Unit 1 Viewing workshop&Readingclub ppt课件-(2020)新北师大版高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、01Viewing WorkshopWords and phrases praise: say that you admire or approve of somebodyrehab facility: place where people go to cure an addictioncore: most important or central part of somethinginner circle: group of close friends or familyhousehold: the people who live together in one houseDiscuss t

2、he following questions with your partner.How do you feel whena you are praised for something you have done well?b someone says “Thank you.” for something you have done for them?Activate and ShareI like it when people praise me for something Ive done well. It makes me happy and I feel proud of myself

3、. I feel better when people say “Thank You.” to me when I do something for them. If they dont say anything, sometimes I get annoyed.点击播放视频点击播放视频Remember to Say Thank you1. Why did Laura become interested in this topic?2. What question did she ask?3. What did she decide to do in order to find answers

4、 to her question?Watch Part 1 of the video, and answer the questions below.“Am I the only one who does this?”She had some personal experiences. She noticed that when she was growing up, and until about recently, she would want to say “Thank you.” to someone, and she would want to praise them, she wo

5、uld want to take in their praise of her but she would just stop it.She decides to investigate into it in order to find the answer. View and LearnTime Range: 0.00 - 0.45Part 1Read the examples Laura has given. Then watch part 2of the video. Number them in the order that you hear. _ A gentleman, marri

6、ed for 25 years, is longing to hear his wife say “thank you”, but wont ask._ Someone who was facing life and death in a rehab facility told Laura that his core wound was his father died without telling he was proud of him._ She knows a woman, who once a week, meets with her husband and says, “Id rea

7、lly like you to thank me for all these things I did in the house and with the kids.”_ A friend of Laura, April, thanks her children for doing their chores.View and Learn2134Time Range: 0.46 - 1.43 Part 2View and LearnWhy dont we ask for the things we need? Watch the rest of the video and note down t

8、he questions Laura asked and tick ( ) the reasons she gave.1 _2 _3 Why can I say, “I would take my steak medium rare, I need size six shoe”.?_ I dont want to feel insecure._ I dont want others to know that I need help._ I worry that you could neglect me._ I felt shy and embarrassed._ I dont what to

9、give you critical data .Why was I blocking it?Why were other people blocking it?Express yourselfWhat have you learnt from this talk?1 Think about a person you want to give your praise to and say “Thank you.” Think of a way to express it genuinely.2 Think about what you want other people to thank you

10、 for. How would you ask for it?I want my parents to thank me when I help at home. I would say “Mum, Dad, when I do things without being asked, could you please say Thank you to me?”Thank you for lending me your notes last week. I am very grateful. I wouldnt pass the exam without them.02Reading ClubR

11、ead the passage.Peer Pressurebullying: someone who hurts or frightens someone else, often over a period of time, and often forcing them to do something that they do not want to dopeer pressure: the strong influence of a group, especially of children, on members of that group to behave as everyone el

12、se does1 What is peer pressure and how does it affect people?2 What suggestions does the writer give to avoid peer pressure?The most important thing is to build up self-confidence, so that it is easier to say “No” to the peer group. Students can do this by choosing their friends wisely: Its a good i

13、dea for teens to surround themselves with positive role models.Peer pressure can happen when we are influenced to do something we would not usually do because we want to be accepted by our peers. It can influence how people dress, how they talk, what music they listen to, what attitudes they adopt a

14、nd how they behave.Answer the questions below.Peer Pressure3 What attitude does the writer have towards peer pressure? How do you know?4 What is your opinion about the writers suggestions on how to avoid peer pressure? What might be the challenges?The writer thinks that peer pressure is harmful and

15、we should fight peer pressure, because at the end of the text, the writer says that if we give in to peer pressure, the result will be negative. However, if we stop and think about the consequences, we might make a different decision.I think the ideas the writer suggests are good. We should choose f

16、riends who accept us and wont try to change us. However, sometimes our classmates try to pressure us into doing things and it can be embarrassing to say “No”. And we are afraid that we might be left out and the sense of belonging to our group.Answer the questions below.Peer Pressure原句再现:We all want

