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1、第一组1His talents are not fully a_ in that large company.2We were seeing a _(纪录片) film about that war then.3You may not know the fight was started by a gang of _(青年)4As a composer,his room is so m_ that there is no place to sit.5 It is said that the competition is open to teams and _(个人)6 My grandmoth

2、er planned to take part in a performance c_.7 After the show,we got the p_ to visit those backstage workers.8 He has given professional support to the local team f_ for 30 years.9 For a lesson on learning to play the piano,the hourly charge is _(现在) 35 yuan.10 Later,I got the opportunity to intervie

3、w the famous writer whose latest book is _(畅销的)第二组1 What made her angry was his t_ behavior.2 He was a talented musician in his _(青少年)3 In my heart I feel that everything I do is a_ to me.4 She is among the best of our young female _(雕刻家)5 To my happiness,he _(忠诚地) lived up to his promise.6 Which or

4、ganization do you _(当前) communicate with?7 Charlotte Stone will perform songs from her new _(畅销的) CD,with James Pickering on the piano.8 I begin to seek the right _(富于感情的) way to protest discrimination.9 I a_ your giving me so much of your time and so many inspiring words.10 Sports like tennis,track

5、 and field,swimming,gymnastics,and wrestling are all sports where _(个人的) performances are tallied(计分) into team scores.第三组1 The novel c_ of ten chapters proved to be a hit.2 It is polite for us to r_ to an email as soon as possible.3 Facing such a c_ situation,she didnt know what to do.4 As a matter

6、 of fact,depression is an extremely negative _(情感)5 The music,no matter how frequently _(表演),is very popular.6 He found that it was difficult to m_ a foreign language,though he was talented.7 His shoulders were _(宽阔的) and his waist was narrow,which was impressive.8 As a kindergarten teacher,she has

7、made their childhood so _(欢乐的) and impressive.9 Word came that the young man referred to by the boss,would be in c_ of this factory.10 By about six weeks of age,most babies begin to show a day/night sleeping _(式样)第四组1 He is a c_ of serious music.I like his music a lot.2 Chaplin was not just a _(天才),

8、but he was among the most influential figures in film history.3 He had a heated quarrel with the _(售票员) on the bus.4 To the old man,theres nothing more j_ than his sons arrival.5 The doctor also tries to figure out how we _(反应) to sickness.6 Regarded as a promising composer,can you tell me how to c_

9、?7 While she was on the stage,the _(紧张的) feeling made her tremble.8 I hope all of us can _(奋斗) together and show our best to the world.9 He ignored the traffic _(信号) and caused an accident.10 Though he is a potential performer,he acted a _(不重要的) character in this film.第五组1 When I was in trouble,she

10、didnt h_ to give me a hand.2 As we expected,the talks _(进行) in a friendly atmosphere.3 If you can do that,you can come through the _(紧张的) situations.4 As a responsible person,I will not let _(小的) issues disturb my work.5 Showing great passion in music,the child asks his parents to buy him a p_.6 He

11、is a g_ and an influential singer,composer and dancer.7 When I was crossing the street,the policeman raised his hand as a s_ to stop.8 From the Internet,we can know the valley is three miles long and half a mile b_.9 When it came to famous people,her father was the best _(指挥家) in China.10 He went _(

12、后台) to observe how the performers prepared for the performance.第六组1 The man found the box buried b_ a pile of leaves.2 Unfortunately,the f_ beat the young girl completely.3 His mother takes him to have art classes m_.4 The management plan has four main _(组成部分)5 The girl drew a picture of the strikin

13、g _(景色) in five minutes.6 Suddenly a frightening _(尖叫声) came from the old house.7 His mother likes _(古典的) music while his father likes pop.8 The _(观看者) was so excited that he suddenly stood up to clap.9 His _(反应) to the incident was totally beyond my expectation.10 He became very famous as an invent

14、or of surprising _(视觉的) effects.第七组1 The problem is too(复杂的) for him to understand.2 This was an(方面) of her character he hadnt seen before.3 We sent out over 1,000 letters but the rate has been low.4 My parents lent me the money.O_,I couldnt have afforded the trip.5 To my surprise,she didnt h_accept

15、 my suggestion that day.6 You must start earlier,o_ youll not catch the bus.7 The little boy p_ well on the stage that night.8 The present situation is very _(复杂的),so I think it will take me some time to figure out its reality.9 She r_ to my suggestion with a broad smile.10 He always performs his du

16、ties f_.第八组1 Officials have not yet known what c_ the accident.2 We all want to know what his r_ to the news was.3 The marriage was a f_ and they both wanted to be free of it.4 They go on talking about it,but it does not a_ their life.5 The _(药物) will be useful to hundreds of thousands of infected p

17、eople.6 We can get _(视觉的) information by watching the girls VCR(录像)7 When painting,imagine that you are painting a beautiful _(杰作)8 Far _(在下方) the clouds,the trees of the forest sighed in the wind.9 How does she manage to keep her f_ when she eats so much?10 I often go to the restaurant because I li

18、ke the _(气氛) in it.第九组1 I could be a writer without being a novelist or a (记者)2 As can be seen,the temple is solely supported by marble (支柱)3 There are a great many a waiting for the interview outside.4 It is surprising that the (老年人) are a strong force in any election.5 Two (摄影师) have been employed

19、 to cover traffic accidents.6 Besides following in your fathers footsteps,there are various o open to you.7 When you tell your father what you think he should do,do so (恭敬地)8 Every city has several shopping (区域),which meet womens desire to buy.9 In the library,there are three full-time librarians an

