Unit 3 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx

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Unit 3 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx_第1页
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Unit 3 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx_第2页
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Unit 3 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx_第3页
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Unit 3 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx_第4页
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Unit 3 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx_第5页
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1、2021-2022学年高二第一学期选择性必修三单元三套题(词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作)一.词汇识记breadth n. 宽度,广泛,幅度,阔度,广度,广泛性,宽阔,开放,宽容,开明 They had small minds and nobreadthof vision.Hisbreadthof knowledge filled me with admiration.Older people have a tremendousbreadthof experience.Someone with morebreadthmight have shown greater tolerance.

2、Thebreadthof the whole camp was 400 paces.The length of the table is twice its breadth.He is broad-minded.Hisshoulders werebroadand his waistnarrow.convince vt. 使确信,使相信,说服,劝说to convince sb to do sth 说服某人做某事convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事convince sb that + 句子 使某人确信.I try to convince him of the reality o

3、f the danger.It took many hours to convince me of his guilt.He convinced me of his sincerity.Your argument is too weak to convince me.Heconvinced me of the difficulty of the work.The government has toconvincevoters it is proceeding coherently toward its goals.It became clear that I hadnt been able t

4、oconvinceMike.He convinced me to go with him.=He persuaded me to go with him.He convinced me of his truthfulness to me.He convinced me that he was right.voyage n. 航海,航行,航天 vi. 航行,远航 avoyageacross the Atlantic 横跨大西洋的航行Thisvoyagewas his first taste of freedom.We set out on thisvoyageof exploration wit

5、h an open mind.This is the virgin voyage of the ship.The ship hit heavy fog on its voyage.Happiness is a voyage, not a destination.My dream is to voyage around the world in a hot air balloon.They planned to voyage across the Pacific Ocean.fleet n. 舰队,捕鱼船队,车队,机群a fleet of. 大量的.,一连串的.,一大群的.Russia and

6、Ukraine have been disputing the ownership of thefleet.The general ordered the fleet to remain where they were and wait for the further instructions.The company owns a fleet of cars for its sales force to use.A fleet of ambulances took the injured to hospital.navigate vt. & vi. 航行,导航,指路,行走,行进,操纵to na

7、vigate by the stars 根据星辰确定方向We didnt talk because Andy had tonavigate.(因为安迪得指路,我没和他说话。)Good manners allow you tonavigatelifes complicated situations with grace.Most batsnavigateby echolocation.Such boats cannavigatethe Nile.He made hernavigateusing a watch and the sun.The river became too narrow and

8、 shallow to navigate.The large ship could not navigate the river.Many captains depend on electronic devices to navigate their ships.on behalf of. 代表.,为了. On behalf of my Government I have the honour to make to you the following communications.The settlement ends more than four years of litigation(诉讼

9、) on behalf of the residents.These needs must be met in all industrialized countries on behalf of developing countries.They worked hard all their lives on behalf of the poor.The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child.On behalf of my colleagues and myself I thank you.I am appealing on behalf

10、of the famine victims.load vt. & vi. 装上,装入 n. 负载,承载量,负荷,大量load.with. 用.把.装满a loaded gun 一支装了子弹的枪a load/loads of. 大量的.A plane can carry only so much load after all.The baker contracted for a load of flour.The maximum load of the lorry is one ton.Be careful, that guns loaded.(小心,那枪是上了膛的。)The three men

11、 seemed to have finished loading the truck.He drove by with a big load of hay.Ive got loads of/a load of money.Efficient bulbs may lighten the load of power stations.Some of these chairs have flattened feet which spread the load on the pass n. 罗盘,指南针,圆规,范围,环形路线vt. 围绕,包围,理解,领会,达到,获得,密谋,图谋,策划the point

12、s of the compass 罗盘上的方位You can go anywhere and still thecompasspoints north or south.We had to rely on acompassand a lot of luck to get here.Now we begin to draw a circle with compasses.A compass needle points to the north.The compass was invented by the Chinese, as is well known.Finance is not with

13、in the compass of our department.Her action go beyond the compass of proper social behavior.In order to compass our object we must work hard.The sailboat compassed the island.Suddenly we compassed the enemies on all sides.log n. 航海日记,正式记录,原木,圆材,对数,书面记录 vi. & vt. 伐木to keep a log of. 记.日志,对.做正式记录to sl

14、eep like a log 酣睡,沉睡,睡得死沉log on 登录log in 登入,进入系统The family made an official complaint to a ships officer, which was recorded in thelog.I shut the shed door and wedged(楔) it with alogof wood.Theylogeveryone and everything that comes in and out of here.(他们对进出这里的所有人和物逐一登记。)You needa passwordtologon.Ise

15、t thelogonthe groundand shavedoff thebark.Whenemployeeslogintotheir computers,theyreshown apictureofone oftheir coworkersandasked toguessthatpersonsname.Therewasasmalllograft there whichtheymeant tocapture.If you are already registered, please log in first.strengthen vt. & vi. 加强,增强,支持,强化,使更有说服力,加大力

