Unit 4 Welcome &reading ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、Artificial intelligence: friendly or frightening?Chinese companies will no longer remain in the hard stage and they are also promoting a culture Chinese companies will no longer remain in the hard stage and they are also wang ling yan a cultureLead inFast readingDetailed readingPost readingT H E PA

2、R T 0 1Lead inT H E PA R T 0 2Fast readingGo through the passage quickly and try to fill in the blanks.Para. 1Para. 1AI can make your dreams come true.Para. 2Para. 2_Para. 3Para. 3_Para. 4Para. 4_Para. 5Para. 5_Para. 6Para. 6_Go through the passage quickly and try to fill in the blanks.Para 2:_Para

3、3: _Para 4: _Para 5: _Para 6: _AI is a branch of computer science that aims to create intelligent machines imitating the complex networks of the human brain.AI has developed over a long time and had some major breakthroughs.AI is being applied in various fields, transforming the way we live.The deve

4、lopment of AI has also caused concerns and fears.We need to make sure that we will not fall victim to AI.T H E PA R T 0 3Detailed readingCareful readingCareful readingTo get instant translations of text in foreign languages. 6. How does the author express the worries about the AI technology?A. By as

5、king questions. B. By making comparison.C. By having a discussion. D. By referring to documents.Careful reading7. Why does the author quote Stephen Hawking s words in Paragraph 5?A. To honor Stephen Hawking.B. To show the importance of AI.C. To stress scientists worry about AI.D. To emphasize people

6、 s reliance on AI.8. Whats the author s attitude towards artificial intelligence?A. OptimisticB. Pessimistic C. Curious D. Not mentioned.9. What kind of article is this text?A. Science fiction. B. Popular science.C. Science report. D. Human science.Para. 1 Imagine waking up one morning with the opti

7、on of staying in bed and pressing a button to send a robot to do all the work for you. How cool that would be! It may seem like building castles in the air, but given the rate at which artificial intelligence, or AI, is being developed, in the future such dreams may actually come true.想象一下,某天早上你醒来,可

8、以选择继续躺在床上,按下一个按钮,就能召来一台机器人为你处理所有的工作。那该有多酷啊!这听起来可能像是在建空中楼阁,但鉴于人工智能(AI)目前的发展速度,这样的梦想在将来也许真的可以实现。prep. 考虑到考虑到引导定语从句引导定语从句主句主句(建)空中阁楼,幻想,空想(建)空中阁楼,幻想,空想Para. 2 At the basic level, artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that aims to create intelligent machines. One of the essential aims

9、of AI is to develop computer intelligence capable of learning from experience, adjusting to new inputs and performing tasks like humans. 从基础层面上讲,人工智能是计算机科学的一个分支学科,其目标是研发智能机器。AI的基本目标之一,是开发能够学习过往经验、适应新的输入内容并且能够像人类一样执行任务的计算机智能。of后三个并列后三个并列v.-ing做宾语。做宾语。capacity 指行为能力指行为能力competence 指胜任某项工作或任务的能力指胜任某项工作

10、或任务的能力ability 指一般的才干指一般的才干To achieve this aim, many approaches to creating true AI have been put forward, including “deep learning”, which enables a machine to improve its own performance by learning from the results of its previous actions. Deep-learning AI has the capacity to analyse massive amoun

11、ts of data through multiple layers, imitating the complex networks of the human brain. 为了实现这个目标,人们提出过许多创造真正的AI的方法,其中包括“深度学习”-这种方法可以让机器通过学习自己先前的行为结果,来提升自身性能。深度学习AI拥有从多个层次分析海量信息的能力,它模拟的是人脑的复杂网络结构。analyse vt _ n(单数)(单数) 分析分析;分解分解 analysis目的状语approach to doing sth.定语从句The dream of AI has been around for

12、 centuries, and the development of computers since the 1940s has finally made it a reality. Years before the term artificial intelligence“ was coined in the mid-1950s,the theory had been explored by Alan Turing, one of the pioneers in the field of computer science. However, for a long time, AI techn

13、ology developed very slowly. AI 的梦想已经存在了几个世纪,而 20 世纪 40 年代以来计算机的发展,终于让这个梦想成为现实。“人工智能”这个术语是在 20 世纪 50 年代中期被创造出来的,而在好几年前,这一理论就被计算机科学领域的先驱之一艾伦图灵探索过。然而在很长一段时间里,AI技术发展得相当缓慢。Para. 3Para. 3A major breakthrough in AI came in 1997, when Deep Blue, a chess playing computer, beat the world chess champion Garry

