Unit 1 Prodect 教案-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册.doc

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1、2019外研版选择性必修一 Unit 1 Project板块教学设计(此部分教师可根据教学实际酌情处理。)课型Speaking主题语境人与自我积极的生活态度内容分析本单元的项目实践活动要求学生写一个喜剧小品并将其表演出来。通过共同创作和表演喜剧小品的过程,帮助学生深入了解积极的生活态度的重要意义,不断寻找生活中令人愉快的一面,提高整体幸福水平。学生在教师的指导下,综合运用单元所学知识,开展自主合作,有效完成开放型任务,进一步探索积极的生活态度这一主题语境,发展综合语言运用能力。教学目标在本板块学习结束时,学生能够:1. 通过对喜剧小品的搜索和了解,掌握这一艺术形式的基本特征,了解它所传达的内容

2、,培养分析和整合信息的能力;2. 通过小组合作的方式,选出自己的喜剧小品主题,创作自己的喜剧小品故事,感受中英语言文化的差异;3. 通过合作表演,加深对单元主题意义的理解,树立积极向上的价值观,培养幽默的人生态度。教学重点1. 引导学生了解喜剧小品的基本特征,以及它所传达的内容;2. 引导学生通过学习喜剧小品故事,树立积极向上的价值观,培养幽默的人生态度。教学难点1. 引导学生综合运用本单元所学知识,创造自己的喜剧小品故事;2. 引导学生对幽默乐观积极的人生态度这一主题做进一步探索。教学策略任务型教学法Teaching contentsProceduresPurposes Teachers a

3、ctivityStudents activityInvestigate(In the previous class)1. Teacher asks students to go online to find more about comedy sketches, and get a general understanding of it. 2. Teacher asks some groups to introduce the features of comedy act and other students to make supplements.(In the previous class

4、)1. Students go online to explore information about comedy act, and get a general understanding of it.2. Some groups introduce the features of comedy act and other students make supplements.To get students prepared for the project, and develop their individual learning and exploring abilities.Plan1.

5、 Teacher asks students to work together to brainstorm the subject and the setting of their comedy.2. Teacher asks students to assign roles to each member of the group.3. Teacher asks each group to decide how they might present the sketch on stage, thinking about the characters, the setting and the k

6、ey actions.1. Students work together to brainstorm the subject and setting of their comedy.2. Students assign roles to each member of the group.3. Each group decides how they might present the sketch on stage, thinking about the characters, the setting and the key actions.To help students prepare fo

7、r the comedy acts.Create1. Teacher asks each group to write their script and polish it.2. Teacher asks students to work together to practise saying the lines, and decide when and where the actor(s) should appear on stage.3. Teacher asks each group to rehearse with everyone together more than once.1.

8、 Each group writes their script and polishes it.2. Students work together to practise saying the lines, and decide when and where the actor(s) should appear on stage.3. Each group rehearses with everyone together more than once.To teach students to cooperate with each other.Present1. Teacher encourages each group to present their comedy sketch for the class.2. Teacher asks students to vote for the best sketch and the best performance.1. Each group performs their comedy sketch for the class.2. Students vote for the best sketch and the best performance.To help students learn from each other.4


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