Unit 2 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx

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Unit 2 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx_第1页
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Unit 2 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx_第2页
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Unit 2 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx_第3页
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Unit 2 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx_第4页
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Unit 2 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx_第5页
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1、2021-2022学年高二第一学期选择性必修三单元二套题 (词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作)一.词汇识记astronaut n. 宇航员,航天员 (spaceman/taikonaut)The astronaut can send out a robot which will work on the unknown planet, collecting rocks and minerals, putting up a permanent observation station or traveling far and wide.My sons dream is to be an ast

2、ronaut.A rocket manned by trained astronauts will launch soon.The rocket boosts the astronaut into space.Hell be an astronaut by the time he is thirty.During that walk, the astronaut or “taikonaut” also will test a new Chinese-made spacesuit.gravity n. 重力,地球引力,严重性,严肃the law ofgravity 万有引力定律Gravityca

3、uses these objects to fall to earth.The stone rolled down the hill by gravity.The force of gravity pulls things towards the earths centre.The lunar gravity is about one-sixth that on earth.He doesnt seem to understand the gravity of the situation.She does not know the gravity of her illness.This is

4、a matter of the utmost gravity.absence n. 缺席,不在,缺席时段,不在期间,不存在,没有,心不在焉,不注意in sbs absence 当某人不在时in the absence of sth 在没有某物的情况下He has been placed on a paid leave ofabsencewhile investigations are made.We were hindered by theabsenceof information.His long absence raised fears about his safety.What was

5、the real reason for your absence?We are in the absence of experience.The absence of color in that drawing make it dull.Theabsent-mindedboy is always losing his books.You will have to put up with Graces absent-mindedness.float vi. & vt. 浮,漂浮,漂动,浮动,使飘动,使浮动,使漂流to float on the breeze 缓缓飘动,弥漫Orange trees

6、 seemed tofloatin the breathless air.The mosque appeared tofloaton supporting stone arches.There is not enough water to float the ship.These plants float on the surface of the water.They float the canoe out into the middle of the river.Idle thoughts floated through his mind.cupboard n. 柜橱,碗橱,衣柜,壁橱I

7、put the dishes in the cupboard.Hang up your coat in the cupboard.You must clear out the things in the cupboard.ceiling n. 天花板,上限,最高限度He cracked his nut on the ceiling.(他的头让天花板碰破了。)The low ceiling of the room gave me a feeling of oppression.It took more or less a whole day to paint the ceiling.We nee

8、d to set a ceiling on the price of corn.The management had set a ceiling for the rate of payrises that year.bother n. 烦恼,麻烦,困难 vt. & vi. 使烦恼,使担心,花费时间精力做,打扰,费劲bother to do sth 费心去做某事have difficulty/trouble/bother doing. 费劲、困难地做.Im sorry tobotheryou again.Ive no time to bother with such things.It both

9、ers me that he can be so insensitive.Iwas so uninterestedin theresultthatIdidntevenbotherto look at it.The problem has been bothering me for weeks.He didnt even bother to say thank you.I am afraid it was a bother for you to do this.I like cooking, I do it without any bother.It is no bother to me. An

10、d Ill be glad to do it.We are playing a trick on a man who keeps bothering me.Whybotherto write?Wellseehimtomorrow.Iwas so uninterestedin theresultthatIdidntevenbotherto look at it.occupy vt. 占用,使用,居住,占领,侵占,使忙碌occupy oneself with. 忙于.Theyoccupyneighbouring offices.I had other matters tooccupyme, dur

11、ing the day at least.Men stilloccupymore positions of power than women.Frances invited them tooccupythe upstairs of her home.Is that seat occupied?Reading occupies most of my free time.The enemy occupied the town.She is now fully occupied with her homework.He occupied himself with packing the car.mi

12、ssion n. 任务,职责,使命,天职,使节团,飞行任务,军事行动,传教活动a diplomatic mission 外交使团to fly a mission 执行飞行任务on a mission to do sth 带着使命感做某事He became head of the Ugandanmission.He has been on amissionto help end Lebanons political crisis.The minister was sent to Spain on mission.My mission in life is to help poor people.