16、度,增进Community leaders want tostrengthencontrols at external frontiers.His visit is intended tostrengthenties between the two countries.We will strengthen the protection of wet land.Every effort was made to strengthen unity.The current strengthened as we moved down the river.The wind strengthened dur

17、ing the night.I frequently use sunflowers as symbols ofstrength.Tolerance is one of her many strengths.She has a strong desire to become a writer.The rose sends out strong fragrance.harmonious adj. 和谐的,协调的,调和的,和睦融洽的,友好的,悦耳的aharmoniousbalance between exercise and rest 锻炼和休息的协调平衡The different parts of

18、 the garden fit together in aharmoniousway.It is aharmoniouscommunity where pupils are happy and industrious.Theirharmoniousrelationship resulted in part from their similar goals.Dont let this trifling matter affect our harmonious relations.This pavilion is harmonious with the surrounding environmen

19、t.The sky and the sea make a harmonious picture.An enterprise should be full of fairness and harmony.The onlywayforustosurviveisto liveinharmonywithnature.Somepeopledelightinhelpingothers,whichcontributes tosocialharmony.dismiss vt. 解雇,开除,不予考虑,不予理会,去除,不受理,解散,否认to dismiss.as. 将.视为.而不予理会They were quic

20、k todismissrumours of an off-screen romance.(他们迅速否认了两人在现实生活中是情侣关系的传言。)If you are late again, you will be dismissed.Let us dismiss and return in an hour.We should dismiss all thought of revenge.Either you improve your work or I shalldismissyou.The Prime Minister has the power to dismiss and appoint s

21、enior ministers.Some employees believe theirdismissalwas unlawful.proof n. 证据,证物,证词,证明,校样,试印印张,初印稿to establish proof of sth 建立某事的证据to correct the proofs of a book 校正一本书的校样living proof 活生生的例子,典型的例证to be proof against. 耐.,能防.This fact is too evident to require proof.Have you got any proof that you own

22、 this bike?There are a few misprints which I will correct in proof.The shelter was proof against the bitter weather.It is part of your duty to proof twenty pages.The police couldntproveit.She may prove to be the most suitable person for the job.He has proved his courage in the battle.acknowledge vt.

23、 承认,确认收悉,感谢,打招呼,招呼某人以示相识to acknowledge receipt of sth 告知收到了某物Doran stuck his head out of the window toacknowledgethe cheering.He didnt even bother toacknowledgeher.We acknowledged the need for reform.Please acknowledge this cheque as soon as you receive it.We hope you can acknowledge your mistake in

24、 public.We are sending you some money in acknowledgement of your valuable help.I met him in town but he didnt even acknowledge me.influential adj. 有权势的,有很大影响力的,有支配力的His father is an influential democrat.He is a very influential man in the government.Our newspaper is an influential newspaper in this

25、city.Influential friends helped him to get a good job.He used his influential friends to help him get into the civil service by the back door.The labour enthusiasm of the workers strongly influenced us.Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town.insist vt. 坚持,坚决主张,坚决要求,坚称,断言to insist on. 坚持.,坚决主张.,

26、坚称.They are purists whoinsiston doing everything just as they have been done for centuries.The analysts applaud the cuts in marginal businesses, butinsistthe company must make deeper sacrifices.They insisted that I stay there for supper.He insisted that he had done right.He insisted on paying for th

27、e meal.route n. 路,路线,航线,线路或航线,途径,渠道 vt. 给.安排路线,为.定路线Whats theroute?Motorists were advised to find an alternativeroute.Researchers are getting the information through an indirectroute.Therouteis well signposted throughout.The route was once much travelled but has fallen into disuse.The bus route goes

28、 so far as that, so youll need to take a taxi.(汽車路線到此為止了,你得叫輛的士。)Professor Layard argues that higher income is a route to higher status.Our travel agent routed us through Italy.financial adj. 财政的;金融的;有钱的;财务的,有资金可用的to provide finance for. 为.提供资金He is an adventurer in financial field.I got the financi

29、al support after two years.I hear you are in poor financial straits.This company was in serious financial difficulties.A United States delegation is in Japan seekingfinancefor a major scientific project.Financeis usually the biggest problem for students.These funds are used tofinancethe purchase of

30、equipment.depart vt. & vi. 离开,启程,离开,放弃,辞去Ill depart Washington for London tomorrow.He departed from life yesterday.(他昨天去世了。)The train to Beijing will depart from platform 3 in half an hour.The war forced us to depart from the old customs.Yes, Im studying in the Foreign LanguagesDepartment.We decided

31、 to delay ourdeparture.shortage n. 不足,短缺,缺乏,缺少I had noshortageof partners all night at the dance.Patients were dying because of an acuteshortageof nurses.Theshortageof good managers had become a universal phenomenon.In contrast with his brothers, Tom is rather short.These goods are in short supply;

32、the price will be high.The usual word “pub” is short for “public house”.Compare the short vowel in “full” and the long vowel in “fool”.leak n. 漏,泄漏,渗漏,渗入,漏洞,裂缝 vt. & vi. 漏,漏出,渗漏,渗入,泄露,使泄漏,使渗漏,透露There has been a securityleak.The roof has got aleak.There has been aleakin the defence system.The details

