Unit 1 Wish you were here Reading(语言点) ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册.pptx

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Unit 1 Wish you were here Reading(语言点) ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 1 Wish you were here Reading(语言点) ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 1 Wish you were here Reading(语言点) ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 1 Wish you were here Reading(语言点) ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册.pptx_第4页
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Unit 1 Wish you were here Reading(语言点) ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册.pptx_第5页
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1、language pointsShirley Canada is like a blooming flower, unfolding with breathtaking beauty and richness to win the heart of those who enjoy what it has to offer.加拿大如同一朵盛开的花儿,绽放出惊人的美丽与丰富,深受那些喜欢其多元化的人们的青睐。1. blooming (adj.) 盛开的,开花的-(n)_.C 花bloomin (full) bloom ( 树木、花草) 盛开-(v) bloom 开花, (花朵)开放,绽放 精神焕发

2、,繁荣兴旺Anne has bloomed since she got her new job. 安妮有了新工作后容光焕发。It is a broad and beautiful country stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. It is also one of the most ethnically diverse nations in the world with distinct cultures.这是一个幅员辽阔,景色宜人的国家,从大西洋延伸到太平洋。它也是世界上民族最为多元化的国家之一2. stretch from

3、. to.从延伸到3. distinct (adj.) 截然不同的,有区别的,不同种类的,清晰的,清楚的- be distinct from 与不同;不同于Distinct from western paintings, Chinese paintings are more abstract. 与西方画作不同,中国画更加抽象。-(adv.) distinctly 清楚地,明显地-(n) distinction 区别,差别;特性;卓越;荣誉-(v) distinguish 区别4. make up 组成 一词多义:请说出下面句子中make up的含义: a. She made up the wh

4、ole story. _ b. I am glad to see you have made up. _ c. Every morning she spends an hour making up before going to work. _ d. I am trying to make up the time that I lost when I was sick. _ e. We made up the bed in the spare time. _ f. If you dont have enough money, we can make up the difference. _ g

5、. Minority groups make up more than two-thirds of the citys population._编造 弥补化妆 和好,和解 铺(床) 凑足,补齐组成To the east of the Pacific coast rise the grand Rocky Mountains, which are home to high peaks and deep valleys carved by ice and water.在太平洋海岸的东面,耸立着雄伟的洛基山脉,这里有高高的山峰和被冰和水侵蚀而成的深谷。5. 句式: To the east of the

6、 Pacific coast(地点状语) +(谓语) rise + (主语) the grand Rocky Mountains. 完全倒装: 地点状语放于句首+ 谓语+主语In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever.(译) 有两张画挂在墙上。 _ _ _ _ two pictures.On the wall hang6. be home to 是家园 = be the home _.of7. carve 侵蚀,冲刷 雕刻The wood was carved into the

7、shape of a small bird.8. a huge variety of 各种各样的 The establish of national parks many of these beautiful places protected areas for the public 国家公园的建立使得很多这样美丽的地方成为供公众游玩和欣赏的保护区。9. establishment(n) -(v) _. 建立establish10. make +宾语+宾补(n) (L38-L39)Canadas geographical wonders, ethnic groups and their cul

8、tures make it a unique place to live and visit. One truly unique scenic spot in Canada is the mighty Niagara Falls with water rushing over its edge in a splendid display of sights and sound.加拿大真正独特的一处景点是雄伟壮阔的尼亚加拉瀑布。水流从瀑布边缘倾泻而下,景色壮观,水声轰鸣。11. truly(adv.) -(adj)_ -(n.) _truetruth 12. (句式)with 的复合结构:wit

9、h + 名词+Ving/ Vpp/to do/ 介词短语/adj. / 表方位的adv(in, on, up, away, down)a. She felt nervous with all the students in the class _(stare) at her. b. With so many problems _(settle), the manager was having a bad time.c. He had to walk home with his bike _(steal).staringto settlestolend. _(手里拿着一本书), he enter

10、ed the classroom.e. He stood there, _(嘴巴张得大大的)f. The city looks more beautiful _(所有的灯都亮着)at night. With a book in his handWith his mouth open wideWith all lights on 13. a scenic spot 旅游景点14. apart from 除了之外,还 = in addition to / as well as 除了.之外,没有= except / except for aside fromApart from football,