13、He has been on confidential missions to Berlin.evaluate vt. 评价,评估,估计,计算,估算,计算.的值,求.的值The market situation is difficult toevaluate.In the end, you have toevaluatethe results.It may be too early toevaluatethe impact of the plan.Lets evaluate the evidence.The school has only been open for six months, s

14、o its too early to evaluate its success.Enterprise should acquaint with its storage status, thats the reason why it needs to evaluate the storage material.evaluate, appraise, assay, assess, estimate, rate, value这组词都有“估价”的意思。其区别在于:estimate指个人的主观估价;appraise指以专家身份作出最终精确的估价;assay原指化验某物以确定其性质、分量或价值,引申指在衡

15、量某事物之前作出鉴定性分析;assess指对财产进行估价作为征收税款或罚款的依据,引申指在使用某人或某物之前对其作出精确评价,以作最后决定的依据;evaluate是数学用语,指“求.的值”,引申指用比较熟悉的表示法评估某事物的价值;rate则专指评定价值等级的高低;value强调精确地估价。creature n. 生物,动物,人a creature of the imagination 想象力的产物Shes charming, a sweetcreature.The poor creature has had a hard life.Pandas are precious creatures.

16、This creature lives in the depth of the ocean.We cant see microscopic creature with naked eyes.mosquito n. 蚊子 (pl. mosquitoes/mosquitos)I threw aside mymosquitonet and jumped out of bed.My face and hands are covered withmosquitobites.A singlemosquitocan infect a large number of people.Themosquitos a

17、re biting me!microscope n. 显微镜under the microscope 被仔细检查Youd need an extremely sensitivemicroscope.These structures are just out of range of themicroscopes focusing power.We aimed themicroscopeat a likely looking target.cast new light on. 使进一步了解.,给.带来新的希望,使人对.得到新的认识“The Post-Pandemic Era” by Japanes

18、e director Ryo Takeuchi cast new light on Chinas epidemic control efforts.Research has cast new light on the causes of the disease.maintenance n. 维修,养护,保养,维护,维持,坚持认为,生活费用,抚养费to maintain law and order 维护治安She was a high-maintenancegirl who needed lots of attention.The window had been replaced last we

19、ek during routinemaintenance.The tax was implemented this year to pay for highwaymaintenance.He must pay maintenance for his three children.The major problem is the maintenance of the child.Both parents contribute to the maintenance of their children.Our policy is maintenance of friendly relations w

20、ith all countries.Hes taking classes in car maintenance.The Parliament voted more funds to helpmaintainAmerican forces.This may help tomaintainthe gains youve made and to prevent backsliding.circumstance n. 条件,状况,偶然的事件,详情,细节 (pl.) 境况,环境,经济状况in the/these circumstances 在这种情况下under any circumstances 在任

21、何情况下under certain circumstances 在某些情况下He was forced by the circumstances to do this.I cannot recollect the exact circumstance.Due to circumstances beyond our control the lecture was cancelled.circumstance, condition, situation, state这四个词都有“情况,状态,条件,状况”的意思。其区别在于:state是普通用语,指“情况,状态”,其存在形式并不是具体事物;situa

22、tion指危急或重大的事态,侧重“事态”,也指“职位,职业”;condition和state相比意义较狭隘,指在思考中的事物的状态,“环境”所影响的“情况”,特指事物内部的条件和状态,用复数时指比较一般、笼统的情况,侧重于“状况”;circumstance指某种事件或动作发生时的情况,一般都用复数形式。例如:The country is in a troubled state.这个国家处于紊乱的状态中。Measures must be taken to meet this situation.必须设法应付这个局面。He is applying for a situation.他正在请求得到一个

23、位置。The oranges may soon rot under present conditions.橘子在目前的状态下会很快腐烂的。I dont remember all the circumstances of the quarrel.我不记得争吵的所有情况。circumstance, environment, surroundings这三个词都可以表示“环境”。circumstance常用复数,指和某行动或某件事有关的客观环境和条件,如时间、地点等;environment一般用单数,不用复数,指某人或某物周围的,并对人或物有影响的环境、条件,可以指精神的(如注重道德的环境),也可指物

