Unit 3 On the move Developing ideas课时同步基础+综合双向训练-(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第二册.docx

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1、Unit3 On the move-Developing ideas课时同步基础+综合双向训练【基础】【单句语法填空】1You can use it for personal use, but make sure to keep track the gas you use.2We all know that a (balance) diet is of great importance to our health.3I ask you not to get (involve) in this kind of matter.Its none of your business.4Alice tru

2、sts you: only you can persuade her (give) up the foolish idea.5Lily was (terrify) at the scene when she saw what had happened.6Hobbies help people (均衡) between work and play.7Freud attempted to (解释) the meaning of dreams.8The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition,it makes shareware fre

3、ely (可用的)9We are not in an (理想的) world and so I guess it is like a fantasy to them.10Her nervousness quickly (消失) once she was on stage.11The (紧张) between the two countries is likely to remain in future.12Scientists may be able to (监视) the behaviour of sharks to predict bad weather.13He said it is s

4、till not possible to predict the (最后的) outcome.14After cooking in the kitchen, we were all (满是汗的)15Here is a good restaurant on the (上面的) floor and it offers delicious food and friendly service.16Mary gave Jack an apple while Jack gave Mary some oranges turn.17Many of the plants in this area will di

5、e if the government doesnt take measures to protect them.18He used his (remain) money to buy him a book written by his favorite writer.19I really get much enjoyment from taking part all kinds of afterschool activities.20The smell from the kitchen (appear) quite quickly, but I still remember it.【完成句子

6、】1运动有助于你保持健康和接触大自然。Sports can help you keep fit and nature.2杰克已经不再是原来那个懒惰的男孩了。Jack is that he used to be.3一些居民正在试图筹集资金让这个传统保留下去。Some residents are trying the tradition alive.4所有与这起案件有关的人都必须到场。All the people this case must be present.5我们面临的挑战是激发那些选民的积极性并鼓励他们加入我们的事业。Our challenge is to motivate those

7、voters and our cause.6他太顽固了,我没能说服他接受我们的建议。He is so stubborn that I failed to our suggestion.7不管是说还是写,高质量的输入才能确保高质量的输出。Quality input ensures quality output, 8教育的目的是发展儿童良好的性格。The purpose of education is a fine personality of children.9他学习非常刻苦,更重要的是他乐于助人。He studies very hard, and whats more, he 10我发现在结

8、冰的小道上走路要保持身体平衡是相当困难的。I found it hard to on the icy path.【综合】【七选五】No one likes lies.But unfortunately, most of us ever lied to people around us.1._ Learning to be honest can help to clean up your relationships.Here are some ways to be honest with others.Stop comparing yourself with others.2._ As were

9、 always comparing ourselves with others, we tend to hide our weaknesses with a quick and creative lie.If you stop feeling competitive with others and give yourself the value you deserve, you wont feel the need to lie to bring yourself up.Forget what you think other people want to hear from you.Speak

10、 from your heart and tell the truth.You dont have to worry about whether or not it will make you look “bad”.3._Avoid situations in which youll have to lie to others.Be careful when someone begins a sentence with “Dont tell soandso about this, okay?” 4._ For example, you can say “If it is something t

11、hat doesnt concern me, please dont tell me.I dont want to be responsible for anyones secrets but my own.”5_ You dont have to lie if you feel good about yourself! Do things that give you pleasure and that make you feel proud of yourself.Start with some little things.Dont do things that make you embar

12、rassed.AKnow your weaknesses.BDo things that make you proud.CThats why we tell lies so often!DIt is not a good manner, though.EYou should be prepared for this situation.FPeople respect honesty even when the truth is uncomfortable.GSometimes we lie to make ourselves seem better than we really are.【阅读

13、理解】A:GO.STOP.GO.STOP.The travel ideas in my head were fighting.“Are you sure you want to head to Greece this November with Kathleen? The weather could be unpleasant,”my husband warned.“You must go! Sunsets are among the most beautiful in the world and the island is a paradise(天堂)!”my friend Laura ra

14、ved about her trip in Santorini last year.With her encouraging words, I bought our tickets to Athens, Santorini and Crete.A sunny Saturday afternoon welcomed us in Athens.During the first few days, Kathleen and I tried a lot of unknowntous foods.And then came Tuesday.The moment we landed in Santorin

15、i, a big storm broke out.Santorini, normally a beautiful and popular tourist destination(目的地), was freezing, rainy and empty.With rain beating our faces, Kathleen and I headed for our hotel.“This isnt how I want to spend my vacation, Mom,”Kathleen said sadly.“Maybe Crete isnt experiencing the same s

16、torm.Can we fly out later today?”My daughter thought up a clever idea.But we couldnt leave.Wed just arrived.Payments for the hotel would be lost and the lastminute air tickets would be expensive.“Lets not decide right now,” I suggested.During the next few days, we drove around though it rained hard.

