(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册高三一轮复习Unit 5 Revealing nature语言知识词汇复习学案.doc

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1、2022届高三英语一轮复习2019版新外研社高中英语选择性必修一Unit 5 Revealing nature 语言知识复习学案词汇学案简介:本材料为2022届高三英语一轮复习2019版新外研社高中英语选择性必修一Unit 5 Revealing nature语言知识复习学案词汇学案;分三个部分:基础词汇变形;基础短语;重点单词讲解(词汇变形巩固/高频短语/例句翻译/语法填空练习题)基础词汇变形:1 distant adj.遥远的;_n.距离2 disgrace n.丢脸,耻辱;_丢脸的3 evolve v.进化;_n.进化4 suspect v.猜想,怀疑,觉得;_n.猜想,怀疑5 lege

2、nd n.传说,传奇(故事);_adj.传说的,传奇的6 detect v.发现,察觉(尤指不易觉察到的事物);_adj.侦探的;n.侦探7 _响应号召8 _是耻辱,是丢脸的事9 _源于的,原产于10 _ 巨型陆龟答案:distance;disgraceful;evolution;suspection; legendary;detective;answer the call;be a disgrace;be native to;giant tortoise重点单词讲解:distant 用法详解adj.遥远的,久远的;冷淡的,疏远的;远房的,远亲的常见搭配be ( +距离) distant fr

3、om sth.离某物.远英汉翻译练习:Small and distant from the cities though my hometown is, there is always somethingdifferent to catch your eye._The time we spent together is now a distant memory._Pat sounded very cold and distant on the phone._It was only after a family conversation that I found out she was actua

4、lly my distant cousin.归纳拓展相关词语积累:(1)distance n. C,U距离;U(时间的)久远,(空间的)遥远;U,C疏远in the distance在远处from a distance从远处at/from a distance of.在/从.远的地方(of后跟具体的距离)(2) distantly adv.遥远地;模糊地语境串记We can see the waterfall in the distance, whose sound can be heard at a distance of two miles. It looks quite beautifu

5、l from a distance,I think.1.语法填空His house stands on a hill and can be seen from a _of two miles, whilemine is ten miles distant_ his house.We could see nothing in the thick fog _a distance of five metres, so we got lost.答案:distance,from;at/fromsuspect用法详解(1)怀疑,猜想常见搭配:suspect that.怀疑/认为.尤指坏事可能属实或发生)s

6、uspect sb. of (doing) sth. 怀疑某人(做了)某事suspect sth./sb. to be.猜想某物/某人.英汉翻译练习:I suspected that there was something wrong with the engine. _We suspected him of suffering from an infectious disease._I suspect him to be the pickpocket. = I suspect that he is the pickpocket._(2) n. C 嫌疑犯,可疑对象The suspect wa

7、s taken to the police station for questioning._语法填空Suspecting the traveller _carrying dangerous goods, the customs officer stopped him and went through his suitcase.(2020.天津一中期末)Two_( suspect) were declared to be innocent for lacking convincing evidence.答案:of;suspectscharacteristic用法详解(1)n. C特征,特点A

8、characteristic of the camel is its ability to live for a long time without water._(2)adj.典型的,独特的,特有的常见搭配 be characteristic of.=be typical of. 是.特有的It is characteristic of sb. to do sth. = It is typical of sb. to do sth.做某事正像是某人的作风。英汉翻译练习:The sweet voice is characteristic of our English teacher. _It

9、is characteristic of people who have only a little knowledge to try to pretend that theyhave much knowledge._归纳拓展相关词语积累:(1)character n. C,usually sing. ,U特征,特色;C,usually sing. 品质,性格;C人物,角色;(书写、印刷或计算机上的)文字,字母Elizabeth is the most interesting character in the play._(2) characteristically adv.典型地;独特地Ch

10、aracteristically, she bought gifts for every child in the Hope Primary School._语法填空1. (2019.江苏任务型阅读政编)Despite their many differences, all human beings share severalDefining_( characteristic), such as large brains and the ability_( walk ) upright ontwo legs.2. It is characteristic of Jack _ ( turn) u

