Unit 3 Understanding ideas ppt课件-(2019)新外研版高中英语高一下学期必修第三册.ppt

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1、教学教材:外研版高中英语新教材必修第三册教学教材:外研版高中英语新教材必修第三册教学内容:教学内容:Unit 3 The world of ScienceUnit 3 The world of Science第五课时:第五课时:Understanding ideas:Understanding ideas: The New Age of Invention The New Age of InventionBefore readingBefore readingLook at the pictures and talk about how the way we live has changed

2、over time.Ancient timesLiving condition: window, light, kitchenThe way we learn: brush pen vs computerModern timesWhat are the reasons behind these changes?Now lets read an interview and find out what inventions are mentioned.While While readingreadingRead and finish the tasks as quickly as possible

3、Task1Read the interview and find out what inventions are mentioned.Gunpower, papermaking, printing, the compass, the steam engine, the telephone, the radio, virtual reality, wearable tech, flexible battery, 3D printer, intelligent walking house, eco-friendly solar technology, time machine.2P26Task2R

4、ead the passage carefully and answer the following questions.1. How does Richard prove we are in the great new age of technology?2. What are the inspirations to invent things? By giving examples.A desire to solve a problem and an incredible desire to think and create.True or False.1. It suggests tha

5、t the present day is a new age for inventions, and many people might think that the great age of invention is coming.2. Most inventions start with recognising a problem that needs a solution.3. The real spirit of invention is that we have an incredible desire to think and create.4. An intelligent wa

6、lking house using GPS technology to travel has become a reality now. Task3butoverFTTwill becomeFChoose the sentences that describe Dr Fairhursts opinions.1. Inventions in Ancient China were better than those in the West.2. A lot of todays great inventions are tech-based.3. Today, most inventors pref

7、er working by themselves.4. The desire to solve problems inspires invention.5. A time machine will definitely be invented in the future.Task43P28gunpower, papermaking printing, the compass the steam engineflexible batteryhearts and bone partsthat needs a solutiona problem an intelligent walking hous

8、eeco-friendly solar technologyan incredible desire to think and createThe New Age of Inventionthe telephone,the radioTask5Fill in the blanks in the mind map.4P281. For example, advance in virtual reality and wearable tech, as well as the flexible battery, mean we should soon be seeing further develo

9、pments. 例如,虚拟现实和可穿戴技术的进步,以及可弯例如,虚拟现实和可穿戴技术的进步,以及可弯曲的电池,意味着我们应该很快看到进一步的发曲的电池,意味着我们应该很快看到进一步的发展。展。progress or a development 进步,进展进步,进展 We live in an age of rapid technological We live in an age of rapid technological advance. advance. 我们生活在技术迅猛发展的时代。我们生活在技术迅猛发展的时代。Name three advances in science and Na

10、me three advances in science and technology at this time. technology at this time. advance (in .) n.说出这段时间的三项科技进步。说出这段时间的三项科技进步。done or given before sth is going to happen预先的;事先的预先的;事先的We received no advance warning of smog.我们没有收到雾霾预警。我们没有收到雾霾预警。advance adj.先进的;高级的先进的;高级的Weshouldlearnfromadvancedwor

11、kers.我们要向先进工作者学习。我们要向先进工作者学习。Therewereonlythreeofusontheadvancedcourse.advanced adj.只有我们三人学高级课程。只有我们三人学高级课程。in advance (of sth) 在在前;预先;事先前;预先;事先Its cheaper if you book the tickets in advance. 预订票要便宜一些。预订票要便宜一些。as well as也;除也;除之外;不但之外;不但而且而且She can play tennis as well as basketball. 她会打篮球,也会打网球。As we

12、ll as walking, he likes fishing and shooting. 他除散步之外还喜欢钓鱼和打猎。Your wife as well as you is friendly to me. 不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。as well as连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前面主语一致。面主语一致。1) able to bend easily without breaking 柔韧的,柔韧的,易弯曲的;易弯曲的;flexible adj. Rubber(橡胶) is a flexible substance.橡胶是一种有弹性的物质。 I love th

13、e pair of shoes with flexible rubber sores.我喜欢这双带弹性橡胶底的鞋。flexible working hours flexible schedule 2) able to change to suit any new situation 灵活灵活的,可变通的的,可变通的弹性工作时间弹性工作时间灵活的计划表灵活的计划表2. In addition, important advances have been made in medicine and environmental science thanks to increasing computer

14、power.此外,由于计算机能力的提高,医学和环境科此外,由于计算机能力的提高,医学和环境科学也取得了重大进展。学也取得了重大进展。另外,此外另外,此外in additionIn addition, well discuss the question of division of labour(分工). 此外,我们还要讨论一下分工问题。In addition to my weekly wage, I got a lot of tips. 除了每周的薪水外,我还能得到不少小费。in addition to.除了Thanks to the teachers help, Dick has caugh

15、t up with his classmates in his study. 多亏了老师的帮助,迪克在学业上赶上了同学。Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream. 多亏了他的鼓励,我终于实现我的梦想。Thanks to your advice, he did the right thing. 由于你的忠告,他做了正确的事。thanks to used to say that sth has happened because of sb/sth 归功于;多亏;由于归功于;多亏;由于Thanks to the advanced

