Unit 2 Out of This World Grammar and usage (ppt课件) (2)-2024新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx

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Unit 2 Out of This World Grammar and usage (ppt课件) (2)-2024新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 2 Out of This World Grammar and usage (ppt课件) (2)-2024新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx_第5页
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1、1.crucial be crucial to/for.对至关重要play a crucial role/part in.在中起至关重要的作用It is crucial that 至关重要的是练习:This last point is _prise be comprised of.包括/包含,由组成或构成练习:These objects _ functions and data of the prise 3.foundationlay a(firm/solid)foundation for 为打下(坚实的)基础found vt.创建,创办;兴建(城镇或国家);把建立在。be founded o

2、n 建立在基础上(近义词组为be based on)founder n.创办者,发起人练习:It laid solid _ for the development of the local area.foundation4.plain to see相当于clear 或obvious。练习:Its _ to see that students should get well prepared for their future.plainReadingThe use of telescopes to explore spaceTimeBreakthroughsUseIn 1990(1)_(2)_(

3、3)_The Kepler Telescope(4)_(5)_(6)_ To detect communication signals between the stars in the universeThe use of telescopes to explore spaceTimeBreakthroughsUseIn 1990The Kepler Space TelescopeIn recent yearsTo detect communication signals between the stars in the universeThe Hubble Space TelescopeTo

4、 see further than ground-based telescopes;to play a crucial role in the discovery of the mysterious dark energyIn 2009FASTTo search for Earth-size planets orbiting other starsReading1.重大突破2.基于地面的 3.扮演关键角色 4.环绕其它恒星 5.迹象是光明的 6.也开发先进的望远镜 Useful Expressionsmajor breakthroughground-basedplay a crucial ro

5、leorbit other starssigns are promisingdevelop advanced telescopes as well7.创造性的 8.单口径射电望远镜9.极端灵敏 10.发现交流信号 11.重要工具12.仅仅被想象所限制 Useful Expressionsinnovativethe single-dish radio telescopeextraordinary sensibilitydetect communication signalscrucial toolsbe merely limited by imagination For thousands of

6、 years,people have looked to the starry sky and wondered what,or who,is out there.In the early 1600s,Galileo was the first to use his telescope to explore the sky and since then,telescopes have continually improved.One major breakthrough came in 1990,when the Hubble Space Telescope was launched.That

7、 Hubble is based in space allows it to see further than ground-based telescopes,and it allows scientists to learn more about the universe.Hubble observations have played a crucial role in the discovery of the mysterious dark energy.Hubble was followed by the kepler Space Telescope in 2009.Keplers sc

8、ientific goal is to search for Earth-size planets orbiting other stars.Whether life on other planets does exist is yet to be proved,but the signs are promising:Kepler has detected many suitable planets that are almost the same size as the Earth.In recent years,China has developed advanced telescopes

9、 as well.One example is the innovative FAST,which is the largest single-dish radio telescope in the world.With a dish the size of 30 football fields,FAST is able to carry out observations with extraordinary sensitivity.One of its scientific goals is to detect communication signals between the stars

10、in the universe.It is clear that telescopes are crucial tools for space exploration and that developing the required technology will help astronomers all over the world make exciting discoveries.How much we will learn from the telescopes is merely limited by our imagination.In 1990In 2009In recent y

11、ears1).名词/代词/数词做主语2).不定式/动名词做主语3).从句做主语4).“it”充当形式主语,真正的主语则放在句尾.Read the article again and find the sentences with subject clauses.Below is a newspaper feature article on the use of telescopes to explore space.Find the sentences with subject clauses.That Hubble is based in space allows it to see fur

12、ther than ground-based telescopes,主语从句连词that为引导词,不充当成分Whether life on other planets does exist is yet to be proved,主语从句连词whether为引导词,不可换成if,除非whether引导主语从句放在主句之后It is clear that telescopes are crucial tools for space exploration and that How much we will learn from the telescopes is merely limited b

13、y our imagination.真正的主语形式主语主语从句连接副词how much为引导词 1.We can use a noun clause as the subject of a sentence.我们可以使用一个名词性从句作为一个句子的主语。结论二:2.We can use _ to introduce a subject clause when the clause is a statement.当从句是陈述句时,我们可以使用that来引导。that 3.We can use _ to introduce a subject clause when the clause is a

14、 yes-no question.当从句是一般疑问句时,我们可以使用whether来引导。whether 4.We can use to introduce a subject clause when the clause is a wh-question.当从句是特殊疑问句时,我们可以使用特殊疑问词来引导。a question word 5.We often use _ as the preparatory subject when a subject is very long.当主语很长的时候,我们可以使用it代替主语充当形式主语。it1.That the earth moves arou

