Unit 1 Topic Talk 词汇基础检测-(2022)新北师大版高中英语必修第一册.rar

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  • Unit 1 Topic Talk 词汇基础检测 --(2022)新北师大版高中英语必修第一册
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M1 Unit 1 词汇基础词汇基础 (Topic Talk & Lesson 1)1. 根据英文释义写出相应的英语单词(Topic Talk)adj./adv.dynamic:(of a person) having a lot of energy and a strong personalityPrevious:happening or existing before the event or object that you are talking aboutSenior:high in rank or status; higher in rank or status than othersSecondary:only before noun connected with teaching children of 1118 years;less important than something elseStressful: causing a lot of worry; extremely irritating to the nervesPlus: on the positive side or higher end of a scaleUnfortunately: by bad luck; used to say that a particular situation or fact makes you sad or disappointed, or gets you into a difficult positionN.Competence: the ability to do something well;the quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually 身心健全/身心状况优秀Expectation: the feeling that something is about to happenChapter: a separate(独立的) section of a book, usually with a number or titleCampus:the buildings of a university or college and the land around themSchedule:a plan that lists all the work that you have to do and when you must do each thingConfidence:the feeling that you can trust, believe in and be sure about the abilities or good qualities of somebody/somethingPressure: uncountable the act of trying to persuade or to force somebody to do somethingLeisure:time when you are not working or studying; free timeInjury:countable, uncountable harm done to a persons or an animals body, for example in an accidentApartment:a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a buildingV.Differ:to be different from somebody/somethingRecover:to get well again after being ill, hurt, etc.Challenge:a new or difficult task that tests somebodys ability and skillArise:(especially of a problem or a difficult situation) to happen; to start to exist2. 词形变换名词动词形容词challengeChallengeChallengingpressurePressPressingConfidence/confidentSeniority/seniorStressStressstressfulcompetence/CompetentDifferencedifferDifferentRecoveryrecover/injuryInjureInjured单词近义词单词反义词SeniorelderPreviouslatterDynamicenergeticUnfortunatelyfortunatelyPreviousformerSeniorjuniorM1 Unit 1 词汇基础词汇基础 (Topic Talk )I. 根据英文释义写出相应的英语单词根据英文释义写出相应的英语单词(Topic Talk)Adj./Adv._: (of a person) having a lot of energy and a strong personality_: happening or existing before the event or object that you are talking about_: high in rank or status; higher in rank or status than others_: only before noun connected with teaching children of 1118 years;less important than something else_:causing a lot of worry; extremely irritating to the nerves_:on the positive side or higher end of a scale_:by bad luck;used to say that a particular situation or fact makes you sad or disappointed, or gets you into a difficult positionN._: the ability to do something well;the quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually_: the feeling that something is about to happen_: a separate section of a book, usually with a number or title_:the buildings of a university or college and the land around them_:a plan that lists all the work that you have to do and when you must do each thing_:the feeling that you can trust, believe in and be sure about the abilities or good qualities of somebody/something_: uncountable the act of trying to persuade or to force somebody to do something_:time when you are not working or studying; free time_: harm done to a persons or an animals body, for example in an accident_:a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a buildingV._:to be different from somebody/something_:to get well again after being ill, hurt, etc._:a new or difficult task that tests somebodys ability and skill_:(especially of a problem or a difficult situation) to happen; to start to existII. 词形变换词形变换名词动词形容词challengepressure/confident/seniorstressfulcompetence/differrecover/injury单词近义词单词反义词seniorpreviousdynamicunfortunatelypreviousseniorIII.使用括号内的提示补全句子使用括号内的提示补全句子1.The Smith would like to buy an _ (公寓,房子) facing the sea.2. We are told that the old man hopes everything goes according to _(计划,日程).3.She is so young and _(有活力的)and will get along well with the team.4.The twins look alike, but they _(不同) in interests.5.Training is provided, so no _ (之前的) experience is required for the job.6.It is quite _(有挑战的) for such a shy boy to give a speech in front of so many people.7.Emotional or mental problems can _(导致) from a physical cause.8.Weve always regarded him as a man of integrity and high professional _(有能力的).9.The product sales is out of our _(expect).10.Compared with her achievements, her shortcomings are,after all, only _(second).
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