14、 Kasparov. Then in 2017, a computer program named AlphaGo defeated Ke Jie, arguably the best human Go player, which demonstrated a significant advance in deep-learning Al systems.1997年,AI发展有了一个重大突破,当时一台名叫深蓝的国际象棋计算机打败了国际象棋世界冠军加里卡斯帕罗夫。之后在 2017 年,一个叫阿尔法围棋的计算机程序下赢了可谓人类最强的围棋棋手柯洁,这说明了深度学习 AI 系统的一大显著进展。whi

15、ch引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整个主句。引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整个主句。Para. 4Nowadays, AI is already being applied in many fields: finance, health care, machine translation and art, to name but a few. From autonomous vehicles to domestic robots, from recommendation systems to computers writing novels, AI has an unlimited numbe

16、r of applications. Ordinary people are now using AI to get instant translations of text in foreign languages, and machines can recognize fingerprints and even faces.如今,AI已经应用于许多领域,如金融、医疗保健、机器翻译和艺术等,不一而足。从自动驾驶车辆到家用机器人,从推荐系统到撰写小说的电脑,AI有着不计其数的应用。普通人现在能够使用 AI获取外语文本的即时翻译,机器也已经能够识别人们的指纹甚至面容。Para.5In short

17、, this technology is transforming the way we live. lt is clear that we are at a turning point in history. With machines like AlphaGo now capable of thinking and learning from their mistakes, we are getting closer to the dividing line between humans and machines. The question is, where will all this

18、lead? While AI enthusiasts promise us a bright future where intelligent robots will be working to our advantage, these undoubted benefits also bring concerns and fears. 简而言之,这项技术正在改变我们的生活方式。显然,我们正处于历史的转折点。有了阿尔法围棋这种能够思考并从自身错误中学习的机器,我们正在向人类与机器的界限越靠越近。问题在于,这一切将会导致什么?AI的热烈支持者向我们承诺未来会是美好的,到那时智能机器人将为人类谋利;

19、但这些毋庸置疑的好处也带来了忧虑和恐惧。引导让步状语从句。引导让步状语从句。引导定语从句,修饰引导定语从句,修饰future。Could machines really develop human-like intelligence? And what would happen if they did? Would thinking machines work alongside humans or threaten the existence of humans? How would they be punished if they committed crimes or even murd

20、ered humans? As we become more and more dependent on computers, some scientists are urging us to think about the dangers posed by the advances in Al. Stephen Hawking, for example, warned, “ The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.机器真的能够发展出像人类一样的智能吗?如果真的可

21、以,又会发生什么?能够思考的机器是会与人类并肩工作,还是会威胁人类的生存?如果它们犯了罪甚至谋杀了人类,又该如何惩罚?随着我们对电脑的依赖越来越深,些科学家正敦促我们思考 AI的进步所带来的危险。例如,斯蒂芬霍金就曾警告说:“完全人工智能的发展可能意味着人类的终结。”commit vt. 承诺;保证(某个人、机构等)承诺;保证(某个人、机构等) vi. 忠于;全心全意投入(工作、活动等)忠于;全心全意投入(工作、活动等) committed adj.尽心尽力的;坚定的;坚信尽心尽力的;坚定的;坚信commitment n.承诺;交托;信奉承诺;交托;信奉Para.6Apparently, su

22、ch warnings demand our attention. We need to make sure that we will not fall victim to AI. We may still think it would be fantastic to relax all day and allow autonomous machines to do all the work for usbut perhaps we should not be too greedy and rather be careful what we wish for!显然,这样的警告需要得到我们的重视

23、。我们需要确保自己不会沦为 AI的受害者。我们可能还是会认为,可以整天放松,让自动化机器为我们完成所有工作这样的生活很美妙但也许我门不该太过贪婪,而应对我们的期待保持谨慎!T H E PA R T 0 4Post readingPhrasesat a very rapid pacecastle in the airat a rate come trueadjust toa branch ofbe capable of doingaim toperform taskachieve aimapproach to sthput forward1.以非常快的速度_2.空中楼阁;白日梦(para1)_3

