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1、完型填空解析命题特点1. 以实词考察为主,名、动、形容词、副词约占90%。2. 大部分题从全文出发,根据前后语境或行文逻辑做出判断,体现出了“突出语篇”的命题风格。3. 近年来的考试题目,一般以记叙或夹叙夹议为体裁,内容一般涵盖生活或学习经历,尤其在首尾段,突出文章的中心思想,宣导积极向上的价值观。完型填空词汇来源选项的词汇通常来源于考纲3500词汇启示: 1. 重点识记考纲中的四大词类:动、名、形、副 2. 确保见词识义 3. 牢记构词法完型填空解题顺序第一步 细读首句,摸清文路(1 min)第二步 速览全文,把握大意(2 min)第三步 瞻前顾后,准确选择(10 min)第四步 复核全文,

2、调整答案(2 min)完型填空解题技巧1. 利用文章首句;2. 利用语义复现(同义词、近义词、反义词、同根词);3. 利用固定搭配或习惯用法;4. 利用逻辑关系;5. 利用作者态度或感情色彩词;6. 利用生活常识和文化背景真题实战15 minsPassage One2020-2021年佛山市期末统考语篇分析:语篇分析: 这是一篇这是一篇 记叙记叙文,文, 文章大意是文章大意是: 一对夫一对夫妇偶遇一个夹着陌生小孩对圣诞老人的许愿信的气球,妇偶遇一个夹着陌生小孩对圣诞老人的许愿信的气球,随后这对夫妇通过努力找到了小女孩,并达成了小女随后这对夫妇通过努力找到了小女孩,并达成了小女孩的愿望。孩的愿望

3、。词性题目分布数量占比v.(phrases)426.7%n. (phrasee)746.7%adj.213.3%adv.213.3%prep.0conj.0从词性来看技巧题目分布数量及题号占比1. 利用文章首句无2. 利用语义复现(同义词、近义词、反义词、同根词)22, 3413.3%3. 利用固定搭配或习惯用法无4. 利用逻辑关系23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 3353.3%5. 利用作者态度或感情色彩词语25, 30, 3520%6. 生活常识和文化背景286%从解题技巧来看单词音标词性及中文释义call upcall up号召号召responseresponse

4、rspns n. n. 回应回应announceannouncenans v. v. 宣布宣布examineexaminezmn v. v. 检查检查obviouslyobviously bvisliadv. adv. 明显地明显地expectantexpectant kspektnt adj. adj. 期待的期待的turn overturn over翻转翻转词汇必备答案及解析As Heiss and his wife walked near a town close to the U.S.Mexico border, they noticed a piece of paper tied t

5、o a broken balloons string. On one side, it read Dayami in a childs 21 . Heiss turned it over was a Christmas 22 . He guessed that a child called Dayami had tried to send Father Christmas a wish letter by balloon.21. A. handwriting B. mind C. eyes D. voice22. A. story B. picture C. gift D. list答案及解析

6、He decided to 23 the child . Heiss posted about his search on the internet with photos. A few days passed and there was no 24 . so, he sent a message to Radio XENY. A radio station in Nogales of Mexico, about 20 miles across the border.23. A. call up B. look for C. believe D. protect24. A. chance B.

7、 idea C. response D. time答案及解析 25 Radio XENY host Cesar Barron called him back right away. He offered to help, saying that he had 26 the message on the station website. Just before Christmas. Cesar told Heiss that they had 27 Dayami. An 8 -year-old girl and asked whether he would be willing to have

8、a 28 .25. A. Disappointingly B. Patiently C. Unfortunately D. Amazingly26. A. announced B. posted C. received D. download27. A. interviewed B. found C. examined D. helped28. A. discussion B. dinner C. gathering D. try答案及解析Heiss went with his wife to a 29 and collected just about everything on Dayami

