Unit 6 the admirable sectionⅰtopic talk 教材讲解 (2020)新北师大版高中英语必修第二册.doc

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1、Unit 6THE ADMIRABLE主题语境人与自我之做人与做事【语境概说】 本单元的主题语境为人与自我中的做人与做事,该主题语境主要涉及优秀品行、正确的人生态度、生命的意义与价值。其对学生的学习和生活影响非常深刻。通过本单元的学习,学生将对自己所钦佩的人有新的认知;同时在语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力等方面得到融合发展。The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man.伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟大的人。Fight like a hero, or to die like a c

2、oward.像英雄一样战斗,或者像懦夫一样死去。There is no such thing as a great talent without great willpower.没有伟大的意志力,便没有雄才大略。I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.做自己命运的主人及灵魂的统率。All things in their being are good for something.天生我才必有用。Section Topic talk.PrelisteningTranslate the following words and p

3、hrases.1admirable adj.令人钦佩的2admire vt.钦佩;欣赏3career n.职业,事业4put out fires灭火5cure vt.治好;治愈6fight for努力争取,为而斗争7generation n.一代(人)8reform n.改革;改进9intelligent adj.聪明的;有智慧的10generous adj.无私的;慷慨的11eviln.邪恶之事;祸害adj.邪恶的12creatively adv.创造性地.Whilelistening1Finish Ex.2 on Page 50.2Finish Ex.4 on Page 51.Postli

4、steningListen to Activity 2 again and fill in the blanks.I have someone _in_mind that I admire, and he is my uncle.He is a firefighterAfirefighters work is very important and firefighters are admirable people because theynot only put_out_fires and save peoples lives but also spend lots of time helpi

5、ng_peoplewho are _in_dangerI admire them because they are so brave and they dont seem tobe_afraid_of danger.BrainstormingLook at the following pictures and talk about what qualitiesthey have.The_answer_is_open.Make sentences after the model.1I think my uncle is someone I admire.He is a.我认为我叔叔是我敬佩的人。

6、他是一个仿写我认为我叔叔是我敬佩的人。他是一名医生/消防队员/科学家/警官。I think my uncle is someone I admire.He is a doctor/firefighter/scientist/police_officer2I think they are admirable because they.我认为他们令人钦佩,因为他们仿写我认为他们令人钦佩,因为他们灭火救人/治愈疾病/帮助处于危险中的人/做出重要的发现。Ithinktheyareadmirablebecausetheyput_out_fires_and_save_peoples_lives/cure_

7、diseases/help_people_in_danger/make_important_discoveries3I admire them because they are so.我钦佩他们,因为他们是如此仿写我钦佩他们,因为他们是如此勇敢/聪明/有创造性/勤奋/慷慨。I admire them because they are so brave/intelligent/creative/hardworking/generous.Talk about the person you admire using the following sayings or proverbs.1The hig

8、her the goal a person pursues, the faster his talent will develop and the more beneficialit will be to the society.一个人追求的目标越高,他的才能 就发展得越快,对社会就越有益。2The value of a man lies in his ability.人的价值蕴藏在人的才能之中。3One of the great virtues of great men is that they are persevering through adverse and difficultcir

9、cumstances.卓越的人的一大优点是:在不利和艰难的遭遇里百折不挠。4All great men emerge from hardship.所有的伟人都是从艰苦中脱颖而出的。Stephen_William_Hawking_is_the_person_I_admire.I_admire_him_and_regard_him_as_an_admirable_person_not_only_because_of_his_achievements,_but_also_because_of_his_strong_personality,_his_strong_will_for_life,_and_

10、great_enthusiasm_for_science.These_spirits_help_him_to_ignore_the_terrible_disease_and_keep_thinking.As_we_all_know,_one_of_the_great_virtues_of_great_men_is_that_they_are_persevering_through_adverse_and_difficult_circumstances.语言知识积累谈论工作和职业的常用口语1What kind of work do you do?Are you a doctor?你从事什么工作?

11、 是不是医生?2John has built up his own business.He owns a hotel.约翰已经有了自己的生意,他有一个旅馆。3What do you want to be when you grow up?你长大后想做什么?4I like painting, but I wouldnt want it to be my lifes work.我喜欢绘画,但是我不想让它成为我终生的职业。5Do you have any plan for your career?你对未来职业有什么规划吗?6I want to be a firefighter if possible

12、.如果可能的话,我想做个消防队员。7He found a good job immediately after his graduation.他一毕业就找到了一份不错的工作。8My uncle was a police officer.He just retired.我的叔叔是一名警官,他刚刚退休。9I have a goodpaying job with excellent hours.我有一份工资很高,工作时间理想的工作。10My sister worked as a secretary before she got married.我的姐姐结婚前是个秘书。.文化知识习得卡尔马克思卡尔马克

13、思是全世界无产阶级和劳动人民的伟大导师,马克思主义的创始人之一,第一国际的组织者和领导者,马克思主义政党的缔造者,无产阶级的精神领袖,国际共产主义运动的开创者。资本论 、 共产党宣言是其最具代表性的传世之作。他在经济学上的见解奠定后来诸多经济思想的基础,还创立了历史唯物主义,并和恩格斯共同创立了马克思主义学说。.学习策略形成如何提高听说能力1读是听的基础只有正确读出口来才会听懂。让每一个词的发音在大脑里留有一个印象,再一次听到这个词时,就会与大脑里的那个印象相契合并且迅速做出反应,这样就容易听懂了。2听什么英语听力考试多是人物的独白和对话,建议听电影对白、人物演讲、采访或者英文歌曲。3怎么听先