24、.以的速度 ; 按的比率_4.实现,成真;成为现实_5.调节;调整以适应_6.一个的分支(para2)_7.有能力做某事 ; 能够做某事_8.计划,打算;以为目标_9.执行任务_10.实现目标 ; 达到目的 _11.接近;通往的方法_12.提出(观点、建议、方案、办法、理论等)_Phrasesenable sb to do sthhave the capacity to domassive amounts ofmake sth a realityin the field ofbe applied into name but a fewa number ofinstant translation

25、in shortat a turning pointget close to13.使某人能够做某事_14.有能力做某事_15.大量的_16.使某事成为现实(para3)_17.在方面,在领域_18.被应用在(para4) _19.略举数例_20.许多的_21.即时翻译_22.总之;简言之(para5) _23.处于转折点_24.靠近,接近_Phrases(a) dividing linepromise sb sthto ones advantagecommit crimesbecome dependent onurge sb to do sthhuman racemake surefall v

26、ictim to sthallow sb to do sthwish forfacial recognition25.分界线_26.答应某人某事;承诺某人某事_27.对某人有利;有利于某人_28.犯罪_29.变得依赖_30.敦促某人做某事;强烈要求某人做某事_31.人类_32.确信;证实_33. 成为的牺牲品/受害者;屈服于. (para6)_34.允许某人做某事_35.盼望,希望得到_36.人脸识别,面部识别(page47)_Phrasescome into widespread usecompare . with an alternative toin theorybe safe from

27、protect from growing concern (that)break intosocial mediawhatever happens37.开始广泛使用_38.与.相比较_39.一种替代品_40.理论上_41.免受的伤害;不会遭到的危险_42.使免受,保护_43.日益担忧/关注_44.闯入;破门而入_45. 社交媒体_46.不管发生什么事,不管出现什么情况_Words1. vt. (AmE analyze) 分析 n.分析(pl. analyses)2. adj. 巨大的,大而重的;非常严重的 n.大量;大众3. n. 财政;资金;财力 vt. 提供资金 adj.财政的;资金的4.

28、 adj. 自主的,有自主权的;自治的 adj.自动的 adv.自动地5. vt. 危及,对构成威胁;威胁 n. 构成威胁的人(或事物);威胁,恐吓;凶兆6. vt. 犯(罪);承诺,保证花(钱或时间)vi. 全身心投入,忠于 n.承诺;委托 commission= n.委员会7. n. 罪,罪行;犯罪活动 adj.犯罪的 n.罪犯8. vt. & n. 谋杀,凶杀 n.凶手analyseanalysismassivemassfinancefinancialautonomousautomaticautomaticallythreatenthreatcommitcommitmentcommitt

29、eecrimecriminalmurdermurdererWords9. vt. 敦促,竭力主张;鞭策 n. 冲动,强烈的欲望 adj.紧急的10. vt. 造成,产生;质询 vi. 摆好姿势 n. 姿势 n.姿势;位置 11. adv. 显然 adj.明显的=obvious=evident 12. n. 警告,先兆=caution vt. 警告;n.谨慎 vt.警告13. vt. 需要;强烈要求 n. 所需之物;需求 adj.要求高的14. adj. 贪心的,贪婪的 n.贪婪15. n. 识别,认出;承认,认可;赞誉,赏识 vt.认可;识别;意识到 adj.公认的16. n. 偷窃,偷窃罪

30、n.盗贼urgeurgentposepositionapparentlyapparentwarningwarndemanddemandinggreedygreedrecognitionrecognizerecognizedtheftthiefThe passage below is about facial recognition technology. Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box below.apparently urge warning fall victim

31、 toanalyse pose network to name but a fewTechnology is changing the face of the world, and now faces are changing technology too. Facial recognition technology, with its capacity to _ a huge amount of data, has come into widespread use. analyseIt works by comparing the facial features of given image

32、s with those in a database. It offers a quick and cool alternative to traditional passwords, and you cannot forget your own face! In theory, _ which use our own body as passwords should also be safer from hackers and better protect us from identity theft than those that use traditional passwords, ma

33、inly because every individual is unique. networksapparently urge warning fall victim toanalyse pose network to name but a fewThis technology is especially useful for security checks in public places: airports and railway stations, _. However, facial recognition technology has also started to _ some

34、difficult questions. Experts have been giving _ about this technology, saying it may not be as good as we think. to name but a fewapparently urge warning fall victim toanalyse pose network to name but a fewwarningsposeFacial expressions often vary, which makes facial recognition less effective. More