24、质的(如工作环境),也可以指自然环境(如空气、水、土等),或指人为的环境条件(如经济环境); surroundings只用复数,指某人周围的事物或环境,这些事物与环境对他的思想、感情、修养有一定的影响。exposure n. 面临,公开露面,揭露,揭穿,曝光,遭受,报道Exposure of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful.Her skin was dry after exposure to the wind.Her new movie has had a lot of exposure in the media.The girl is v

25、ery pleased to take exposure on TV singing program.(这个女孩对在电视歌唱节目上露面非常高兴。)He nearly died of exposure on the cold mountain.Although deeply shamed by hisexposure, he bounced back.(尽管被曝光后倍感羞耻,他还是重新振作了起来。)The bedroom has a southernexposure.The Budget doesexposethe lies ministers were telling a year ago.W

26、hen youexposeyour body to the sun, a physiological reaction takes place.She mightexposehis crooked business deals to her tax inspector brother.The reporter was killed because he tried to expose a plot.We should not expose our children to horrors.Keep indoors and dont expose your skin to the sun.radi

27、ation n. 辐射,放射,放射线Examples of unsafe environmental conditions are noise,radiation, dust.Sunlight consists of different wavelengths ofradiation.Theradiationcan damage microprocessors and computer memories, causing them to malfunction.Radiationmay damage cells in a way that was previously unforeseen.T

28、he most terrifying aspect of nuclear bombing is radiation.The news of the radiation leak caused widespread public alarm.visible adj. 看得见的,明显的,显然的,引人注目的,显露的,肉眼能见的visional adj. 视野的,想象的,幻想的,幻象的,视觉的visual adj. 看的, 视觉的The French coast was clearlyvisible.The car has been General Motors mostvisiblesuccess

29、story, with sales far exceeding expectations.The first signs of economic decline becamevisible.The tower was visible from afar.The body was visible below the surface of the lake.She showed no visible nervousness.Ive had my eyes tested and the report says that my vision is perfect.How do you cope wit

30、h the problem of poor vision?As a prime minister, he lacked the strategic vision of, say, someone like Churchill.in view of 鉴于,考虑到in the view of. 以.的观点,在.看来In view of the increased demand for our products, we wish to appoint an agent.In view of this, we will start earlier.In the view of some agricul

31、tural experts, it makes no sense to raise pigs in this mountain area.luxury n. 豪华,奢华,奢侈品,不常有的享受,不常有的乐趣Hot baths are my favouriteluxury.Perfume was an expensiveluxury.The increasing sale of luxury goods is an index of the countrys prosperity.The government has imposed strict controls over the import

32、of luxury goods.tube n. 管,管子,软管,地铁,电视 vt. 给.插管,用管子输送,使成管状Then just as we reached thetubeentrance, I got a shock.This tube is flexible but tough.She bought a tube of toothpaste.Whats on the tube?(电视上正演什么?)furthermore adv. 此外,再者,而且The house is too small, and furthermore, its too far from the office.I

33、dont want to go there, furthermore, I have no time to do so.pill n. 药丸,药片How long does a sleepingpilltake to work?This pill will help to settle your nerves.His mother told him to have a vitamin pill before leaving.Occasionally she had to take sleeping pills.vital adj. 必不可少的,至关重要的,必要的,关键的,生死攸关的,有朝气的,

34、充满活力的,维持生命所必需的Tourism isvitalfor the Spanish economy.The government saw the introduction of new technology as vital.Shes a very vital sort of person.Confronted with such a vital problem of life and death, he looked as cool as a cucumber.discipline vt. 训练,惩戒,处罚,严格要求自己 n. 训练,自制力,纪律,规章制度,行为准则These idea

35、s are relics of Victoriandiscipline.Children needdiscipline.He displays an unpardonable lack ofdiscipline.It takes years of discipline to become a pianist.It showed that they had been well disciplined.The dog was disciplined by a professional trainer.He never disciplined his apprentices with violenc