20、d two p ones at the moment.10 We stood on the top of the mountain and the stadium was just within our range of v .第十组1 Susan is a very brilliant and (聪明的) woman.2The train went slower and slower until it stopped a .3 I have d on going to the countryside after graduation.4 Facilities for people with

21、(残疾) are still not enough.5 The doctor said the (国内的;内部的) bleeding had been massive.6 What I want to know is how long the chef has been e at this job.7 The reliable young man became (唯一地) responsible for the firm.8 Nobody believed what he had p then,but later it turned out to be true.9 They have mai

22、ntained a close (联系) with an institution in the US.10 Congratulations again on your sons promotion at the department.He d it.第十一组1 At the hotel,you can pay in cash or by c card.2 Tom is an honest and r student.3 Eventually,to his joy he p his father to give up smoking.4 Good teamwork is a powerful t

23、ool for effective (管理)5 It is said that one of his sons is a very (优秀的) young physician.6 Sam has been appointed as manager of the engineering (部门)7 My sister is eager to be a lawyer while I hope Ill be an (建筑师)8 She is a c to the government,who will give useful tips on economy.9 The president will

24、appoint you as his (助手) because you are so brilliant.10 The students put the books on the library desk,and the two l checked them in.第十二组1 As a lawyer,the brilliant girl is at the very top of her p .2 At 60,the impressive librarian is now approaching r .3 The staff have been (接受再培训) to use the new t

25、echnology.4 What is well known to us all is that experience is e for this job.5 He had been sent to the US to learn management by his (雇主)6 The client didnt get a (可接受的) explanation from the travel agent.7 With similar experience,I can do (多种的) jobs at the art gallery.8 (安全问题) should be taken into c

26、onsideration by any website.9 He was (有资格的) and no one questioned his competence as a doctor.10 It is hoped that these (专家) can come up with new ways to solve the problem.第十三组1 Whether pollution is l to the disease is under debate. 2 Contrary to (预料), interest rates did not rise. 3 Qingdao is an att

27、ractive city l on the eastern coast of China.4 Last year, many students (参加) in the running of the college.5 In fact, cultural (多样性) makes our world so rich and colorful.6 With the decline of the global economy, her family is faced with many (经济的) problems.7 Its thought that ones anxiety often occur

28、s as a result of his unsuccessful a to the new surroundings.8 In recent years an English word “infosphere” has appeared,c the sense of “information” and “atmosphere”9 The new bridge designed by two famous a is under construction.10 Although this (食谱) looks long,it is actually very quick to prepare.第

29、十四组1 The butchers behaviour was completely beyond (理解)2 Computer programming needs someone with a (合乎逻辑的) mind.3 There was a clear indication that the chemist was in (财务的) difficulty.4 The salesman is mainly responsible for (生物技术) product sales.5 Many elderly people are not familiar with the (趋势) of

30、 modern lifestyle now.6 According to the consultant,this insurance g you against loss in case of fire.7 Success in creating (人工智能) could be the biggest event in the history of our civilization.8 His poor performance results from being not (积极的) rather than reading difficulties.9 Wherever there is su

31、ch a park,it is good for the local tourism and its e .10 At midnight last night,the sound of (脚步声) on the path broke the stillness.11 Their (薪水) increase with years of service,education,or promotion.12 We are all eager to see a (极好的) opening ceremony of the 24th Winter Olympics.13 He is a good-heart

32、ed and brilliant (律师) and those in difficulty often ask him for help.14 I think he is t_ in expressing himself because I am often persuaded by him.答案第一组1 appreciated2.documentary3.youths4.messy 5.individuals 6 contest7.permission8.faithfully9.currently10.best-selling第二组1 threatening2.youth3.acceptab

33、le4.sculptors5.faithfully6.currently7.best-selling8.expressive9.appreciate10individual第三组1 composed2.respondplex4.emotion5.performed6.master7.broad8.joyous9.charge10.pattern第四组1 hesitate2.proceeded3.tense4.minor5.piano6.genius7.signal8.broad9.conductor10.backstage第五组1 beneath2.failure3.monthlyponent

34、s5.scene 6 scream7.classical8.viewer9.reaction10.visual第六组1 composer 2.genius 3.conductor 4.joyous 5.respondpose 7.tense 8.struggle 9.signal 10.minor第七组1. complex2. aspect3. response4. Otherwise5. hesitate6 otherwise7.performedplex9.responded10.faithfully第八组1 caused2.reaction3.failure4.affect5.drug6

35、.visual 7 masterpiece8.beneath 9 figure10 atmosphere第九组1 journalist2 columns3 applicants4 elderly5 photographers6 options7 respectfully8 districts9 part-time10 vision第十组1 intelligent2 altogether3 determined4 disabilities5 internal6 employed7 solely8 predicted9 association10 deserves第十一组1 credit2 rel

36、iable3 persuaded4 management5 brilliant6 department7 architect8 consultant9 assistant10 librarians第十二组1 profession2 retirement3 retrained4 essential5 employer6 decent7 multiple8 Security9 qualified10 specialists第十三组1 linked2 expectation3 located4 participated5 diversity6 economic7 adaptation8 combining 9 architects10 recipe第十四组1 comprehension2 logical3 financial4 bio-technology5 trend6 guarantees7 AI8 motivated 9 economy10 footsteps11 salaries12 brilliant13 lawyer 14 talented


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