11、p at the last minute, which of course,makes therest of us rather annoyed.3. Ploughing the field is a traditional means_( grow) crops in China,characteristic_the Chinese farming for thousands of years.答案1. characteristics; to walkDecline用法详解vi.&n. C. usually sing,U减少,下降,衰退常见搭配decline by.下降了.(后常接分数或百分

12、数)decline to.下降到.(后常接具体数字)decline in. .方面衰弱/减少fall/ go into (a) decline开始衰落in decline/ on the decline在下降,正在衰退,走下坡路英汉翻译练习:The number of tourists to the resort declined by 10% last year. _The libraries are not declining in importance people are simply changing the way to use them._The town fell into (

13、a) decline after the mine closed._His interest in computer games is now in decline.Once paper-cutting was on the decline due to the introduction of new art forms._(2) vt.&vi.婉言拒绝,谢绝(后可跟带to的动词不定式作宾语)。相当于refuse politely。英汉翻译练习:I invited her to join us, but she declined._He declined to discuss his plan

14、._归纳拓展相关词语积累:(1)常见的表示增加的词语:rise ,increase,go up;(2)常见的表示减少”的词语fl, drop,decrease ,decline ,go down;(3)表示增加”或减少”的幅度时常用介词by,表示增加”或减少的结果时常用介词to。1.语法填空With all doctors efforts, the total number of patients has been _the decline , and now many mobile cabin hospitals( 方舱医院) have been shut down.He is still

15、one of the worlds most popular golfers, but his game is _decline.(江苏高考阅读理解改编)Even chimp(黑猩猩) mothers regularly decline_( share ) food with their children, who are able from a young age to gather their own food.Government spending this year is estimated to decline_approximately 2%.答案:on;in;to share;b

16、yblame用法详解(1)vt. 责怪,指责,把.归咎于常见搭配blame.for ( doing) sth.因(做)某事责怪.blame.on sb. /sth.把.归咎于某人/某事be to blame for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事应受责备;对(做)某事负有责任(不定式用主动形式表示被动意义)英汉翻译练习:Dont blame him for breaking that vase; after all, he is a child. _They blamed the failure of the business on the economic downturn._The

17、 woman passenger and the bus driver are to blame for the serious accident. _(2)n.U责任,责备常见搭配take/ bear the blame for sth.承担某事的责任lay/put the blame (for sth. ) on. (把某事)归咎于.英汉翻译练习:We were ready to take the blame for what had happened. _Experts have laid the blame on global warming, which has hit China

18、harder than any other country.语境串行He was blamed for the serious mistake,but he blamed it on others. In fact,it is he,notothers ,that is to blame for it._考向追踪高考对blame的考查通常从以下几个角度设题:(1)u blame作表语和定语时要用主动形式表示被动意义;(2)通过非谓语动词结构对blame进行考查;(3)blame后的介词既可以用on,也可以用for; on表示责怪的对象,for表示责怪的起因。语法填空1. Some people

19、 blame the smartphone _the tragedy,yet in fact peoples weakening self-control and self-discipline are_( blame).2. Dont always blame your own failure_others. You should take the blame_it.3._( blame) for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.4.(全国I卷阅读理解七选五改编) Lots of p

20、eople find it hard to get up in the morning, and put the blame_the alarm clock.答案 1. for; to blame2. on. for 3. Blamed 4. onlink用法详解(1)vt. 把(物体、机器等)连接起来;联系常见搭配Link A and B把A同B连接起来be linked with/to.同.联系起来,连接起来; .有关link up (with sb./sth.) (与某人/某物)连接(尤指使某事物同步运作);连接(计算机、广播系统等)英汉翻译练习:A long bridge links

21、Venice and the mainland. _Yellow is linked with confidence,self-respect and friendliness._The train links up with the ferry at Dover._(2)n.C联系;关系,纽带常见搭配a link between. and. . .之间的联系a link with sb. /sth. 与某人/某物的联系英汉翻译练习:Scientists wonder whether there is a link between the two species._For elderly pe

22、ople,TV is a vital link with the outside world._完成句子1. I can hardly_(把这个小动物同这个事故联系在一起).2. The bridge over the river_(将连在一起)next week.3.I dont think_(这两件事情之间有联系).4. The two cities_(将被一条铁路连接起来).答案 1. link the small animal with/to the accident2 will link3 there is a link between the two things4will be linked by a railway


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