36、e.(他从来不用暴力惩罚学徒。)leisure n. 空闲,闲暇,悠闲Originally, Hatfield had been intended as aleisurecomplex.DIY is aleisureactivity for many.Ive just seen a poster advertising a newleisurecentre.Biking is my favorite leisure activity.I have no leisure for playing cards.crew n. 全体工作人员,全体船员,全体乘务员,一组工作人员,一帮人The survi

37、vingcrewmembers were ferried ashore.Thecrewwelcomed us aboard.The ship set sail after all the crew came on board.The crew abandoned the sinking ship.The plane crashed, killing all its passengers and crew.We are a happy crew in our office.permanent adj. 永恒的,永久的,永远的to cause permanent damage 造成永久性伤害Im

38、notpermanenthere.The industry is normally made up of three categories of workers: casuals, part-timers andpermanent.Permanentdata deletion usually requires several steps.I began to live in an almostpermanentstate of fear.These factors usually have a longer and more permanent impact on share prices.a

39、ltogether adv. 完全,全然,全部,总体来说,总之,基本上He stopped breathingaltogether.He bought altogether 500 hectares of land.There are ten people altogether.I am altogether on your side in this matter.kit n. 成套用品,成套工具,工具包,用具箱,成套体育装备Manchester Uniteds newkitis launched today.Ourkitconsists of backpacks, sleeping-bags

40、, and a stove.Badly-builtkitcars can be death traps.Thekitcomes with a ten-page instruction booklet.There is a repair kit provided in the boot of each car.They marched twenty miles in full kit.telescope n. 望远镜 vt.缩短,压缩What is the range of this telescope?He was too poor to buy an astronomical telesco

41、pe.He saw a hungry wolf in the field with his telescope.I suggest we telescope the seminar into an hour.It is difficult to telescope 200 years of history into one lecture.universe n. 宇宙,世界,天地万物,全人类the universe 宇宙He dedicated his life to unlocking the secrets of theuniverse.The depth of the universe

42、is immeasurable.The Earth is only one of the numerous planets in the universe.Man is the soul of the universe.universe, heaven, sky, space这组词都有“天”的意思,它们之间的区别是:heaven指与earth(地)或hell(地狱)相对的“天国,天堂”,也可以指“天空”; sky意思是“天空”,指广阔的天空或某一地区的“上空,云端”; space作“空间,太空”讲,是普通用语,强调空间概念;universe的意思是“宇宙,全世界,天地万物”,强调物质概念。例如

43、:There were no clouds in the sky. 天上没有云。The earth moves through space.地球在太空运行。Our world is but small part of the universe.我们的地球只不过是宇宙的一小部分。They thought the earth was the centre of the universe.他们认为地球是宇宙的中心。God createdHeavenand Earth.crucial adj. 至关重要的,关键性的,极为重要的to play a crucial part in. 在.中起重要作用He

44、took all thecrucialdecisions himself.Look at the false police reports that omitted or misstatedcrucialfacts.The use of the correct materials iscrucial.Her work has been crucial to the projects success.The battle had reached a crucial stage.orbit n. 天体等运行的轨道 vt. & vi. 环绕.运行,将卫星、航天器等送入轨道,绕轨道运行,作圆圈飞行Gr

45、ound controllers will then fire the booster, sending the satellite into its properorbit.The planet is probably inorbitaround a small star.We can draw the earths orbit round the sun.The space shuttle will orbit a weather satellite.astronomer n. 天文学家He wished to be an astronomer when he was a child.me

46、rely(=only) adv. 仅仅,只不过He was considered a war criminal whomerelyfollowed Adolf Hitler.Hemerelycleared and concreted the floors.I merely suggest you should do it again.I accepted this job merely for the high salary.administration n. 管理,经营,管理部门,管理层,行政部门,行政The country is under UNadministration.He work

47、s in hospital administration.The company developed rapidly under his administration.Headmasters are more involved in administration than in teaching.agency n. 机构,代理处,代理商,经销商,中介商an advertisingagency 广告代理公司We had to hire maids through anagency.He worked for an advertisingagency.Tours leave from Palma and are bookab


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