Unit 3 On the move Understanding ideas 同步检测练 -(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第二册.docx

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1、Unit 3 On the move Understanding ideas一、单词拼写1We applauded and cheered for a _(进球得分) scored by our own team.2On the _(根据) of the evidence we assume that he was guilty.3The boy often went _(冲浪) with his father on the sea before.4It is more like a childrens game than a real issue of life and _(死,死亡)5Th

2、ey loaded themselves up with food,medical supplies and oxygen _(设备)二、完形填空Shayla Mitchell, 16, was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer.As a father, Mitchell always stayed at home to care for her.He said the 1 left them financially worse off.Then a group called Growing Hope 2 in with $1,800 to help with his liv

3、ing costs.3, he wanted to pay them back.In his youth, he had been a 4.So at age 40, Mitchell took up the 5 again, participating in two fights in Fairfax.Mitchell was 6 out in the first and second rounds, but he still 7 to raise $20,000 that he gave to Growing Hope.During this time, he 8 his daughter

4、. “I fell into a dark bottom,and did little but mourned,” Mitchell said.One day, Mitchell 9 upon a Mark Twains quoteThe two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you 10 why.“After I read that quote, I was going to spend the rest of my life helping kids with 11 and th

5、eir families,” he said.Mitchell thought boxing did not seem 12 anymore for fund-raising, due to his age.Then he found that 13 could be a source to raise money.In the Corps Marathon, he cut a striking figure on the course.He 14 each of the miles of the race to a different child with cancer.Years afte

6、r his daughters death, Mitchell now wakes up in the morning knowing his 15.1.A.situationB.competitionC.atmosphere D.complaint2.A.broughtB.steppedC.tookD.broke3.A.SorrowfulB.HopefulC.Thankful D.Helpful4.A.runnerB.singerC.boxerD.actor5.A.glovesB.socksC.watchesD.sneakers6.A.worked B.knockedC.performedD

7、.put7.A.failedB.persuadedC.managedD.tried8.A.curedB.lostC.comfortedD.represented9.A.lookedB.agreedC.cameD.depended10.A.considerB.makeC.relateD.discover11.A.talentB.cancerC.tension D.power12.A.beneficialB.adjustableC.typicalD.practicable13.A.runningB.singingC.skippingD.dancing14.A.donatedB.paidC.insp

8、iredD.conveyed15.A.timeB.aimC.courseD.champion三、阅读理解About 1.4 billion people around the world do not get enough physical exercise.The worlds adult population is about 5.6 billion,so that is tantamount to about onefourth of the worlds adult population.Researchers looked at 358 populationbased studies

9、 between 2001 and 2016.Those studies referred to nearly 2 million people in 168 countries.Regina Guthold was the lead author of the report.She said the study also found a wide range(范围) of physical activity levels for countries around the world.“Inactivity ranges from as low as 6 percent in Uganda a

10、nd Mozambique to 67 percent in Kuwait.Four countries have a prevalence(普通) of inactivity of over 50 percent.Thats Kuwait,America Samoa,Saudi Arabia and Iraq,” she said.The report shows the levels of physical inactivity are more than two times as high in wealthy countries as they are in countries whe

11、re people have low incomes.In wealthier countries,people are more likely to spend time sitting in offices.They are also more likely to use computers and electronic devices(设备) for entertainment.There are actually many things people can do for themselves.If you work in a highrise office building,take

12、 the stairs instead of an elevator.Go for a walk during your lunch break.Take more breaks during the workday and move around.If your workplace offers a gym or exercise classes,make sure to use them.At home,take walks with your family or friends after dinner.1What does the underlined part “tantamount

13、 to” in Paragraph 1 mean?AFamiliar to.BHarmful to.CUsed to.DEqual to.2Which country is the most active?AUganda.BKuwait.CSaudi Arabia.DIraq.3What can we learn about people in wealthy countries in Paragraph 3?AThey are less active.BThey often exercise indoors.CThey dont have time to exercise.DThey don

14、t think exercise important.4Whats the authors purpose in writing the last paragraph?ATo draw peoples attention to the problem.BTo give some advice to nonexercisers.CTo introduce a new topic for discussion.DTo add some background information.一、单词拼写1.goal2.basis3.surfing4.death5.equipment二、完形填空1.A。根据本

15、段第一、二句可知,女儿被诊断出癌症,父亲要在家里照顾她。结合常理可知,此处应表示,这种情况使他们在经济上陷入困境。situation意为“情况、状况”,符合语境。competition意为“比赛,竞赛”;atmosphere意为“大气,氛围”;complaint意为“抱怨,投诉”。2.B。结合选项可知,此处表示,这时有一个名为Growing Hope的组织带着1 800美元来帮助他们,这些钱可以用来帮他们支付生活费用。step in意为“介入、插手”,符合语境。bring in意为“引进,生产”;take in意为“领会,欺骗”;break in意为“打断,闯入”。3.C。根据第一段内容和本句

