(2019)新外研版高中英语高三必修第三册大一轮复习Unit 5 词汇默写学案-(中文版+英文版).zip

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必修三 unit 5序号单词&词组中文1.开始的;最初的2.港口3.因此4.惊险;刺激5.地区;地带6.心理学家7.氧气8.失败9.国界;边界10.努力;尝试11.证实;证明12.使.成为焦点13.人群14.纯粹的;十足的15.未觉察到的16.与.有关17.酒精18.头盔19.绷带20.坚果21. 创可贴22. 使吃惊23. 体温计24. 光线;光束25. 橡胶26. 消耗27. 棉布28. 看清;认出29. 羊毛;毛织物30. 逐渐地31. 药棉;脱脂棉32. 环绕33. 指导方针;指导原则34. 有皱褶的35. 布必修三 unit 5序号单词&词组中文1.岸2.流血;失血3.地毯4.液体5.(光、声)强度6.损害7.震颤;震动8.延伸;绵延9.原子10.里格(旧时长度单位=3 英里)11.深度12.仆人13.宽的14.潜水艇15.在大白天16.主管;负责17.在.下方18.船长19.居民20.在前面21. 雄性动物22. 允许23. 章节24. 被迷住的25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 必修三 unit 5 课文知识点序号单词&词组中文1.寻找一条西进的路线2.最初的旅行3.由于4.低气压5.尽管如此6.记述7.纯粹的快乐8.它使你聚焦于对你来说重要的事情9.它使你聚焦于观察自己的内心且弄明白是否你有身心的韧性去继续前行当你想要停止的时候10.大多数11.导致要么完全的成功要么是失败12.最近的研究表明冒险是人类本性的一部分13.他称这些人的性格为 T 型14.我们对寻找冒险的渴望是与我们对从结果中期待多少收益有关的15.把这个记在心里16.完全取决于你17.而不是反过来18.急救指南19.给.施压20.这条高速公路延伸超过了5000 千米21. 负责/管事儿的人22. 被.迷住23. 从这本书的一个章节中改编而来24. 回顾25. 给某人留下印象26. 语言不足以描述这样的奇迹27. 金属外壳28. 厚重的头盔29. 在海洋表面之下30. 我能清楚的辨认出 150 码远的物体31. 令人眼花缭乱的地毯32. 解释33. 我能看见的好像我处于大白天34. 那条船就停靠在海底35. 起航36. 灰海豹37. 培养探索的精神38. 39. 40. 必修三 unit 5序号单词&词组中文1.initial2.port3.thus4.thrill5.zone6.psychologist7.oxygen8.failure9.border10.attempt11.confirm12.bring.into focus13.crowd14.sheer15.unaware16.be related to17.alcohol 18.helmet19.bandage20.nut21. plaster22. astonish23. thermometer24. ray25. rubber26. consume27. cotton28. distinguish29. wool30. gradually31. cotton wool32. surround33. guideline34. wrinkled35. cloth必修三 unit 5序号单词&词组中文1.shore2.bleeding3.carpet4.liquid5.intensity6.injury7.vibration 8.stretch9.atom10.league11.depth12.servant13.broad14.submarine15.in broad daylight16.charge17.beneath18.captain19.resident20.ahead21. male22. permit23. chapter24. fascinated25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 必修三 unit 5 课文知识点序号单词&词组中文1.in search of a westward route2.initial journey3.due to4.low air pressure5.despite all this6.write of7.sheer joy8.it brings into focus whats important to you9.it forces you to look deep inside yourself and figure out if you really have the physical, as well as mental, toughness to push when you want to stop.10.the majority of 11.result either in total success or failure12.recent studies indicate that risk-taking may be part of human nature13.he refers to the personalities of these people as “Type T”14.our desire to seek risks can be connected to how much we expect to benefit from the result15.with this in mind16.its totally up to you17.not the other way round 18.first aid guidelines19.put pressure on 20.the highway stretches over 5, 000 kilometers21. the man in charge22. be fascinated by 23. adapted from a chapter of the book24. look back on 25. leave an impression upon/on sb26. words are not enough to relate such wonders27. metal cases28. thick helmet29. below the surface of the ocean30. I clearly distinguished objects at a distance of a hundred and fifty yards.31. dazzling carpet32. account for33. I could see as if I was in broad daylight34. the ship rests on the sea bed35. set sail36. grey seal37. cultivate a spirit of exploration 38. 