14、听课文录音,直到听懂,再读课文。听课文录音时,要特别把注意力集中在之前没听懂的句子上。4怎么说学口语最好的办法是开口与别人交流,这样做的目的是培养语感。具备了语感,在做习题时不假思索地写出答案。所谓的“用外语思维”就会自然形成。1admire vt.钦佩;欣赏admiration n钦佩;赞赏I admire them because they are so.(教材 P50)我钦佩他们,因为他们如此合作探究体会 admire 及相关词的用法和意义I admire him for his bravery and learning.我钦佩他胆识过人,学识渊博。She was admiring he

15、rself in the mirror when I entered the room.我进屋时,她正对着镜子自我欣赏。He was looking at the picture with admiration.他正以赞叹的神情赏画。自主发现admire sb for sth因某事而钦佩某人admire oneself自我欣赏with admiration钦佩地巩固内化单句语法填空/完成句子ThemomentIsawthescientistadmiredbyeveryone , wordsfailedtoexpressmyadmiration(admire)We admire the old

16、scientist for his great contribution to the country.My deskmate admires_my_fluent_English very much and I usually feel encouraged by hiscompliments.同桌非常羡慕我流利的英语,我经常被他的赞美所鼓舞。2cure vt.治好(疾病);治愈n疗法cure diseases(教材 P50)治愈疾病合作探究体会 cure 的用法和意义She hopes the doctor can cure the pain in her shoulder.她希望医生能治好

17、她的肩痛。The doctor who cured him of his illness was very experienced.治好他病的那位医生非常有经验。This is a new cure for SARS.这是一种新的 SARS 治疗方法。自主发现cure sth治好(疾病)cure sb of sth治愈某人的病a cure for.的治疗疗法巩固内化用适当的介词填空/完成句子Although this medicine can cure you of your illness, it has a bad effect on you.Some researchers believ

18、e that there is no doubt that a cure for AIDS will be found.I can give you some medicine to_cure_your_headache我可以给你些药治好你的头痛。3generous adj.无私的;慷慨的;大方的(教材 P50)generosity n慷慨;大方合作探究体会 generous 的用法和意义One should be generous with his time in helping others.一个人应不惜时间慷慨地帮助他人。The old gentleman is quite genero

19、us to the poor.那位老绅士对穷人非常大方。It was very generous of you to forgive her.你能原谅她实在是宽宏大量。自主发现be generous with sth在某方面慷慨/大方be generous to sb对某人慷慨/大方It is generous of sb to do sth某人做某事真是宽宏大量/真大方巩固内化单句语法填空The rich are not always generous to the poor.He is generous with his money and his time.It was very gen

20、erous of you to_lend (lend) your motorbike to me yesterday.He accepted the apology with great generosity (generous).Listening()Listen to Dialogue 1 just once and choose the best answer.What is Jennys uncle?AA policeman.BA doctor.CA firefighter.答案C听力原文(BBobJJenny)B:Hi, Jenny.Do you have someone in mi

21、nd that you admire?J:Well, I think my uncle is someone I admire.He is a firefighter.B:A firefighter?Youre right.A firefighters work is very important.But why do you thinkfirefighters are admirable people?J:I think they are admirable because they put out fires and save peoples lives.They also spendlo

22、ts of time helping people who are in danger.()Listen to Dialogue 2 twice and choose the best answer.1What are the speakers talking about?AThe qualities an admirable person should have.BThe prize an admirable person should get.CThe work an admirable person should do.2What quality does the girl think

23、an admirable person should have?ABeing generous.BBeing hardworking.CBeing brave.3What can we learn about admirable people according to the speakers?AScientists arent admirable people.BPeople who fight against their own weaknesses are also admirable people.CTo be an admirable person only means to fig

24、ht.答案1.A2.C3.B听力原文(BBoyGGirl)B:Talking about people we admire, what qualities do you think they should have?G:Well,there are quite a lot.For me, I think they should be brave.They are not afraid ofdanger.They fight against evil and save peoples lives.B:Yes, being brave is important, but there are als

25、o other important things.To be an admirableperson doesnt only mean to fight all the time.Some people work very hard and creatively tomake our lives better, like scientists.They are also admirable.G:Yes, I agree.And I think people who fight against their own weaknesses are also admirablepeople, like

26、Helen Keller and Zhang Haidi.B:Youre right.Listening and talking()ListeningListen to Dialogue 2 twice and fill in the blanks.B:Talking about people we admire, what qualities do you think they should have?G:Well, there are quite_a_lotFor me, I think they should be _braveThey are not afraidof danger.T

27、hey fight_against_evil and save peoples lives.B: Yes, being brave is _important,_but there are also other important things.To be an admirableperson doesnt only mean to fight all the time.Some people work_very_hard and creativelyto make our lives better,_like scientists.They are so admirable.G:Yes, I agree.And I think people who fight against their own weaknesses are also admirablepeople, like Helen Keller and Zhang Haidi.B:Youre right.()TalkingMake a dialogue with your partner to talk about the qualities an admirable personshould have.The_answer_is_open.


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