35、over, there is growing concern that we might _ this technology, as there are cases in which hackers have broken into facial recognition systems by using peoples social media photos to build models of their faces.fall victim toapparently urge warning fall victim toanalyse pose network to name but a f

36、ewScientists and engineers _ to improve existing technology and make it fail-safe. _, this will be a tough task. Whatever happens, we need to make sure that facial recognition technology can be trusted or we will have to face the consequences.are urged/ have been urgedApparentlyapparently urge warni

37、ng fall victim toanalyse pose network to name but a fewTranslation 1. 考虑到他们缺乏经验,他们已经做得不错了。(given)Given their inexperience, theyve done a good job.2. 他们要求工人们的工作条件要尽快改善。(demand)They demanded that the workers working conditions(should) be improved as soon as possible.3我不知道如何解决这个问题,所以我别无选择只能向你求助。(have n

38、o alternative but to do.)I didnt know how to deal with the problem,so I had no alternative but to turn to you for help.4随着期末考试的来临,老师敦促我们努力学习。(urge sb.to do sth.)Our teacher urges us to study hard with the approach of final exam.Translation 5你真贪婪,一块蛋糕都不给别人留。(greedy)It is so greedy of you to leave non

39、e of the cake for everyone else.6人们一致认为环境污染已经成为人们面临的最严重的问题之一。(It is recognized that.)It is recognized that environmental pollution has become one of the most serious problems that people face.7. 大多数生物在被迫的情况下都能适应变化的环境。(capable)Most living creatures are capable of adapting/adjusting to the changing en

40、vironment when they are forced to do so.8.他们承诺继续共同努力来应对这个问题。(commit)They have made a commitment to keep working together to cope with the issue.Cloze Imagine 1. (wake) up one morning with the option of staying in bed and pressing a button 2. (send) a robot to do all the work for you. How cool that w

41、ould be! It may seem like building castles in the air, but given the rate 3. artificial intelligence, or AI, is being developed, in the future such dreams may actually come true.wakingto sendat whichCloze At the basic level, artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that aims to develo

42、p intelligent machines. One of the essential 4. (aim) of AI is to develop computer intelligence capable of learning from experience, 5. (adjust) to new inputs and performing tasks like humans. To achieve this aim, many approaches 6. creating true AI have been put forward, including “deep learning”,

43、7. enables a machine to improve its own 8. (perform) by learning from the results of its previous actions. Deep-learning AI has the capacity to analyse massive amounts of data through multiple layers, 9. (imitate) the complex networks of the human brain.aimsadjustingtowhichperformanceimitating Cloze

44、 The dream of AI 10. (be) around for centuries, and the 11. (develop) of computers since the 1940s has finally made it a reality. Years before the term “artificial intelligence” 12. (coin) in the mid-1950s, the theory 13. (explore) by Alan Turing, one of the pioneers in the field of computer science

45、. 14. , for a long time, AI technology developed very slowly. A major breakthrough in AI came in 1997, when Deep Blue, a chess-playing computer, beat the world chess champion Garry Kasparov. Then in 2017, a computer program 15. (name) AlphaGo defeated Ke Jie, arguably the best human Go player, 16. d

46、emonstrated a significant advance in deep-learning AI systems.has beendevelopmentwas coinedhad been exploredHowevernamedwhichCloze Nowadays, AI is already being applied in many fields: finance, health care, natural language processing and art, to name but a few. From autonomous vehicles 17. domestic

47、 robots, from recommendation systems to computers writing novels, AI has 18. unlimited number of applications. Ordinary people are now using AI 19. (get) instant translations of text in foreign languages, and machines can recognize fingerprints and even faces.toanto getCloze In short, this technolog

48、y is transforming the way we live. It is clear 20. we are at a turning point in history. With machines like AlphaGo now capable of thinking and learning from their mistakes, we are getting 21. (close) to the dividing line between humans and machines. The question is, where will all this lead? While

49、AI enthusiasts promise us a bright future 22. intelligent robots will be working to our advantage, these undoubted benefits also bring concerns and fears. Could machines really develop human-like intelligence? And what would happen if they did? Would thinking machines work alongside humans or threat

50、en the 23. (exist) of humans? How would they be punished if they committed crimes or even murdered humans? As we become more and more dependent 24. computers, some scientists are urging us to think about the dangers 25. (pose) by the advances in AI. Stephen Hawking, for example, 26. (warn), “The dev


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