39. 40. 必修三 unit 5序号单词&词组中文1.initial开始的;最初的2.port港口3.thus因此4.thrill惊险;刺激5.zone地区;地带6.psychologist心理学家7.oxygen氧气8.failure失败9.border国界;边界10.attempt努力;尝试11.confirm证实;证明12.bring.into focus使.成为焦点13.crowd人群14.sheer纯粹的;十足的15.unaware未觉察到的16.be related to与.有关17.alcohol 酒精18.helmet头盔19.bandage绷带20.nut坚果21. plaster创可贴22. astonish使吃惊23. thermometer体温计24. ray光线;光束25. rubber橡胶26. consume消耗27. cotton棉布28. distinguish看清;认出29. wool羊毛;毛织物30. gradually逐渐地31. cotton wool药棉;脱脂棉32. surround环绕33. guideline指导方针;指导原则34. wrinkled有皱褶的35. cloth布必修三 unit 5序号单词&词组中文1.shore岸2.bleeding流血;失血3.carpet地毯4.liquid液体5.intensity(光、声)强度6.injury损害7.vibration 震颤;震动8.stretch延伸;绵延9.atom原子10.league里格(旧时长度单位=3 英里)11.depth深度12.servant仆人13.broad宽的14.submarine潜水艇15.in broad daylight在大白天16.charge主管;负责17.beneath在.下方18.captain船长19.resident居民20.ahead在前面21. male雄性动物22. permit允许23. chapter章节24. fascinated被迷住的25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 必修三 unit 5 课文知识点序号单词&词组中文1.in search of a westward route寻找一条西进的路线2.initial journey最初的旅行3.due to由于4.low air pressure低气压5.despite all this尽管如此6.write of记述7.sheer joy纯粹的快乐8.it brings into focus whats important to you它使你聚焦于对你来说重要的事情9.it forces you to look deep inside yourself and figure out if you really have the physical, as well as mental, toughness to push when you want to stop.它使你聚焦于观察自己的内心且弄明白是否你有身心的韧性去继续前行当你想要停止的时候10.the majority of 大多数11.result either in total success or failure导致要么完全的成功要么是失败12.recent studies indicate that risk-taking may be part of human nature最近的研究表明冒险是人类本性的一部分13.he refers to the personalities of these people as “Type T”他称这些人的性格为 T 型14.our desire to seek risks can be connected to how much we expect to benefit from the result我们对寻找冒险的渴望是与我们对从结果中期待多少收益有关的15.with this in mind把这个记在心里16.its totally up to you完全取决于你17.not the other way round 而不是反过来18.first aid guidelines急救指南19.put pressure on 给.施压20.the highway stretches over 5, 000 kilometers这条高速公路延伸超过了5000 千米21. the man in charge负责/管事儿的人22. be fascinated by 被.迷住23. adapted from a chapter of the book从这本书的一个章节中改编而来24. look back on 回顾25. leave an impression upon/on sb给某人留下印象26. words are not enough to relate such wonders语言不足以描述这样的奇迹27. metal cases金属外壳28. thick helmet厚重的头盔29. below the surface of the ocean在海洋表面之下30. I clearly distinguished objects at a distance of a hundred and fifty yards.我能清楚的辨认出 150 码远的物体31. dazzling carpet令人眼花缭乱的地毯32. account for解释33. I could see as if I was in broad daylight我能看见的好像我处于大白天34. the ship rests on the sea bed那条船就停靠在海底35. set sail起航36. grey seal灰海豹37. cultivate a spirit of exploration 培养探索的精神38. 39. 40.
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