Unit 1 Lights,camera,action!词汇ppt课件(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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1、Unit 1Words study type n n 类型,种类类型,种类/ vt/vivt/vi打字打字 n n 类型,种类类型,种类 What type of music do you like? He is not a sporty type She is my type She is my type Blood type vt/vivt/vi打字打字 Type you password, then press ”return” Type sth up Type sth inn n 口语口语 某人喜欢的类型某人喜欢的类型n n 某种某种类型的人类型的人n n 血型血型把打成文字把把输入电

2、脑输入电脑Types of+Types of+无限定词的名词无限定词的名词comedy n 喜剧片,喜剧 comedies C, U 喜剧演员 仲夏夜之梦、皆大欢喜、第十二夜和威尼斯商人 A Midsummer Nights Dream 、 As you like it Twelfth Night 、 The merchant of Venice 悲剧,悲剧作品;悲剧性事件,惨剧 Hamlet( 哈姆雷特) Othello(奥瑟罗)King Lear(李尔王) Macbeth(麦克白) 整个事件以悲剧而告终 comediantragedy trddi ies C, U The whole af

3、fair ended in tragedyThe whole affair ended in tragedy Documentary 纪录片;纪录影片;纪实广播(或电视)节目 a film or a radio or television programme giving facts about sth 纪实电视片 adj.纪实的;文件的;记录的 书面证据;文件来源;文献资料documentary evidence/sources/materialdocumentary evidence/sources/materiala television documentary about/ona te

4、levision documentary about/onFantasy n 幻想作品 C ies ; 幻想,想象C, U 别再生活在幻想世界中了 Stop living in a fantasy world 对有幻想 Have fantasies about fantasies of romance and true love 对浪漫和真爱的憧憬 The film is more of an ironic fantasy than a horror story. 这部影片与其说是恐怖片,不如说是带有讽刺意味的奇幻片 fantastic英 fntstk adj.好极了;了不起的; 大得难以置信

5、的; ;荒诞不经的;富于想象的;不现实的Think- thinking nounU/adj Think twice Great minds think alike 1思想;思考;思维 I had to do some quick thinking 迅速思考一番。 2想法;见解 to my way of thinking=in my opinion=in my view adj.思想的;有理智的;有思考力的 the thinking womans magazine理性妇女的杂志Opportunity n.C, U pl.-ies (todosth)|(forsth/fordoingsth)|(o

6、fdoingsth) 机会;时机 Youll have the opportunity to ask any questions at the end. Have thetodo 有机会做 There was no opportunity for further discussion. There is no for/ofdoing/thereisathat没机会、有机会 Id like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues for their support Take the todo借机做,利用机会做 Liein+原因Theprob

7、lemliesindecidingwhentointervene.介入。 RisetoachallengeRiserose,risen 上升(烟,雾,河水等自然事物) Purplesmokerisesfromthemountaintop; 升起(太阳月亮)起床,站起Thesunrisesintheeast. Risetoonesfeet站起来 增加(数量)Gasroseinprice 变得强大risetopower 起义;反抗;奋起rise(up)(againstsb/sth) N.(水平或数量)增加;asharprise 加薪askforarise giverisetosth使发生(或存在)

8、 Positive- negative Acquire (通过努力、能力、行为表现)获得,得到 She has acquired a good knowledge of English an acquired taste 养成的爱好 Inadvance提前 Advanceto/towards朝前进 AdvancedEnglish/technology Amazingamazedamazementtoonesamazement Confidentconfidence Beconfidentof/that肯定的;确信的;有把握的 haveconfidencein信任信赖withconfidence

9、自信的 Fullofconfidence/lackofconfidenceEffort U,C气力;努力;费力的事 Youshouldputmoreeffortintoyourwork Strengthenoneseffortstodo加大力度做 bendyourmind/effortstosth(formal)致力于某事;专心致志于 C(todosth)艰难的尝试;试图;尽力 Thecompanyhaslaidoff150workersinanefforttosavemoney.公司为节省资金遣散了150名工作人员。 Makeagreat/nodifferenceto Makethemost

10、/bestof/fulluseof充分利用 Takeadvantageof利用Resource C, usually pl. 1.资源;财力 natural resources pool our resources 集中 2.C 有助于实现目标的东西;资料 a teaching resource 3.pl. 勇气;才智;谋略 He has no inner resources and hates being alone 他没有什么内在精神寄托,因而害怕独处。 Facility pl -ies sports/leisure facilities 体育 / 消闲设施 C (供特定用途的)场所 th

