Unit9础过关 单元写作训练 (2022)新北师大版高中英语必修第三册.docx

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1、北师大版必修第三册unit9础过关+单元写作训练.请默写出下列单词1_ n方法2_n几何学3_n搭档,同伴4_adj.自动的;无意识的5_ n恐龙6_ n资料;数据7_ adj.经典的8_n策略;战略;规划9_ prep.超出范围10_n小说11_adj.充足的12_ n上下文;语境;背景13_ vt.学习,获得(知识,技能)14_ adj.& adv.遍及世界的;在全世界15_ n童年,儿童时代16_ adj.详细准确的;照片的;摄影的17_ n技巧,手法18_ n日记,日志19_ adv.此外,而且20_ n冲浪21_ n(大的)差距,差额,差别22_n小说23_ n结果,后果1.appr

2、oach 2. geometry 3. partner 4. automatic 5.dinosaur 6. data7.classic 8.strategy 9. beyond10. novel 11. sufficient 12. context13.acquire 14. worldwide15.childhood 16. photographic17. technique18. journal19. moreover20. surfing21.gap 22. fiction 23. outcome.请拼写下列单词1_ vi.争论,争吵_ n争论,争吵2_ vt.认为;假定,假设_ n假

3、定,假设3_ adj.灵活的,可变通的_ adv.灵活地,可变通地4_ vt.促进,增进_- n促进,增进5_ adj.不大可能的_ adj.可能的6_ vi.存在;实际上有_ n存在7_vt.忽视;置之不理_ n忽视;置之不理8_ n印象;感想_v留下印象_adj.印象深刻的9_ adj.简化了的_ adj.简单的_- v简化10_ adj.不熟悉的,不了解的_ adj.熟悉的,了解的11_ vt.记住;熟记_n记忆力_ n记忆12_ adv.有效地_ n影响_ adj.有效的13_ vt.推荐;建议_n推荐;推荐信14_ adv.通常,平常_adj.正常的15_ n计划;安排_ v计划;安

4、排16_adj.情感上的;情绪上的_n情感;情绪_- adv.情感上地;情绪上地17_ n兴奋,激动_-v使激动_- adj.激动的_- adj.令人激动的18_-vt.& vi.出版;发表;刊登_ n出版;发表;刊登_ n出版人;发行人19_ n深思;想法;反射_ vi.& vt.仔细思考;表达(意见);反映_adj.沉思的;深思的20_ n证据,证明_ adj.明显的21_ vt.使接触;使体验_ n接触;暴露1.argue;argument 2. assume;assumption 3.flexible; flexibly 4. promote; promotion5.unlikely;

5、 likely 6.exist; existence 7.ignore ; ignorance 8.impression;impress ; impressive 9. simplified;simple; simplify10.unfamiliar; familiar 11. memorise;memory ;memorisation 12. effectively; effect;effective13.recommend;recommendation 14. normally; normal 15.arrangement; arrange16.emotional ; emotion ;

6、emotionally17.excitement;excite ;excited; exciting18.publish ; publishing;publisher19.reflection;reflect;reflective 20. evidence;evident 21.expose;exposure.语法填空Youve seen it in movies:A girl walks through a parking garage.Suddenly,an evillooking man jumps out.The girl jabs(猛戳) him in the eyes with h

7、er keys or maybe she kicks him in 1. certain sensitive place.Then she leaps into her car and speeds to safety.Heres the real life:When the girl goes to jab or kick the man,he knows whats coming and grasps her arm or leg,2. (pull) her off balance.Now shes in a bad place to defend 3. (she),and she can

8、t run away.Many people think of selfdefense 4. a kick to the stomach or jab in the eyes of an attacker.But selfdefense 5. (actual) means doing everything possible to avoid fighting someone who threatens or attacks you.It is all about using your brainsnot your fists.People 6. fight back in selfdefens

9、e can make a situation much 7. (bad)The attacker may become even more violent.The best way is to try to get away.Usually,your intuition(直觉),8. (combine) with your common sense,can help get you out of trouble.For example,if youre running alone on the school track and you suddenly feel like you 9. (wa

10、tch),that could be your intuition telling you something.Your common sense would then tell you that its a good idea to get back to 10. there are more people around.1a2pulling3herself4as5actually6who/that7worse8combined9are being watched10 where.单元写作训练你读过少年维特之烦恼吗?年轻的维特来到一个小镇,这里的自然风光、淳朴的民风、天真快乐的儿童给予他极大

11、的快乐。一次舞会上他认识了一个叫绿蒂的少女,她的一颦一笑、一举一动都让他倾倒;绿蒂也喜欢他,却不能予以爱的回报,她已与维特好友订婚。维特陷入了尴尬和痛苦,他毅然离开此地,力图从事业上得到解脱,有所成就,然而鄙陋的环境、污浊的人际关系、压抑个性窒息自由的现存秩序,都使他无法忍受,当他怀才不遇地重返绿蒂身边时,发现绿蒂已结婚,决定以死殉情,遂用一支手枪结束了自己的生命。读完之后你有什么收获,根据你的思考写一篇学习反思。注意:1词数80左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_参考范文My Reflection on The Sorrows of Young WertherThe Sorrows of

12、 Young Werther written by the famous German author Goethe describes that Werther happened to meet Lotte and fell in love with her,but Lotte had engaged with another man.Werther loved Lotte very much but he dared not tell his love to her.Finally,he shot himself with his sorrows.When I finished reading this book,I felt sad and sorry about his death.Facing love,we should keep calm so that we can make right choices.Sometimes,not everything is about what we want it to be,and maybe there are some things we couldnt change.However,we can change our attitudes toward life.


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