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1、高考英语语法复习:高考英语语法复习: 数词数词 Yoyo数数词词 基数词基数词 序数词序数词数量数量顺序顺序表示数目和顺序的词叫数词。表示数目和顺序的词叫数词。1. If a = 4, b = 5, whats the answer to the question “a + 2ab + 1=?” _. A. Forty-fifth B. Forty-five C. Twenty-three D. One hundred and twenty-one【解析】基数词表示人或事物的数量,【解析】基数词表示人或事物的数量,而序数词表示人或事物的次序。而序数词表示人或事物的次序。2. There are

2、 60 students in my class and 44 of them use weibo very often. 44? That means about _ of your classmates are weibo users, right? A. half B. one third C. two thirds D. three quarters【解析】表达分数时,分子用基数词,分【解析】表达分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词;分子大于母用序数词;分子大于1时,分母要在序数时,分母要在序数词后面加词后面加-s。在表达四分之几时,要用。在表达四分之几时,要用quarter与基数词搭配

3、来表示与基数词搭配来表示(如:四分之三如:四分之三 three quarters)。表达二分之一时通常用。表达二分之一时通常用one half或或a half表示。表示。3. There are over _ students in their school. A. hundreds B. nine hundreds C. hundreds of D. nine hundred【解析】【解析】当基数词与当基数词与hundred, thousand, million, billion连用,表示具体的连用,表示具体的“几百、几百、几千、几百万、几十亿几千、几百万、几十亿”时,这些词后不时,这些词后

4、不加加-s。如:。如:two hundred books, three thousand trees, four million people, five billion seconds。4. After the Asian Games, _ people came to Guangzhou for a visit during holidays. A. thousand B. thousands of C. five thousands D. thousand of【解析】【解析】 当当hundred, thousand, million, billion后面加后面加-s并与并与of 连用时

5、,意为连用时,意为“数数以以计的计的”,表达的是约数的概念,前,表达的是约数的概念,前面不能再加具体的数字。面不能再加具体的数字。基数词的构成基数词的构成1 112,12,独立成词。独立成词。 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve13-19,13-19,由由3 39 9 + teen构成。构成。 14fourteen 16sixteen 17seventeen 19nineteen 特殊拼写特殊拼写: 13 thirteen 15fifteen 18eighteen202090,90,以以-ty-ty结尾。

6、结尾。 20twenty 30 thirty 40forty 50fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90ninety 212199,99,两位数两位数, ,十位与个位之间十位与个位之间“”。 21 twentyone 55 fiftyfive 99 ninetynine 101999,三位数,百位与十位,三位数,百位与十位/个位之间加个位之间加and。 101 one hundred and one 840 eight hundred and forty 693 six hundred and ninety-three 1,000以上数目以上数目,从右向左

7、每三位用从右向左每三位用“,” 分开分开,分别读为分别读为thousand , million, billion 。6 , 500 ,431,7 29billionmillionthousandhundredand基数词的用法基数词的用法 表示表示具体具体数目数目,hundred, thousand, million不用复数。表示不用复数。表示不确定不确定数目数目,用用复数。复数。即即hundreds of(数百数百), thousands of(数千数千), millions of(数百万数百万)+ 名词复数名词复数, 可以用可以用many/several修饰,但不能与具体数目连用。修饰,但

8、不能与具体数目连用。 Our country has a population of 1,300 million people. After the war, thousands of people became homeless.“几十几十”的复数形式可以表示:的复数形式可以表示: 几十多岁几十多岁 in + ones + 数词复数数词复数 年年 代代 in + the +数词复数数词复数He died in his fortiesIn the nineties, most people go to work by bike.“基数词基数词+名词名词” 的的合成形容词合成形容词作定语作定语,

9、 中间中间有连字符有连字符“”,当中的名词用当中的名词用单数单数。 a 3 year old girl a seven-day holiday表计量表计量 “基数词基数词+度量单位度量单位+形容词形容词” The classroom is 7 meters long, 6 meters wide and 3 meters high. 表示时刻表示时刻 ( (介词用介词用at) )1)1)顺读法顺读法先时后分先时后分, ,“几点几分几点几分” 9:30 nine thirty 6:21 six twenty-one 2)2)逆读法逆读法先分后时先分后时 a. 表示表示“几点几点过过几分几分”,半

10、小时以内半小时以内, 介词用介词用past, 分钟数分钟数+past +钟点数。钟点数。 10:10 ten past ten 8:20 twenty past eightb. 表示表示“几点几点差差几分几分”, 半小时以上半小时以上, 介词介词用用 to, 6060减原分钟减原分钟+ to + (下一个下一个)钟点数。钟点数。 9:509:50 ten to ten 7:40 7:40 twenty to eight3)3)1515分钟分钟:a quarter 3030分钟分钟:a half 9:15 9:15 a quarter past nine 12:3012:30 half past