11、e worlds largest nuclear waste facility Attitude to/towards toachieve/attainagoal 射门;进球得分Score a goal Balance life and work 同等重视 A with/and B How long can you balance on one leg?使保持平衡 比较(两个相对的事物);权衡重要性 A against B The cost of obtaining legal advice needs to be balanced against its benefitsEqual adj

12、/n/l-verb/vt Adj, Equal rights /pay 平等的 There is an equal number of boys and girls in the class 相等的 Be equal to 胜任 N.同等的人;相等物 be without equal=be without parallel have no equal beyond comparison 无与伦比;无敌;无比 linking verb(大小、数量、价值等)与相等,等于 2x plus y equals 7 (2x+y)=7 V 比得上;敌得过 This achievement is unlike

13、ly ever to be equalled improve my French The doctor says she should continue to improve (= after an illness) Last but not least 非正式场合往往在介绍多个事物或人物的最后一个时用到。 写作中用于表达自己的观点的最后一点 Well-rounded students /education多才多艺或全面发展的学生 in the period of all-round building a well-to-do society 面建设小康社会阶段 Individual free

14、dom - ly -lism Character 人的性格 Characteristic用来描述人或事物的特征、特点,并非性格 Be responsible for 对负责、应受责备、作为原因;成为起因 Mike is responsible for designing the entire project Everything will be done to bring those responsible to justice Cigarette smoking is responsible for about 90% of deaths from lung cancer responsib

15、le attitude to work. 可信赖的工作态度 Responsibility责任;负责 shoulder/take on a responsibility 肩负、承担责任 Nobody has claimed responsibility for the bombing U 事故责任 a strong sense of responsibility Go ahead “May I start?”“Yes, go ahead.” 1说吧,开始吧,开始(做某事): After the rain stopped, the men went ahead with their work of

16、 digging up the street. 2尤指经过计划、作出承诺或征得许可后)着手,开始做 Look forward to your coming Gain independence from (国家)独立的;自主的;自治的 Be independent of 独立的,不依赖,有主见的 Students should aim to become more independent of their teachersFocus n/vt/vi 1. (sth) (on/upon sb/sth) Focus on =center on =concentrate on集中(注意力、精力等于)

17、Focus ones attention on Today s lesson will focus on word study 2 (sth) (on sb/sth)(of your eyes, a camera, etc. 眼睛、摄影机等) (使)调节焦距 In this scene, the camera focuses on the actors face 3VN sth (on sth) (术语) 集中(光束于);聚焦(于) to aim light onto a particular point using a lens透镜;detail 1C 细微之处;枝节;琐事(具体的)2. U

18、 详情;全部细节(整体的) He had an eye for detail (= noticed and remembered small details) . 他很善于发现并记住细节 go into detail(s) 详细叙述;逐一说明 I cant go into details now; it would take too long. 3.pl. 具体情况;(关于某事物的)资料,消息information about sth Please supply the following details: name, age and sex. 请提供下列具体情况:姓名、年龄及性别。 As a

19、 result of +原因=Because of = On account of as a result 单独使用,后面一般用逗号隔开,并且不能连结2个句子 He worked hard at his study.As a result, he passed the exam easily. tips (on/for sth) | (on/for doing sth)指点;实用的提示 the tips of your fingers 指尖 to leave a tip 留小费 The lamp has a heavy base n. 底座 His arguments have a sound

20、 economic base根据 These policies have a broad base of support 基础(支持,收入,力量,) I spend a lot of time in Britain but Paris is still my base 大本营,总部 base sth on/upon sth 以为基础(或根据)remind 1.remind sb (about/of sth) 提醒;使想起 Dont forget the camera. Remind me about it nearer the time. “别忘了带相机。”“到时候再提醒我一下。” You r

21、emind me of your father when you say that.使想起 Reminder n. 引起回忆的事物;提醒人的事物 The incident served as a timely reminder of just how dangerous mountaineering can be. 这次事故及时地提醒了人们登山运动有时会多么危险。Proposal/ suggestion/advice表示建议 虚拟 1.C,UHis proposal that the system should be changed was rejected. to submit/consid

