Unit 5 Revealing nature 一轮复习巩固练习 (2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册.docx

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1、外研版高中英语一轮复习巩固练习选择性必修一Unit5 Revealing nature1单词拼写1_(怀疑) the traveler of carrying drugs, the Customs. official stopped him and went through his suitcase.2. If children were made to feel inferior to other children, their confidence would_ (减弱).3. He made an apology so as not to be_(责备) for what he had

2、done.4. Asia and Europe, being two different areas, are_ (连接) together by mountains and rivers.5. The study shows that smoking may_ (产生) long-term stress -even if people feel it offers temporary relief. 6. When they got to Beijing, they put down_(根) and built a life.7. There is a famous Greek_(神话) i

3、n which Icarus flew too near to the sun8. There are many wonderful _( 传说) about this famous hero.9. His books have sold more than 20 million copies_ (遍及全世界).10. Some_ (种子) fell along the footpath, and the birdscame and ate them up.1. Suspecting 2. decline 3. blamed 4. linked 5. generate6. roots 7. m

4、yth 8. legends 9. worldwide 10. seeds2.单句语法填空1.I think its_ disgrace. Things are going so slowly. The flood happened on Monday and now on Wednesday were still waiting for orders.2. Native_ Shaxian County, the Shaxian Delicacies restaurant chain has already become a great success in China.3. At noon

5、they got to a hill, on top of which stood a temple,_ ( date ) back to hundreds of years ago.4. To be honest, it is Jack that is_ ( blame) for the broken vase.5. Their spokesman declined_ ( comment) on the allegations.6. The expert talked about how to make our statistical system link up _the internat

6、ional standards.7. Many forms of cancer can be cured if_ ( detect ) early.8. Stone tools that were unearthed there indicate the early cultural capabilities of our human_ ( ancestor).9. Add up all the income youve received over the period_ question.10. We didnt ask for all the challenges that we face

7、, but weredetermined to answer_ call to meet them.1.a 2.to 3. dating 4. to blame 5. to comment 6. with7. detected 8. ancestors 9. in 10. the3.语段填词1. The man is always_ towards his neighbors, so his neighbors often keep him at a_( distant).2. In the course of _, some birds have lost the power offligh

8、t. That is to say, some birds cant fly while they_ . ( evolve)3. There are five_ in this play, but they have their own_. ( character )4. The new test should aid in the early_ of the disease. With the new test, doctors can_ the disease. ( detect)1. distant; distance 2. evolution; evolve3. characters

9、; characteristics4. detection; detect4.完成句子1._its a good idea to review your class notes.随着考试的临近,复习一下 你的课堂笔记是个不错的主意。2. The gas_ and widen the blood vessels and thereby aid the flow of blood.据说这种气体放松和扩张血管,从而帮助血液流动。3._the first vitamin was identified.直到1911年人们才发现了第一种维生素 。4. This is_ that we all enjoy

10、reading it.这本书非常有趣,我们都喜欢读它。5._ a tall tree with a history of 1 ,000 years ,which is protected by the government now.在我们的房子前面矗立着一棵有千年历史的大树,它现在受到政府的保护。1. With exams approaching/ coming nearing2. is said to relax 3. It was not until 1911 that4. such an interesting book/so interesting a book5. In front

11、of our house stands/is5.微写作假如你是李华,请根据下列要点写一篇 短文,介绍你的美国朋友汤姆。1.汤姆是一位地质学家和博物学家。2.他响应政府的号召,到一个遥远的地方去研究一些鸟类和那里土壤的演变。3.他随身带着着各种各样的种子的样品。4.当他到达时,他发现有一些长着不同喙的雀鸟。 5他怀疑这些省鸟从一个 共同的祖先进化而来,但它们的喙是根据它们吃的东西演变而来。注意:1.词数80左右;2.尽量使用本单元知识点;3.可适当增加细节。Tom was a geologist and naturalist. He answered the call of the govern

12、ment and went to a distant place to study some birds and the evolution of the soil there.He carried samples of various seeds with him. When he arrived, he found that there were some finches with different beaks. He suspected that the finches had evolved from a common ancestor, but their beaks had ev

13、olved according to what they ate.6 课文语法填空As a young man Charles Darwin was regarded as 1_disgrace to himself and his family. He didn complete his 2_ (medicine) degree at college. However , his adventure on the Beagle led him to one of the most important 3_ (discovery).The journey on the ship, the Be

14、agle , offered him a good opportunity 4 _(study) the living things on the islands. He was so fascinated by rocks, plants and animals on the islands 5_ he got his room crowded with samples. It was believed at that time that all species 6 _(appear) on Earth at the same time and hadnt changed since. Th

15、rough his careful observation, he began to think 7_ ( different). He noticed that the beaks of the finches had some differences between them from one island to another according to what they ate on that particular island. So he thought they must have evolved from a common ancestor, and they had evol

16、ved to adapt 8_ the environment. Darwin based his new ideas on his observation and generated his theory of 9_ (evolve). The book, On the Origin of Species, explained his theory, 10_ ( cause) a heated storm of debate. Today, it is still regarded as one of the most important works ever written.1.a 2. medical 3. discoveries 4. to study 5. that6. had appeared 7. differently 8. to 9. evolution 10. causing


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