Unit 3 Using language ppt课件-(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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1、B2U3 On the MoveUsing language(to-infinitive as attributive and (to-infinitive as attributive and adverbial of result)adverbial of result)1. 不定式作定语时,不定式作定语时, 要放在被修饰的词语后面要放在被修饰的词语后面。uIs this the best way to help him?2.2. 不定式作定语时不定式作定语时, ,与被修饰的词语在与被修饰的词语在逻辑上逻辑上存存在在主谓关系主谓关系/ /动宾关系动宾关系/ /同位关系同位关系/ /状语关系

2、状语关系等。等。不定式作定语不定式作定语用法用法例句例句逻辑逻辑关系关系主谓关系主谓关系( (被修饰的名词或被修饰的名词或代词实际上是不定式代词实际上是不定式的的逻辑主语逻辑主语。) )We need We need someonesomeone to help to help with the workwith the work. .我们需要有人来帮忙做这工作。我们需要有人来帮忙做这工作。动宾关系动宾关系( (被修饰的名词或被修饰的名词或代词是动词不定式的代词是动词不定式的逻辑宾语逻辑宾语。) )Can you give me Can you give me somethingsomethi

3、ng to eatto eat? ?你能给我点吃的吗你能给我点吃的吗? ?用法用法例句例句逻辑逻辑关系关系同位关系同位关系( (不定式与所修饰的名词不定式与所修饰的名词指的是一回事指的是一回事。) )We have made We have made a plana plan to to learn from Lei Fenglearn from Lei Feng. .我们制订了一个向雷锋学我们制订了一个向雷锋学习的计划。习的计划。状语关系状语关系( (被修饰的名词实际上被修饰的名词实际上表示动词不定式动作的表示动词不定式动作的方式、时间方式、时间等。等。) )I have no I have

4、 no timetime to go to go therethere. .我没有时间去那儿。我没有时间去那儿。介词介词使用使用不定式与其所修饰的不定式与其所修饰的词构成逻辑上的词构成逻辑上的动宾动宾关系关系, ,而该而该不定式为不不定式为不及物动词及物动词时时, ,其后其后须加须加上适当的上适当的介词介词, ,构成及构成及物动词短语。物动词短语。 He is a pleasant He is a pleasant personperson to to work work withwith. . 他是一个与其合他是一个与其合作起来令人感到愉快的人。作起来令人感到愉快的人。Having reun

5、ited after a long Having reunited after a long departure,departure, the two certainly the two certainly have have a lota lot to talk to talk aboutabout. . 两人两人久别重逢久别重逢, ,自有许多话要说。自有许多话要说。不定式作定语且所修不定式作定语且所修饰的名词是饰的名词是timetime、placeplace或或wayway时时, ,不定式不定式后的后的介词一般要省去介词一般要省去。He had no He had no moneymone

6、y and no and no placeplace to liveto live. . ( (省去了省去了in)in)他没有钱也没有地方住。他没有钱也没有地方住。主动与主动与被动被动当不定式修当不定式修饰的名词或饰的名词或代词代词为不定为不定式动作的承式动作的承受者时受者时, , 不定不定式主动形式式主动形式与被动形式与被动形式的含义有所的含义有所不同。不同。n There is nothing to do. There is nothing to do. 没有事情可以做。没有事情可以做。n There is nothing to be done.There is nothing to be

7、 done. 什么也做不了。什么也做不了。n I have some clothes I have some clothes to washto wash. . ( (自己洗自己洗) )我有一些衣服要洗。我有一些衣服要洗。n I have some clothes I have some clothes to be to be washedwashed. . ( (他人洗他人洗) )我有一些需要洗的衣服。我有一些需要洗的衣服。跟不定式跟不定式作定语的作定语的名词名词abilityability, , ambitionambition, , anxietyanxiety, , decisiond

8、ecision, , desiredesire, , failurefailure, , offeroffer, , permissionpermission, , planplan, , promisepromise, , refusalrefusal, , wishwish, , chancechance等等n He assured us of his He assured us of his abilityability to solve the to solve the problem.problem. 他向我们保证他有能力解他向我们保证他有能力解决这个问题。决这个问题。n She e

9、xpressed a She expressed a wishwish to be alone.to be alone. 她表示想要单独待一会儿。她表示想要单独待一会儿。 用法用法例句例句意意义义不定式作结果状语不定式作结果状语, ,可以表示可以表示, ,不定式要放在句不定式要放在句子后面。子后面。( (常与常与learn, find, learn, find, see, hear, makesee, hear, make等动词连用。等动词连用。) )n I returned home that day I returned home that day to to findfind that

10、everything was that everything was being in good order. being in good order. 那天我回到家后发现一切都那那天我回到家后发现一切都那么井井有条。么井井有条。n After the meeting, they After the meeting, they parted companyparted company, never, never to to seesee each other. each other. 散会后散会后, ,他们分道扬镳他们分道扬镳, , 从此再从此再也没有见过面。也没有见过面。常常用用结结构构en

11、ough to.enough to.She was brave She was brave enough toenough to go there alone. go there alone. 她有足够的勇气独自到那里去。她有足够的勇气独自到那里去。too.to.too.to.They were They were tootoo excited excited toto say a word. say a word.他们太激动了他们太激动了, ,以至于一句话也说不出来了。以至于一句话也说不出来了。so.as to.so.as to.Yesterday morning I got up Yest