22、er/accept/reject a proposal 提交 / 审议 / 接受 / 拒绝一项建议 2. C 求婚 Propose verb提议;建议 She proposed that the book be banned. 打算;希冀;计划 to do /doing plan to do =intend to do I propose Tom Ellis for chairman 提名 sth | sb (for/as sth) (sth) (to sb)求婚Aim n/v (at doing sth) | (at/for sth)力求达到;力争做到 The government is a

23、iming at a 50% reduction in unemployment. aim to do We aim to be there around six Be aimed at doing目的是;旨在 to have sth as an aim These measures are aimed at preventing violent crime VN usually passive sth at sb 针对;对象是 The book is aimed at very young childrenStyle n/v 1C, U (of sth)做事方式 way sth is don

24、e 方式;作风 Its not my style 2.U (指服装)时新,时髦,流行式样 in style 时髦、气派;隆重;气势非凡 3.服式;发型 design of clothes/hair Hairstyle Technique C 技巧;技艺;工艺 the artist combines different techniques in the same painting. 这位艺术家在同一幅画中把不同的画法结合在一起。 U, sing. 技术;技能 technical adj technology U, C 科技;工艺;工程技术;技术学;工艺学 science and technol

25、ogy 科学技术 recent advances in medical technology 医疗技术的新发展 technological advances 科技进步 A drama workshop 戏剧研习班 Professional skills/standards/advice 职业技能/专业水平 women 职业女性 In a way以专业的方式Material n/adj 1.nounC, U 材料;原料 building materials (= bricks, sand, glass, etc.) Raw material 原材料 teaching materials 2.U

26、素材;用以创作的材料(或构想) Shes collecting material for her latest novel adj. 1物质的,实际的(非精神需求的)material comforts物质享受 spiritual 2.物质的;客观存在的 the material world 反immaterial a poster campaign (= an attempt to educate people about sth by using posters ) 招贴宣传运动C, U 交换;互换;交流;掉换The exchange of prisonersU 兑换;汇兑currency

27、exchange facilities货币兑换设备Where can I find the best exchange rate / rate of exchange ?在什么地方才能获得最好的兑换价?C (不同国家人或团体之间的)交流,互访Our school does an exchange with a school in France sth (with sb) 互换 Juliet and David exchanged glances I shook hands and exchanged a few words with the manager. A for B兑换;交易;更换 钱

28、或货物 If it doesnt fit, take it back and the store will exchange it have/exchange words (with sb) (about sth)(especially BrE) (与某人)争论,争吵Call sbs name 骂人,说脏话Host 以主人身份做东,单独承办整场活动Hold 举行活动,召集大家参加,如演讲比赛,运动会。不强调举办者身份辨析 非专业的;未经专门训练的;非专业性工作的 having a job that does not need a high level of education or speci

29、al training; connected with a job of this kind training for non-professional staff 对非专业员工的培训 2非职业的;业余的 doing sth as a hobby rather than as a paid job non-professional actors 非职业演员 unprofessional未达专业水平的;违反职业道德的 not reaching the standard expected in a particular professionTough adj 1. tough times 、chi

30、ldhood 艰难时光,童年 2. a tough teacher 严厉的 on/with be tough on =be hard on 3. a pair of tough shoes 坚固的 4. a tough cookie/customer 坚强的有主见的人 Alarm n/v 1 U 惊恐;惊慌;恐慌 What have you done? Ellie cried in alarm 2.C, usually sing. 警报 She decided to sound the alarm/ 3.警报器 set off the alarm 4.The alarm went off at

31、 7 oclock.闹钟在7点钟响了。Feel alarmed 感到害怕 Make contributions to 做贡献 Contribute to 促成, 有利于 Contribute to 贡献, 投稿,捐献 Fortunately unfortunately Fortune机会;巨款,;际遇 Seek ones fortune外出寻找发财机会;外出闯荡;闯世界 Tell ones fortune 算命 Traditions get established over time. 传统是随着时间的推移而得到认可的 C, U option (of doing sth) | (to do s

32、th) I had no option/choice but to (= I had to) ask him to leave keep/leave your options open保留选择余地;暂不决定 C 选修课 Compulsory subject 必修课、education 义务教育 U 黄油;奶油 know which side your bread is buttered 知道自己的利益所在 bread and butter黄油面包片;(某人或公司的)主要收入来源 Attract-attractive-attraction What attracted me to her was her sense of humor Be attracted by the idea /招来昆虫 Attract ones interests Tourist attractions calligrapher What is education? It is the meaning and value of human life. The relationship between human being, between nature and society, as well as universe.


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