15、nd the sun is well known.2.Whether he will come or not is not known yet.3.Where we will have a picnic should be discussed.Where will we have a picnic should be discussed.4.How we go for a picnic should be discussed.How do we go for a picnic should be discussed.结论三:结论三:主语从句应使用_语序。陈述句1.The sports meet

16、ing will be held next week.It is certain.2.Will the sports meeting be held next week?It is unknown.3.When will the sports meeting be held?It is unknown.即时训练 合并句子 That the sports meeting will be held next week is certain.或者 It is certain that the sports meeting will be held next week.Whether the spor

17、ts meeting will be held next week is unknown.或者 It is unknown whether/if the sports meeting will be held next week.When the sports meeting will be held next week is unknown.或者 It is unknown when the sports meeting will be held next week.连接词连接代词连接副词that,whether,ifwhat,which,who,whom,whose,whatever,wh

18、ichever,whoever,whomeverwhen,where,why,how1.Lucy was admitted to the university made us very happy.露西被这所大学录取了,我们非常开心。2.theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle we should always keep in mind.理论必须与实践相结合是我们应该永远牢记的一项原则。结论四:ThatThat1.他明天要来我们村,让我们都感到很惊讶。2.她过去是一名舞者,这我们大家都知道。即时训练 中译英 That he

19、 will come to our village tomorrow surprises us all.或者 It surprises us all that he will come to our village tomorrow.That she used to be a dancer is known to all.或者 It is known to all that she used to be a dancer.whether/if在从句中不充当句子成分,仅起连接作用,意为“是否”。1._ well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather

20、.Its uncertain _ hell come this evening.What he is not sure is _ you will leave.He doesnt know _ you will leave.Rule 8:wRule 8:whetherhether和和ifif的区别的区别小结小结1.主语从句位于主语从句位于句首句首时时,用,用whether;主语从句位于主语从句位于句句尾尾时时,用,用whether/if;小结小结2.表语从句、同位语从句用表语从句、同位语从句用 whether;小结小结3.宾语从句中宾语从句中用用whether/if Whether wheth

21、er/if whether whether/if小结小结4.从句中有or或or not 时,用whether;2._ or not he will come still remains a question.It makes no difference _ you will go today or tomorrow._ shes coming or not doesnt matter too much.Whether Whether whether3._ you work hard,you are sure to succeed.If小结小结5.条条件状语从句用件状语从句用 if.结论五1.w

22、hether/if在从句中不充当句子成分,仅起连接作用,意为“是否”。1).主语从句位于主语从句位于句首句首时时,用,用whether;主语从句位于主语从句位于句句尾尾时时,用,用whether/if;2).表语从句、同位语从句用表语从句、同位语从句用 whether;3).宾语从句中宾语从句中用用whether/if;4).名词性从句中有or或or not 时,用whether;5).条件状语从句用条件状语从句用 if.2.whether和if的区别:即时训练 单句语法填空1.it is true remains a question.2.It is unknown he will atte

23、nd the meeting.3.We dont know or not she was ready.4.He doesnt know to go to the cinema or to watch TV at home.5.The question is it is worth doing.6.The question the work was worth doing had not been decided.7.We dont know the work was worth doing.8.you fail in the exam,you will let your parents dow

24、n.Whether whether/if whether whether whether whether whether/if If连接代词who,whoever,what,whatever,which,whose等引导主语从句时,既起连接作用,同时在从句中又充当主语、宾语或表语等成分。1.broke the glass yesterday is not clear.昨天是谁打破的玻璃还不清楚。2.breaks the law should be punished.任何人触犯法律都应受到惩罚。3.I really need at present is your understanding an

25、d support.我现在真正需要的是你的理解和支持。4.was said here must be kept secret.这里所说的一切都必须保密。5.car is there is unknown.谁的车在那里没人知道。6.car you will choose to buy makes no difference.你选择买哪辆车没有什么区别。Who WhoeverWhat Whatever Which Whose主语主语主语主语宾语宾语主语主语定语定语定语定语结论六连接代词指人/指物在名词性从句中充当的成分who/whoeverwhat/whateverwhosewhich人物人的物的

26、主语、宾语、表语主语、宾语、表语定语定语即时训练 单句语法填空1._ he referred to in his article was unknown to the general reader.2._ commits a crime can never escape from being punished.3._ expects a good mark in the exam is supposed to make great efforts in their daily learning.4._ pronunciation in English is the best in the cl

27、ass is obvious.5._ struck me most in the movie was the fathers deep love for his son.6._ team will win the game is till unknown.7._ will give us a speech hasnt been decided.8.My parents always say _ they do is for me.WhatWhoeverWhoeverWhoseWhatWhichWhowhatever1.they will come hasnt been made public.