9、 list and drove to see the girl. 30 Dayami was very excited to receive so many presents. Heiss and his wife told her that Father Christmas was very 31 this year and they were his helpers.29. A. shopping centerB. bookstore C. childrens park D. post office30. A. Actually B. Specially C. Finally D. Obv

10、iously31. A. busy B. kind C. helpful D. satisfied答案及解析Ten years ago, 50 years old Heiss and his wife 32 their only child. They have no grandchildren. “We are no longer around 33 at Christmas time in our lives.” Heiss said. How lucky it was for him to see the 34 by chance that day! He was also 35 tha

11、t he was able to meet Dayyami and her family.32. A. saved B. educated C. lost D. raised33. A. friends B. strangers C. guests D. children34. A. balloon B. girl C. present D. host35. A. expectant B. thankful C. moved D. proud真题实战15 minsPassage Two2020-2021年南海一中第一次月考语篇分析:语篇分析: 这是一篇这是一篇记叙记叙文,文, 文章大意是文章大

12、意是: 善良额善良额公交车司机看到小男孩被冻得掉眼泪,把自己的手套公交车司机看到小男孩被冻得掉眼泪,把自己的手套送给了小男孩,之后去商店购买御寒装备送到学校,送给了小男孩,之后去商店购买御寒装备送到学校,并向学生宣布凡是没手套或帽子的都可以获赠一套。并向学生宣布凡是没手套或帽子的都可以获赠一套。词性题目分布数量占比v.(phrases)640%n. (phrasee)640%adj.16%adv.213.3%prep.0conj.0从词性来看技巧题目分布数量及题号占比1. 利用文章首句3613.3%2. 利用语义复现(同义词、近义词、反义词、同根词)3913.3%3. 利用固定搭配或习惯用法3

13、1,37,4020%4. 利用逻辑关系32,33,24,35,42,43,44,4553.3%5. 利用作者态度或感情色彩词语4113.3%6. 生活常识和文化背景3813.3%从解题技巧来看单词音标词性及中文释义routeroute rut n. n. 路线路线merelymerely mliadv. adv. 仅仅,只不过仅仅,只不过roughlyroughly rfli adv. adv. 粗略地;大体上粗略地;大体上fetchfetch fet v. v. 去拿去拿blameblame blem v. v. 责备责备chargechargetdv. v. 收费;指责;控告;收费;指责;

14、控告;充电充电 consequentlyconsequently knskwntli adv. adv. 因此因此determinedetermine dtmn v. v. 下定决心下定决心familiarfamiliar fmli(r) adj. adj. 熟悉的熟悉的词汇必备答案及解析 It was a bitter winter morning in Kennewick, Washington. John Lunceford saw a crying child along his bus 31 to school. Tears rolled down the young boys ch

15、eeks as his bare(赤裸的) hands and ears were 32 red because of the bitter cold. Lunceford took his 33 off, which he gave to the child, and said, “Itll be OK. Im a grandfather. No one wants a kid to 34 like that.” His heart 35 because of the poor child, knowing the 36 winter was still lying ahead. 31. A

16、. entranceB. route C. tripD. duty32. A. generallyB. totallyC. merelyD. roughly33. A. glovesB. glassesC. overcoatD. socks34. A. workB. behaveC. waitD. suffer35. A. lostB. recoveredC. achedD. changed36. A. latestB. coldestC. longestD. brightest答案及解析 After 37 the kids off at school, the three-year bus

17、driver and former U.S. Army soldier went to the 38 to buy ten sets of gloves and hats. He returned to the 39 and determined to find the boy. A school worker 40 Lunceford to the library, where the boy was studying with his classmates. There Lunceford 41 the boy with a new pair of gloves and a hat. 37

18、.A. sendingB. takingC. rollingD. dropping38.A. companyB. storeC. parkD. bank 39.A. homeB. schoolC. libraryD. station40.A. fetchedB. invitedC. followedD. directed41.A. disappointed B. blamedC. surprisedD. charged答案及解析But the little boy was just the 42 . Any other students would receive the 43 of thei