33、 were supposed to be secret but somehow leaked out.Jackson said he did not believe the leaks came from his office.panic vi. & vt. 使惊慌,感到恐慌 n. 惊慌,恐慌There was a panic when the building caught fire.The idea might panic the investors.I panic at the thought of my weakness and fear it being exposed.Dontpa

34、nic!Panic-stricken travellers fled for the borders.I told myself not topanic.There was apanicand I was rushed to hospital.regardless adv. 不顾一切地,不管怎样,依旧 adj. 不注意的,不留心的,不关心的regardless of 不管,不顾We are determined to carry onregardless.Anyone can do rock-climbing,regardlessof their fitness level or age.Bu

35、t any industry cannot sustain repeated criticism from consumer groups,regardlessof whether it is misguided.He is regardless of the result.He crushed the bloom with regardless tread.I protested, but she carried on regardless.They decorated the house regardless of cost.All our proposals were rejected,

36、 regardless of their merits.shore n. 滨,岸,与水面相对的陆地,岸滨地,沿岸地带 vt. 把船拉上岸on shore 在陆地上,在岸上Two seamen rowed us to theshore.The Michaels rowed their boat toshore.They anchored their ship off the shore.subsequent adj. 连续的,接下去的,后来的subsequent to sth 在某事物之后Louis costumed her in severalsubsequentfilms.Any unspe

37、nt money in the account will roll over tosubsequentyears.Regular light exercise can depress the appetite andsubsequentfood intake.Subsequent events proved me wrong.He confessed to other crimes subsequent to the bank robbery.Subsequent to its success as a play, it was made into a film.The events Im s

38、peaking of were subsequent to the war.captain n. 船长,舰长,机长,队长,领队,上校,上尉,餐厅领班,宾馆服务生领班 vt.担任船长,担任队长the captain of. .的队长Thecaptains voice was triumphant.And theyll find that their bold captain is nowhere to be found.The captain led our team to victory.The captain of the sinking ship used flares to attrac

39、t the attention of the coastguard.The sailors are asked to take their positions by their captain.The captain described the accident in the ships log.Strong leadership is needed to captain the team.Who will captain the team?allow for. 考虑.,把.计算在内,使.成为可能We must allow for delays caused by bad weather.Pl

40、ease leave enough space between the two boards to allow for thermal expansion.The budget did not allow for these extra expenses.kingdom n. 王国,管辖范围the animal kingdom 动物界Thekingdoms power declined.This is the fight of the kingdom of the mind.astonish vt. 使十分惊讶,使吃惊It astonishes me that 让我吃惊的是.My news w

41、illastonishyou.I was astonished at the news of his escape.She astonished me with her beautiful handwriting.A matter of repeated occurrence like this will not astonish people.He purposed to both charm and astonish me by his appearance.She looked at him, her blue eyes wide withastonishment.She gave a

42、little cry ofastonishment.royal adj. 皇家的,王室的,王族的,盛大的,庄严的,高贵的,优质的,极好的Historically,royalmarriages have been cold, calculating affairs.She was invited to Sandringham byroyalcommand.The royal wedding was an occasion of great festivity.Britain has always had a large navy, called the Royal Navy.tomb n. 坟墓

43、,冢,葬身之地 vt. 埋葬Thistombwas the only one that wasnt touched.Archaeologists have now dated thetomb.Those dead soldiers were buried in the tombs.A tombstone stands in front of her tomb.She placed a bunch of flowers at thetomb.grave和tomb均指埋葬尸体的“坟墓”。1.grave指一般的“土墓”; tomb可译为“陵墓”,是坟墓的雅称,指建在地下的墓室,也可是一种带墓碑的建筑

44、,既可安放死者,又可作纪念物。2.tomb表示“坟墓”时,比grave更庄重,在说“扫墓”时,多用tomb。literary adj. 文学的,精通文学的,文学知识渊博的,文学上的,爱好文学的Shes theliteraryeditor of the Sunday Review.He uses a highlyliterarylanguage.I dont like to read his literary criticism.extensively adv. 大规模地,广泛地,广阔地,全面地,包罗万象地,详细地,详尽地to make extensive use of sth 大量使用某物,广

45、泛使用某物Hes travelledextensively.All these issues have beenextensivelyresearched in recent years.Latterly, he has writtenextensivelyabout alternative medicine.Hydrogen is usedextensivelyin industry for the production of ammonia.The terrorists hadextensivesupplies of arms.They were granted charters enti

46、tling them toextensivefishing rights.The police madeextensiveinquiries after the murder.Dry-cleaning can extend the life of your clothing.I extend my heartfelt thanks for your help.facilitate vt. 使便利,促进,助长,帮助tofacilitatecommunication between the public and private sectors 促进公共部门和私营部门交流The new airport willfacilitatethe development of tourism.Friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange.We facilitate them to resist the


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