28、他们什么时候来还没有公布。他们什么时候来还没有公布。2.he has gone is a question.他去哪里了是个问题。他去哪里了是个问题。WhyHow时间状语时间状语地点状语地点状语原因状语原因状语方式状语方式状语 when,why,where,how When Where3.there is gravity is hard to understand.为什么这里有重力难于理解。为什么这里有重力难于理解。4.he can earn a living in Britain remains a big problem.他怎样在英国谋生仍旧是一个大问题。他怎样在英国谋生仍旧是一个大问题。结

29、论七连接副词在名词性从句中充当的成分whenwherewhyhow时间状语地点状语原因状语方式状语即时训练 单句语法填空1.he took Chinese nationality in 1901 is a question that interests us.2.he comes has not been decided yet.3.we can solve this problem is not clear to everyone.4.I will spend my summer holiday is a secret.WhyWhenHowHow/Where(1).It+be+形容词+主从.

30、形容词:obvious,true,natural,likely,possible,certain 1.is obvious youve made a big mistake.显然,你犯了一个大错。2.She works so hard.is certain she will do very well in the exam.她学习很用功。她一定会在这次考试中考得很好。3.is unknown to us all will tell us the latest information.我们都不知道谁会告诉我们最新信息。It that It that It who(2).It+be+名词短语+th

31、at从句。名词短语:no wonder,an honor,a pity,good news,no surprise,a fact,a shame 1.He stayed up till midnight last night.It is no wonder that he feels so sleepy today.昨晚他熬夜到午夜。难怪他今天感觉这么困。2.It is a pity that she has made such a mistake.她犯这样的错误真是遗憾。3.Its no surprise that our team has won the game.It comes as

32、no surprise that our team has won the game.我们队赢了这场比赛不足为奇。(3).It+be+过去分词+that 从句。过去分词:said,believed,reported,thought,expected,decided,agreed,suggested1.It is said that about 20%of 25-34-year-olds live with their parents,compared with 16%in 1991.据说,有大约20%的25岁至34岁的人和他们的父母住在一起,相比于1991年的16%。2.It is repor

33、ted that no passengers were injured in the accident.据报道,这起事故中没有乘客受伤。注意!当过去分词是suggested,advised,ordered,requested,required等表示建议、要求、命令等的词语时,从句要用虚拟语气,即从句的谓语用should+动词原形的形式,should可以省略。1.It is suggested that the meeting(should)be put off.有人建议会议延期举行。seem,happen,appear,look,occur,turn out(4).It+不及物动词+主语从句1

34、.It happened that they were out that day.碰巧那天他们不在家。It happened that.碰巧 It occurred to me that我突然想起It seems/appears that.看起来.worry,shock(5).It+及物动词+宾语+主语从句例:It shocked me that he failed in this exam.他没通过考试,震惊到我了。1.你们都通过了这次很难的考试真让人高兴。2.你错过了这么精彩的演讲真遗憾。3.有人建议实验楼明年修建。即时训练 中译英 It is wonderful that all of

35、you have passed the difficult exam.It is a pity that you have missed the wonderful lecture.It is suggested that the lab building(should)be built next year.4.好像他们犯了同样的错误。5.我突然想到我应该帮妈妈多做点家务活。6.人们都认为钓鱼岛属于中国。即时训练 中译英 It appears that they have made the same mistake.It occurred to me that I should help my

36、 mother do more housework.It is believed that Diaoyu Island belongs to China.6.What we need _ more books.1.Who won the match _ still unknown.5.What she lacks _ experience.2.What you said _ perfectly true.3.When and why he will leave there _ unknown.4.What you said and what you did _all right.was was

37、 is were is were1).1).一一个主语从句后的谓语动词一般用个主语从句后的谓语动词一般用单数形单数形式式;2).2).一个主语从句的几个方面谓语动词用一个主语从句的几个方面谓语动词用单数形式单数形式;3).3).多多个主语从句后的谓语动词用个主语从句后的谓语动词用复数形复数形式式;4).what引导的主语从句,谓语动词的数由引导的主语从句,谓语动词的数由后面的表语后面的表语决定。决定。结论八:1.Whether the patient will be taken _ unknown.2.When and where the patient will be taken _ unk

38、nown.3.When the task can be finished and whether he can have a rest _ unknown.4.What he wants most _ staying with his family.What they need _ masks(口罩口罩).一个主语从句后的谓语动词一般用一个主语从句后的谓语动词一般用_一个主语从句的几个方面谓语动词用一个主语从句的几个方面谓语动词用 _ 多个主语从句后的谓语动词用多个主语从句后的谓语动词用_what引导的主语从句,谓语动词的数由引导的主语从句,谓语动词的数由_决定决定单数单数复数表语isisareis are即时训练 用be动词的适当形式填空


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