for the position. nout of/in position 不在/在适当地位置neg. All the parking signs have

44、now been placed in position.napply for a position 申请一个岗位napplyto 使用;应用于nEg. The new technology was applied to farming. napplication. n 应用;申请; napplicant. n 申请人 nhear from 收到来信 nEg. Im looking forward to hearing from you.nbe unwilling to do不愿意做 ntake up exercise 做运动ntake up 开始从事;占据(时间,地方)nstate vt.陈述

45、,说明 n statement n. 陈述,声明 n open- ended adj.无确定目标的,无限制的ncover vt.包括 nbe covered with被覆盖nEg. $100 should cover(足以支付;够付) your expenses. ndiscover . vt. discovery. nnrecover. vt. recovery. nnlanguage style语言风格 n convincing. adj. 令人信服的,有说服力的nconvinced adj 坚信,深信 n nopen- ended questions开放式问题n yes- no ques

46、tions是非问句,一般疑问句 Exercise can be fitted into ones schedule. n锻炼可以列入一个人的日程表nnecessary adj. 必要的; nnecessarily adv. 必要地;必然地nnot necessarily 未必,不一定neg. Biggest doesnt necessarily mean best.nnecessity. n. 必需品nP25 nhesitate vi犹豫hesitation n.犹豫nhesitate to do sth 不愿意做某事nwithout hesitation毫不犹豫neg. Please do

47、not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.nadmit vt.承认 (admitted-admitting)nadmission n.准许进入nbe admitted into 被录取, 进入eg. If you can be admitted into Fudan University, your parents will surely be proud of younadmit doing sth承认做了某事neg. Faced with the evidence, he had no choice but to admit

48、committing a crime.nhonestly adv.真的,确实 n physically and mentally身心上 njust as importantly同样重要的是 ninspire vt.激励,鼓舞; 启发思考 ninspiration n. 灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物 ninspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的;启发灵感的neg. By visiting schools, the actors hope to inspire children to put on their own productions.nHer inspiring speech yesterda

49、y made us encouraged.nseek for inspiration 寻求灵感nexplore vt&vi探究explorer n. 勘探者exploration n.探索nexplore the outer space探索外太空neg. As soon as we arrived on the island we were eager to explore. ncatch one s imaginationn= catch the imagnation of sb.使某人入迷ndescriptive adj. 描写的,叙述的;ndescription n. 描述,描写ndes

50、cribe vt. 描述,形容;描绘nwhite crane spreading its wings白鹤展翅ncoach. n. 教练;长途客车;vt. 训练;指导neg. She has coached hundreds of young singers.nsb/sth is said to do sth n= it is said that sb/sth.据说eg. she is said to be able to speak several foreign languages.it is said that she is able to speak several foreign la


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