16、中的wanted to pay them back可知,这个组织在这位父亲需要的时候给予了无私帮助,因此这位父亲心怀感恩,想做一些事情来回报他们。thankful意为“感恩的”,符合语境。sorrowful意为“悲痛的”;hopeful意为“充满希望的”;helpful意为“有帮助的”。4.C。根据下一句的participating in two fights in Fairfax和最后一段第一句中的boxing可知,此处应表示,他年轻时曾是一位拳击手。boxer意为“拳击手”,符合语境。runner意为“跑步运动员”;singer意为“歌手”;actor意为“演员”。5.A。根据前文可知,他

17、年轻时是一位拳击手;再根据空后的participating in two fights并结合常识可知,作为拳击手最基础的装备便是拳击手套,故此处应表示他重新戴上手套登上赛场。6.B。根据上文的at age 40及常理可知,虽然米切尔年轻的时候是一位拳击手,但是现在他已经40岁了,所以此处表示他在第一轮和第二轮都被击败了。knock out意为“淘汰;击败;出局”,符合语境。7.C。根据空前的but和still可知,此处表示他还是成功地筹集到了两万美元,并将这两万美元给了Growing Hope。manage to do sth.意为“设法做成某事”,符合语境。fail意为“失败,未做成”;pe

18、rsuade意为“劝说”;try意为“尽力,尝试”。8.B。结合第一段第一句可知,米切尔的女儿被诊断为癌症;根据后文的I fell into a dark bottom可知,此处表示他失去了女儿。lose意为“失去”,符合语境。cure意为“治愈”;comfort意为“安慰”;represent意为“代表”。9.C。根据后文的After I read that quote并结合选项可知,此处表示这位父亲偶然看到了马克吐温的一句名言。come upon意为“偶然发现,无意中找到”,符合语境。look upon意为“看待”;agree upon意为“对有同样看法”;depend upon意为“依靠

19、,取决于”。10.D。结合语境及选项可知,此处表示“你人生中最重要的两天,是你出生的那一天和你发现自己为什么而生的那一天。”discover意为“探索,发现”,符合此处语境。consider意为“考虑”;make意为“制造”;relate意为“使有关联”。11.B。根据本句中的spend the rest of my life helping kids及上文可知,米切尔的女儿因癌症去世,故此处应表示,他在受到这句名言的启发和鼓励之后,决定去帮助那些像自己的女儿一样身患癌症的孩子们以及他们的家庭。cancer意为“癌症”,符合语境。talent意为“天赋”;tension意为“紧张,焦虑”;po

20、wer意为“力量”。第14空后的child with cancer也是解题线索。12.D。结合上文中的at age 40和was out in the first and second rounds及本句中的due to his age可知,他现在已经年过四十,所以他意识到再通过打拳击去筹集资金已经不现实了。practicable意为“行得通的,符合实际的”,符合语境。beneficial意为“有益处的”;adjustable意为“可调整的”;typical意为“典型的”。13.A。根据下一句中的In the Corps Marathon可知,米切尔想到的方法是通过跑马拉松去筹集资金,故run

21、ning符合语境。singing意为“唱歌”;skipping意为“跳绳”;dancing意为“跳舞”。14.A。 根据上一段最后一句中的spend the rest of my life helping kids可知,此处表示他把跑步所得的钱捐献给了不同的患癌症的孩子。donate意为“捐献”,符合语境。pay意为“支付”;inspire意为“鼓舞,激励”;convey意为“传达”。15.B。根据上文可知,米切尔如今每天都在为帮助患癌症的孩子而努力。此处应表示,他每天早上醒来时都知道自己的人生目标。结合选项可知,aim意为“目标,目的”,符合语境。time意为“时间”;course意为“课程,进程”;champion意为“冠军”。三、阅读理解1.D词义猜测题。根据划线词前的1.4 billion及5.6 billion可知相当于成人人口的四分之一。2.A细节理解题。根据第二段可知,研究发现,乌干达人的不活跃度只有6%,而科威特、沙特阿拉伯和伊拉克则达50%多。由此可知,乌干达人是活动量最大的。3.A推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句可知,富裕国家的人们经常在办公室久坐,并常通过电脑或者一些电子设备来消遣。由此可推知,富裕国家的人不太活动。4.B写作意图题。根据最后一段的内容可知,作者主要为不经常运动的人提供了一些如何提高运动量的建议。第12页(共12页)学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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