17、On the night at a restaurant named Poseidon, we waited and waited for dinner.“Your dinner will be out shortly.The cook is busy studying something beautiful,” a man who looked like a waiter said.When he saw our puzzled look, he explained,“He went out for a smoke, saw two beautiful ladies and began to

18、 chat.” We suddenly started laughing.I realized some change had been happening since our arrival.“You know, Mom, you cant live a positive life with a negative(消极的) mind,” my daughter said.We let go of our worries and enjoyed our trip in the following days.1What does the underlined word “raved” in Pa

19、ragraph 1 mean?AReported something in detail.BDescribed something endlessly.CTalked about something excitedly.DSuggested something on purpose.2What problem did the author and her daughter face in Santorini?AThey were out of money.BThey couldnt find their hotel.CThey were not used to the local foods.

20、DTheir trip was influenced by bad weather.3Why did the author choose not to fly to Crete?ATo save money.BTo avoid the storm.CTo end their journey early.DTo stay at the comfortable hotel.4What do the author and her daughter think is the most important during a trip?AA perfect plan. BGood weather.CA p

21、ositive attitude. DA right destination.B:Mount Hood is the highest mountain in Oregon, a state in the western United States.At 3,400 meters it is attractive(有吸引力的) to many people, some of whom, of course, run into trouble.Each year 25 to 50 people have accidents or get lost on Mount Hood and require

22、 rescue.Although most of these are understandable accidents, a few result from careless risktaking.In one recent case, three experienced climbers went hiking(远足) in the middle of a snowstorm in December.Most hikers climb Mount Hood in May or June when the weather conditions are favorable.But in Dece

23、mber, the mountain is covered in snow and ice.Winds up to 135 kilometers per hour blow the snow around making it difficult to see.Temperatures can drop below freezing.As one rescue worker put it,“What were they thinking? They were just asking for it.”During a rescue a few years ago, a helicopter ful

24、l of rescue workers crashed(坠毁) and the rescue workers were almost killed.Linda Carle, who lives in the Mount Hood area, asks,“If someone made a poor decision, why should rescue teams have to risk their lives to save them? Why do people take unnecessary risks and do things that arent right if they k

25、now that they can get into trouble?”Most of the Mount Hood rescue workers are either volunteers(志愿者) or part of the local sheriffs department.There is no charge for these rescues.It is the taxpayers(纳税人) who pay the bill.Linda Carle suggests that people who take careless risks and require rescue sho

26、uld be charged for the rescue.She feels it is only fair that costs for things like damaged helicopters and medical care for rescuers be paid for by the people who took the risks.What would you do if you were the local sheriff at Mount Hood?5What can we learn about Mount Hood?AIt lies in the south of

27、 the United States.BIt is the highest mountain in the United States.CThe best time to climb the mountain is in May or June.DHundreds of people get lost in the mountain every year.6What Linda Carle says in the third paragraph shows a feeling of _ApeaceBprideCloneliness Danger7According to Linda Carle

28、, risktakers should _Apay for all the costs neededBlearn to save themselvesCbe taxed at a higher rateDwork as volunteers8The authors purpose in writing the text is to _Aask the government to provide more rescuersBintroduce Mount Hood to mountain climbersCadvise climbers to think twice before they ac

29、tDreport some serious accidents in Mount Hood【基础】【单句语法填空】1. of2. balanced3. involved4. to give5. terrified6. balance7. interpret8. available9. ideal10. disappeared11. tension12. monitor13. ultimate14. sweaty15. upper16. in17. out18. remaining19. in20. disappeared【完成句子】1. get_in_touch_with2. no_longer_the_lazy_boy3. to_raise_money_to_keep4. involved_in/with5. inspire_them_to_join6. persuade_him_to_accept7. whether_it_is_speaking_or_writing8. to_develop9. is_ready_to_help_others10. keep_my_balance【综合】【七选五】DGFEB【阅读理解】A:CDACB:CDAC学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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