16、 technology, we live in an age of better communication. 1. 你需要钱和时间,此外还需要努力。你需要钱和时间,此外还需要努力。You need money and time, in addition, you need hard-working. 2. 多亏了先进的技术,我们生活在一个较多亏了先进的技术,我们生活在一个较好的通信时代。好的通信时代。 3. New inventions like 3D printers have been used to make replacement hearts and bone parts.像像3D

17、打印机这样的新发明已经被用来制造打印机这样的新发明已经被用来制造替代心脏和骨骼的部分。替代心脏和骨骼的部分。被用来做某事被用来做某事be used to do sthThe wood is used to make desks.木头被用来做桌子。 The tool is used to sweep the floor.这工具是用来扫地的。be used to doing sth习惯于做某事习惯于做某事 I am used to getting up early.我习惯早起。 You will be used to living here. 你会习惯住这的。used to do sth过去常常做

18、某事过去常常做某事 He used to play soccer, but now he plays basketball. 他过去常常踢足球,但是现在他打篮球。She used to be shy and quiet, but now she is very outgoing. 她过去文静而且害羞,但是现在她很外向。These foreigners will be used to living in Hangzhou. 1. 1. 如今电脑可用来做许多事。如今电脑可用来做许多事。Computers can be used to do a lot of work now.2. 2. 这些外国人

19、会习惯住在杭州的。这些外国人会习惯住在杭州的。 3. 3.我还是学生的时候经常这样做。我还是学生的时候经常这样做。I used to do this when I was a student.4. In terms of the environment, it is now possible to create an intelligent walking house. 在环境方面,现在有可能创造一个智能移动屋。在环境方面,现在有可能创造一个智能移动屋。in terms of 从从方面来讲,就方面来讲,就而言而言 In terms of size and population, how big

20、 is the European Union compared with China?在面积和人口规模方面,中国和欧盟相比如何? It can not be measured in terms of money. 这是不能用金钱衡量的。5. It is capable of using GPS technology to travel to different places, with computing technology controlling its “legs”.它能够使用它能够使用GPS技术到不同的地方旅行,用计技术到不同的地方旅行,用计算机技术控制着它的算机技术控制着它的“腿腿”

21、。be capable of (doing) sthhaving the ability or qualities necessary for doing sth 有能力;有才能做有能力;有才能做 Im perfectly capable of doing it myself, thank you. 谢谢,我完全有能力自己做。 You are capable of better work than this. 你有能力做得比这更好。with + 名词名词 (或代词或代词) + V-ingV-ing和前面的名词或代词是逻辑上的主谓关和前面的名词或代词是逻辑上的主谓关系。这一结构通常在句中作时间、

22、方式、系。这一结构通常在句中作时间、方式、条件、原因等状语。条件、原因等状语。With prices going up so fast, we cant afford luxuries.由于物价上涨很快,我们买不起高档商品。(原因)With the crowds cheering, they drove to the palace.在人群的欢呼声中,他们驱车来到皇宫。(伴随)6. Most inventions start with recognising a problem that needs a solution.大多数发明都是从认识到需要解决的问题大多数发明都是从认识到需要解决的问题开

23、始的。开始的。start withat the beginning 以以开始开始Well start with the easy example first. 我们将先从一个容易的例子开始。To work out a plan, one has to start with investigation(调查研究). 制定计划要从调查研究开始。Review1. advance (in.) 2. as well as3. in addition4. in addition to5. thanks to 6. be used to do sth7. be used to doing sth8. use

24、d to do sth9.in terms of 10.be capable of (doing) sth11.start with在在有进步,进展有进步,进展 也也; ;除除之外之外; ;不但不但而且而且另外,此外另外,此外除了除了归功于;多亏;由于归功于;多亏;由于被用来做某事被用来做某事习惯于做某事习惯于做某事 过去常常做某事过去常常做某事从从方面来讲,就方面来讲,就而言而言有能力;有才能做有能力;有才能做以以开始开始Self-evaluationSelf-evaluation各个击破各个击破Do you know the meanings of the following words

25、and expressions? Can you use them correctly?advance (in.) advanced flexiblein advance (of sth) as well asin addition in addition to thanks to be used to do sth be used to doing sthused to do sth in terms of be capable of (doing) sth start withwith + 名词名词 (或代词或代词) + V-ingI. Fill in the blanks with th

26、e right forms of the words and phrases given.advance flexible as well as start with in addition to1. Why not _ the most interesting one?2. We should stick to the principles and be _ as well. 3. Theres a postage and packing fee _ _the repair charge. 4. In the near future, more _ in the robot technolo

27、gy will be made by scientists.5. They visited some factories, hospitals _ the school. flexiblestart within additiontoadvancesas well asII. Translate the sentences with the help of the key words.1.我已请每个人在会议之前提出问题。我已请每个人在会议之前提出问题。 (in advance of)I have asked everyone to raise questions in advance of t

28、he meeting. 2.多亏了大家的努力,才能按时完成任务。多亏了大家的努力,才能按时完成任务。 (thanks to)Thanks to your hard work, we can finish the task on time.3.就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了。就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了。 (in terms of)In terms of money, hes quite rich, but not in term of happiness. 1.Try to memorize these useful expressions; 2. Finish the exercise in the Exercise Book.


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