17、to be part of a group and feel like we belong to our community. 译文:我们都想成为群体的一部分,并且感觉我们属于我们的团体。belong to属于,无被动语态,也不用于进行时。belonging n. 归属关系;财产,所有物(常用复数形式)sense of belonging 归属感personal belongings 个人财产单句语法填空: 这种奇怪的蔬菜属于土豆的一种。 This strange vegetable _ the potato family. 正如校长在毕业典礼上所说,为梦想奋斗让我们有了归属感。 Strugg

18、ling for our dreams, as the principal addressed at the graduation ceremony, offers us a _.belongs tosense of belonging 阅读积累阅读积累Peer Pressure原句再现:.be more likely to seek their peers approval by going along with risky suggestions or choosing the “wrong” path.译文:更容易通过遵从冒险的建议或选择“错误”的途径来寻求同伴的认可。(1) appro

19、val n赞成;同意;批准 disapprove vi. 不同意;不赞成 in approval 赞成地 without ones approval 未经某人的许可(2) approve vi. 赞成;赞许 vt. 批准 approve of sth. 赞成某事单句语法填空: 她急不可待地想赢得父亲的赞同。 She desperately wanted to win her fathers _. 刘校长说他不批准这项计划。 President Liu said that he would not _.approvalapprove this plan 阅读积累阅读积累Peer Pressure

20、原句再现: people who are outside the peer group and whom the group is unlikely to defend.译文: 那些在同龄人群体之外,群体不太可能保护的人。(1) defend vi.&vt. 保护,保卫 defend sb./sth. from/ against . 保护某人(某物)免受伤害;保卫某人(某物) defend oneself against sth. 为自己辩护(2) defence n防御工事;保卫 in defence of. 为了保卫 in sb.s/sth.s defence. 为辩护;在的防备下单句语法

21、填空: 他们决定不惜任何代价保卫祖国。(defend) They are determined to _ our motherland at all costs. 当一只狗攻击我时,我拿起一根棍子保护自己。 (defence) When a dog attacked me, I picked up a stick _ myself.defendin defence ofPeer Pressure 阅读积累阅读积累Extroverts And IntrovertsRead the descriptions and identify your personality.judgement: the

22、ability to form valuable opinions and make good decisionsextrovert: an energetic happy person who enjoys being with othersintrovert:someone who is shy, quiet, and unable to make friends easilypersonality:the type of person you are, shown by the way you behave, feel and thinkRead the passage.Extrover

23、ts And Introverts( ) 1. Extroverts prefer to be surrounded by people rather than be on their own.( ) 2. Introverts dont think carefully before they do things.( ) 3. Scientists agree that extroverts are born with this personality trait.( ) 4. Introverts tend to be happier than extroverts.TFFF Are the

24、se statements true (T) or false (F). Extroverts And Introverts1 Do you agree with the writers opinion that attitudes towards introverts and extroverts vary in different cultures? Why?2 What might be the reasons that people who live on islands tend to be more introverted?Yes. I agree with the writers

25、 opinion. Because the environment, for example, the geographical features like an island or a vast country, has influences on peoples lifestyles and certain personality traits are more valued in one culture than in another.Maybe the people who live on islands are more isolated from other people and

26、cultures. And they depends more on themselves.Read the text and answer the questions below.Extroverts And Introverts原句再现:In contrast to extroverts, they value fewer, but deeper experiences.译文:与外向者相反,他们看重的是更少但更深刻的体验。(1) contrast n差异,差别;明显不同的人或事 contrast between A and B A与B之间的差别 contrast to/ with sb./

27、 sth. 与某人/某物之间的差别 in contrast to. 与相比by/in contrast 通过对比 to show a sharp/stark/striking contrast with sth. 与某事物形成鲜明/明显的对比单句语法填空: 东西方文化之间存在着明显的差异。 There is an obvious _ the cultures of East and West. 看一看他们的新系统,就显得我们的系统陈旧过时了。 When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned _.contrast betweenby contrastExtroverts And Introverts 阅读积累阅读积累Share your thoughts with your partner on the two questions.1. What attitude do you have towards peer pressure?2. Whats your personality? Extrovert, introvert or else?Thank You!


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