11、I like all sports.Apart from this dress, I bought a hat and a pair of shoes.15. geographical (adj)地理的,地理学的-(adv.)_(n)_geographygeographically 16. (句式) be thought to be/ to do/ to have done 被认为是/做/已经做17. by means of 通过方法18. a vast combination of 的广泛融合 combination (n) -(v) _ combine把.与.结合一起combine . w

12、ith.19. one out of five people 五分之一的人 = one _ five peoplein20. while 表对比 意为“而”21. in turn 反过来,相应地; 依次,轮流Increased production will, in turn, lead to increased profits. All theories originate from practice and in turn serve practice. 任何理论都来源于实践,反过来为实践服务。The president spoke to us in turn. 22. bring abo

13、ut (vt) 引起,导致,造成Years of protest finally brought about a change in law. 多年的抗议终于导致了该法律的修改。23. Should you find yourself in one of these subcultures, languages, cuisine, architecture, art and music will define your encounter. 如果你发现自己置身于其中的一种亚文化中,那么(它的)语言,饮食,建筑,艺术和音乐会说明你邂逅的是何种文化。should 置于句首,省略连词if, 构成倒装

14、= if you should find yourselfif 从句采用虚拟语气的情况:时间If 从句(谓) 主句(谓)现在did should/would/could/might+do过去had done should/would/could/might+have done将来1.did 2. should do 3. were to do should/would/could/might+do If 可以省略,需把were /had/ should 提到主语之前1) If you were happy, I would be happy. =_, I would be happy.Were

15、 you happy,2)If he had worked hard, he could not have failed the exam.=_, he could not have failed the exam.Had he worked hard3) If the printer should have problems, please call us.=_, please call us.Should the printer have problems,24. participate in 参加 participate(v) -(n) _(n) 参与者_participationpar

16、ticipant25. sample (v) 尝,品尝;体验;抽样检验I decided to sample the chocolate cheesecake. Here is your chance to sample the delights of country life. The results are based on a poll of 1000 randomly sampled adults. 我决定要品尝这种巧克力奶酪蛋糕。(体验)(抽样检测) sample (n) 样本,样品Finally, if you are looking for something off the b

17、eaten track,you may visit Cape Breton Island in the province of Nova Scotia, where you can dance to fiddle tunes and enjoy the cultures and traditions of Celtic settlers.最后,如果你想独辟蹊径的话,你可以去参观新斯科舍省的布雷顿角岛,在岛上你可以随着小提琴的曲调翩翩起舞,领略凯尔特移民的文化和传统。 where 引导非限定性定语从句,修饰 Cape Breton Island 输入副标题详解小内容,提供对标题的,进一步注解,文

18、字精炼言简意赅。输入副标题详解小内容,提供对标题的,进一步注解,文字精炼言简意赅。26. off the beaten track 不落俗套,打破常规, 远离闹市, 偏远 Some small beaches can be found off the beaten track.在偏远的地方可以找到一些小海滩。27. dance to 伴随跳舞28. be exposed to.暴露于;接触到 expose sb. to 使接触到/让暴露于_(expose) to the sunshine is harmful to your skin._(expose) to the sunshine, yo

19、ur skin will be burnt.Being exposedExposed29. feel transported through tie and space 觉得有穿越时空之感30. given = _(consider) 考虑到,鉴于 Given his age, he has done a good job.considering您的内容打在这里,或者通过复制您的文本后在此框粘贴或者通过复制您的文本后在此框粘贴31. It comes no surprise that . 不足为奇, 毫不奇怪 It comes no surprise that he knows nothing

20、 about the festival.32. towering (adj.) 高大的,高耸的; 出众的,出类拔萃的tower over/above sb/stha)高于,超过. b)(在能力、品质等方面)胜过,远远超过.33. depth(n)最深处,深,深刻,深厚 -(adj.) _-(v) _deepdeepenin depth 深入地,详细地 at a depth of 在.深的地方34. be ranked as. 被排名为 rank first 排名第一B Building your language (Page 5)Step 1. Finish exercise Answers:

21、 1. distinct 2. Apart from 3. sample 4. ancestors 5. dynamic 6. urban 7. comes as no surprise 8. splendidStep 2. Expressions (积累词组)1. as an exchange student 作为一个交换生2. show sb. around 带领某人参观3. have the opportunity to do 有机会做4. be believed to be 被认为是5. raise cattle 养牛6. be located +介词 位于/坐落于7. a thick blanket of 一层厚厚的8. cant wait to do 迫不及待去做9. have a go 试一试;尝试一下10. be recognized as 被公认为是 Thanks


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