1、Spanish Flu王乾坤1.2.3.4.CONTENTSThe source of the name Duration and Process Countermeasure(对策) and Result Etiology(病源) of Spanish Flu2With masks over their faces,members of the American Red Cross remove a victim of the Spanish Flu from a house.3Soldiers who showed signs of flu were quarantined(隔离).4Pe
2、ople infected with Spanish flu in hospital.5Why we called it Spanish flu?This flu outbroke in America,but 8 million Spanish were infected with it,even the king of the Spanish.So we called it Spanish flu. 1. The source of the name Q:A:6Three waves of Spanish fluMarch,1918 January,1919 1 August,1918 N
3、ovember,19182Winter,1919 March,192032. Duration and Process7March,1918the 1st Wave(March,1918January,1919)April,1918June,1918January,1919May,1918US armyFrance army , British armyItaly,Spanish,Germany,Africa,IndiaUK, Russia,China,Philippines and New ZealandAustralia89patientHeadacheMuscular soreness(
4、肌肉无力)High feverInappetence(厌食)August,1918the 2nd Wave(August,1918November,1918)August 27th,1918November,1918September,1918West AfricaAmerica and FranchAmerica and Europethe whole world10South AmericaNorth AmericaChinaAsiaAfricaOceaniaEuropeWorldwide Diffusion of Spanish Flu Second Wave: Autumn, 1918
5、11125/1000=2.5% 0.1%2040 years oldDeaths per 1,000 personsSpecific death rate(死亡专率)12Winter,1919The 3rd Wave(Winter,1919March,1920)March,1920Break out in many places all over the worldDisappear mysteriously13Spanish Flu in ChinaShanghaiKwangtungNortheast,ChinaJapanBeijingDiffusion of Spanish Flu in
6、ChinaSichuang14KwangtungNortheastShanghaiSichuan救治时疫之布告 冯秉乾 定邑城乡内外,近来疫症流行。由于天时亢旱,井河饮料不清,加以人民习惯,多不讲究卫生,以致酿成疾病,性命危在俄顷。民生疾苦如此,本县轸念殊深,特与医家考证,厥病是为风瘟。主治宜银翘散,有无咳嗽须分。药味照方加减,初起服之极灵。兹将各方列后,布告县属人民,凡有患此病者,不及延请医生,赶紧照方买药,连服自可安宁。方药并非贵品,万勿吝惜钱文,须知身命要紧,不可迷信求神,妄食香灰神水,转致误害己身。按照清洁方法,大家认真实行,既于卫生有益,病患自然除根。务望通人达士,解说不借口唇,使彼
7、无知乡愚,俾得一体遵循。申报1918年11月6日A notice writted by Feng Bingqian,an officer of Dinghai county(定海县).Spanish flua kind of medicine,Yinqiao Powderinfluenza1532123use air cleanerpeople without mask was avoidedpolicemen with masks in Seattle3. Countermeasure and Result161465456get a flu shotwork in the outdoorp
8、ray to God1745DurationLocationDeath TollEconomic Loss the World War1914.71918.11(4 years)EuropeAbout 30 millionAbout $ 340 billionSpanish Flu1918.31920.3(2 years )all over the worldAbout 100 millionAbout $ 800 billion the World War 1939.91945.9(6 years)Europe,Asia,AfricaAbout 90 millionAbout $ 4 tri
9、llionSpanish Flu VS the World War18In 1933,Spanish flu virus was found.Scientists named it H1N1.H1N1 virus of 1918 flu with a microscope 4. Etiology(病源) of Spanish Flu19H1N1 virus H:Hemagglutinin(血球凝集素) H1 H15N:Neuraminidase(神经氨) N1 N9such as H5N1,H7N9.two kinds of antigen(protein)microstructure of H1N120211918AmericaH1N1 virus2009MexicoH1N1 virus?H1N1 virusThe Next Time,When and Where? 22