11、 twelve序数词的构成序数词的构成 13, first, second, third 。 419, 相应基数词相应基数词+th, 特殊拼写特殊拼写: fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth。 2090, y变成变成ie +th,如如twentieth。 2199, 只把个位的基数词变成序数词,只把个位的基数词变成序数词,如如twenty-first。 序数词缩写序数词缩写数字最后两字母,数字最后两字母, 如如 1st, 2nd, 3rd ,4th序数词的用法序数词的用法 序数词作定语,前面要加序数词作定语,前面要加the; The first truck is carr

12、ying a food basket John lives on the fifteenth floor有时加有时加a/an,“再一再一”,“又一又一” 的意的意思。思。 We ll have to do it a second time Shall I ask him a third time?They had a second child in 1988.编号表示法编号表示法编号在编号在前前,名词在后,用,名词在后,用序序数词,前面有数词,前面有the编号在编号在后后,名词在前,用,名词在前,用基基数词,注意首字母数词,注意首字母大写大写房间号码和电话号码要一个一个分别读。房间号码和电话号

13、码要一个一个分别读。第一课第一课 The First Lesson(在句子中不大写)(在句子中不大写) Lesson One第第3232页页 the thirty-second page Page 32 / Page Thirty-two第第305305房间房间 Room 305第第1212路公共汽车路公共汽车 Bus No.12分数表示法分数表示法分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子大于分子大于1时,分母加时,分母加-s。1/4 one-fourth a (one) quarter3/4 three-fourths three quarters 2/3 two-thi

14、rds 1/2 a (one) half 半年半年 half a year 半小时半小时 half an hour一年半一年半 one and a half years one year and a half年份、日期表达法年份、日期表达法年年用用基数词基数词表示表示,两位一读两位一读,介词用介词用in;日日用用序数词序数词表示表示,介词用介词用on。1999 nineteen ninety-nine1949年年10月月1日日 读作读作: October (the) first, nineteen forty-nine (月(月-日日, 年)年) the first of October, n

15、ineteen forty-nine (日(日-月月, 年)年)写作写作: October 1st,1999 (日用缩写日用缩写, 月月-日日-年年) October 1, 1999 (日用数字日用数字) 1st October,1999 (日日-月月, 年年)表示表示“在在世纪世纪”, 用序数词。用序数词。 在在20世纪世纪写作写作:in 20th century读作:读作:in the twentieth century1) 用用 times表示。表示。 My room is three times as large as yours. 我的房间是你的三倍大小。我的房间是你的三倍大小。 如

16、果表示如果表示“是是两倍数两倍数”,一般用一般用 twice。 My room is twice as large as yours. 我的房间是你的两倍大小。我的房间是你的两倍大小。倍数的表达方法倍数的表达方法倍数表达法的句型:倍数表达法的句型: .倍数倍数 + as + 形容词或副词形容词或副词 + as2) 用用-%表示。表示。The collection of our school library is 200% up compared with 1998. 我们学校图书馆藏书量与我们学校图书馆藏书量与1998年相比增年相比增 长了一倍。长了一倍。 常见的含数词的短语:常见的含数词的短

17、语: by ones and twos 三三两两地三三两两地 second to none 不比任何人差,首屈一指的不比任何人差,首屈一指的 one by one 一个一个地一个一个地 数词在固定短语中的运用 1. Im at _(七上八下的)七上八下的)about what to do. 2. Lets divide it _(两半)(两半). 3. _ (十有八九)(十有八九)the train will be late.1. The hero of the story is an artist in his _. A. thirtieth B. thirty C. thirtys D.

18、thirties2. It is not rare in _ that people in _ fifties are going to university for further education. A. 90s the B. the 90s / C. 90s their D. the 90s their I. Multiple choice. 3. _ of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass. A. Two fifth, is B. Two fifth, are C. Two fifths, is D. T

19、wo fifths, are4. _ people in the world are sending information by E-mail every day. A. Several million B. Many millions C. Several millions D. Many million5. Americans eat _ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. A. more than twice B. as twice as many C. twice as many as D. more than twice

20、 as many6. He did it _ it took me. A. one-third a time B. one-third time C. the one-third time D. one-third the time7. Many students signed up for the _ race in the sports meeting to be held next week. A. 800-meter-long B. 800-meters-long C. 800 meter length D. 800 meters length8. It is reported tha

21、t the United States uses _ energy as the whole of Europe. A. as twice B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much 9. She went to the bookstore and bought _. A. dozen books B. dozens books C. dozen of books D. dozens of books 10. It is reported that the floods have left about _ people homeless. A

22、. two thousand B. two-thousands C. two thousands D. two thousands ofII. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.1. Efforts to reform the system began in the early _ (twenty) century and met with some success in the decades that followed. 2. The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.

23、 Dont worry. We have already got through two _ (three) of it.thirdstwentieth3. The _ (twelve) man in a football team will play if one of the other players is ill.4. The study stated that two _ (five) of the kids, from the kindergartners to eighth-graders, had excess weight on them. 5. _ (hundred) of

24、 people took to the streets to protest against the brutalities. twelfthfifthsHundredsp 经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量p Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More You Know, The More Powerful You Will Be写在最后Thank You在别人的演说中思考,在自己的故事里成长Thinking In Other PeopleS Speeches,Growing Up In Your Own Story讲师:XXXXXX XX年XX月XX日


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