12、erday morning I got up soso late late as toas to be late for school. be late for school. 昨天早晨我起得那么晚昨天早晨我起得那么晚, ,以至于上学都迟到了。以至于上学都迟到了。such.as to.such.as to.We are not We are not suchsuch fools fools as toas to believe that. believe that.我们不是那样的傻子我们不是那样的傻子, ,竟会相信那件事。竟会相信那件事。only to.only to.( () )They l

13、ifted a stone They lifted a stone only toonly to drop it on drop it on their own feet.their own feet.他们搬起石头他们搬起石头, , 却砸了自己的脚。却砸了自己的脚。1.There are still many problems _(solve) before we are ready for a long stay on the Moon. 2.She is always the first _(come).3.I was too excited _(say) a word.4.She rea

14、ched the airport , only _(tell) the plane had already taken off. to be solved to come to say to be told5.The boy is old enough _(take ) care of himself.6.I dont think him to be the best man _(do ) the job because he is very careless.7.He is always the first _(bear) hardships and the last_(enjoy) com

15、forts.8.He lifted a stone only _(drop) it on his own feet. to bear to enjoy to drop to take to doJoin the sentences using the to-infinitive form.The rules of the game are simple enough to make the game easy to play.The ball is small enough to fit into most sports bags.Give me a list of the teams to

16、enter into the competition. The footballer has a dream to play for a top team.We arrived at the stadium to find that the game had been canceled.Rewrite the Rewrite the underlined underlined parts using the parts using the to-infinitive to-infinitive form.form. Are you looking for a sports watch that

17、 can help you keep track of your fitness and chart your training progress? Whether youre a professional athlete or keen sportsperson, DX Sports Watch is the ideal choice for you. It has a digital display that records your steps, speed and distance , as well as monitoring your heart rate and calories

18、 burnt. It also has a voice control setting that enables you to stay hands-free, while its waterproof band is fully adjustable so that it is comfortable to wear. DX Sports Watch is only available online, so go to our website and place your order today!Are you looking for a sports watch Are you looki

19、ng for a sports watch to help to help you keep track ofyou keep track of your fitness and chart your fitness and chart your training progress?your training progress?It has a digital display It has a digital display to record your to record your steps, speed and distancesteps, speed and distance. .It

20、 also has a voice control setting It also has a voice control setting to to enable you to stay hands - freeenable you to stay hands - free. .Its waterproof band is fully adjustable Its waterproof band is fully adjustable to be comfortable to wearto be comfortable to wear. .Look at the picture and an

21、swer the questions.Look at the picture and answer the questions.1.What do you What do you know about know about these exercises?these exercises?2.2.Which of these Which of these exercises have exercises have you tried?you tried?pull-uppull-upskippingskippingpush-uppush-upjoggingjoggingsit-upsit-uppl

22、ankplankRead and match the descriptions to the exercises in Read and match the descriptions to the exercises in Activity 4. Underline the words and expressions describing Activity 4. Underline the words and expressions describing their benefits.their benefits.1.You have to keep your body still. This

23、 develops your core muscles and strengthens your lower back.2.This develops your chest and shoulder muscles. Remember to keep your back completely straight.3.Using only a rope, you can develop your footwork and balance. Its good for your heart and youll burn a lot of calories without going anywhere!

24、4.Find a bar that will support your weight. This builds strgenth in your upper body, especially in your arms and back.5.This develops the muscles in your stomach region and improves the way you stand. 6.This gives you improved heart and lung function. It also helps build strong leg bones. plank plan

25、kpush-uppush-upskippingskippingpull-uppull-upsit-upsit-upjoggingjogging1. You have to keep your body still. This develops your develops your core musclescore muscles and strengthens your lower backstrengthens your lower back.2. This develops your chest and shoulder musclesdevelops your chest and sho

26、ulder muscles. Remember to keep your back completely straight.3. Using only a rope, you can develop your footwork and develop your footwork and balancebalance. Its good for your heartIts good for your heart and youll burn a lot burn a lot of caloriesof calories without going anywhere!4. Find a bar t

27、hat will support your weight. This builds builds strgenth in your upper bodystrgenth in your upper body, especially in your arms and back.5. This develops the muscles in your stomach regiondevelops the muscles in your stomach region and improves the way you standimproves the way you stand. 6. This g

28、ives you improved heart and lung functiongives you improved heart and lung function. It also helps build strong leg boneshelps build strong leg bones.Listen to the interview Listen to the interview and choose the points and choose the points mentioned.mentioned.Listen again and Listen again and comp

29、lete the complete the journalists notes.journalists notes.Leah and Tai Chiu Loves watching 1_ films and took 2_;fell in love with tai chi due to the classes.u First went to China 3_ years ago.u Reasons for choosing Yangshuo:A 4 _of tai chi lives there;The beautiful 5_ viewsu Challenges: learning to

30、use Chinese ; practising basic 6_ ; getting up earlyu Benefits of tai chi: helps relax and brings 7_ a simple way to 8_ ; improves 9_. KungfuKungfu Kungfu classesKungfu classes six six master master natural natural skills skills peace inside peace inside deal with pressure deal with pressure physical abilities physical abilities


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