19、r familiar bus driver. He announced to the students in the library that any child found without a hat or gloves along his bus route would be given a set. One little girl 44 said she didnt have a hat. Lunceford 45 her a comfortable hat, smiled and said, “Ill take care of you, sweetie.” 42.A. beginnin

20、g B. centerC. attentionD. end43.A. appointmentB. prizeC. kindnessD. appreciation44.A. jokinglyB. immediatelyC. finallyD. consequently45.A. handedB. promisedC. made D. lent真题实战15 minsPassage Two2020-2021年南海区期末考语篇分析:语篇分析: 这是一篇这是一篇记叙记叙文,文, 文章大意是文章大意是:作者和作者和她的女儿之间的一件事,刚开始作者忙于工作忽略了她的女儿之间的一件事,刚开始作者忙于工作忽略了

21、女儿,后来他们通过一个不成文的约定,修补了作者女儿,后来他们通过一个不成文的约定,修补了作者专注于工作带给女儿的疏离感。专注于工作带给女儿的疏离感。词性题目分布数量占比v.(phrases)640%n. (phrasee)320%adj.320%adv.16%prep.16%conj.16%从词性来看技巧题目分布数量及题号占比1. 利用文章首句无2. 利用语义复现(同义词、近义词、反义词、同根词)42,48,51,5226.7%3. 利用固定搭配或习惯用法44,4613.3%4. 利用逻辑关系41,45,47, 50,53,54,5546.6%5. 利用作者态度或感情色彩词语无13.3%6.

22、生活常识和文化背景43,4913.3%从解题技巧来看单词音标词性及中文释义defenddefenddfend v. v. 反驳;防御反驳;防御admitadmit dmt v. v. 承认承认recogniserecogniserekgnaz v. v. 辨认辨认instantlyinstantlynstntli adv. adv. 立即立即anxiousanxious ks adj. adj. 焦虑的,担心的焦虑的,担心的rarerare readj. adj. 罕见的罕见的scoldscold skld v. v. 责备责备starestareste v. v. 盯着盯着词汇必备答案及解析

23、“Mom, youre always on the computer!” Laure complained.“No, Im not,” I 41. “Every day I come home from school youre working on the computer.”“Well, at least Im here 42 you!” 41. A. thoughtB. refused C. defended D. agreed42. A. for B. over C. against D. afterMy daughter was right. Day after day, in my

24、 home office, I would stare into space as my 43 typed out the thoughts of a speaker or research completed for an article. It seemed that my work as a writer and speaker 44 my fingers to the keyboard and my mind to valuable ideas. 43. A. feet B. hands C. eyes D. ears44. A. connected B. turned C. gave

25、 D. addedWhat Laure did not 45 was that during her day away, Id also be doing a lot of 46. It was only around three in the afternoon that Id 47 seat myself at my desk for a few 48 moments of deep thought. Then shed come from school. 45. A. admit B. realize C. believe D. recognise46. A. homeworkB. ex

26、ercise C. houseworkD. cleaning47. A. luckily B. gradually C. instantly D. finally48. A. anxiousB. valuable C. busy D. rare答案及解析“Laure,” I called, “49 here a minute.” After I explained my schedule and the fact that I chose home office to be accessible to her and her sister, I offered Laure the follow

27、ing promise.“Whenever you feel Im ignoring you or you need my 50, I want you to 51 me,” I said. “Just come up and give me a little hug. Thatll be our signal that you 52 me.” 49. A. leave B. speak C. talk D. come50. A. help B. attention C. decision D. advice51. A. kick B. shake C. kiss D. hug52. A. m

28、iss B. hate C. needD. scoldYears later we still have that 53 sign. Ive become much more sensitive(敏感的) to my daughters comings and goings. 54 she always gives me a little hug to remind me of the 55 reason why I work at home. 53. A. unknownB. unexpected C. unfinished D. unspoken54. A. And B. But C. Or D. Yet55. A. honest B. real C. wrong D. foolish


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